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온라인홀덤 l 365포커 l 모바일홀덤 l 홀덤 l 홀덤API l 텍사스홀덤 l 홀덤사이트 2025년 365포커가 온다! 365포커 협력 파트너 모집 당사는 2025년 12월31일까지만 파트너를 모집하며 2025년 1월1일 부터는 당사에서는 파트너 모집에 일체 개입하지 않으며 등록된 파트너만이 홍보활동을 할수 있습니다. 홈페이지 : 파트너문의 : 가입코드 : 1 2 3 4 안전성, 공정성, 고객만족을 최우선으로 하는 365포커 당사는 고객의 개인 정보 보호를 최우선 가치로 두고 이에 걸맞는 보호 시스템을 구축하여 운영중입니다. 또한, RNG(Random Number Generator) 인증을 받아 당사에서 서비스하는 게 임에 대하여 인위적 개입 및 조작이 없는 공정한 플레이를 즐길 수 있습니다. 다채로운 이벤트와 보너스 기회 첫가입 3+3 ~ 5+5 더블업, 매번 주어지는 추가 10%, 매일/주간 미션, 핸드 족보 이벤트, 홀덤 토너먼트, 사용자를 위한 커스터마이징 옵션, 개개인의 취향에 맞추어 커스터마이징 할 수 있는 다양한 설정을 지원.365일 24시간 고객센터를 운영하여 항상 고객의 목소리에 귀를 기울이고 있습니다. 365포커 다운로드 PC,모바일(Android, IOS) 다운로드방법 : Windows, Android, iOS 등 모든 주요 기기에서 안정적인 플레이가 가능하도록 설계되어 언제 어디서든 원활한 게 임 환경을 제공합니다. 간편한 조작과 공정한 시스템을 겸비한 365포커로 최고의 포커 경험을 누려보세요. #365포커 #365홀덤 #홀덤365 #포커365 #온라인홀덤 #비트코인 #알트코인 #니어프로토콜 #인터넷컴퓨터 #셀레스티아 #세이 #옵티미즘 #아비트럼 #인젝티브 #토르체인 #디와이디엑스 #이뮤터블 #빔 #갈라 #스택스 #오디 #렌더 #페치 #싱귤래리티넷 #아카시 #데소 #파일코인 #알위브 #롤비트 #도지코인 #페페코인 #페페 #리플 #이더리움 #에이다 #솔라나 #체인링크 #아발란체 #코스모스 #스텔라 #알트코인 #중국코인 #미국코인 #한국코인 #김프 #폴카닷 #코스모스 #파일코인 #알고랜드 #트론 #네오 #퀀텀 #트럼프 #계엄령 #탄핵 #인싸포커 #h홀덤 #포커클럽 #온라인홀덤사이트추천 #온라인홀덤사이트 #바이브게임 #인디오게임 #레볼루션홀덤 #포커에이스 #홀덤사이트 #홀덤온라인 #온라인포커 #모바일홀덤 #라이브홀덤 #무설치홀덤 #와우포커 #윈조이홀덤 #텍사스홀덤 #온라인홀덤추천 #모바일홀덤추천 #해외온라인홀덤 #온라인홀덤순위 #온라인홀덤캐쉬게임 #온라인홀덤토너먼트 #온라인홀덤환전 #365poker #포커에이스 365포커,365홀덤,홀덤365,포커365,온라인홀덤,비트코인,알트코인,니어프로토콜,인터넷컴퓨터,셀레스티아,세이,옵티미즘,아비트럼,인젝티브,토르체인,디와이디엑스,이뮤터블,빔,갈라,스택스,오디,렌더,페치,싱귤래리티넷,아카시,데소,파일코인,알위브,롤비트,도지코인,페페코인,페페,리플,이더리움,에이다,솔라나,체인링크,아발란체,코스모스,스텔라,알트코인,중국코인,미국코인,한국코인,김프,폴카닷,코스모스,파일코인,알고랜드,트론,네오,퀀텀,트럼프,계엄령,탄핵,인싸포커,h홀덤,포커클럽,온라인홀덤사이트추천,온라인홀덤사이트,바이브게임,인디오게임,레볼루션홀덤,포커에이스,홀덤사이트,홀덤온라인,온라인포커,모바일홀덤,라이브홀덤,무설치홀덤,와우포커,윈조이홀덤,텍사스홀덤,온라인홀덤추천,모바일홀덤추천,해외온라인홀덤,온라인홀덤순위,온라인홀덤캐쉬게임,온라인홀덤토너먼트,온라인홀덤환전,365poker,포커에이스
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pok365 · 225 Views

