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Viva Mexico Memes

Lenda Esquecida da Flor Ensanguentada

``` “Viva a vida que você quer desta vez.” Uma assassina sem igual, codinome: Hua, já havia iniciado sua carreira desde criança. Seu histórico de missões era perfeito e quem quer que fosse considerado seu inimigo acabaria morto sem saber por quê. Quando a guerra terminou, ela foi enviada para uma instituição onde era vigiada atentamente. O médico responsável lhe deu um romance wuxia comum para ler. Uma avalanche aconteceu depois que ela terminou de ler. Quando acordou, ela se transformou em Nan Hua, a jovem senhorita de uma poderosa família militar no romance que havia lido. A garota também era a noiva do ex-protagonista, que morreria por obstruir o amor do protagonista. Agora que ela assumiu o controle, quem se atreveria a agir tão presunçosamente ao seu redor? Eles nunca saberiam como acabaram tão miseravelmente! Mas... protagonista, o que você está fazendo rondando por perto dela? Você não deveria se concentrar na guerra iminente e em salvar sua protagonista? Por que você está tentando de todas as maneiras conquistá-la, ah? ... História ambientada em mundo fictício com cultura similar à da China Antiga. Participe do discord para conversar com o autor e outros leitores: Agradecimento especial para Jiyen (usuário da webnovel Cookiejiyen) que criou a linda capa *enviando corações* ... P.S: Esta história também está publicada na Amazon, se você lê lá, por favor deixe uma avaliação. Obrigado ^^ ... Sequência: Flor Astral [em andamento] ... Outras novelas: - Flores Desabrocham do Campo de Batalha [completa] - Sob o Véu da Noite [completa] - 7 Caminhos dos Lírios [em longa pausa] - 1 Ano de Início [completa] - Lady Vilã [completa] - Ciência e Fantasia [completa] - 2 Anos de Recomeço [completa] - A Imperatriz Silenciosa [em andamento] - A Gatinha do Vilão [em andamento] ... Siga-me no IG: @sora100518 ```
Sorahana · 111.9K Views

El Contraataque de la Madrastra: Criando a un Niño en una Época Pasada

[Esposa Delicada VS Hombre Duro, Consintiendo a la Esposa + Doble Virtud + Vida Diaria Criando Niños] La streamer amante de la comida Shen Mingzhu transmigró al papel de una malvada madrastra de una novela de épocas pasadas, convirtiéndose en una figura de contraste para la aldeana Shen Baolan. Shen Baolan era amable y virtuosa, tratando a su hijastro como si fuera propio, mientras que el personaje original era severo y malvado, ya sea golpeando o regañando al hijastro. Shen Baolan disfrutaba de sus años crepusculares gracias a su prometedor hijastro, mientras que el personaje original fue quemada viva por su retorcido y siniestro hijastro. Para cambiar el trágico desenlace, Shen Mingzhu se remangó, preparada para arreglar las cosas correctamente. — Shen Baolan tuvo un sueño. El hombre con el que estaba a punto de casarse moriría medio año después, dejándola viuda y sin nada, destinada a llevar una vida de miseria. Mientras tanto, Shen Mingzhu, por haberse casado con el hombre adecuado, se convirtió en una dama rica envidiable. Ambas del mismo pueblo, ambas convertidas en madrastras de alguien, ¿por qué debería Shen Mingzhu vivir una vida mejor que la suya? Ella se casaría con el hombre con quien estaba casada Shen Mingzhu, ¡y viviría la buena vida de Shen Mingzhu! — Pasaron cinco años. Shen Mingzhu se había convertido en estudiante universitaria, el hombre de Shen Mingzhu no murió sino que se convirtió en un gran jefe, y el hijastro de Shen Mingzhu se convirtió en un niño prodigio. Shen Baolan, que anhelaba que su esposo tuviera éxito, seguía esperando amargamente el día en que su hombre alcanzaría la grandeza.
Seven Queens · 143.5K Views

Sr. CEO, Sua Esposa é uma CHEFE Oculta!

