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Phoenix Pergi Melawan Dunia

Udara Duniaku

Kasih adalah tokoh perempuan remaja berumur 13 tahun yang duduk di bangku SMP. Kasih bersekolah di SMP Negri 3 Malang, dia berperawakan tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak terlalu pendek, tingginya 154cm. Dia tipikal anak yang ramah, humoris, sopan, penurut, namun memiliki sisi pemberontakan tersendiri di dalam diri nya, dia seorang anak tunggal dari Ibu Jeny, dan Bapak Bahar, Kasih memiliki rambut hitam sebahu yang tidak terlalu tebal, tubuh nya berperawakan kurus, namun sedikit berisi. Mereka tinggal di wilayah desa yang mulai bertumbuh menjadi perkotaan, karena desa tempat tinggal Kasih baru saja diresmikan menjadi kota, dan terpisah dari kota dan kabupaten yang sebelumnya menjadi satu. Kasih memiliki sosok ibu yang tegas, galak, dan bermulut pedas namun penyayang, sedangkan ayah kasih adalah sosok yang pengertian, ramah, humoris, dan mudah berbaur dengan teman sebaya maupun yang lebih muda, Kasih tinggal di rumah berlantai dua Kasih sangat suka melihat langit saat pagi dan malam, bahkan ia rela membujuk ibunya habis-habisan sehingga ibunya rela memberikan kamar lantai atas yang baru dibangun menj"Kasih! ", panggil sang ibu pada putri remaja nya yang masih berada di kamarnya. " Iya mamah, Kasih turun! ", jawabnya, sambil berdiri dari kursi meja belajar nya!.              " Iya mah, tadi kasih masih ngerjain pr matematika", jawabku sambil menuju keran air, bersiap cuci tangan lalu bersiao makan malam. "Eh ayah sudah pulang?!, biasanya kasih denger loh suara gerbang depan, kasih emang lagi ngantuk sih ?! ", ujar kasih tersenyum sambil menyalimi sang ayah yang baru pulang kerja.             " Iya!, ayah pulang karena sudah cukup omset jualan alat tulis nya hari ini, dapet bonus dari pak bos karena ngirim paket buku banyak tadi", jawab sang ayah bersemangat memberi tahuku.             "Wahh!, Kasih boleh minta ayah beliin kue banyak-banyak dong?!", ucapku senang sambil menggoyang-goyangkan tangan ayah yang aku salimi tadi !, " Udah-udah makan, terus sholat maghrib sana, ibu aja udah makan udah sholat, kalian ini ngobrol teruss! ", ucap ibuku sambil menjewer telingaku dan ayah sekaligus.             " Iya iya ibu, ampun bu ", ucapku terkekeh, sambil beralih mengambil nasi dan lauk, lalu segera makan, dan lanjut beribadah. " Ini jawabannya berapa ya?, mana aku lupa rumusnya lagi!! ", ucapku sambil menggosok-gosok dahiku mulai lelah, dan makin bingung saat mengerjakan tugasku !.            Tok tok tok        Tiba-tiba suara ketukan pintu terdengar, aku pun menoleh dan menghela nafas sejenak, " masuk bu, pintunya ngga kasih kunci! ", jawabku , hingga ibu pun masuk dan berkata     " Sih!, ini susu vanila nya ibu taruh meja kecil sini ya!, diminum!, dikumpulin kapan itu pr matematika nya?", tanya ibu mengintimidasi!.            "Dikumpulin besok bu! ", jawabku lesu, karena memang pelajaran matematika bukan favorit ku,  dan selalu membuatku sakit kepala!, " Yaudah minta tolong bapak mu sana!, dari tadi ngga selesai-selesai ini kamu lemot apa gimana sih! ", jawab ibuku tegas!            " Iya bu!, ini kasih mau ke bapak! ", jawabku lemas karena dimarahi ibu, memang sejak tadi ada soal sulit, sehingga aku bahkan belum selesai meskipun mengerjakan nya sejak pulang dari sekolah tadi!.             " Udah!, kamu habisin dulu susu nya, sholat isya!, baru ngerjakan lagi!, ya kasih!! ", ucap ibu, " Iya bu ". Segera kuambil gelas susu dan meneguk nya hingga tuntas saat ibu menutuo pintu kamar ku, saat selesai menghabiskan susu vanila, aku pun beranjak berdiri dari kursi belajar ku dan menuju tempat cuci piring membersihkan gelas yang tadi kupakai. Kasih adalah tokoh perempuan remaja berumur 13 tahun yang duduk di bangku SMP. Kasih bersekolah di SMP Negri 3 Malang, dia berperawakan tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak terlalu pendek, tingginya 154cm. Dia tipikal anak yang ramah, natural, sopan, penurut, namun memiliki sisi pemberontakan tersendiri di dalam diri nya, dia seorang anak tunggal dari Ibu Jeny, dan Bapak Bahar, Kasih memiliki rambut hit
Bunga_Kelana · 154 Views

