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Moxie Mayhem

A Filha da Família Humble Tem um Bolso Espacial!

(1v1, puro e doce) Residência do Príncipe de Xiliang. Com uma energia de tigre e com apenas 5 anos de idade, o Pequeno Príncipe Xiao Moxi viu sua mãe correr para os campos novamente, e seu rosto redondo e fofo se contraiu em frustração. Olhando com tristeza para seu pai ao lado dele, ele reclamou com um ar de sabedoria precoce, "Pai, como você se apaixonou por minha mãe, que gosta de sair correndo o tempo todo?" Xiao Yeyang lançou um olhar de esguelha para seu filho precocemente maduro, depois fingiu ponderar a pergunta. De fato, por que ele havia se apaixonado por aquela mulher? Após um longo silêncio... "Quem sabe? Talvez eu tenha prendido minha cabeça em uma porta!" Compartilhando um olhar de comiseração mútua, pai e filho soltaram um suspiro de impotência em uníssono. O que você faz quando está preso com uma mulher que nunca está em casa? Há apenas uma coisa a fazer com sua própria Consorte Princesa (mãe) — mimá-la, é claro! … Transportada para tempos antigos com um espaço cheio de flores de arroz, tudo o que ela queria era viver tranquilamente no campo. Inesperadamente, com um pai que era um magistrado do condado, foi forçada a deixar o campo pela cidade! A vida na cidade era agitada com atividades, e para ter voz em casa, ela comprou propriedades, cultivou flores e ervas medicinais, e desenvolveu variedades de grãos de alto rendimento e alta qualidade. Notavelmente, ela ajudou seu pai, que foi magistrado do condado por nove anos, a subir degrau por degrau, trazendo a humilde Família Yan para os círculos de elite de Pequim! Esta é uma história de uma filha nobre de uma família humilde ajudando seu clã a prosperar e florescer, e uma doce história de amor de sucesso mútuo e crescimento conjunto! Protagonista masculino: Na frente dos outros, ele é o orgulhoso Pequeno Príncipe, o dominador Príncipe de Xiliang. Na frente da protagonista feminina, ele é um homem suave e de coração mole. Protagonista feminina: Lúcida em todos os assuntos, de coração caloroso e autossuficiente!
Knocking Brush · 32.9K Views

Awakening of the Arcane Overlord

In the world of Azuvar, magic is both revered and feared. Zevan is a young mage with immense potential and serves as the right hand to Prince Jareth, the heir to the kingdom of Meadel. While Jareth is known for his valor and leadership, Zevan remains in the shadows, his true strength concealed. As the kingdom faces a looming threat led by a power-hungry sorcerer, Zevan's abilities begin to surface. He possesses a rare gift: the ability to wield multiple types of magic, each stronger than the last. However, he keeps his powers hidden, preferring to aid Jareth from behind the scenes. But when Jareth is captured by the enemy sorcerer, Zevan takes it upon himself to save the Prince. He embarks on a perilous journey, gathering a group of skilled allies, including a rogue warrior, a cunning healer, and a wise sorceress, while he discovers the true extent of his abilities. ------------------------------------------------------------- Rogue Warrior: Stop. I smell death in the air. We need to tread carefully. Cunning healer: I can manage. I have the three of you as my shield. They will have to kill you three first before they get to me. I’ll not die before you all, you have my word. The wise sorceress smiled thoughtfully as she stared at Zevan silently. Zevan: Well, what’s an adventure without a little magical mayhem? Who’s ready to turn a few enemies into frogs? ----------------------------------------------- This book will be posted on RoyalRoad.
Adairs · 30.6K Views

La fille de la famille Humble possède une poche spatiale !

