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La Fiancée du Diable

Un amour condamné dès le début, une cause perdue, une bataille vaine — et pourtant, aucun des deux cœurs n'est prêt à lâcher prise jusqu'à la toute fin. ----- Arlan Cromwell, l'incarnation même du Prince Héritier parfait. Tout ce qu'il désire, c'est vivre une vie normale d'humain, mais la vie d'un dragon est tout sauf normale. Il n'a qu'un seul but — retrouver sa fiancée en fuite et la décapiter. Que se passe-t-il lorsqu'il découvre que la femme qui a conquis son cœur est celle qu'il a juré de tuer ? Oriane, une Sorcière Noire, déguisée en homme, a passé toute sa vie à fuir sans savoir ce qu'elle fuit. Lorsque les mystères de son passé commencent petit à petit à la rattraper, elle n'a personne vers qui se tourner… sauf Arlan. Mais quand elle apprend que l'homme à qui elle a donné son cœur est le même homme qui veut la tuer, comment peut-elle accepter la cruelle carte que la vie lui a distribuée ? Deux personnes avec des secrets à garder, des identités à cacher et des réponses à chercher. Lorsque l'obscurité menace d'emporter Oriane, le Dragon pourra-t-il protéger sa compagne ? ----- Extrait - « Si j'avais su que tu étais ma fiancée, je t'aurais tuée dès le premier moment où nous nous sommes rencontrés. » Le regard d'Arlan se teinta de haine. « Si j'avais su que j'étais fiancée à toi, je me serais tuée avant même que tu ne le fasses ! » Oriane reflétait les mêmes émotions que lui. Il sortit un poignard et le lui offrit. « Il n'est pas trop tard. Tranche-toi simplement la gorge avec ça et tu saigneras sans douleur. » Elle accepta le couteau, ses doigts serrant fermement sa poignée. L'instant suivant, il était plaqué contre le mur et le couteau était sur le côté droit de son cou. « Que dirais-tu si je l'essayais sur toi en premier, mon fiancé ? » « Essaie si tu veux. Mais quand tu échoueras, ce couteau goûtera d'abord au sang de ton grand-père, puis au tien. » La colère monta dans ses yeux, et l'instant d'après, du sang coulait sur le côté droit de son cou. Elle avait coupé assez profondément pour trancher un vaisseau sanguin important. « Tu n'aurais pas dû me provoquer, » ricana-t-elle en reculant, attendant qu'il s'effondre. Il se contenta de sourire en coin et passa son doigt le long de la blessure profonde sur son cou. « On dirait que tu as échoué. » Elle regarda la blessure de son cou se cicatriser toute seule et resta choquée jusqu'au plus profond d'elle-même. « Toi... qu'est-ce que tu es ? » « Devine ? » ----- Instagram- mynovel.20 Facebook- Auteur mynoveltwenty
Mynovel20 · 83.1K Views