Sword in Stone

Artie had lived her whole life feeling like a joke. Whether it came to her full name, her parents ‘abandoning’ her and her next door neighbours taking her in, or finding out that her lover was part of a cult and was cheating on her. Said lover then stabbed her. It felt like she just couldn’t catch a break. So when she found herself in a puddle of her own blood, staring up at a fake painted sky, she could only find humour in the situation, and prayed that the next life was kinder. Only she woke up. In the same body, with the same stab wound, only in a world full of magic, swords, and a dead King Arthur? Yup. The round table existed, the knights existed, and so did everyone of legend that she’d heard about as a child. Only it was the beginning of their tales. Nothing had happened yet, except the formation of Camelot, the crowning of the King, and then the sudden death of the King of Legend, King Arthur Pendragon. She would have thought this was another cruel joke if everyone wasn’t wandering around in mourning clothes. If this was a practical joke, it wasn’t a very funny one. Artie was tired. She’d already spent almost a decade working as a police officer, and then a detective, so she felt like she had earned her peace. Especially after all the shit she’d been put through, but someone had different plans. And Artie’s life wasn’t quite done yet. In fact, it seemed like in the eyes of the creatures of this world, this was where she was always meant to be. The time she spent getting her ass handed to her in the other dimension? Just a warm up. And now she was expected to just…go along with what everyone else wanted her to do? Including magical beings who were responsible for taking her from one dimension to another. Artie felt like she was in over her head, even if there were several concerned, attractive knights around her. She wasn’t sure if she was going to run away from all the new responsibilities, or embrace them. She wasn’t a rule breaker by nature, but maybe now was the time to change?
CalyB · 109.7K Views


Mehrajān's heart is a fragile mosaic, pieced together by moments with the one person who defined her world—Muazam. In this reflective and raw exploration of love and loss, Mehrajān finds herself looking back at the memories of the boy she loved, the boy who was always just out of reach. Each chapter is a separate fragment of their intertwined lives, capturing a single moment that was forever marked by him. In one chapter, Mehrajān stands frozen in her kitchen, hearing a conversation between Muazam and her aunt that shatters her heart. His rejection of her—the very person who had quietly fallen for him—leaves her feeling lost and betrayed. Yet, this is only one of the many moments that have shaped her emotional landscape. Every recollection is a mixture of passion, pain, and nostalgia—memories of fleeting glances, whispered words, and unspoken connections that shaped her world. The narrative doesn't follow a linear path but instead unfolds like a scattered collection of thoughts and emotions, each memory tied to Muazam, each one a chapter of her heart. Through these fragments, Mehrajān grapples with the complexity of love, the sorrow of unrequited feelings, and the confusion of growing up in a world of family expectations and personal desires. [ CHOOSE ME ] is not just a love story—it's a tender journey through a girl’s heart, where love is never simple, and the memory of someone can change everything. Through each chapter, readers will find themselves drawn into Mehrajān’s world, feeling the weight of her unspoken love and the bittersweet truth that sometimes, memories are all that remain.
Marwa_Tahir · 7.6K Views

Stone to the Mound

In the remote mountains of Appalachia, sixteen-year-old Daniel Cooper has an unusual talent. He's known in his rural community for his uncanny ability to throw stones with incredible speed and precision, even curving them mid-air to hit his target. For Daniel, this skill is simply a part of his life, used to hunt or entertain friends, until a fateful encounter changes everything. When James Larkin, a former professional baseball pitcher known as the “King of the Mound,” crashes his small plane near Daniel’s village, he stumbles upon Daniel displaying his extraordinary throwing abilities. Intrigued and sensing raw, untapped potential, James realizes he’s found a rare talent – one that could be honed for greatness on the baseball field. Driven by his own dreams of reviving a struggling high school team and haunted by memories of his glory days, James offers Daniel a chance to leave behind his quiet, isolated life and pursue a future he never imagined. But the path isn’t easy. As Daniel steps onto the baseball diamond for the first time, he faces challenges far beyond the stones he threw back home. He must learn to navigate the intricacies of the game, master a new kind of throw, and confront a world that’s both exhilarating and unforgiving. Alongside his newfound mentor, Daniel discovers that his greatest battle will be overcoming self-doubt and proving he belongs among those with far more polished skills and experience. Legacy on the Mound follows Daniel’s journey from a small-town underdog with a rural gift to a determined young man chasing an unexpected dream, inspired by a coach with his own story to tell. In this tale of mentorship, grit, and the unbreakable bond forged between coach and player, Daniel learns that with the right guidance, even the most unconventional talent can be a game-changer.
tquexie_deatron · 15K Views
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