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Lucario Zoroark Fusion

Der schwächste Biestzähmer bekommt alle SSS-Drachen

"Drachen und ihre Nachkommen beherrschen die Lüfte, das Land und die Meere... die Menschheit überlebt in den Ritzen und träumt von einem Comeback." Macht kommt von dem Biest, das du zähmst. Wölfe, Falken, Schlangen, Spinnen, Chimären, je stärker deine Beschwörung, desto strahlender deine Zukunft. Pech für unseren Protagonisten. Als alle anderen Salamander, Adler, Trollhunde (nicht Doge) oder Tiger beschworen, bekam er... Nun, sagen wir einfach, das Einzige, was in der Nahrungskette noch niedriger steht, ist Dreck. Verlacht, schikaniert und als Zielscheibe jeden Witzes lebend, gewinnt er nicht gerade. Aber Aufgeben ist keine Option... Seine alternden Eltern verkauften alles für seine "gescheiterte" Chance, und er wird nicht zulassen, dass es umsonst war. Aber hey, dies ist seine Geschichte. Der schwächste Biestzähmer? Hier ist die Sache mit dem Dasein ganz unten: Es lehrt dich, wie man klettert. Und Drachen? Stellt sich heraus, sie fangen auch klein an. Während Königreiche unter Gier und äußeren Bedrohungen zerfallen, beginnt der schwächste Zähmer seinen Aufstieg. Folge seinem Weg, während er ein Potenzial freisetzt, das so selten, so erschreckend ist, dass es zu Drachen führt... Jede Evolutionslinie führt zu den stärksten 'SSS-Drachen'. Warnung: Enthält weltenzerstörende Drachen, von Spott angetriebene Außenseiter-Rache, drachenschuppigen Protagonisten, moralisch fragwürdige Adlige, wahnsinnige Kreaturenevolutionen und genug Wendungen, um dich fragen zu lassen, ob schwächste wirklich glücklichste bedeutet. Ein Hauptcharakter, der allen das Gegenteil beweisen will... auch wenn es ihn umbringt. Spoiler-Warnung: Das wird es nicht. Für alle, die jede Menge Spaß lieben, ist diese Geschichte genau das Richtige. Wenn du nach einer dunkleren Geschichte suchst, sieh dich woanders um. Hier geht es darum, Spaß zu haben und Erwartungen zu zähmen. Wenn du mehr über das Cover wissen möchtest: Ja, das ist Luna, die weibliche Hauptfigur... Ihre Haut und Kleidung verwandeln sich durch ihre Drachenkraft in schimmernde Schuppen. Erinnerst du dich an Sailor Moon? Magical Girls? Stell dir vor, das magische Outfit wäre kein niedliches Kleid, sondern ein echter Drache! Der Drache ist das Kleid... Es ist nicht nur Mode; es ist Fusion. Hochstufige Bestien hinterlassen ihre Spuren, und Luna trägt sie wie eine Chefin und zieht den ultimativen Power-Move durch. Alberne Tags, die für manche Leser sehr wichtig zu sein scheinen: Kein Yaoi, Kein Yuri, Möglicherweise Harem, Kein NTR.
Dagzo · 100.9K Views

Weakest Beast Tamer Gets All SSS Dragons

"Dragons and their spawn rule the skies, the land, and the seas... humanity survives in the cracks, dreaming of a comeback." _____ Power comes from the beast you tame. Wolves, hawks, snakes, spiders, chimeras, the stronger your summon, the brighter your future. Too bad for our protagonist. When everyone else summoned salamanders, eagles, troll dogs(not doge) or tigers, he got… Well, let’s just say the only thing lower on the food chain is dirt. Laughed at, bullied, and living as the butt of every joke, he’s not exactly winning. But giving up isn’t an option... His aging parents sold everything for his "failed" chance, and he won’t let it be for nothing. But hey, this is his story. The weakest beast tamer? Here’s the thing about being at the bottom: it teaches you how to climb. And dragons? Turns out they start small too. As kingdoms crumble under greed and external threats, the weakest tamer begins his rise. Follow his path as he unlocks a potential so rare, so terrifying, it leads to dragons… Every evolutionary line leads to the strongest ‘SSS Dragons’. _______ Warning: Contains world-ending dragons, ridicule-fueled underdog revenge, dragon-scaled protagonist, morally questionable nobles, insane creature evolutions and enough twists to make you wonder if weakest really means luckiest. A MC who’s out to prove everyone wrong… even if it kills him. Spoiler alert: It won’t. For those who love a whole lot of fun, this one’s for you. If you’re looking for a darker story, look somewhere else (Maybe Utopian System (;) This one’s about having fun and taming expectations. _______ If you want to know more about the cover: Yep, that's Luna, the FL... Her skin and clothes are morphing into shimmering scales from her dragon power. Remember Sailor Moon? Magical girls? Now imagine if the magical outfit wasn’t a cute dress, but an actual dragon! The dragon is the dress... It’s not just fashion; it’s fusion. High-level beasts tend to leave their mark, and Luna wears it like a boss, pulling off the ultimate power move. _______ We will use the same Discord from my first book, come join! _______ Silly tags that seem to matter a lot to some readers: No Yaoi, No Yuri, Possibly Harem (Vote! I can write either, and in any case, there will be multiple girls. The only difference is whether he chooses one in the end or goes the "liberal" route.... democracy is yours!), No NTR.
Dagzo · 1.7M Views

Red Genesis: Martian Siege

Red Genesis: Martian Siege – Synopsis Ethan Walker was an ordinary aerospace engineer living a quiet, unremarkable life in Houston—until the night a mysterious, self-aware system activated within him. This enigmatic force delivered advanced blueprints and knowledge, unveiling the means to construct an underground base on Mars. With designs for automated asteroid harvesters, miniature fusion reactors, and a covert subterranean colony that could defy Earth’s surveillance, Ethan’s destiny shifted from mediocrity to cosmic ambition. Driven by the system’s directive, Ethan embarks on a high-stakes journey to amass critical resources from near-Earth asteroids and lay the groundwork for a revolutionary Martian stronghold. His mission is not without peril: as he perfects the technology, sporadic encounters with alien crafts and cryptic transmissions begin to forewarn of an impending extraterrestrial threat. These signals, laden with ominous messages like “We are watching,” challenge Ethan to refine his defense protocols and develop a robotic military capable of safeguarding his burgeoning off-world civilization. Yet, the true battle is twofold. Amid the technical marvels and cosmic intrigues, Ethan faces treachery within his own ranks. A trusted team member—secretly aligned with powerful government operatives—sabotages his efforts, driven by a desire to control the revolutionary technology that could upset the global balance of power. This internal betrayal forces Ethan to confront not only external alien threats but also the fragile nature of human trust and ambition. Throughout his arduous journey, Ethan finds solace in his personal life. His devoted wife, Laura, stands as his emotional anchor, reminding him of the simple joys and the human bonds that persist even in the face of interstellar conflict. Their unwavering support underscores the narrative—a testament to the enduring power of love amid chaos. Spanning 900 chapters filled with intricate details, logical progression, and emotional depth, Red Genesis: Martian Siege is an epic science-fiction saga that explores the collision of human ingenuity with cosmic mystery. It is a story of defiance against conventional power, of a man who dares to dream of a future where humanity, united by trust and courage, carves out a destiny among the stars.
Ameer_Hamza_6670 · 573 Views

La Novia Accidental del Rey Vampiro Enmascarado

``` (Contenido para adultos R-18+ Contiene gore, sin drama de segundas mujeres ni violaciones.) Mi amor no ve fin, no distingue entre bien o mal. Porque cuando amo quiero que seas mía tanto como yo soy tuyo - Angelina Bhardawaj ~~~~~~ —Te dije que quiero arruinarte —él acunó sus mandíbulas mientras la aprisionaba contra la pared. —Y ya has hecho suficiente. Ahora me voy —ella replicó con brusquedad. —No entendiste mis palabras, Princesa —él resopló fríamente. —Cuando digo que quiero arruinarte, quiero atarte a mi cama y llenarte hasta que tu aroma se fusione conmigo y cada maldita persona en este mundo sepa quién eres... ¡Que eres jodidamente mía! —Él la estrelló contra la pared, besándola apasionadamente. ~~~~~~ Elliana Heart, la hija ilegítima del rey de Ciudad Luna del Corazón con la línea de sangre del cazador solo quiere una cosa en su vida; conocer y encontrar a su madre biológica. Inocente y hermosa, Elliana es a menudo víctima de las maquinaciones de su madrastra y hermanastra. Sebastián Marino, el infame Príncipe Vampiro enmascarado, no ha recibido más que odio de todos a su alrededor. Todo el mundo le teme ya que posee un poder con el que no se puede jugar. Tras estar en prisión durante un año en lugar de su hermanastra, Elliana se sorprende al ser liberada bajo fianza. Sin embargo, su felicidad es efímera cuando se entera de que tiene que casarse con el príncipe vampiro en lugar de su hermanastra. Elliana no sabe nada sobre los vampiros, y Sebastián odia todo lo que tiene que ver con esos humanos malvados. ¿Qué hará cuando se case con el monstruo nombrado del mundo oscuro que toma y caza sin piedad? —¿No tienes curiosidad por saber cómo luzco? —Él agarró su barbilla con dolor. —Muéstrame tu rostro cuando confíes en mí —ella sonrió suavemente. «Eso nunca va a suceder», pensó Sebastián. Para él, ella no era más que una herramienta para vengarse de los humanos. Para ella, él era más que todo lo que había posado sus ojos, incluso más que la verdad de su existencia. Hay un poder aún más grande y poderoso que cualquier cosa y ese poder se llama destino. ¿Serán capaces de luchar contra su destino para permanecer juntos o sucumbirán ante él y lo perderán todo? La historia de la bruja más letal disfrazada de humano y el príncipe prodigio más peligroso que sobrevive con sangre de vampiro. Aviso- El libro está construido alrededor de un mundo mágico y pura fantasía. El romanticismo te hará sentir mariposas en el estómago mientras que algunas escenas podrían hacerte cuestionar la cordura alrededor del amor. Los primeros 50 capítulos construirán el mundo alrededor del libro. Prometo, si te quedas, vas a amar el libro, hasta que este no sea tu género. ~~~~~~ Sígueme en mis redes sociales. Facebook - Autora Angelina Bhardawaj Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj ```
AngelinaBhardawaj · 502.4K Views

Réincarnée en tant que compagne maudite de l'Alpha