Cinco anos atrás, Qiao Nian foi vítima de um plano de sua irmã, Qiao Xin. Após passar uma noite com um estranho, Qiao Nian engravidou. Ela não sabia quem era o pai da criança e acabou dando à luz a um natimorto. Sob as maquinações de sua mãe e irmã, Qiao Nian foi despojada de suas ações no Grupo Qiao e enviada para um hospital psiquiátrico. Cinco anos mais tarde, sua irmã mais nova, Qiao Xin, estava prestes a se casar com o Segundo Jovem Mestre da família Gu. Ele tinha fama de ser extremamente feio. No dia em que nasceu, o médico previu que ele não viveria mais de vinte anos. Sua mãe não suportava ver Qiao Xin casar com uma pessoa dessas e pensou em Qiao Nian, que ainda estava trancada no hospital psiquiátrico. Durante a noite, Qiao Nian foi tirada do hospital para substituir Qiao Xin em seu casamento com a família Gu. Sua mãe disse, "É uma boa coisa que Qiao Nian, essa inútil, possa substituir Xin'er e ser uma viúva viva na família Gu. Se Xin'er casasse com aquela família, eu ficaria arrasada." Qiao Xin disse, "Mãe, não fale assim da Irmã. Se não fosse por ela, eu não saberia o que fazer. Só estou preocupada que a Irmã não aceite." Seu pai disse, "Xin'er, você é bondosa demais. Esqueceu como Qiao Nian te difamou há cinco anos? Ela não tem autocontrole. Engravidou antes do casamento e ainda deu à luz a uma criança natimorta. Estamos sendo bons o suficiente ao deixá-la se casar com alguém da prestigiosa família Gu! Que direito ela tem de ser exigente?" Qiao Nian debochou. Na época, a conspiração contra ela só tinha dado certo por causa de uma combinação estranha de fatores, fazendo-a sofrer. Ela ia se vingar de todos eles! Todos pensavam que suas ações eram fruto de uma combinação de mentalidade de perdedora e doença mental, mas mal sabiam eles que esse casamento seria uma união poderosa, tão impactante quanto Marte colidindo com a Terra! Aproveitando suas habilidades brilhantes em medicina, Qiao Nian fez várias pessoas desprezíveis e canalhas engolirem suas palavras. Num piscar de olhos, suas múltiplas identidades chocaram o mundo à medida que cada uma delas foi exposta. Acontece que ela era rica o suficiente para rivalizar com um país! Depois, o Segundo Jovem Mestre Gu colocou um par de miniaturas clones de Qiao Nian diante dela. Diante dessas duas crianças que se pareciam com ela e Gu Zhou, Qiao Nian piscou em choque. "Quando foi que eu dei à luz aos seus filhos?"
JQK · 129.6K Views

convertirse joven educada era 1970 con espacio

Lin Xiaowei una joven multimillonaria por accidente descubre que su brazalete de jade dejado como herencia de sus antepasados en realidad se transformó en un espacio portátil al caerle una gota de sangre por accidente. Asi que como amante de las novelas de viajes en el tiempo, transmigración e isekai ya sabiendo el futuro camino de las cosas decidió arreglar sus asuntos de la empresa familiar de la que era presidenta y luego se dispuso a comprar suministros al cabo lo que menos le faltaba era dinero, y cuando vio que podía necesitar mayor cantidad y productos decidió viajar por el extranjero y por muchos lugares del mundo para recolectar suministros, entre ellos fue ganado y aves de corral, semillas, granos de frutas, verduras , aceites sales y condimentos, también muchas hierbas medicinales desde buena calidad hasta pocas de calidad excelente. Compro ropa en grandes distribuidoras de ropa al mayoreo de mujer, hombre, niños y mujeres mayores, por lo cual al llevar una gigante cantidad de productos le hicieron descuento en cada tienda que iba independientemente de su categoría, recolecto mucha pesca marina, asi como productos ya hechos, compro también muchos electrodomésticos, generadores de energía, automóviles, motos, y bicicletas, compro muchos relojes desde modelos económicos hasta modelos caros, compro dulcería, repostería, y aunque dudo también consiguió muchas joyas, oro caligrafías, pinturas, libros tanto nacionales como extranjeros de todos los géneros y categorías, Preparo también muchos aparatos eléctricos como computadoras, tabletas, y celulares, asi como máquinas de coser, maquinaria médica, utensilios de cocina de pesca, de cultivación de flores y plantas, muchas recetas especiales de cada área y muchas cosas más. Para no desperdiciar compro muchas cosas ambientadas en la época de era y las demás eran de era moderna, y otras atemporales, solo cuando el espacio estaba muy lleno se sintió aliviada, el espacio era muy grande y tenía aparte del gigante terreno tenía varios almacenes para cada categoría, uno para alimentos ya creados, otro