(1v1, pur et doux) Résidence du Prince de Xiliang. Avec une énergie de tigre et à seulement 5 ans, le Petit Prince Xiao Moxi a vu sa mère repartir vers les champs, et son visage rond comme un petit pain s'est crispé de frustration. Regardant son père à côté de lui avec affliction, il se plaignit avec une air de sagesse mondaine, "Père, comment as-tu pu tomber amoureux de ma mère, qui aime toujours partir?" Xiao Yeyang jeta un coup d'œil oblique à son fils précocement mature, puis feignit de réfléchir à la question. En effet, pourquoi était-il tombé amoureux de cette femme? Après un long silence... "Qui sait? Peut-être que ma tête s'est coincée dans une porte!" Échangeant un regard de commisération mutuelle, le père et le fils poussèrent un soupir impuissant à l'unisson. Que faire quand vous êtes coincé avec une femme qui n'est jamais à la maison? Il n'y a qu'une chose à faire avec votre propre Princesse Consorte (mère) — la choyer, bien sûr! … Transportée dans l'antiquité avec un espace rempli de fleurs de riz, tout ce qu'elle voulait, c'était de vivre tranquillement sa vie dans les champs. Inattendu, avec un père qui était un magistrat de comté, elle fut forcée de quitter la campagne pour la ville! La vie en ville était animée d'activités, et pour avoir son mot à dire à la maison, elle acheta des domaines, cultiva des fleurs et des herbes médicinales, et développa des variétés de grains à haut rendement et de haute qualité. Remarquablement, elle aida son père, qui avait été magistrat de comté pendant neuf ans, à monter échelon par échelon, amenant la modeste famille Yan dans les cercles élites de Beijing! Ceci est l'histoire d'une fille noble issue d'une famille humble aidant son clan à prospérer et à s'épanouir, et une douce histoire d'amour de succès mutuel et de croissance commune! Le premier rôle masculin: Devant les autres, il est le Petit Prince orgueilleux, le Prince dominateur de Xiliang. Devant l'héroïne, il est un homme doux et tendre de cœur. Le premier rôle féminin: Claire dans toutes ses affaires, chaleureuse et autonome!
Knocking Brush · 33.1K Views

Die Tochter der bescheidenen Familie hat eine räumliche Tasche!

(1v1, rein und süß) Xiliangs Prinzenresidenz. Mit tigerartiger Energie und im Alter von nur 5 Jahren sah der kleine Prinz Xiao Moxi, wie seine Mutter wieder zu den Feldern davoneilte, und sein dampfbrötchenartiges Gesicht verzog sich vor Frustration. Er schaute betrübt zu seinem Vater neben ihm und beklagte sich mit einem Anflug von Weltweisheit: "Vater, wie konntest du dich in meine Mutter verlieben, die ständig weglaufen will?" Xiao Yeyang warf seinem frühreifen Sohn einen Seitenblick zu und tat dann so, als würde er über die Frage nachdenken. Warum hatte er sich in der Tat in diese Frau verliebt? Nach einem langen Schweigen... "Wer weiß? Vielleicht bin ich mit dem Kopf in einer Tür hängen geblieben!" Vater und Sohn tauschten einen Blick des gegenseitigen Mitgefühls aus und stießen unisono einen hilflosen Seufzer aus. Was macht man, wenn man mit einer Frau zusammen ist, die nie zu Hause ist? Mit der eigenen Prinzessinnen-Gemahlin (Mutter) kann man nur eines tun - sie verwöhnen, versteht sich! ... In die Antike versetzt, mit einem Raum voller Reisblumen, wollte sie nur in Ruhe ihr Leben auf den Feldern verbringen. Unerwartet wurde sie von ihrem Vater, einem Bezirksrichter, gezwungen, das Land zu verlassen und in die Stadt zu ziehen! In der Stadt herrschte reges Treiben, und um zu Hause mitreden zu können, kaufte sie Ländereien, baute Blumen und Heilkräuter an und entwickelte ertragreiche Getreidesorten von hoher Qualität. Bemerkenswerterweise half sie ihrem Vater, der neun Jahre lang Bezirksrichter war, Schritt für Schritt aufzusteigen und brachte die niedrig geborene Familie Yan in die elitären Kreise Pekings! Dies ist die Geschichte einer adligen Tochter aus einer bescheidenen Familie, die ihrem Clan zu Erfolg und Wohlstand verhilft, und eine süße Liebesgeschichte von gegenseitigem Erfolg und Zusammenwachsen! Männliche Hauptrolle: Vor den anderen ist er der stolze kleine Prinz, der herrschsüchtige Prinz von Xiliang. Vor der weiblichen Hauptrolle ist er ein sanftmütiger und zärtlicher Mann. Weibliche Hauptrolle: In allen Belangen klar, warmherzig und selbstbewusst!
Knocking Brush · 10.3K Views