``` Qu'arrive-t-il quand une déesse tombe amoureuse d'un métamorphe ? Asara ; la déesse de l'amour, fut punie par son père, le dieu du tonnerre. Son crime fut de tomber amoureuse d'un métamorphe Alpha mortel. Pour expier ses péchés, elle renaquit en tant que Cassandra LeBlanc ; une Princesse mortelle dans le royaume magique de Speldaria. Sa famille et son royaume, à l'exception de sa sœur cadette, l'ont rejetée car elle naquit sans aucune capacité magique et elle n'avait aucun souvenir de sa véritable identité. Son fiancé, le puissant mage commandant de Speldaria, était indifférent à son égard. Il désirait quelqu'un de fort. La vie de Cassandra fut bouleversée lorsqu'elle reçut en cadeau un esclave guerrier par le puissant Alpha de Dusartine. On lui demanda de participer à l'événement annuel de l'Arène en collaborant avec le guerrier. Cassandra, qui haïssait 'L'Arène' de tout son souffle. Un endroit où le sang coulait comme du vin et où la vie était moins chère que l'air même qu'ils respiraient, ne comprenait pas sa place dans tout cela. Par-dessus le marché, le mystérieux guerrier l'affectait de manières inimaginables. Son regard hypnotique la troublait. Son essence rare la submergeait. Son corps musclé et bronzé la consumait de pensées coupables. Même les rêves de sa vie passée la tourmentaient. Lorsque 'L'Arène' commença, les agendas cachés et les vérités sous-jacentes furent révélés et Cassandra se vit jouer une main du destin. Elle n'eut d'autre choix que de se soumettre et de choisir un chemin. La question serait donc. Comment Cassandra va-t-elle réagir une fois qu'elle apprendra la malédiction qui a été placée sur elle ? Sera-t-elle capable d'obtenir ses capacités magiques et de s'opposer à son père ? Qui l'aidera dans son voyage ? ~Extrait~ C’est alors qu'elle le ressentit, tout entier. Toute sa rugosité. La force de son bras. La douceur de ses lèvres. La prise de sa main. La chaleur de son souffle. Chaque muscle de son corps se tendit à l'idée de dormir dans les bras d'un homme. Elle n'avait jamais dormi dans l'étreinte d'un mâle auparavant. Sa peau toute entière fourmillait, comme si de petites étincelles dansaient sur les endroits même qui touchaient le sien. Les crevasses de son cerveau abritaient ces souvenirs qui n'étaient pas les siens. Ce contact, d'une certaine manière, ne lui semblait pas étranger. Elle se sentait en sécurité dans son étreinte apaisante et n'avait pas l'envie de le repousser, et pourtant elle savait que c'était loin d'être approprié. Cassandra tenta de se dégager de son emprise, mais ses bras semblaient être faits de fer, car ils ne bougeaient pas. Le vêtement léger qu'elle portait avait glissé de sa cuisse laiteuse, la dévoilant alors que sa jambe musclée et bronzée s'y drapait. Et maintenant elle pouvait sentir quelque chose la pousser dans le dos. Ses yeux s'agrandirent soudain de réalisation et Cassandra paniqua complètement. « Lâche-moi ! » dit-elle d'une voix lourde. Siroos leva lentement sa jambe et relâcha son étreinte sur sa taille pour qu'elle puisse s'écarter. Il s'était réveillé lorsqu'elle s'était raidie pour la première fois mais souhaitait voir ce qu'elle allait essayer. Avec des yeux largement ouverts elle vola un regard vers l'homme qui l'avait enveloppée dans son étreinte comme un trésor précieux, son trésor. Ses yeux dorés en fusion s'étaient entrouverts et il la regardait avec une douceur et un désir. Ces boucles brunes souples tombaient sur ses yeux alors qu'il oubliait de cligner des yeux, contemplant la beauté intemporelle qu'elle était. Son parfum unique était une torture pour ses sens. Comme il souhaitait saisir sa cheville délicate, la tirer vers lui et l'avoir étalée sous lui. Embrasser la peau même qui exhalait un tel parfum qui le rendait fou. À la place, il plia son bras et le plaça sous sa joue en l'utilisant comme un oreiller pour la contempler avec un désir empli dans les yeux. Le silence gênant entre eux se prolongea pendant que Cassandra racla sa gorge. « Tu devais vraiment te hisser sur moi pour dormir ? » « Ce n'était pas intentionnel, mais c'était certainement séduisant et définitivement pas la dernière fois. » Sa voix profondément hypnotique était encore plus envoûtante en ce début de matinée alors qu'elle résonnait tout autour d'elle. La couverture du livre m'appartient. ```
Sunny_Shumail · 53.5K Views

Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

[Name: ??, Age: ??] [Race: Mechanical Life] [Profession: Mechanical Apostle] [Level: Tier -6 (damaged)] [Physique: ?????] [Spirit: ?????] [Description: A broken Mechanical Life, one of Mechanical God -'@#$^&#@@%^#!'s most advanced and powerful creations, from an advanced technological world.] “Is this the World of Gods? Can anyone become God? Then why am I still just a Tier-1 Spiritual planter?” Ram pondered, after looking at the attributes of a Divine Creature for the first time. As he celebrated becoming a Tier-1 Spiritual Planter, he discovered that Gods, Divine Beings, Evil Entities, and Nightmare Creatures were exploiting humans and other intelligent races, manipulating them to harvest the power of Faith or Fear. Inexplicably, he became entangled in this conflict. But he was lucky enough to turn his destiny through... Evolving Spiritual Plants and Monsters using Life Energy and Spiritual Power, by becoming a Spiritual Plant Lord to fight against the Gods with the help of the mysterious Sylvan Sout Tree. [ Holy Source Seed: Sylvan Soul Tree] [ Type: Source Seed] [ Level: Same as host] [ Quality: Holy] [ Attribute: Life/Soul/Wood] [ Description: A seed born from the fusion of the Life Spirit Tree and Astral Soul Tree seeds, transformed into a Holy Source Seed through a special method.] [ Holy Source Seed Characteristics:  1. As a Holy Source Seed born from both powerful entities it perfectly inherited the abilities of the Life Spirit Tree and the Astral Soul Tree.  2. Gains additional functionality with every upgrade.  3. Binding the Holy Source Seed grants the host access to all its abilities.] [ Abilities: Life Spirit Tree] [1. Life Spirit Body]: Converts the host's body into a Life Spirit Body, greatly increasing the host’s capacity for Life Energy and Spiritual Power tenfold, while boosting the recovery rate by 300%. [2. Kingdom Creation: Sylvan Soul Kingdom (Unopened)]: Upon activation, the Sylvan Soul Tree converts the host Spiritual Realm into a virtual forest that becomes the foundation of the Sylvan Soul Kingdom. This forest spans across dimensions, rooted in both the material and spiritual realms. [Effect]: The host becomes the Lord of the Sylvan Soul Kingdom, gaining the ability to expand and rule this virtual domain.] [ Abilities: Soul Tree]: [1. Soul Tree]: At the heart of the Sylvan Soul Kingdom, the Lord can summon the Soul Tree, a sacred tree that acts as a conduit for life and death. [Effect]: The souls of those who die within or near the kingdom are absorbed by this tree, where they are nourished, healed, and can be reborn as Wood Spirits. [2. Soul Tree Seeds]: Host can create seeds of the soul tree that are connected to the mother tree, which can be planted outside the Sylvan Soul Kingdom. [Effect]: Souls absorbed by the Soul Trees are transported to the mother tree within a certain distance, depending upon the strength of the Sylvan Soul Tree.]
MountainDuskwalker · 1.1M Views

Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

【Technology + Disaster + Interstellar + Technology Tree】 In 2050 AD, the sun is affected by an unknown influence, and a helium flash is about to erupt! Is the earth in danger? It doesn't matter, I will take action! The Three-Body Galaxy, the Proxima civilization is about to invade? It doesn't matter, I will take action! The dark universe, the disputes among advanced civilizations? It doesn't matter, I will take action! … Starting from controlled nuclear fusion, the protagonist Lv Yongchang opens the interstellar era of human civilization! Space shuttle, space elevator, energy weapon, antimatter preparation, grand unified theory, curvature navigation, two-dimensional fragments (two-dimensional foil)... Methane ocean, mysterious species! Liquid ammonia planet, flesh fusion!! Dimensional creatures, dimensionality reduction attack!!! What mysteries are worth exploring in the endless universe? ! Disputes among advanced civilizations, how should human civilization deal with it? ! Disclaimer: This novel is not of my authorship. I am solely the translator of the work and do not claim any ownership rights over the original content. All credits and rights belong to the author Chen Er Lan, creator of the work 《灾变时代:我能点亮科技树》 (translated as "The Catastrophe Era: I Can Light Up the Technology Tree"). This translation is done for non-profit purposes and with the sole intention of sharing the story with a wider audience. 灾变时代:我能点亮科技树 Autor: Chen_Er_Lan
Daoist737 · 2.6K Views

The Exiled Strategist Who United a Broken World (Iron Spell)

In Concordia, a man’s fate is decided before he is even born. Rank, profession, future… everything is predetermined in a prosperous and orderly society where magic is a tool of control, and freedom is an illusion. But when Bastien’s world collapses, he realizes that nothing is set in stone—least of all his destiny. Thrown into a world where only the cunning survive, he discovers a magical affinity no one should possess. Now, he must outthink before being outplayed, strike before being struck, facing enemies who can bend reality with a mere gesture. Deceptive illusions, devastating enchantments, battles where raw energy becomes a weapon—every fight is a deadly dance where the smallest mistake could mean death. But the more he fights, the more he realizes that magic itself seems to respond to his presence, as if something—or someone—has been waiting for his awakening. By pushing past every limit, he may soon reach a point of no return… and when that happens, nothing will be able to stop the fall. How far can one go before they destroy the world? What to Expect in The Iron SpellDystopian Fantasy World – A society where magic is controlled and questioning authority is a crime.Weak-to-Strong Protagonist – From an obedient student to a hunted fugitive seeking the truth.Techno-Magic System – A fusion of ancient magic and high-tech machinery.Political Intrigue & Rebellion – Secrets hidden within the archives, and a regime built on lies.Mystery & Forbidden Knowledge – The truth about the Holy War that erased a kingdom from history.Psychological Depth – Mind games, indoctrination, and the cost of free will.Explosive Combat – Tactical magic duels, techno-enhanced warfare, and illusions versus brute force.A Web of Manipulation – Who is truly an ally, and who is just another pawn of the system? Youtube Chanel:
Mohammed_Ngom · 5.6K Views

Exo-Arcana Online

Exo-Arcana Online—better known as EAO—has taken the world by storm. This next-generation VR MMORPG is a global phenomenon, praised for its breathtakingly immersive world, high-intensity combat, and cutting-edge AI-driven NPCs, monsters, and bosses that rival human intellect. With a vast array of classes, weapons, and endless strategic possibilities, EAO has drawn in over 100 million players worldwide, cementing its status as the ultimate VR experience. Yet, amidst this ever-expanding digital battlefield, our story follows Akito Hoshigane, a second-year high schooler and MMORPG enthusiast who walks the path of the Rogue Anti-Hero. Known by the alias "Hoshigari", he has conquered countless MMORPGs, mastered every melee class, defeated the strongest foes, wiping out PK's (Player Killers) with ease, outplaying entire guilds & clans, and leaving only whispers of his legend behind—a shadow among the elite, feared but unknown. However, for Akito, victory has lost its thrill. Every game, every challenge—completed, conquered, and soon forgotten. None have truly tested his limits. Until now. His next conquest: Exo-Arcana Online. A fusion of fantasy and technology, where players carve their own destinies, forge reputations in any way they desire, and pursue absolute freedom. But this time, Akito knows one thing for certain— He won’t survive as a Rogue Anti-Hero forever, especially in this game where VR MMORPG doesn't even reach it's peak. So... this time... he's trying to be different. (Oh, and yes, this Web Novel was heavily inspired by Shangri-La Frontier, and normally-inspired by Sword Art Online & Infinite Dendrogram)
HalimawDXB · 9.8K Views