[QT.BL] Phoenix Interrupted

18+ Quick Transmigration BL/LGBT, M-Preg MC/Phoenix/Bottom/Shou/Switch, ML/Top/Gong/Switch-only for MC Both MC & ML are complex characters, and each arc will highlight the different sides to their personalities so some arcs MC maybe a power bottom and in some ML takes charge. But mostly MC is bottom, and ML is top. Join us as we follow a young anti-hero named Phoenix, as he tries to free himself from the clutches of whom ever kidnapped him and imprisoned him, gain power & knowledge in order to take them down & regain his memory that's been locked away from him. It seems that someone else was after Phoenix too but for what and why would they help him escape? Solaris the sentient A.I. system that hacked into The Jailer System that had been forcibly bound to Phoenix's soul and helped to spring Nix from his prison but for what reason and at what cost? No good deed goes unpunished and nothing absolutely nothing in the multiverse is ever completely free. But what choice does Nix have? Surely following Solaris' missions cannot be worse than what he left behind right? Is this just another way for his captors to abuse him more? Can he ever be truly free when he just spent the last 32 thousand years being forced to live one horrific abusive life after the other. Can he even dream of healing when he cannot forget even a single moment, he spent in that hell hole? This story begins at the end of his imprisonment from "hell" and follows his journey to discovering himself, regaining his lost memory and discover who and what was and is behind all this. But can he handle the truth? What happens if he were to learn that he was being punished for crimes against the celestial Dragon Emperor and heaven itself? Could he truly be capable of such a thing and if so, what will he do then? One could definitely say that Nix is an anti-hero, since he is not benevolent but would not stand for injustice happen to the innocent or those, he deems worthy enough to care for and about. Nix is cold, apathetic & keeps everyone & everything at arm's length. Despite his cold, arrogant, apathetic & aloof exterior, Nix surprisingly has a big soft heart for animals & children, as well as all things cute & adorable but he would never admit it. ML: Hey what about me? Nix: What about you? Who are you again anyways? ML: ...? Solaris & Author: eating popcorn & booked peanuts (I know they aren't for everyone, don't come for me) ML: Nix how can you say that? Mrs_TNT do something he's being hateful again for no reason! Why must he always push me away? What did I ever do to him? Author Mrs_TNT: Is that a serious question right now? Well, I guess you'll have to read to find out. This story begins at the end of his first imprisonment and follows Phoenix as he tries to recover his memories from before he was imprisoned and bound to the Jailer System as well as gain power and complete the missions given by Solaris until he can finally be free and exact his revenge before he has his soul annihilated so that he never reincarnates again. I may do flashbacks or even write a prequel after this novel is finished depicting his long, long journey just to get to the beginning of this novel. Be Warned! There will be several triggering topics addressed in this novel, though it is not a dark romance it does touch on abuse: neglect, mental, verbal, physical and sexual. This is a Boy Love, LGBT or gay romance novel that will have explicit scenes. I will not be putting warnings up as I go along. I am working through some of my own trauma through writing this novel, so I understand it is not for everyone. That said this is very loosely based off some of my own experiences and any coincidences between names, places or events is just that a coincidence and have nothing in common unless I state other wise and will credit it if I do as well. Cover art was made by me using A.I. image generator and editing it myself. I hold all rights to this novel.
Mrs_TNT · 58.3K Views

10 Mystery Dunia

Cerita ini berpusat pada dunia yang dipenuhi dengan misteri dan kekuatan sihir. Ratusan penyihir berlomba-lomba untuk mendapatkan 10 misteri yang diprediksi akan mengubah alam semesta. Dengan dua ramalan yang berbeda, Chytea dan Chvice, penyihir-penyihir ini memulai pencarian mereka, tanpa peduli dengan konsekuensi atau bahaya yang mungkin terjadi. Dengan ramalan Chytea yang menyebutkan bahwa seseorang akan mendapatkan 10 misteri dan menghancurkan alam semesta. Sementara itu, ramalan Chvice mengungkapkan gelar dan kekuatan tertentu yang dapat mengakses misteri-misteri itu. Arthur Vandehei Seorang penyihir yang sekarat setelah memberi peringatan kepada pasukan Spartan tentang bahaya misteri-misteri itu. Varah, seorang spesialis Dysis, menemukan mayat Arthur dan mencoba menghidupkannya kembali, sementara Shadow, teman dekat Arthur, mencoba mencari tahu keberadaannya. Varah mencari tahu lebih banyak tentang misteri yang melibatkan Arthur, sementara Shadow menemukan dirinya terjebak dalam situasi yang sulit di The Founder. Sinopsis ini menggambarkan persaingan antarpenyihir untuk menguasai misteri-misteri yang dapat mengubah alam semesta, sambil mengikuti petualangan tokoh-tokoh utama dalam mengungkap kebenaran di balik ramalan dan gelar-gelar sihir. Translate To English This story revolves around a world filled with mystery and magical powers. Hundreds of wizards are competing to obtain 10 mysteries that are predicted to change the universe. With two contrasting prophecies, Chytea and Chvice, these wizards embark on their quest, disregarding the consequences or dangers that may arise. The Chytea prophecy states that someone will acquire the 10 mysteries and destroy the universe, while the Chvice prophecy reveals a specific title and power that can access these mysteries. Arthur Vandehei, a dying wizard, warns the Spartan forces about the dangers of the mysteries before passing away. Varah, a Dysis specialist, discovers Arthur's corpse and attempts to revive him, while Shadow, Arthur's close friend, tries to uncover his whereabouts. Varah delves deeper into the mystery surrounding Arthur, while Shadow finds himself entangled in a precarious situation at The Founder. This synopsis depicts the rivalry among wizards to dominate the mysteries that can alter the universe, while following the adventures of the main characters as they unravel the truth behind the prophecies and magical titles
Sall_vict · 5.9K Views
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