Miscellaneous Stories

Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs mayhem there, undigested,all your life.we must have life-building, man-making, character-making of ideas. If you have ideas and made them your life and character, than you have more education than anyman,who has got by heart a whole library. Miscellaneous Stories fix those idea's in your memory and try to grow your personal growth' with your character and helps you understand within you. This stories will help you to build yourself from scratch,recarnate your mind and helps you to create idea's to progress in Life." Miscellaneous Stories will process a structure in your life, by concentrating practice which will provide stable state in your future growth.This stories will motivate you in yourself,but you should be aware of to balance your mind. Miscellaneous Stories experienced you to grow ideas, social growth,put a confident line in your life.This stories are easy to understand and remember. To reduce struggle!" in our life, decision-making, personal possessions, anxiety, stress, depression, all that we face in our life by the cause of uncontrollable state of mind. We want everything in our life, luxurious life, house, career, spouse, cars ,to get this we need control our turbulent thoughts that are stumbles in your life' and you are aware of it but we try to ignore it!" To reduce those turbulent thoughts!" We need to put new idea's in our mind. This stories will restrain you, from your 'turbulent thoughts mulling over your minds of misery, hatreds, jealousy, impatience in life.Miscellaneous stories is full of adventure and fantasy, journey, travel,esp.which will overcome fear of Mind. Life is a series of fights, secrets of life is not enjoyment but education through experience. The road to life is the steepest and roughest in the universe. Character has to be built through a thousand stumbles. Miscellaneous Stories will block those stumbles!"
Joy_Sarma · 5.5K Views

Between Empires and Our Echoes: Her Majesty's Revenge

    When her father, emperor Baron Reyes, gets murdered by an unknown killer, Zeya Reyes, his outlawed daughter, was immediately set to be the next heir to the throne as the Empress of Stygia, the land of everlasting shadows. Once back in her home nation, Zeya finally sees with her own eyes of the terror this monster has caused and sets out to put an end to it as her last promise to her late father. In order to do this however, Zeya has no choice but to rekindle her relationship with a particular Kaxarene named Varen Edevane, the infamous emperor of Stygia's neighboring nation, Exousia, known for his ruthlessness both on and off the battlefield.     However, as much as is it against the princess's wishes, Varen too needs her help to resolve the same issue happening in his own empire, with countless innocent people unjustly murdered by the very same monster responsible for Baron's death.     As the mayhem caused by this mysterious creature continue to grow larger, Zeya and Varen have no choice but to set aside their differences and work together to bring back the peace their nations fought so hard to keep after the war. Throughout their journey, ancient and uncovered secrets will reveal itself as the pair band together to defeat their common enemy, causing massive shifts in their perspectives of one another. Can love between these two individuals be rekindled even after the hurt, loss, and betrayal they've caused one another? Will they be able to put an end to this monster's wrath successfully, or will their lengthy past be too compelling of an obstacle to do so?
_waffleman_man_720 · 76.9K Views

Clockwork Shadows & Crimson Skies

A sprawling steampunk world where massive airships rule the skies, mechanical monstrosities lurk in the shadows, and society is divided between the wealthy elite in their sky-high cities and the lawless rebels fighting below. The world is teetering on the edge of chaos, with powerful steam-driven empires, secret societies, and supernatural horrors vying for control. Protagonist: Lucien "Drake" Graves, a daring, quick-witted rogue with a talent for improvisation, thievery, and smooth talking. He captains the Storm Reaper, a half-wrecked but extremely fast airship, and takes on dangerous jobs to survive. Beneath his carefree attitude, he’s hunting for the truth behind a mysterious artifact linked to his past—one that many factions want to claim, kill for, or hide forever. The Harem (Love Interests): 1. The Ice-Cold Engineer (Lady Evelyn Blackthorne) – A genius inventor from the Empire, cold and logical on the outside but harboring a secret desire for adventure—and possibly Lucien. 2. The Explosive Sky Pirate (Captain Rosalind "Rosie" Kane) – A flirty, gun-slinging air pirate with a love for mayhem and treasure. She teases Lucien mercilessly but secretly wants to keep him for herself. 3. The Mysterious Masked Assassin (Selene "The Phantom") – A deadly operative hunting Lucien for reasons unknown. Dark, alluring, and dangerous. 4. The Cheerful Mad Alchemist (Professor Valeria Steinbeck) – A brilliant but utterly chaotic scientist who loves dangerous experiments. She thinks Lucien is the perfect test subject—and maybe more. 5. The Noblewoman-Turned-Thief (Marion Sinclair) – A former high-society lady turned skilled rogue. She’s charming, sophisticated, and always one step ahead. 6. The Gothic Automaton (Clockwork Victoria) – A sentient mechanical woman with a tragic past. She struggles with emotions but feels a strange connection to Lucien. Plot: Lucien stumbles upon a forbidden artifact—an eerie, pulsating crystal heart that whispers dark secrets. This artifact holds the key to a long-buried conspiracy, an ancient war between humanity and an unseen horror lurking beneath the earth. As factions clash, monsters awaken, and betrayals unfold, Lucien must navigate a world of airship battles, deadly duels, mechanical horrors, and seductive encounters while keeping himself (and his increasingly jealous harem) alive. Meanwhile, a secret cult—known as The Crimson Hand—is hunting him, believing he is the "Chosen One" meant to either save the world or destroy it. And worst of all, some of his lovers might be hiding their own agendas…
Eldgrimm · 8.1K Views

