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Cartoon Fat Fish

Rail Star Universe

In a grand room shrouded in gloom, the dim light of an oil lamp cast faint glimmers on the black marble floor. The ornate decor created an eerie atmosphere, with shadows dancing in every corner. At the center of the room, a young man sat leisurely in a large chair. He wore a black suit paired with a white shirt, a neatly tied long tie, and matching black trousers. His black hooded cloak seemed to blend with the darkness, as if swallowing him into the mystery. His face was covered with pale white makeup like a mask, with simple lines beneath his eyes that emphasized an ominous impression. Red paint formed a faint smile on his lips and adorned his eyes, creating an unnatural contrast, evoking a disturbing yet captivating aura. This figure was known as Mr. Fool, a mysterious man whose name was feared by criminals and nobles alike in the city of Landlum. In front of him stood a young woman named Audrey, exuding elegance. She wore a high-cut noble gown adorned with lace and diamonds, radiating luxury without excess. Her intelligent and confident gaze matched the oppressive aura of the man before her, while her bright smile added a touch of warmth to the room. Their conversation was an exchange of information laced with tension. Audrey, though appearing friendly, carried the cunning of a skilled political player. With respect yet confidence, she requested Mr. Fool’s assistance in obtaining information about a nobleman named Lord Althric. In return, she offered a secret that might pique the man’s interest. Silence hung in the air as Mr. Fool listened to Audrey's offer. Beneath his eerie makeup, a faint smile formed. The man, with a calm and cold demeanor, stated that the price for any information he provided was always equal to its value. Audrey responded with nothing but a smile, unfazed even in the presence of someone so enigmatic. Their meeting was the beginning of a dangerous game, where every word spoken carried unseen risks. Beneath the polite exchange of words, they measured each other's strength, fully aware that in this world, information was the deadliest weapon.
Like_Fish1 · 112 Views

Rel Bintang Semesta

Di dalam sebuah ruangan megah yang diselimuti kesuraman, cahaya redup lampu minyak memantulkan kilau samar di lantai marmer hitam. Dekorasinya yang penuh ornamen menciptakan suasana mencekam, dengan bayang-bayang yang menari di setiap sudut. Di tengah ruangan, seorang pria muda duduk santai di sebuah kursi besar. Ia mengenakan jas hitam berpadu dengan kemeja putih, dasi panjang yang rapi, serta celana hitam selaras. Jubah hitam bertudungnya hampir menyatu dengan kegelapan, seolah menelan dirinya dalam misteri. Wajahnya tertutup riasan putih pucat seperti topeng, dengan garis sederhana di bawah mata yang mempertegas kesan menyeramkan. Cat merah membentuk senyuman samar di bibirnya dan menghiasi kedua matanya, menciptakan kontras yang tak wajar, memberikan kesan mengganggu namun tak bisa diabaikan. Sosok ini dikenal sebagai Mr. Fool, pria misterius yang namanya ditakuti oleh penjahat dan bangsawan di kota Landlum. Di hadapannya, seorang wanita muda bernama Audrey berdiri dengan anggun. Ia mengenakan gaun bangsawan berpotongan tinggi, dihiasi renda dan berlian, memancarkan kemewahan tanpa berlebihan. Tatapan matanya yang cerdas dan penuh percaya diri mengimbangi aura menekan dari pria di hadapannya, sementara senyumnya yang cerah menambahkan sentuhan kehangatan di ruangan itu. Percakapan mereka adalah pertukaran informasi yang dibalut ketegangan. Audrey, meski terlihat ramah, membawa kecerdikan seorang pemain politik ulung. Dengan penuh hormat namun percaya diri, ia meminta bantuan Mr. Fool untuk memperoleh informasi tentang seorang bangsawan bernama Lord Althric. Sebagai gantinya, ia menawarkan sebuah rahasia yang mungkin bisa menarik minat pria itu. Senyap menggantung di udara ketika Mr. Fool mendengarkan tawaran Audrey. Di bawah riasannya yang menyeramkan, sebuah senyum samar tersungging. Pria itu, dengan gaya tenang dan dingin, menyatakan bahwa harga untuk setiap informasi yang ia berikan selalu setara dengan nilainya. Audrey hanya membalas dengan senyuman, tak gentar meski berada di hadapan seseorang yang begitu penuh teka-teki. Pertemuan mereka adalah awal dari sebuah permainan berbahaya, di mana setiap kata yang diucapkan membawa risiko yang tak terlihat. Di balik pertukaran kata-kata yang sopan, mereka saling mengukur kekuatan, menyadari bahwa dalam dunia ini, informasi adalah senjata yang paling mematikan.
Like_Fish1 · 2.3K Views

My Wife Won't Leave Me, Please Send Help!

