In a world where school bullies reign supreme, Daewon Kim is the quintessential target. Tormented daily by Joon Kim and his gang, Daewon feels trapped in a cycle of humiliation and helplessness. His days are a blur of mockery and cruelty, leaving him disheartened and searching for a way out.One particularly harsh day of bullying leaves Daewon overwhelmed with frustration. Seeking solace at home, he lashes out in anger, turning his room into a chaotic mess. Amidst the turmoil, he discovers a hidden key behind a family photo. Driven by curiosity, Daewon uncovers a secret safe beneath his floor, revealing a collection of ancient scrolls and books on martial arts and self-defense.With these newfound resources, Daewon embarks on a transformative journey. Determined to reclaim his life and protect himself from further abuse, he begins rigorous training, mastering the techniques laid out in the scrolls. As he grows stronger and more confident, he vows to confront his bullies and defend those who are vulnerable."Rebel Code" follows Daewon’s evolution from a victim to a warrior, as he faces not only his tormentors but also the challenges of forming a new alliance to combat the pervasive culture of bullying. With each step, Daewon’s quest becomes not just about personal revenge but also about creating a safe haven for the unprotected and standing up against the darkness that plagues his world.