The Greatest Forbidden Mage is Just A Chef

What's the most important thing in cooking? Many would say, knowledge. Another mass would say, mentality and talent. But for Jack, a professional home cook, the most important is not those pretentious answer. Modern appliance! Modern equipment! Thus, the crisis he felt when he was thrown into another world was not his life, but. "Ah! No!! How can I sous-vide without plastic and vacuum sealer?! How can I know the exact temperature of my meat?!! What should I do without my smart oven!!! I could watch Spongebob while waiting, dammit!!" What gave him hope was the existence of magic. And thus, fueled by pure commitment to re-create his smart kitchenware, Jack travel far and wide, hoarding magical knowledge, and sometimes even create his own magic. But, some of these magics are forbidden by nature. And Jack used them consistently, accidentally mastering them, and unknowingly... caused mayhem. "Wh-what are you...?" "... A cook, sir." "Ho! Are ya that mage that spook my brats, eh? Ye'r the real deal, I thought yer not. Lads! I challenge you!!" "... please stop making a ruckus, you'll scare my livestocks. And also, I refuse. I'm just a cook." "I see. You're definitely strong. Huhu, I like you. Join me. I'll give your far better treatment than other organization. I promise in the name of Snow White." "But I'm just a cook, Miss..." Words traveled far and wide, carrying the news of a certain man's impossible achievement. Tall, handsome, strong, and insanely smart in magic. Oh, and a little bit mastery in culinary. Many was envious, and wish it was them. But the subject of this rumors now developed a habit of stress eating disorder, and lack of sleep. And staring at his ceiling at three in the morning, he lament. "Why does things turns out this way...?" "MAGE OF FORBIDDEN! I CHALLENGE YOU---" "Oh, for god's sake!"
decadence_1 · 957 Views

Divine Beast Ascension

Given a second chance at life, Oli’s soul was whisked away through the cosmic void. He opens his eyes to a purple sky with three suns and two moons. Oh yeah, and his parents are gorillas. However, to Oli’s pleasant surprise, those gorillas raise him with more love and care than his previous parents ever had. That is, until Oli’s father dies defending Oli from a dragon. Oli is then gifted his father’s secret treasure to rampantly boost Oli’s cultivation, also discovering his father to be a wanted criminal. Oli and his gorilla clan decide to seek a territory of their own, and proudly take control of the nearby beast clans to form a town. With his bombastic uncle leading the clan and his uncle’s feline, best friend creating a cultivation academy, Oli can finally focus on his own growth! But… That defeated dragon reveals the whereabouts of Oli’s gorilla clan. Spies are sent to investigate everything, while powerful mercenaries are hired to betray and slay the gorillas. In the midst of the mayhem, Oli is kidnapped! But not by his enemy… Oli is awoken by a mysterious man, a man who claims to be an old ally of the gorilla clan and the one responsible for Oli’s reincarnation into this world. Oli makes a deal with him, whether he wants to or not, dragging the entire world into chaos, genocide, and all-out war! Everything is for a greater cause, in order for Oli to become the world’s strongest divine beast. ---Book 2 of 10 in the Quillverse--- ~ Release Schedule will be announced by the beginning of March ~ Discord: Art by @itsjustfroggy, found on Youtube, Twitter, or Twitch! **Note: You do NOT need to read my "Quillverse" series in order, but some books will have tie-ins or shared characters further back or further forward on the cosmic timeline.
TheSilverQuill · 2.1M Views


In the city of New Haven, where the streets were ruled by gangs and violence was a way of life, a young man named Axel rose to become a legend. Axel was just a teenager when he was forced to join the notorious gang, the "Red Vipers." He was small and scrawny, but he had a fierce determination to survive and thrive in the harsh world of gang life. As Axel navigated the treacherous landscape of gang politics and violence, he discovered that he had a natural talent for leadership. He quickly rose through the ranks of the Red Vipers, earning the respect and admiration of his fellow gang members. But Axel's success came at a cost. He was constantly at odds with the rival gang, the "Black Dragons," and their ruthless leader, Victor. The two gangs had been at war for years, and Axel's rise to power only fueled the flames of conflict. As the violence between the Red Vipers and the Black Dragons escalated, Axel found himself at the center of a maelstrom of gang warfare. He was forced to fight for his life on a daily basis, using his wits and his fists to survive. But despite the dangers and challenges of his life, Axel refused to give up. He was driven by a fierce determination to succeed, and to make a name for himself in the world of gang life. And then, one day, everything changed. Axel received a mysterious message from an unknown sender, offering him a chance to join a secret organization known only as "The Syndicate." The Syndicate was a mysterious and powerful group that operated in the shadows, pulling the strings of power in New Haven. They were rumored to be involved in everything from extortion and bribery to murder and mayhem. Axel was both intrigued and intimidated by the offer. He knew that joining The Syndicate would mean giving up his independence and his freedom, but he also knew that it could be the key to unlocking his true potential. As Axel weighed his options, he was confronted by Victor, the leader of the Black Dragons. Victor was determined to destroy Axel and the Red Vipers, and he would stop at nothing to achieve his goal. Axel knew that he had to make a decision, and fast. He could join The Syndicate and gain the power and protection he needed to take down Victor and the Black Dragons, or he could refuse the offer and risk everything to maintain his independence. In the end, Axel made the decision that would change his life forever. He accepted the offer from The Syndicate, and joined their ranks. As a member of The Syndicate, Axel was given access to resources and power that he never could have imagined. He was trained in the art of combat and strategy, and he was given the tools he needed to take down his enemies. But as Axel rose through the ranks of The Syndicate, he began to realize that there was more to the organization than met the eye. He discovered that The Syndicate was involved in a complex web of corruption and deceit, and that their true goals were far more sinister than he had ever imagined. Axel was torn between his loyalty to The Syndicate and his growing sense of unease. He knew that he had to make a choice, but he was unsure of what the consequences would be. As the stakes grew higher, Axel found himself at the center of a deadly game of cat and mouse. He was forced to use all of his skills and resources to stay one step ahead of his enemies, and to uncover the truth about The Syndicate. In the end, Axel's journey would take him to the very top of The Syndicate, where he would face off against the organization's ruthless leader. It would be a battle for control, and only one person could emerge victorious. Would Axel be able to overcome the odds and achieve his goals, or would he become the latest casualty of The Syndicate's deadly game? Only time would tell.
DaoistOScz7N · 2.5K Views

Love Is a Constant Survival

Hello, everyone, my name is Mercury Van Anguish, and to make things short I am reincarnated person yea... that right you heard me correctly jealous right hahah of course, you are who wouldn't. After all, I am a summoned hero destined to fight the demon lord, save the world, get the girl, and have a happy ending. Or that is what I would love to say you see my reincarnation was very special and very dangerous to me in more ways than one hahah... as a matter of fact please send help or maybe an SOS. You see I got the opportunity to reincarnate under the condition of being entertainment for Multiple ROBS In a way, this would have been good I might have gone to a different world with the proper and cliche setting but nope these ROB want a change of pace so what did they do. Well, it's simple they reincarnated me into a world as an offering to the strongest Evil Goddess of Mayhem Lilith an entity that is by no means good at all and has committed so many horrible crimes within this world just because she enjoys it and sees it as fun, in short, she sadistic and fuck up in the head. Well, this is my job make Lilith mine at all cost and complete all 100 hundred romantic tasks given to me by the Robs, and let me tell you this would have been easy if my wife isn't trying to kill me, discipline me, torture me and assassinate me. All because that is her nature and she enjoys doing it, my suffering is her enjoyment, and If I fail and let her leave the seal before a year is finished, she will destroy the world. So, yea this is a story of how I met your mother or die trying to meet her. "Merrrrrrrcury darling where are you?" "Shit she is coming and my leg isn't healed yet well later guys I got to think of a way out of this or be killed right here and now by my wife." "Awww... darling there you are it is time to say hello to Angel-Chan early today". "Shit, shit, shit, shit Shiiiiiiit!"
Carcosa_Sensei · 392.8K Views