[You've Successfully Entered Groupchat For The Troubled!] Salted_Mackerel43 [For the first time in my career, I seem to be having trouble with my target. My wife, 24 (M) wouldn't leave, we've been married for 8 months now and my taunts have always worked on him, but now he doesn't even blink an eye. At this rate, my perfect record will turn into ashes. Please send help!] | |NotAMonsterFucker [Have you tried using violence?] | |Salted_Mackerel43 [Thank you for the advice! I did try to duel him one time, but even with a damaged leg he still managed to send me flying with a sword. After that, he tended to my wounds and he's even teaching me how to properly fight with a sword now.] | |I'llSueEverything [Reminds me of that time I got scammed by a game and was forced to work for the Intergalactic System.] | |Vigilante_Husband [I don't see a connection.] | |I'llSueEverything [Squint harder.] | |GalacticWeirdo0×0 [@everyone welcome the new member!!!] | |I'llSueEverything [I already did.] | |GalacticWeirdo0×0 [@SHfbejdidhejksidhdjs12 @Vigilante_Husband @What_Is_Love? give @Salted_Mackerel43 some advice!] | |Vigilante_Husband [Just love your wife, I'm sure it'll all work out.] | |What_Is_Love [I asked my coworkers, one said you should make your wife jealous while the other said you should kiss him stupid..?] | |SHfbejdidhejksidhdjs12 [...those aren't advice...] | |NotAMonsterFucker[Just use violence! VIOLENCE, LISTEN TO ME @Salted_Mackarel43] | |SHfbejdidhejksidhdjs12 [Give some proper–] | ||I'llSueEverything [Shut you—] | |What_Is_Love? [she als–] | | |Vigilante_Husband [I'm putting all of you in timeout.] Cheng Jin watched as the chatroom errupted into chaos. In the end, he couldn't ask any decent advice. "You told me that this was the no.1 chatroom in the mainstream. Why is it only 4 people?" [Correction. 5, you're also a part of it now.] Before Cheng Jin could complain, the door to his room opened and he quickly scrambled to get back on his bed. "I've brought breakfast." Ying Yu entered with a tray of food, seeing this, Cheng Jin's soul almost left his body. Seeing Cheng Jin's odd expression, Ying Yu carefully placed the tray down before striding to the other's side. With his left hand, he grasped Cheng Jin's shoulder, before the other could protest, Ying Yu was already pressing his face closer, their foreheads touching. After a beat, Ying Yu slowly retreated, his eyes never leaving Cheng Jin. "You don't have a fever, but why are you red?" Honestly, Cheng Jin doesn't know. What he does know though, that he preferably wants to be burried 8 feet below the ground right now. 'PLEASE SEND HELP!'
Crazy_Fish · 77 Views

Matchmaking Agency: Operation Love!!!

Jing Yun looked at the scene before him. The prince who was supposed to fall in love with the sleeping princess was making love eyes at the frog. "Fuck." Yu Xian cursed—out of the three of them, she was always the quickest to think, so it wasn't a suprise that she was the first to realize how badly they messed up. He could already see her scrambling towards Gu Feng, probably to choke the other, but Jing Yun was still processing everything so he's not in the right state to stop her. After a couple of minutes, he could hear a cry coming from the corner, though he barely managed to register it, too focused on the sight of the prince currently making out with the frog. "YOU BASTARD! YOU GAVE HIM THE WRONG POTION!!!" . . . The Matchmaking Agency, an organization with the sole purpose of tying the heart's of people, and making the love blossom, despite this, the agency and it's workers does everything, well...except for that purpose. "We set off a bomb, pissed off a god, messed with an Empire and now we're inside a monster's mouth...are you sure this has anything to do with love?" Jing Yun asked as he looked at his fellow workmates—the three of them were currently floating on a green liquid, probably the monster's saliva. "Love is complicated." "We're going to die! STOP TALKING AND DO SOMETHING!!!" Jing Yun contemplated on Yu Xian's wistful answer and then to Gu Feng's life and death scream. With a nod, Jing Yun concluded: Love is really complicated. "Stop with that bullshit, we're being eaten alive for fuck's sake!" Truly complicated.
Crazy_Fish · 630 Views
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