Mariage Contractuel Avec Alpha Snow

Après avoir été trahie par son fiancé et sa cousine le jour de son mariage, Zara, ressuscitée avec les souvenirs de ses erreurs passées, jure de réécrire son destin. Sur un coup de tête, elle épouse un inconnu pour tenir son ex à distance, sans réaliser que Snow est loin d'être un simple gigolo. Snow Zephyr, riche PDG et alpha de la meute d'Ivory Crescent, a besoin d'une épouse de convenance pour apaiser son père et sécuriser sa position. Lorsqu'une femme déterminée lui propose un mariage de commodité, Snow accepte, ignorant le chaos qu'elle va apporter dans sa vie. Le choix défiant de Zara provoque la fureur de ses parents, la conduisant à être expulsée de l'entreprise et à devoir trouver du travail ailleurs. Elle décroche un emploi chez Aurora Conglomerate Inc., pour découvrir que son nouveau patron n'est autre que Snow, l'homme qu'elle a épousé et l'oncle de son ex. Des étincelles jaillissent alors que leur attraction mutuelle grandit au milieu de l'obscurité des secrets de sa famille et des menaces imminentes. La force et l'indépendance de Zara captivent Snow, qui commence à la voir comme la Luna potentielle dont sa meute a besoin. Ensemble, ils font face aux ex-amants vengeurs, aux complots d'enlèvement et aux rivalités mortelles. Alors que les pouvoirs de Zara s'éveillent, elle doit affronter les raisons du désaveu de sa famille, les clauses cachées de son contrat de mariage et son rôle ultime dans le monde de Snow. Lorsque leur mariage de convenance se transforme en un vrai partenariat, un nouveau défi se présente sous la forme d'un compagnon destiné. Zara va-t-elle combattre les dangers qui l'attendent ou embrasser sa véritable destinée? **EXTRAIT** "Je... ne voulais pas être en retard au travail. Tu avais l'air occupé, alors j'ai pensé que je devrais prendre de l'avance." Snow haussa un sourcil. "Vraiment? Ou est-ce parce que la nuit dernière t'a tellement affectée que tu ne supportais pas d'être autour de moi?" "Ne te flatte pas, Snow. Tu ne m'as pas du tout affectée." Il afficha un sourire narquois en se rapprochant. "Vraiment?" Ses doigts effleurèrent mon menton, inclinant mon visage vers le haut. Mon pouls s'accéléra. "Nous sommes au travail," je répliquai, repoussant sa main. "Ce n'est pas professionnel." "Tu es ma femme," il murmura. "Tu es censée m'obéir en tout temps." Je retins une réplique, une lueur de rébellion s'allumant en moi. Lentement, je me rapprochai, laissant mes doigts frôler son torse. Son sourire vacilla un instant lorsque son loup réagit et Snow se mordit les lèvres. "Attention, Patron," je ronronnai séductrice. "Ne blesse pas ces lèvres. Je suis sûr que beaucoup de filles aimeraient les embrasser." Snow se pencha, frôlant mon oreille de ses lèvres. "Et toi? Meurs-tu d'envie d'y goûter?" Prise au dépourvu, j'hésitai, puis repris mon assurance alors que je le regardais dans les yeux. "Contrairement aux autres filles, j'ai une forte résistance contre—" Je n'eus pas l'occasion de terminer que les lèvres de Snow se posèrent sur les miennes avec un baiser fougueux qui me coupa le souffle.
BaeVida · 115.6K Views

Revendiquant Mon Mari PDG Possessif

La rumeur voulait que Xaviera Evans ait une constitution faible — une beauté maladive. La rumeur voulait qu'elle dépense une fortune chaque jour en médicaments — en les dévorant comme des bonbons. La rumeur voulait que chaque jour, dix serviteurs attendaient à son chevet — une charge pour tout le monde. Ils attendaient tous que la famille Evans jette Xaviera Evans de retour à la campagne et la laisse se débrouiller seule. Xaviera Evans : "On dit partout que je suis faible et incapable de prendre soin de moi. Apparemment, je dépense aussi de l'argent de manière inconsidérée." Elle regardait sa chemise en loques et était exaspérée. Xaviera Evans : “On veut dire que cette riche famille laisse leur fille porter des vêtements en lambeaux tous les jours ?” La fille riche de la famille Evans ? Elle en avait assez ! Elle ne le serait plus ! Alors... Le sale type : "Sans la famille Evans, tu n'es rien." Xaviera Evans : "Si je suis expulsée de la famille Evans, je suis fichue." La sale fille : "Sœur, ne sois pas trop déçue. Tant que tu travailles dur, on te fera des éloges un jour.” Xaviera Evans : "Tais-toi, je ne connais pas un traître comme toi." Le sale type et la fille : "???" La rumeur voulait que le plus jeune fils de la famille Mamet, Caleb Mamet, ait imprudemment marié une femme qui n'avait que des apparences. Xaviera Evans : "Quelqu'un me méprise-t-il ?" Un jour, Xaviera Evans a vu l'un des employés de Caleb Mamet se creusant la tête sur une série de nombres à l'écran de l'ordinateur. Comme elle était libre, elle lui a donné un coup de main. A-t-elle tout simplement piraté le pare-feu créé par les efforts conjugués des meilleurs pirates informatiques de l'élite ?! Caleb Mamet s'est rapproché pas à pas. "Xaviera, que me caches-tu encore ? Hmm ?" Xaviera Evans : "Oh, non ! Je me sens encore prise de vertiges ! Je suis si faible. Ce corps est tout simplement trop faible !"
Qiaoqiao · 1.1M Views

Transmigration d'un monde de zombies pour devenir l'épouse du roi mécha

Il y avait trois mots dans l'empire Étoile du Soleil pour décrire Scarlet Su : inutile, déchet et stupide. Mais un jour, le compte étoile de Scarlet Su est passé d'avoir le nom d'utilisateur 'La fiancée du roi mécha' à 'Le roi mécha, c'est nul.' Soudain, tout le monde se demandait quelle nouvelle quête d'attention elle inventait ? Mourant sur une Terre infestée de zombies, une jeune femme plonge dans un portail qui devrait mener à un merveilleux nouveau monde mais au lieu de cela, elle se réveille dans un monde interstellaire dans le corps de Scarlet Su, l'épouse indésirable du général favori de l'empire et roi mécha. Elle devient instantanément mère du fils du général et copropriétaire d'une planète poubelle non développée. Heureusement, elle a transmigré avec son espace de stockage, des millions de fournitures et une volonté de travailler dur. Malheureusement, elle est dupée en devenant un faucheur d'âmes dans ce monde interstellaire. Chaque semaine, elle doit livrer des âmes au sous-monde ou risquer de perdre sa force mentale nouvellement acquise et de redevenir la vieille Scarlet faible et inutile. Elle est passée de Scarlet l'inutile à Scarlet l'incroyable et son mari est soudainement venu la supplier désespérément d'accepter son amour. Elle a dit, « Parle d'abord à ton fils, c'est lui qui cherche un père. » Mais son fils a dit, « Tu veux être mon papa, rejoins la file des prétendants là-bas et remplis tes informations. » Extrait : « Alors le mari prodigue revient après tout ce temps et moi qui pensais que tu étais mort. » dit-elle avec sarcasme. « Surveille ta langue Scarlet, je suis toujours ton mari. » Scarlet a ri et a croisé les bras, « Ah donc tu es conscient d'être un mari, comment devrais-je réagir maintenant que tu as choisi d'assumer le titre que tu as si facilement voulu jeter il y a quelques mois. Devrais-je applaudir et ensuite enlever mes vêtements et te supplier de me ravager ? » elle a levé les yeux au ciel et a reniflé avec dédain. Elle regardait son mari s'approcher lentement d'elle avec un regard concentré et furieux et elle se demandait si elle l'avait poussé à bout. « Tu as osé m'envoyer des papiers de divorce, Scarlet, as-tu perdu la raison ? » 'Non,' pensa-t-elle, 'au contraire, c'est toi qui as perdu la tienne.' La photo de couverture n'est pas la mienne et peut être retirée à la demande du propriétaire.
1cutecat · 81.3K Views

Defy The Alpha(s)

Two centuries after the Great War, peace between humans and werewolves was finally achieved, or so everyone believes. Werewolves reign like gods, and humans remain blissfully unaware of their true place in the new world order. To maintain this fragile balance, each year, a handful of "lucky" humans are selected from various districts to attend Lunaris Academy, a prestigious institution that promises glory, status, and a chance to mingle with the elite. Those chosen are hailed as the lucky few, destined to marry powerful alphas and rise as luna. This year, Violet Purple is among the chosen, much to everyone's surprise. For an orphaned girl adopted by a disgraced prostitute, this is a golden ticket to a better life or so she's told. But Lunaris Academy isn’t the paradise it’s painted to be. Everything Violet and her fellow humans have been taught is a lie. Humans are far from equal; they're pawns in a much larger game. The academy is nothing but a gilded cage, and the students are lambs led to slaughter, playthings for the alphas to toy with in their ruthless games. To make matters worse, Violet catches the attention of the most dangerous players in this game, the Terror Four: the Alpha of the North, Alpha of the South, Alpha of the East, and Alpha of the West. Each one is more dangerous, more twisted, and more powerful than the last. But even among themselves, the alphas are divided, each with their own deadly ambitions. Yet, they all have their eyes on her. They expect Violet to play along, to fall in line like the others who worship at their feet, to break under their games. But Violet isn’t like the others. She refuses to bow. She’ll defy them all. *********** With a grin that made her uneasy, he handed the application to her. “Approve this one.” Principal Jameson’s curiosity got the better of her as she took the paper from him, her eyes scanning the text. Almost immediately, her breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in disbelief. “What the...?” “It’s perfect, isn’t it?” Asher’s voice was almost gleeful. Fucking psychopath! Jameson could hardly believe what she was reading. “Mr. Nightshade, with all due respect, this applicant….this girl just admitted to—” She couldn’t even finish the sentence, still horrified at the explicit nature of the application. Taking a deep breath, she continued, “I’m sorry, but I cannot approve this.” “She’s issued me a challenge,” Archer said, a dark gleam in his eyes. “What?” “‘Wait till you see me in bed,’” he repeated the bold line from the application, his grin widening. “And I can’t wait to find out.” “Mr. Nightshade—” He stood up, cutting off her protest as he fixed her with an intense stare. “Approve the application. I won’t ask again.” Without waiting for her response, Asher strode out of the office, confident she would follow his orders. He always got what he wanted. Archer Nightshade walked down the hall, a spring in his step. For the first time in a long while, he felt alive, his blood pulsing with excitement. The other Cardinal Alphas had no idea what he was up to, but it would soon hit them. He’d just set the game in motion. And the target was Violet Purple. It was game on. Note : This is not your average werewolf story. Eveything you think you know about werewolves would be challenged in this book. And yes, it is reverse harem. Do give the book a try.
Glimmy · 1M Views

Fake dating my enemy, The playboy billionaire

(CONTAINS R18+ CONTENT) Enemies to lovers- check Slow burn- check A cute naughty dog- check Spice? (The author is keeping her mouth zipped) No third-party breakup or misunderstanding. But there are lots of banter and witty comebacks. (The story is planned to be around 200 chapters. No drag) Mu Yiren I never imagined I'd be faking a relationship with my biggest enemy—the untamed, ridiculously charming Feng Junjie, known throughout the city as the "golden boy" of business and a billionaire playboy with a reputation for breaking hearts. But when he dangles a life-changing offer in front of me, the kind that could secure my inheritance, I find myself agreeing to be his "girlfriend." But the thing is….. What if I start seeing the real him? Pretending to be Junjie’s devoted partner is like walking on a razor's edge. He’s everything I can’t stand—sexy, cocky, and devilish, and yet a sweetheart by heart that leaves me flustered by his actions. I know better than to fall for a man like him; my mother’s battle with Alzheimer’s has convinced me to never fall in love. But Junjie isn't just any man. Beneath his easygoing charm is an intensity that leaves me breathless, and he knows exactly how to crack through the walls I have built around me, awakening a passion I never felt before. JUNJIE I need my life back. A sorry attempt at love had me question everything and forced me away from my brothers. Since my ‘ex best friend’s’ constant accusations had gotten out of control, I might as well pretend to date someone and shut her mouth. My definition of a fake date- Beautiful, sexy, tempting…..umm…. insufferable, annoying, and with a mouth that won’t stop running. The mouth with red lipstick. The mouth I want to…. This arrangement was supposed to be simple: fake dating, clear boundaries, no feelings. But the more he plays the role of her devoted partner, the more the lines between fake and real start to blur. And now, he’s no longer sure where the act ends and his true feelings begin. The catch? Mu Yiren doesn’t believe in love. And she certainly doesn’t believe a man like Feng Junjie is capable of anything but heartbreak. But Feng has never been one to follow the rules. Boundaries? He’s about to break them. Deals? They were made to be rewritten. He’s going all in, and this time, he’s not playing pretend. ******* "Are you saying you'd let any man get this close?" "ABSOLUTELY NO!" The words burst out of me, too quick, too honest. His smirk deepens. "Tell me, if I leave you like this, all wound up and aching, will you be sneaking off to use one of your little toys?" "Yes," "Tell me, were you waiting for me to initiate something this past week?" he tugs my shorts more and kisses my navel. My heart hammers and my voice comes out shaky. "N-No." I won't give him the satisfaction of knowing he's right. He chuckles darkly. "Wrong answer. Let's try again." ****
dream_ash · 508.3K Views

The Strongest Curse Master

Born into a lower middle class family, Ace Lander grew up being told there was a simple formula for success: get an education, graduate, and work hard to build a prosperous future. But that formula failed him during the final stretch of his senior year when a local gang targeted him, putting everything he had and was building towards at risk. Trapped and desperate, Ace felt his life spiraling out of control—until Ria Hart, a fellow classmate, discovering Ace's innate aptitude to become a Curse Master, a being capable of wielding curse energy and abilities but haunted by Curselings, took pity and introduced him to the secret world hidden beneath the mundane surface of their world, the World of Curses. Awakening as a Curse Master, Ace discovers he possesses an extraordinary innate curse tool: the Cursed Toybox. This tool comes with a unique class, Toymancer, granting Ace powers unlike any curse master the world has seen before. The Cursed Toybox allows him to animate and actualize toys, transforming them into powerful, living beings bound to his will. From overpowered heroes to legendary gods, any toy that falls into Ace's Cursed Toybox springs to life with powers beyond one's imagination but bound to him in eternal servitude. Armed with his Toy Summons, Ace must navigate the perilous world of curses, protect his loved ones, and reclaim control of his destiny before the gang—and the darkness of the hidden world—consume him entirely. [ — Status Screen — > Your Cursed Toybox is animating the doll 'Silicone Sailor Stella' as a toy summons… > Your Cursed Toybox has animated the doll 'Silicone Sailor Stella.' > Toy summon 'Silicone Sailor Stella' added to your toy space. > Toymancer can now summon Sailor Stella. Summoning Toy Summons... Name: Stella Race: Curse Tool Class: Toy summon Title: Silicone Sailor Durability: (100/100) Enchantment: 1-Star Individuality: (100/100) Curse Energy Consumption: 5 units per hour Skills: Toy Actualization, Seamanship, Armed Security, Adult Gratification. Toy Actualization: Bring Toy Summons' original character design and skills to existence when they are animated based on their individuality stats. Addition Effect: Toy Physiology. Seamanship: Expertise in navigation, sailing, and ship handling alongside wilderness survival, first aid, and emergency procedures. Armed Security: Proficiency in the use of small arms and other naval weaponry with training in close quarters combat, surveillance, and counterintelligence. Adult Gratification: Creatively addressing emotional, mental, and physical needs of Toymancer till gratification.] "Cursed armies, Curselings, and Curse slaves are nothing—I've got a Toy legion of overpowered action figures and unrealistically beautiful silicone goddess." ~Toymancer Join the saga of the Toymancer's rise to become the Strongest Curse Master.
IGotStones · 814.1K Views

To His Hell and Back

Sold by her father, Bella short for Arabella, was forced to live a life as a slave that would entertain the guests of the castle. The job of slaves were merely to be humiliated and to have as feast once they became a boring creature toward the guests. Arabella with her fierce attitude had only caused more trouble than good, although that helped her from being feasted by the vampires until her body dried up, the vampires also enjoy in harming her, toying with her, hoping to see that one day she would break. However she had caught the wrong attention by those crimson gaze, eventually being the toy of the one and only Mad Crown Prince of Versailles. Eventually this interest only cause her to be more tangled by the twisted and thorny battle for the Throne. Will eventually Bella concede and accept the Mad crown prince? Or will she finally succeed in running away from his grasp. Why her? *** excerpt*** Arabella felt her wrists stung as the shackle around her wrist jingled from the sudden pull. She then met with the icy red eyes that brood down upon her appearance, drinking into every inch of her figure as if he was studying her, even to how those breaths escaped her lips. "I thought we had bonded over the days we have spent together, Bella," he sang, his bright scarlet eyes betraying the singing tone he had used as it had grown so dark and filled with anger. "Yet you left so quickly as soon as I opened the castle gate." Bella gritted her teeth, her eyes glaring at him as she defiantly shook his hand off her face, "I can remind you if you have forgotten it, Your Majesty, I am kept here against my wish." Cassius' smile faded as he stared at her. The sudden pin-drop silence filled her nerves with tension as she found his smileless face the most terrifying sight. She had always known his fearsome side however, it felt scarier tonight. Bella tried to endure how loud her heart had raced against her chest, gathering her breaths together even though it remained shallow in his presence. "So cold," he muttered, his tone trying to tease her, but she could see the raw anger crossing his eyes. "You cannot run from me. Not after what we've done. Not after what you promised." Her heart faltered. She wasn't supposed to stay in this castle; she knew that the royal palace was filled with those vampire monsters who would kill for their desire, simply to have fun. She knew she should never give her heart to any of these monsters, and she had once believed she would never. But that was until Cassius came. She had made that promise because her heart had betrayed her, and she wished that she had never uttered that promise. Promises she had made to him on the call of love. Yet deep within her, a part of her still crave for him. "You're not the first one I have broken my promises with," she gritted her teeth and looked up at him, "I broke my promise the way you broke yours first, isn't it fair?" "Fair? Then was everything a lie, Arabella?" he murmured, his hands cupping her face, forcing her to meet his eyes. "You were mine the moment you entered my castle. And you will be mine until the very end." She gulped as his eyes shone underneath the moonlight, his gaze unforgiving over her, exposing his wild hunger. Her breath caught, her pulse quickening. "A human and a vampire should have never stayed together. They were all right." "I don't care," he spoke through his clenched jaw. "You're going to remain here by my side forever."
mata0eve · 13.1K Views

Crazy Blood Demon

My new villain novel: Project: Demonic Skeleton Lord Just a warning the first few chapters may be worse because I wrote them when I couldn't write well but in my opinion 18+ chapters will be much better than the previous ones, please give it a chance. I was pretty inspired by ORV to begin with, so if that bothers you you can leave. Because I've been annoyed by people who've read 5 chapters and say it's a copy. The first 7 chapters it's going to be very similar to 40 chapters it's going to be a little bit similar and then not at all. Bob Reloud was a strange kid—psychopathic, autistic, and introverted. On the surface, he didn't fit the typical image of a psychopath, but when he got angry, he became something else entirely: a bloodthirsty predator, driven purely by instinct. The first sign of his violent nature emerged in kindergarten when he was just five. A classmate destroyed his favourite toy car, a cherished gift from his grandfather. Enraged, Bob's face turned red, and foam gathered at the corners of his mouth. In a fit of uncontrollable fury, he gouged the boy's eye, causing severe injuries that left the child hospitalized for a week. His parents, horrified, took him to a psychiatrist who reviewed footage of the incident. But when the psychiatrist met Bob, he found a calm, seemingly ordinary autistic boy. After weekly sessions revealed nothing abnormal beyond his autism, the psychiatrist concluded that it was an isolated incident—a strange, unexplainable outburst. However, Bob's parents remained cautious, assigning him a special tutor and treating him with apprehension, afraid to provoke another violent episode. One evening, his father came home drunk, as he often did, and began his habit of throwing insults at Bob's mother. Bob had grown accustomed to these rants. Afterward, his father sat down to watch football. Bob, fiddling with a stolen phone, accidentally blasted music at full volume. Bob’s dad started beating him, and his mom tried to calm him down, but it was too late. Bob became extremely angry, went into his psycho mode, and murdered his parents. Officer Danzel responded to the call. Breaking down the door, he was met with a chilling scene: a boy covered in dried blood, sitting calmly on the couch, the decomposing corpses of his parents beside him. "Don't move, or I'll shoot!" Danzel barked, his hand on his gun. Bob raised his hands. Danzel covered up the murders, taking Bob under his wing. Over the years, he moulded Bob into a spy and assassin—a tool for his purposes. Bob excelled at killing, but he despised espionage, finding it tedious. Worse still, Danzel kept him trapped, threatening to expose his past if he ever tried to leave. Eventually, Bob devised a plan to free himself. Over months, he deliberately botched missions, creating enough trouble to provoke Danzel's wrath. Finally, Danzel snapped. Now, Bob stood on the subway platform, a grin on his face and a backpack on his shoulders. For the first time, he felt free. Boarding the train, Bob heard the powerful voice of the demon. The apocalypse was about to begin, and his story could finally unfold.
Morfus · 87.3K Views

Eternal Emperor's Path to Ascension

(Chapters 1 to 30 are being edited right now, updates will be slower) (Note: Reading Prologue is not necessary, hence why it's an Auxiliary Chapter) The Path to Immortality is elusive, and everyone wants to achieve it even if there's only a glimmer of hope. Tian Yongheng is a person who regained his past life memories after his family was brutally slaughtered. His extreme fear of death and desire to be undying have forced him to step onto this dangerous path of Immortal Cultivation. He is not a Chosen One who is the favored son of heavens, nor is he the reincarnation of a Great Emperor. Armed with a unique system of unknown origins and his obsession with immortality, he sets forth to carve a way of his own in this world where fate toys with one's very existence itself and cosmic horror-like beings devour universes for fun. However, can he really touch the illusory, eternal and ethereal Immortal Dao that is everlasting and everchanging? Will he ever be able to reach the end of this grand path to eternity, establishing himself as a myth and beyond? or will he also drown in the long river of history just like many others? ------- The background settings and world building of this story are greatly inspired by Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years. the main characters are also pretty similar, so if you like stories where the MC is a hidden powerhouse who, despite being hidden, is still known across the world, then you can give it a try. Please be patient while reading, as this is my first time writing a novel and don't hesitate to point out any mistakes I do in the comments. Also, I'm not a native of China, so there are probably going to be a lot of mistakes in names and history and stuff, please bear with it. Note: English is not my first language and the cover image is not mine.
DaoUltimateSage · 1.1M Views
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