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Iris Maplewood

Seine geniale Ehefrau ist ein Superstar

Eine weltberühmte Hackerin und Tochter der mächtigsten Verbrecherfamilie, die die internationale Unterwelt seit vielen Generationen beherrscht, wird getötet, als ihre Organisation in einer einzigen Nacht ausgelöscht wird. Sie wird im Körper von Iris Long wiedergeboren, einer jugendlichen Popsängerin, einem wilden Partygirl und einer verwöhnten Göre. Für die ehemalige Prinzessin der Unterwelt, die ein überbehütetes und gefesseltes Leben führte, ist dieses neue Leben eine Chance, endlich das Leben in Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit zu leben, das sie sich immer gewünscht hat. Jin Liwei ist der mächtigste Mann in der Geschäftswelt des Landes. Kalt und rücksichtslos ist er jemand, den nur wenige zu beleidigen wagen. Als die berüchtigte Iris Long, die einst seinen jüngeren Bruder verfolgte, aus einem jahrelangen Koma erwacht, bewegt sich sein gefühlloses Herz zum ersten Mal und er verliebt sich in dieses unerwartete geniale Mädchen. Sie will frei fliegen und hoch über dem Himmel schweben. Er will alles von ihr, um sie an sich zu binden und sie nie wieder loszulassen. Dies ist ihre Reise zum Superstar. Dies ist seine Reise, auf der er sie begleitet. Gemeinsam werden sie die Welt rocken, während sie sich vielen Herausforderungen stellen. Aber was wird passieren, wenn sie entdeckt, dass sie niemals aus dem Schatten ihres früheren Lebens entkommen kann? Wird sie noch in der Lage sein, ihr Traumleben von Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit zu leben? Wird er in der Lage sein, sie vor den Gefahren zu schützen? [Warnung: Nicht jugendfreier Inhalt, Vorsicht ist geboten]. ### Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Discord Server:
ArriaCross · 56.2K Views

Su Esposa Genio es una Superestrella

``` Una hacker mundialmente famosa e hija de la familia criminal más poderosa, que gobernó el inframundo internacional durante muchas generaciones, es asesinada cuando su organización es aniquilada en una sola noche. Renace en el cuerpo de Iris Long, una adolescente cantante de pop, niña fiestera y consentida. Para la antigua princesa del inframundo que vivió una vida sobreprotegida y encadenada, esta nueva vida es una oportunidad para finalmente vivir la vida de libertad e independencia que siempre quiso. Jin Liwei es el hombre más poderoso del mundo empresarial del país. Frío y despiadado, es alguien a quien muy pocos se atreven a ofender. Cuando la infame Iris Long, que solía perseguir a su hermano menor, despierta de un coma de un año, su corazón insensible se conmueve por primera vez y cae perdidamente por esta inesperada chica genial. Ella quiere volar libremente y elevarse alto más allá del cielo. Él quiere todo de ella, atarla a él y nunca dejarla ir. Este es su viaje hacia la superestrellato. Este es su viaje acompañándola. Juntos, sacudirán al mundo mientras enfrentan muchos desafíos. Pero, ¿qué pasará cuando descubra que nunca podrá escapar de las sombras de su vida anterior? ¿Podrá seguir viviendo su soñada vida de libertad e independencia? ¿Podrá él protegerla de los peligros? [Advertencia: Contenido para adultos. Se aconseja discreción al lector.] Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Servidor de Discord: ```
ArriaCross · 253.3K Views

Alfa: Merenggut Putri Musuhnya

``` “Kenapa kamu punya bekas luka?” Tiba-tiba, Iris mengubah topik, saat ia menatap mata Cane. Ia masih mencengkeram lengan bajunya. “Ayahmu yang memberi,” jawab Cane. Ia berpikir, Iris tidak akan mengingat percakapan ini ketika dia terbangun. “Itu pasti sangat menyakitkan.” “Iya.” “Apakah bekas lukanya bisa sembuh?” “Kurasa tidak.” Memang malam bisa membuatmu rentan dan membiarkanmu mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak akan pernah kamu akui saat terang. Kegelapan melunakkan hatimu. “Sayang sekali. Kamu memiliki jiwa yang hangat.” Iris mengerutkan keningnya sedikit. “Aku tidak lagi memiliki jiwa.” Ia telah menjual jiwanya demi kebebasan orang-orangnya. Kini tidak ada yang tersisa darinya. “Ada, kamu punya, tetapi kamu sedang menderita.” Iris berkedip. “Binatang buasmu sedang menderita. Kamu memiliki begitu banyak bekas luka.” “Bekas luka yang aku punya hanya di wajah.” Iris menggelengkan kepalanya dengan lemah. “Aku tidak berbicara tentang wajahmu. Aku berbicara tentang jiwamu. Sayang sekali, kamu sangat menderita… apa yang ayah dan saudaraku lakukan padamu pasti menyakitkan...” Dan setelah itu, Iris menutup matanya dan tertidur. ====================== Dia adalah anak perempuan dari seorang alfa yang telah membunuh keluarganya, membakar kawanan dan juga menjadikan orang-orangnya sebagai budak. Kini, setelah sepuluh tahun diperlakukan sebagai budak, ia berhasil membalas dendam dan menjalani kehidupan yang tak pernah dibayangkan siapapun. Kehidupan mirip neraka. Dan sepuluh tahun kemudian, Alpha Cane berhasil mengambil alih dan membunuh alfa yang telah membuat kehidupan orang-orangnya lebih buruk dari kematian. Saatnya bagi dia untuk membuat anak-anak alfa tersebut membayar untuk apa yang telah ayah mereka perbuat. Hanya saja… Iris adalah anak yang lemah dan dia sangat berbeda dari ayahnya. ```
i_want_to_sleep · 9.6K Views

Apocalyptic Survivor

"One day, strange jellyfish-like creatures invaded the Earth, they called themselves 'Zirtues'. We retaliated but no matter how much we tried, we couldn't hurt them, not even a scratch. Most despaired at this and killed themselves, but we didn't give up. After numerous losses, we managed to capture one singular specimen, with that, we created super soilders that were able to kill those vile creatures. And from then on, we began our liberation." - Diary of Jean. ----------------------------------------------------------- Might rewrite some of the early chapters when it gets to chapter 50 or something. Okay, here's something about ResLiF(call him anything you want, he has so many faces, I can't count them all): He may, or may not be traumatised of carrots, especially the little ones. Do with this information as you will, don't think he'll react or anything but it's kinda funny. ◇ Story: ResLiF. ◆ Writing: ResLiF. ◇ Idea: ResLiF, LifeIsAScaMM. ◇ Cover: LifeIsAScaMM. ◇ Proofreader: B&W. ----------------------------------------------------------- Height of characters(Small spoilers): ◇ Anastasia: 3,54 meters (11'7,37") □ Anastasia's book: 0,89 meters ◇ Jean: 2,38 meters (9'9,7") □ Jean's book: 0,12 meters ◇ Erika: 1,92 meters (6'3,6") ◇ Tyche: 1,8 meters (5'10,9") ◇ Xander: 1,75 meters (5'8,9") ◇ Aceso: 1,69 meters (5'6,5") ◇ Iris: 1,55 meters (5'1") ◇ Andre: 1,54 meters (5'0,6") □ Andre's fish(length): 1,6 meters (5'3")
ResLiF · 7.1K Views


Sebuah retakan misterius muncul dan mengubah seluruh sistem tatanan dunia. Para peneliti mencoba memastikan tentang sesuatu yang mereka sebut retakan dimensi. sebab retakan misterius yang disebut retakan dimensi mengeluarkan energi aneh. Sebuah energi yang tidak diketahui oleh para peneliti manusia di bumi karena baru pertama kali melihatnya. "Monster Dimensi" Itulah teriakan yang sering terdengar ketika manusia melihat monster keluar dari retakan dimensi. Fenomena kemunculan monster dimensi masih menjadi perdebatan para peneliti. Namun fenomena itu tidak hanya membuat kekacauan, tapi juga memakan banyak korban. Sampai akhirnya sosok manusia yang disebut etranger muncul dan membunuh monster dimensi. "Etranger yang bisa mengalahkan monster dimensi adalah kunci utama untuk keselamatan umat manusia." Begitulah argumen Presiden Amerika ketika melakukan pertemuan darurat tentang kemunculan monster dimensi. Dunia telah menganggap keberadaan etranger merupakan kondisi istimewa yang menguntungkan manusia. Namun tidak semua kekuatan mendatangkan kebaikan, sebab tidak semua orang bisa menjadi etranger. "Kami kaum elit yang telah berkuasa jauh lebih pantas mendapatkan kekuatan itu dari pada rakyat jelata...!" Rasa iri terus menghiasi orang-orang yang tidak mendapat kekuatan untuk menjadi seorang etranger. Tingkat kejahatan di sebuah negara yang tidak bisa mengatur etranger pun meningkat dengan pesat. Indonesia juga termasuk negara yang pernah mengalami krisis akibat ulah para etranger. Pembunuhan, pemerkosaan, pencurian, dan banyak kejahatan lainnya yang melibatkan para etranger. Rigma Sanja Dawala, anak dari seorang peneliti dan Jenderal Besar Militer Indonesia yang tidak menyukai etranger. Di tengah kekacauan dunia, rigma lebih memilih menjadi seorang peneliti. Rigma mencoba mencari pengetahuan tentang sumber kekuatan etranger. Segala macam jenis pengetahuan tentang etranger terus dipelajari olehnya. Semua itu dilakukan karena sosok terpenting baginya terkena penyakit kontaminasi jiwa akibat serangan monster dimensi. Sampai akhirnya muncul kondisi dimana rigma hampir mati karena serangan monster dimensi peringkat SS+. Di saat kritis rigma masih memikirkan keselamatan temannya, hingga sebuah suara terdengar. "Terimalah kontrak ini untuk membuat kami bertiga menjadi milikmu." Tiga jiwa pengelana menawarkan kontrak saat rigma hampir mati untuk membuatnya menjadi etranger. Rigma pun terpaksa menjadi etranger untuk menolong teman sekelasnya di universitas. "Kami, sosok yang sering disebut Raja terkuat akan membantumu menemukan jawabannya."
KannaSayu · 265.3K Views

His Genius Wife is a Superstar

A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal family who ruled the international underworld for many generations is killed when their organization is annihilated in a single night. She is reborn into the body of Iris Long, a teenage pop singer, wild party girl, and spoiled brat. For the former princess of the underworld who lived an overprotected and shackled life, this new life is a chance to finally live the life of freedom and independence that she always wanted. Jin Liwei is the most powerful man in the country's business world. Cold and ruthless, he is someone only a few dare offend. When the infamous Iris Long, who used to chase his younger brother, wakes up from a year-long coma, his unfeeling heart moves for the first time and he falls hard for this unexpected genius girl. She wants to fly freely and soar high beyond the sky. He wants her everything, to tie her to himself and to never let her go. This is her journey to super stardom. This is his journey in accompanying her. Together, they will rock the world while facing many challenges. But what will happen when she discovers that she can never escape from the shadows of her previous life? Will she still be able to live her dream life of freedom and independence? Will he be able to protect her from the dangers? [Warning: Mature Content. Reader discretion is advised.] ### Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Discord Server:
ArriaCross · 43.3M Views

El Alfa: Reclamando a la Hija de su Enemigo

## CONTENIDO MADURO! ## —¿Por qué tienes cicatrices? —De repente, Iris cambió de tema, mientras miraba a Cane directo a los ojos. Seguía aferrándose a sus mangas. —Tu padre me las hizo —respondió Cane. Pensó que Iris no recordaría esta conversación cuando despertara. —Debe ser muy doloroso. —Lo es. —¿Las cicatrices sanarán? —No lo creo. La noche de verdad te hacía vulnerable y te permitía decir cosas que nunca admitirías cuando estaba claro. La oscuridad ablandaba tu corazón. —Qué pena. Tienes una alma cálida. —Iris frunció ligeramente el ceño. —Ya no tengo alma. Había vendido su alma por la libertad de su pueblo. No quedaba nada de él en este momento. —Sí la tienes, pero estás sufriendo mucho. —Iris parpadeó. —Tu bestia está sufriendo. Tienes tantas cicatrices. —Las únicas cicatrices que tengo están en mi cara. —Iris negó con la cabeza débilmente. —No hablo de tu cara. Hablo de tu alma. Qué lástima, estás sufriendo tanto… lo que mi padre y hermano te hicieron debe ser doloroso… Y después de eso, Iris cerró los ojos y se durmió. ====================== Ella es la hija de un alfa que mató a su familia, arrasó con su manada y también convirtió a su pueblo en esclavos. Ahora, ha logrado vengarse después de diez años de ser tratado como esclavo y vivir una vida que nadie podría imaginar jamás. Vida similar al infierno. Y diez años después, el Alfa Cane logra tomar el control y matar al alfa que empeoró la vida de su pueblo más allá de la muerte. