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Dom Sherwood

Granja de la Chica del Campo

[Agricultura]+[Espacio]+[Conmovedor]+[Prosperidad]+[Derrotando a la Escoria] Mo Yan, reducida a cenizas por una explosión, renació en tiempos antiguos, convirtiéndose en una pequeña niña de granja huyendo de la hambruna! Sobre ella, un padre Erudito amable y guapo - ¡nada mal! Debajo de ella, un par de hermanos menores vivaces y adorables - ¡muy bien! Pero realmente, ¡se sentía como morir de nuevo, sabes? Está en fuga, pasar sin comida, bebida o refugio es una cosa, pero tener siempre que protegerse de tipos malos que podrían capturarla para llenar sus vientres es otra! Afortunadamente, su Espacio actualizable de la vida anterior la siguió, pero ¿qué diablos - ese asombroso Espacio con montañas, agua y carne para comer había sido formateado! Frente a una situación desesperada, Mo Yan reavivó su espíritu de lucha: ¡Qué importa si está formateado, aún haré fortuna y construiré mi riqueza justo al pie de la Ciudad Imperial! Tallando montañas, plantando huertos, comprando tiendas, construyendo casas... ¡ni una menos! Pero... ¡hay tantos envidiosos problemáticos! ¿Tu granja es tuya? Aquí, te atraparé hasta la muerte sin discusión! ¿Quieres ser mi madrastra? Bien, te enviaré un montón de viudos! ¿Madre buscándote? Aquí, toma los papeles de divorcio, quédatelos, ¡no me agradezcas! ... ¿Qué? ¿Un hombre guapo está proponiendo? Uh, esto... ¿debería lanzarme a él? PS: 1. Insistir en la agricultura sin vacilar + peleas domésticas atípicas + sin intrigas palaciegas 2. El estilo de escritura es bastante serio, y los valores son normales (sin excluir los ocasionales caprichos del autor) Enlaces a trabajos completados: [Niña de Granja Abandonada: Un Hermoso Campo] Enlace: [La Hija Legítima del General que No Puede Ser Subestimada] Enlace:
Chilly Twilight · 84.5K Views

O Caminho do Céu Despedaçado

Em um pequeno vilarejo escondido entre montanhas nevadas, Li Wei, um humilde lavrador, descobre um antigo pergaminho e uma pílula dourada em uma caverna misteriosa. Sem saber, ele ingere a pílula e desperta seu meridiano espiritual, dando o primeiro passo no "Caminho do Céu Despedaçado", uma técnica de cultivo proibida que promete poder incomparável, mas a um custo terrível. Guiado pelo sábio Ancião Ming, Li Wei começa sua jornada como cultivador, aprendendo a controlar a energia espiritual e a fortalecer seu corpo além dos limites humanos. No entanto, seu progresso rápido atrai a atenção do Clã das Sombras, uma facção poderosa que vê nele uma ameaça ao seu domínio. Perseguido e forçado a fugir, Li Wei embarca em uma jornada épica, enfrentando bestas espirituais, cultivadores rivais e seus próprios demônios internos. Acompanhado por Mei Ling, uma talentosa cultivadora com um passado misterioso, e guiado pelo espírito ancestral preso em uma espada antiga, Li Wei descobre que o "Caminho do Céu Despedaçado" não é apenas uma técnica de cultivo, mas um segredo guardado pelos próprios deuses. Ele foi criado para desafiar o destino, permitindo que um mortal comum ascendesse além das limitações impostas pelo céu. No entanto, aqueles que seguem esse caminho são amaldiçoados, destinados a enfrentar tribulações inimagináveis. Em uma batalha final contra o líder do Clã das Sombras, Li Wei é forçado a quebrar seus próprios meridianos uma última vez, liberando uma explosão de energia que consome seu corpo. No momento final, o sacrifício do Ancião Ming o salva, mas Li Wei acorda em um mundo diferente, mais poderoso do que nunca, mas também mais consciente do preço que o poder exige. Agora, como um cultivador que desafia o céu, Li Wei parte para terras desconhecidas, pronto para enfrentar novos desafios e descobrir o verdadeiro significado de seu destino. Pois o "Caminho do Céu Despedaçado" ainda tem segredos a serem revelados, e sua jornada está apenas começando
Haizen32 · 43 Views

The Eminent Divine Spirit

Em um universo onde os limites entre o divino e o mortal se desvanecem, Midoki, um ser de poder incalculável, desperta para um destino que desafia o próprio tecido da realidade. Dotado da Habilidade Espiritual Shinrei, uma energia que lhe confere controle absoluto sobre as leis do cosmos, ele é um guerreiro cuja existência se equilibra entre criação e destruição. No entanto, após despertar, Midoki sacrifica seu próprio corpo para pôr fim a uma batalha e dar origem a todo o universo. Mais tarde, ele reencarna como humano, embora ainda retenha seus poderes, embora em uma escala reduzida. Agora, ele precisa enfrentar sua nova realidade e recuperar as memórias de seu passado, enquanto reúne aliados para impedir os planos de Lúcifer de reviver o Caos, uma força que, há muito tempo, trouxe dor e sofrimento a todas as raças quando estava sob o domínio de Arthur Pendragon. No entanto, um destino trágico o aguarda ao final de sua jornada. Conforme as peças do destino se encaixam, Midoki se vê diante de uma escolha inevitável, uma que transcende sua própria existência. Para enfrentar a ameaça definitiva e impedir que o Caos consuma toda a criação, ele deverá ascender além de sua humanidade e se tornar um Divino Espírito Eminente. Ao abandonar o que ainda restava de sua humanidade, Midoki abraçará um novo propósito, tornando-se uma entidade absoluta, capaz de reescrever as leis da realidade. Contudo, essa ascensão pode ter um preço que nem mesmo ele está preparado para pagar… Wiki: Main Theme:
Metacrome · 137.9K Views

Wasteland Conqueror

Dom, a man in his mid-twenties, suddenly gets reincarnated into the harsh post-apocalyptic world of his favorite game series, Wastelander. With his previous life ended and his new one just beginning he needed a new goal to strive for, and so with an ambitious heart, he decided to pursue the monstrous goal of conquering the wasteland in its entirety that has been left scarred by atomic fire for some two centuries. On his journey through this new world, he’ll come face to face with all sorts of dangers ranging anywhere from mutants wanting to tear any human they come across to shreds for a quick meal to bandit clans that love to rape, pillage, and sell their victims into slavery. Despite those prevalent threats seeming dangerous enough to deter most from even attempting to set foot outside the confines of whatever safe haven they have, they're not even the worst of what he’ll come across in the pursuit of his goals. Dom’s quest will have him go toe to toe with the many powers that exist across the wasteland and their armies in his quest to one day conquer it. Will Dom achieve his dreams in this life or will he succumb to the many dangers that exist within the wasteland and beyond? | Other information | This is not a privilege novel and never will be. Other Tags: Relatively Ruthless MC, Faction Building, War, Aliens, Space Travel, Mutants, Robots, Exploration, Cannibals, Sex, Drugs, Slavery, Galactic Conquest, Cultivation, MC POV Only | Links | Discord Link: Patreon Link:
PowerArmorGuy · 339.5K Views


Em um continente dividido por guerras e ambições, o impiedoso imperador Cyranno de Lyon, conhecido como o Leão de Ferro do Norte, ergueu seu domínio sobre o reino de Rosenhein com punho de ferro e conquistas implacáveis. Um homem de coragem e determinação, sua reputação como tirano e bárbaro precede seus passos, mas por trás da armadura e do título, esconde-se um coração que anseia por redenção. Em Rosenhein , a jovem e destemida princesa Katherine Rosalye de Mont Blanck vive em um reino tomado pela opressão. Com apenas 23 anos, ela é forçada a aceitar um casamento arranjado com o imperador, uma manobra diplomática destinada a trazer paz entre seus povos. No entanto, ao se aproximar do homem que representa tudo o que ela detesta, Katherine descobre que o Leão de Ferro não é o vilão que imaginava. À medida que se desnudam as camadas de medo e preconceito, uma surpreendente conexão surge entre eles. Juntos, eles enfrentam intrigas palacianas, conspirações traiçoeiras e a ameaça de espíritos corrompidos que assombram os reinos. Em meio a batalhas e desafios, Lyon e Katherine embarcam em uma jornada de autodescoberta, onde aprendem que o amor pode florescer em solo árido, e que até mesmo os corações mais endurecidos podem ser tocados pela esperança. À medida que a tensão entre os reinos aumenta e perigos imprevistos se aproximam, eles devem decidir se estão dispostos a arriscar tudo por um futuro juntos. Serão eles capazes de unir seus mundos e quebrar as correntes da guerra, ou o peso de suas responsabilidades os separará para sempre? Em "O Leão de Ferro e a Rosa Escarlate", uma história de amor, coragem e transformação se desenrola, revelando que mesmo as feras mais ferozes podem encontrar a suavidade de uma rosa e que o amor verdadeiro pode desafiar até os destinos mais sombrios. Prepare-se para uma aventura repleta de emoção, mistério e a promessa de um amor que pode mudar o curso da história.
Keoky_Bankary · 3.3K Views


After the barrier between the human world and a mystical realm had been breached, hundreds of species from each mystical realms that were once imprisoned had escape into the humans world to destroy humanity. Knowing the risk the professor had instructed four of his close allies to gathered sixty eight of the students from the supernatural Thestral Academy to the portal, upon there arrival the professor instructed them to enter the pods as he reopened the portal that connects the supernatural realm to the human world he along with his allies watches as the pods vanishes one by one through the portal leaving silence and fear to filled the air. As the sixty eight students ventures through the portal unaware of the crucial mission that they must undertake in order for them to protect the human world from threats from the mystical realm. The breach barrier between the human world and a mystical realm, allows several humans access to supernatural powers. Upon arriving at earth the forty-eight pods carrying the students had vanishes leaving only twenty eight pods during there missions the students had learnt that Lindsey Tori-An Brooklyn Maelyn Alvaro Parker Tj Kyllian Khari and eight other human beings has extraordinary abilities that goes beyond the natural capabilities of humans. Jace alongside his pack embark on there missions to eliminate the threats an save humanity. On several missions the pack faces threats far worst as they ended up losing most of their members it wasn't long before Maelyn true identity was revealed to her by Cathy. A year later the students from the Thestral Academy finally discovered the shocking truth after stumbling into another universe, the truth leaves them questioning there faiths knowing that they weren't the first to send through the portal the pack becomes concerned, as Jace pack becomes the only hope of survival, the professor real reason for sending the students through the portal was exposed by Kayden who had also informed the elders of the magic realm about Parker Jace and Lilliana real identity which leaves the pack torned apart, and with Candace help to pack reconciled. With Lilliana and Jace transforming the twins restored balance between the human world an the mystical realm. The remaining survivors formed an alliance with other supernaturals with incredible abilities. It wasn't long before the pack once again faces challenges related to their past lifes, Parker abilities might involved reincarnation. The trio Parker Jace and Lilliana magics leads them to discover the they're connected to a powerful Legacy. The Thestral and the Sherwood siblings discover there potential through there magical abilities.
MiyahAllen · 12.4K Views

A Esquisita da Matilha: Um Mistério a Desvendar

No mundo dos lobisomens, bruxas e vampiros, Aadhya, uma humana, sempre se perguntou se realmente pertencia àquele lugar. Não importa quantas vezes ela fizesse a pergunta, a resposta sempre era a mesma... SIM Seus pais foram um dos casais beta mais fortes (segundos no comando) de sua época em todo o continente. Mas, mesmo tendo sangue de beta correndo em suas veias, Aadhya sabia que era diferente de todos os lobisomens que já havia conhecido em sua vida. Ela não possuía os sentidos aguçados dos lobisomens, nem mesmo se transformou em sua loba quando chegou à idade, o que automaticamente a fez a 'esquisita da matilha'. Mesmo sendo tratada como uma pária, intimidada por outras crianças lobo e acordando todos os dias com aquela risada sinistra e com pesadelos que sempre pareciam reais demais para serem apenas pesadelos, ela nunca se permitiu sentir-se fraca. Ela se desafiou ao máximo e treinou-se como todo lobo de sua matilha era treinado. Foi no dia de seu vigésimo aniversário que ela de repente sentiu o 'formigamento do parceiro' com o toque de seu principal algoz, o futuro alfa de sua matilha, Ethan Smith. Ela sabia que nada seria normal desde que sentiu aquele primeiro formigamento, mas ela não sabia que nada em sua vida foi normal desde o momento em que veio ao mundo. Ethan aceitará o dom da ligação dos parceiros e deixará sua namorada, que é detentora de um título, por uma humana? Aadhya conseguirá sobreviver a todas as coisas que estão prestes a acontecer em sua vida? Junte-se a Aadhya na jornada de sua vida, que está cheia de mistério, ação, romance e muitas reviravoltas.. Leia 'A Esquisita da Matilha: Um mistério a desvendar' para testemunhar a montanha-russa de emoções e ver como a vida de uma humana normal 'Aadhya' se desenrola no mundo dos lobisomens. Já amado e apreciado por milhares de leitores em todo o mundo em diferentes plataformas de e-book. A primeira criação assinada da autora Mudita Upreti
Mudita Upreti · 338.8K Views