para granos, semillas y líquidos a granel, otro para ropa zapatos, telas accesorios y maquillaje y skincare. Uno para electrodomésticos, otro para libros recetas, caligrafías, libretas, pinturas para imágenes, plumas, pinturas, otra para juegos de niños y adultos, otro para oro y joyas, otro para accesorios y muebles de la vida cotidiana, otro con refrigeradores para alimentos fríos y congelados, y otros para vehículos, generadores de liz, petróleo, otro para herramientas y maquinaria de construcción, asi como muchos planos para armar maquinaria, y todavía quedaban muchos vacíos para cuando se cocechen lo que se plantó en el espacio. Esta la casa/mansión moderna, que tiene todo equipado para que viva una familia completa en ella. Asi que felizmente cuando regresaba a china después de estar todo un año vagando recolectando suministros y objetos el avión en el que venía sufre una gran turbulencia y ella lo último que oye es la voz ansiosa del capitán antes de caer en la inconciencia hasta que vuelve a abrir los ojos y descubre que efectivamente viajo en el tiempo a la era de 1975 como una joven educada huerfana de martires asi que adentrate en esta historia de como Weiwei se adapta a la era y como poco a poco va subiendo su rango de hasta volver a estar en la cima como en su vida anterior, pero alguien puede decirme porque ese hombre lobo se le pega y planea paso a paso para llevar a su nuera a casa
Darkfairytale8 · 26 Views

PHEPHISA(The nightmares that happen in daylight-)

Phephisa is a gripping and thought-provoking novel that delves into the intricate web of mental health, trauma, love, and resilience. When a seemingly perfect life begins to unravel, trauma re-merges exposing the sinister underbelly of exploitation and abuse. As the protagonist navigates her own struggles with anxiety, depression, and childhood trauma, she finds herself entangled in a dangerous world where exploitation and manipulation lurk. With each step, she must confront the shadows of her past and the harsh realities of being a woman. This powerful debut novel sheds light on: 1. The silent struggles of mental health. 2. The resilience of survivors. 3. The underbelly of exploitation Through raw emotion and unflinching honesty, Phephisa urges readers to confront the darkness, seek help, and support those affected by trauma and exploitation. My goal is to spark empathy and understanding, rather than provide a factual account. I encourage readers to explore reputable sources for a deeper understanding of this critical issue. Note: Certain quotes, phrases, and references throughout this book are attributed to various online sources, memes, and cultural phenomena. Where possible, original authors have been credited. However, some sources may remain uncredited due to lack of attribution or anonymity. Trigger Warning: This novel addresses mature themes, including mental health struggles. Some scenes may be triggering or disturbing. Please read with caution and prioritize your emotional well-being.
Dipuleng_Charlene · 344 Views


En un mundo fracturado por la eterna pugna entre los habitantes de Aeterra y los Obliterantes Indómitos, las razas luchan por preservar su existencia. Sin embargo, más allá del horizonte de lo conocido, emerge una amenaza insondable, antigua y devastadora. Su llegada no es silenciosa: pasos cristalinos y abrasadores anuncian su avance, mientras la sombra de su influencia altera la esencia misma del lugar. Un grupo de individuos, unidos por una frágil alianza y una misión incierta, se adentra en el abismo de lo desconocido, pero en constante exploración. En un terreno plagado de oscuridad viva y peligro palpable, deberán enfrentarse a fuerzas implacables que van más allá de la violencia física, retando sus mentes, sus principios y sus propios corazones. Entre mares embravecidos que ocultan horrores en la negrura del enjambre, y en los pasadizos sofocantes donde el aire mismo parece conspirar contra ellos, por cada paso, por cada avance, les acercará al momento de la verdad. La verdadera prueba, sin embargo, no será empuñar sus armas ni resistir el veneno del entorno, sino enfrentar las decisiones que podrían quebrar el delicado equilibrio entre el deber, la supervivencia y la humanidad. Mientras las tinieblas se ciernen y las acciones salen a la luz, el Torbellino se convierte en el símbolo de una realidad que no perdona errores. Es el principio de unos cuantos más. Esto es más que una lucha por la supervivencia. Esto es el preludio de un destino irrevocable, el primer eco del fin.
