The Erebus System
After suffering an unprecedented tragedy, Ash Moon is left scarred and alone. The young boy, determined to avenge his parents, enters the giant chasm known as the Dungeon to hunt down the beings that stole his peaceful bliss away from him. Under Zane Naso's guidance - the most powerful adventurer alive - Ash learns to fend for himself in the neverending tower of horrors.
However, when the power that killed his parents consumes him, Ash is forced to choose a path: obey the messages appearing before him and grow stronger or suffer the same fate as his parents.
With no choice but to move forward, Ash utilizes his newfound magic to dive deeper into the Dungeon. As his strength grows, so do his questions regarding the world he lives in.
What is the Dungeon? Who is the enemy?
And who is he really?
In his desperate search for answers, Ash climbs up the ladder of power, forging unbreakable bonds and encountering vicious foes along the way.