Master's rebirth in the Apocalypse

Since his creation, Camelia has been tasked with keeping an eye on the 'Seeds of Apocalypse.' These people could one day become the end of the world, and the only one with the power to stop them is Camelia, the Saint's creation. That was how Camelia became the teacher of these 'Seeds' Generation after Generation until he finally met his end at the hands of the Council that wanted to use these 'Seeds' for their good. But Camelia did not mind it. And why would he? After all, he had finally found peace after living for centuries. He was finally free. Little did he know that his death would leave such a big impact on his students. But peace was never an option for Camelia because after dying a gruesome death, he found himself opening his eyes once more. But this time, he was in the body of someone he had never met and living a life he had never met. Moreover, he was no longer a male but a powerless human female., she woke up in a time where a few centuries had passed, the world had changed into a place where Dungeons and powers were no longer a well-guarded secret, and the 'seeds of the Apocalypse.' she had tried to keep under control had already become the leaders of this world. At such a time, what was Camelia to do? The answer was simple—pretend she did not know anything and finally live a carefree life. Unfortunately, not everyone seemed as on board with her idea as she was. Especially not her familiar-looking man who called himself her fiance. She needed to discover why this man felt familiar, had the power of the Apocalypse inside him, and was so obsessed with Camelia. __________ Note: There will be a lot of sex, and the relationship will be a little Dom/Sub kind
Holy_mackrel · 105.1K Views

The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

[COMPLETE || WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 21+ // Watch Me Burn Them For You] "And if someday you see me, remember to forget my name, or karma will bow." **** For Awuor’s power, her people had done the unthinkable, in the history of werewolves. Her beta and brother, Dom, murdered their mother, the Sicario luna and blamed it on Awuor. In his grief, her father didn't bother to try and find out the truth, instead, for murdering her mother, he gave his daughter the worst punishment any alpha could ever get. He banished her from home, but Awuor’s wasn’t the usual banishment. Her father neither stripped her of the alpha title, nor did he make her a rogue. Instead, Alpha Sicario forced Awuor to be an exiled alpha, a woman so powerful, but with no one to rule over. Her mate, Jer, a power-hungry bastard, stepped up to rule the Sicario pack, since Awuor, the reigning alpha, was away, and Jer never once sought her out. Just like everyone else, he had betrayed her when he claimed a different woman, without rejecting Awuor. As the gates of Sicario closed on her, as her people watched her in disgust and disappointment, the daughter of Sicario had just one thought. A PROMISE of destruction & vengeance; she would ruin them all. *** [EXCERPT] "Either you're from the Dawson pack, the Bluemoon pack, or the Sicario pack, because you're definitely not from our Greyson pack. You must have done something really stupid for your alphas to banish you, even though you have no scent of the ferals. "So that could mean you're not a feral, but you're certainly not that important to your people. You seem to have an attitude and reek of power, that's why you don't appreciate anyone talking to you like a regular wolf. "But all of that doesn't matter right now, because you are the unwanted little wolf. The girl without a home, the rejected wolf who can't be claimed by anyone else. You're dressed in banana leaves because you have no clue how to make proper clothing on your own. "— or even check the feral cloth reservoir on the west of this forest. The fact that you have stayed so close to the other three packs is because you don't want to be away from home and are somehow hoping that they'd want you back. "Allow me to spell it out for you and make it easier for your probably useless brain to understand, little wolf, no one wants you. I'm only taking you to my alpha because your presence here is a nuisance to us, and for some reason, the alpha is interested in you. "And before you get any ideas about mates and whatnot, our alpha is already mated. So will you get up on your own, or do we have to take you stripped? Because I for one have no problem doing that. We could just treat you like the rogue that you're not," Adolf said to Awuor who still had her angry smirk on.
she_osprey · 1.1M Views

Desire to Control Her

He was the strictest Dom, loves to control women and she was a free bird, didn't like to be controlled by anybody. He was into the BDSM and she hates it. He was finding a challenging submissive for himself and she was a perfect match for him but she wasn't ready to accept his offer because she lived her life without any rules and regulations. She wanted to fly high like a free bird without any limitations. He has a burning desire to control her because she was his perfect choice but she was a hard nut to crack. He was crazy to make her his submissive and control her mind, soul and body. What will be the spark between them? Will it end with Dom dropping the whip or the bird getting into the cage? To know these answers join the cute and intense journey of the hot and strictest Master and his cute little butterfly. *** "I flared up by looking at the person like you." "What do you mean by this?" "I mean you're a Dominant who controls people life and I hate it." "You don't know anything, butterfly. At least experience it, then hate it." "It will be better if I throw you out of the cafe by kicking your *ss." His eyes widened a bit in shock. "This will also be a new experience for me." I grinned. "Butterfly, you will regret if you ever do this to me or even say this to me again." His tone became stern suddenly. "Oh, I'm so scared." I scoffed. "F*ck you and get the hell out of my cafe if you don't want me to kick your *ss." He frowned and dragged me to the backside of the cafe by seizing my wrist. Then he pushed me into the party hall and hurriedly locked the door. "What the f*ck do you think of yourself? You," "Shut up." He roared, cutting my words. He again grasped my wrist and dragged me to the sofa. He sat down and with a swift motion, he yanked me down and bent me over his lap. He pinned me against the sofa by pressing his hand on my back and locked my legs between his legs. What he is doing? Fear rushed down my spine.
Daoyan · 2.7K Views
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