MAFER · 969 Views


As a dedicated meme coin trader, I’ve been involved in the volatile world of cryptocurrency for some time now. Over the years, I’ve experienced the ups and downs, from thrilling gains to significant losses. But nothing could have prepared me for the heartbreak I encountered when I became a victim of a ruthless rug pull scam. It all began when I found what seemed to be a promising new meme coin project. The project was heavily promoted, and the ICO (Initial Coin Offering ) seemed like a legitimate opportunity. I was drawn in by the hype, excited by the potential profits that were being promised. I invested $10,000, believing this could be my next big break. However, it didn't take long before I realized something was wrong. After a few days, the value of the coin began to plummet. My once-thriving investment turned into a nightmare. The project's creators vanished, and all communication ceased. It was a classic rug pull an exit scam where the developers drained the liquidity, leaving investors like me with nothing. In an instant, my $10,000 was gone, and I felt completely helpless. I was devastated and unsure of how to recover. The emotional toll of losing such a significant amount of money was immense, but I refused to give up. I began researching recovery options, desperate to find a solution. That’s when I stumbled upon TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT .After reaching out to them, I was impressed by their professionalism and commitment. They explained the process clearly and assured me that they had helped many victims of cryptocurrency scams like mine. Despite being skeptical at first, I decided to give it a shot, and I’m glad I did. TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT worked tirelessly on my case. They tracked the stolen funds and took the necessary steps to reclaim my assets. It wasn’t an overnight process, but over time, I saw results. Thanks to their expertise, I was able to recover my $10,000. The experience not only restored my faith in the crypto community but also taught me a valuable lesson about staying cautious in the world of investments. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend reaching out to TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT. They specialize in helping people recover lost funds from scams and frauds. Don’t let scammers take advantage of you there is help available, and recovery is possible. SUPPORT SERVICE INFORMATION Web-site. Email: What's App  +1 7 1 9 4 9 2 2 6 9 3 TeleGram: Trustgeekshackexpert
JIMMY_WESLEY · 303 Views

Seven immortal swords

The ultimate power called Musiin heart will fall into Rahim (the main character), who himself would have no idea of what is inside him. Somewhere else in another world called Xlus kingdom is invaded and their kingdom will be taken, they only need someone to save their world and the one who can download that is a person with a Munchun heart. The people from Xlus kingdom will come to earth so that they take three swords that were hidden many decades ago (At the moment Tsein has four swords that were hidden in Xlus kingdom). Their journey to earth they will discover that there is a man on earth who had a Musiin heart. They will join together and start their adventure to look for the remaining three swords. Here they will succeed in taking one sword from Mexico and another sword from Eastern Africa, as they took the sword from Eastern Africa, Rahim was hurt from the explosion. They will move back to the hidden city (They hid themselves there to escape Tsein), where he will be cured. In the Xlus kingdom, Tsein was struggling to repair the ships so that he can move to earth and take the remaining three swords do that he can have all seven swords which will male him immortal and undefeated, before he was prisoned in the special prison called dimension of time many decades ago but someone unknown unlocked him. Rahim and the Princess had to move to the Xlus Kingdom so that they can fire up the ship industry so stop Tsein from moving, unfortunately they will betrayed by the uncle of the princess and they will left alone on the Xlus kingdom,he will cut off the connection between the princess and her soldiers as they war continued, he will retreat all the army and left the princess and Rahim alone on the land to war,the princess and Rahim will face Tsein while they are incapable of fighting him (At the moment Rahim had not yet discovered how to use and control his power but he learned few moves before but his few moves are nothing in front of Tsein) The uncle of the princess wanted to inherit the kingdom as the king, so he left the princess as he knew he couldn't escape Tsien. The woman called Santra who is the closest friend of the princess will notice the whole plan of the uncle, she will secretly take the ship from the hidden city to the land of war to save her princess. At the last hope when the princess is down with Rahim, Santra will appear so fast and take them away by her ship. But on their way to return to the hidden city, the uncle was always watching them. He will attack them, their ship will fall down in the unknown universe. There lived weird creatures with different shapes (aliens). In the hidden city, the uncle will be sworn as the new king of Xlus while the people believed that the princess had died already and the only royal blood remained is the uncle. It's just first arc..