The Fire of Madness: Seraphina and Evander's Suicidal Contract

Time: In the near future of 2035, the "emotional apathy" virus breaks out around the world, and humans gradually lose the ability to love and hate. Core conflict: The multinational technology giant "Eclipse Group" has developed an emotion simulation chip, while the underground organization "Seraphim" advocates using extreme stimulation to awaken real emotions. Madness fusion: Cyberpunk x black humor x neurotic aesthetics, using absurdity to fight nihilism. Seraphina Chen (female lead) Surface: Chief "emotional terrorist" of "Seraph", specializes in throwing crying bombs at rich people's parties/holding rock mass in AI churches Secret: Illegal genetic modification in childhood, emotional fluctuations are 100 times higher than normal people (laughing will shatter glass/causing local rainstorms when sad) Behavior madness: In order to sneak into Evander's press conference, he stuffed himself into a giant gashapon machine and rolled into the venue Kidnapped AI priests to hold a confession ceremony for the sweeping robot Evander Blackthorn (male lead) Surface: Cold-blooded CEO of Eclipse Group, who is willing to remove "emotional pollution sources" to promote emotional chips Secret: Suffering from congenital analgesia, relying on self-mutilation to confirm his presence (the inner layer of his suit is sewn with razor blades) Logical quirks: Using mathematical models to calculate the kissing angle: "37.2 degrees is the most ergonomic" Developed a "breakup probability prediction app" but could not calculate the relationship with Seraphina
1269198453 · 1.2K Views

"Espionage of the Heart: A Hidden Romance"

Raised in the shadows by Dimitri Volkov, the enigmatic leader of a formidable global secret society, Andrea has trained since childhood to become an elite agent devoted to safeguarding the world from hidden dangers. Though her calm demeanor masks potent and unpredictable powers, daily medication is essential for keeping her abilities in check. Her life has revolved around duty, discipline, and a deliberate avoidance of emotional connections. Now, Andrea embarks on her most critical mission: traversing to South Korea to track down a dangerous villain bent on harnessing a secret weapon that could upend global power dynamics. This adversary has created a mind-controlling drug designed to manipulate his followers and incite chaos across nations. Andrea’s objective is clear—intercept him before he can exploit the weapon and stop the drug's further spread. She will not face this challenge alone, however. Enter "CEO," a mysterious yet prominent figure in the Asian Health Organization who is widely recognized for his humanitarian efforts but is also deeply involved in clandestine operations. Resourceful and enigmatic, he becomes Andrea's unexpected ally in a perilous world filled with uncertainties. As they work undercover, both must navigate a labyrinth of deception, each wary of the other's true abilities and intentions. As Andrea delves into this treacherous landscape of espionage, she grapples with her burgeoning connection to CEO. Though her training has conditioned her to suppress her emotions, she finds herself drawn to him in ways that unsettle her focus. Trust is a risk she cannot afford, especially with the mission's success and the lives of millions in jeopardy. In this gripping fusion of romance and action, Andrea faces a dual battle — against her enemies and her own heart. Can she maintain control over her powers, fulfill her mission, and manage her feelings for her enigmatic partner, or will her growing attachment lead to unforeseen consequences? With time running out and the world watching, the stakes have never been higher.
PenolaS · 16.4K Views

My Blacksmith System: Transforming my Weapons into Beautiful Maidens

The fallen ones, strange monsters that showed up on earth with the sole purpose of destroying everything and ruling over humans. Only one man remained during the onslaught, his name, was Rashin Montero. "Do you wish to live or die?" The question appeared before him. "Kill me assholes!" He died. A hundred years passed and Rashin finds himself alive in the future. It turned out he was saved by a stray angel, and was granted a powerful energy that allowed him to stand on equal footing with the monsters that once wanted to take over earth. In his new future, the world has been restored to what it ones was, a huge shield was placed around the world to keep the Hakiaas out. Heroes were summoned to defend the world against these monsters during the Countdown, while the monsters could not be killed or harmed, they could still be sent back to their world. Or at least, until Rashin arrived. [Blacksmith System activated. Welcome host.] [Initializing core functions... Complete.] [Congratulations, you have gained a new blue paint (Large sword.)] [Stella blade has passed all requirements to evolve.] [Evolving to human form can now be processed.] [Congratulations, you have gained a unique core, your weapons can now undergo fusion.] Having a system that allowed him to craft weapons of all kind, Rashin enters this new world trying to survive while also remembering part of his memories. Not just that, he can also turn every weapon he makes into beautiful overpowered maidens capable of killing the Hakiaas aka fallen ones.
Introverted_Writer · 148.9K Views
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