Vows and Bullets

Comic adaptation is now on Webtoon and Tapas! ________________ Agent Selene and Agent Helios had always been at each other’s throats, competing as the top agent for the secret organization “Mythos.” But that competition would have to stop as they were suddenly called to cooperate for the hardest mission there ever was. “Agents, both of you have been chosen to work together and go undercover to infiltrate the biggest, most dangerous, and longest-running syndicate there is—Kraken….” “Sounds fun. What will be our cover?” “A married couple.” “Oh, a married—WHAT?!” Having no choice but to put a temporary truce on their feud, they set out to complete the mission. However, when the mysteries started completing themselves like a puzzle, their once friendly rivalry just turned into one hell of a reality. Driven by the ghost of their pasts, they found themselves pointing the gun toward each other. Will they choose the path of revenge draped in cold blood? Will their love be greater than the scream of justice and vengeance? Or perhaps, there’s something more that’s carefully hidden in the dark? __________________________ This book comes in 3 Acts, separated into Volumes: Act 1: Operation Upheaval Act 2: Operation Mayhem Act 3: Operation Havoc __________________________ Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and REVIEW Instagram / TiktTok: macy_bae_writes _____________ Please do not plagiarize this book or post it on different platforms. Read directly in the Webnovel app or website ( All rights are reserved to the author.
Macy_Bae · 951K Views


--- **Synopsis:** In a universe where gods wage war and mortals suffer the fallout, a young boy named Aetheris Lucernas Abaddon is born into a world that neither welcomes nor understands him. His origins are shrouded in mystery, with whispers of an impossible union that defies all known laws of existence. From the moment of his birth, it was clear that Aetheris was different—something beyond comprehension. As a child, Aetheris felt the pull of ancient forces, whispers from beings older than time itself, urging him toward a destiny steeped in darkness and grandeur. With each passing year, his power grew, shaping him into a figure that could transcend the boundaries of reality. No longer merely a boy, Aetheris became a living legend, an entity that embodied both sin and salvation, hope and despair. But with this power came a relentless burden. Gods, monsters, and mortals alike demanded that Aetheris use his unimaginable strength for their purposes. They pleaded, they threatened, and they schemed, each seeking to control the force that he had become. Aetheris, however, was not one to be controlled. "I am the beginning and the end!" Aetheris declares, his voice resonating through the very fabric of the universe. "I am beyond your understanding, beyond your gods and your nightmares. The power I hold is mine alone!" As he defies those who seek to bend him to their will, the consequences of Aetheris's choices ripple across the cosmos. His actions stir entities long forgotten, and the mortal realms tremble as the line between creation and destruction blurs. Chaos spreads like wildfire, and the very universe teeters on the brink of collapse. Yet, in the midst of this cosmic upheaval, Aetheris faces a harrowing truth: in his relentless pursuit of power, he may have become the very force of chaos he once sought to escape. *The Inception of Mayhem* is the story of Aetheris Lucernas Abaddon, a tale of ambition, power, and the thin line between humanity and monstrosity. As his choices threaten to reshape the destiny of all, Aetheris must confront the darkness within and decide whether he will be the savior of his world—or its greatest downfall. ...

Aetherwrought: The Stormforged Chronicles

At the prestigious Aetherial Academy of Mechanics and Magic, where students learn to master the skies and harness the power of aether, young Oliver Stormrider is a standout—a bit too standout for his own good. With a knack for trouble and a penchant for daring stunts, Oliver’s antics have earned him both admiration and exasperation from his peers and professors alike. When a rogue storm of aetherial energy threatens the Academy’s annual Skyfair—a major event showcasing the students' inventions and magical prowess—Oliver’s quick thinking and reckless bravery save the day. But his heroics come at a cost: an experimental airship crashes, and a major spell goes haywire. To make matters worse, Oliver discovers that the storm was no accident. It was a prank gone awry by a rival faction within the Academy, led by the mischievous yet brilliant student, Felix Waverly. Now, Oliver, alongside his quirky friends—Lysandra Nightshade, a secretive alchemist with a flair for dramatic potions; Kael Stormrider, an overconfident pilot with a mysterious family legacy; and Seraphina Dawnspark, a brilliant mage with a sharp wit—must navigate a series of hilarious and action-packed challenges. From sabotaging rival projects to surviving enchanted creatures in the Academy's magical forests, the group must balance their studies, their friendships, and their secret mission to uncover the true intentions behind the prank. With slapstick comedy, thrilling escapades, and a touch of magical mayhem, Oliver and his friends are determined to prove that they can handle any storm—whether it's brewing in the skies or within the Academy walls.
ThePlayer45 · 1.8K Views
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