Bad_gee · 517 Views

Our Future : Might for Revenge

Lily Renave, a young girl of American descent living in Medan, Indonesia, finds herself living under the shadow of her family's dark past. Her father, James G. Renave, is a former government agent who once exposed a major criminal operation led by Bruno Genovese, the boss of the Genovese crime family, one of the Five Mafia Families of New York. It all began with an online relationship between James and Stacy Spark, a British woman, whose life was turned upside down when Bruno, infatuated with Stacy's photos, ordered her kidnapping. When James could not reach Stacy, he uncovered through Interpol that she had been abducted by Genovese’s men, and the crime was caught on CCTV. James tracked her across international borders, discovering she was in Mexico, heading toward the U.S. Armed with information from satellite surveillance, James managed to track Stacy’s whereabouts and intercept her, saving her from Bruno’s grip. This led to the dismantling of a large narcotics operation tied to Genovese and ultimately resulted in Bruno's imprisonment. However, the takedown angered the mafia kingpin, and in retaliation, Bruno's associates sent James death threats. Fearing for his family's safety, James was forced to flee to Indonesia, where he hoped to disappear and start anew. Eight years later, Bruno was unexpectedly released from prison and, using his connections, tracked down the Renave family to Indonesia. Lily witnesses a brutal murder carried out by Bruno's men. Fleeing for her life, she is pursued by the mafia. Just as she is about to be captured, Lily is rescued by a mysterious stranger and falls unconscious from exhaustion. Caught between her father's past and the danger that now threatens her own life, Lily must navigate a treacherous path, uncovering dark secrets and fighting for survival. With each step, she gets closer to the truth, and to confronting Bruno and his criminal empire once and for all. This is just fiction and does not really exist. The similarity to people's names may not be intentional. Some stories use inspiration from real cases that have occurred throughout the world. However, the location of the place, as well as parties, agencies or organizations are not to denigrate or create a conspiracy. Artnorthlife Cover by AI
Artnorthlife · 12.5K Views

Little Goliath

'What is this?' Theodore thought as he opened his little eyes to what he assumes to be one of his parents who is dropping him off on the doorstep of a church at what seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, ---a few hours ago ago--- Theodore was like any other normal person: had a family, had dreams, filled with ambitiouns, liked games, sometimes goes outside, has preferences, filled with desire, and of course went through a difficult time in his life, he was just as normal as the average person is. but one thing he is different from others is that he likes roasting people online especially the rich, he loves making fake accounts just to meme people, judge thier preferences and give rating for their every day (unnecessary) objects, he even makes money from it by making videos about how stupid some rich people are. But that led him to his death when he was kidnapped by a rich woman, who he had made fun of... '???' He didn't know what happened after that... --- [Somewhere in a different time]--- 'Where am I?' he asked as he tries to move his head and eyes uncoordinated, there were noticeable things to hint where he was currently at; the church was styled like it was described from a dark fantasy book, the sky was clear with a few clouds roaming in the sky as the light of dawn hits them, and his parent who looked like a literal angel, '....they seemed to be speaking..." " think my offspring looked... Normal, even though you're mother is a human and I, Michael... am an angel... So shouldn't you be a €i@n¥?" The angel asked the infant, only to be replied with cooing, "Oh... Who am I kidding? You're just an infant, how can you even understand..... goodbye Little David" the angel said as he spans his wings wide, knocked on the church's door before he flew from the ground and vanished between the rays of dawn ——17——Years——Later—— 'Hmm', looking back at the moment, David sighed in his stupidity for realizing something that he should've considered, "Well I was very afraid and shaken from being reincarnated, so I really can't truly blame myself for not realizing.... Right?" He asked, seemingly into the air [No, from what I can see, the fault was totally on you] the voice of the male siri that suddenly replied to him "Well fuck you, this wasn't supposed to be my problem, I'm just a defect Nephilim, not someone who asked to be a hero!" [Correction, currently you're a captive of Achilles] "That's not what I meant! You retard of a Sy--" [Playing; Don't Stop Believing by Journey] ================= This work is inspired by the stories of; the origins of the Book of Giants (and pages from the Bible that references to the Book of Giants), The story of David and Goliath, the themes, setting, scenes, land, and stories from various legends, tales, myths, 'n methods in both western and middle eastern. "..." => Talking '...' => thinking (...) => Details/explanation [...] => moves/important terms/specific places #...# => links/inspirations/references for the chapter ..====.. => end of a scene/transition to another scene ================= A [Short] novel, Meaning this is a work that I did not put my all in, But it is something that I gave my thoughts to: the chapters, characters, the plot and the finale. each chapter has atleast (1.2k)-(1.7k) words but I might be able to make chapters with nearly (2k) words, I've learned that in my previous works, the chapters are short af [–=Notes=–] >This Test Novel shall only have 20 chapters, >Have limited descriptions given >English is my third language and I learned English through poetry at first, so please anyone, help point out some writing errors of mine that I didn't do right >I lack perseverance so I might only upload mostly once a week, sometimes twice a week, or worse scenario once a (few) month(s)
Joseph_Sab1 · 5.4K Views
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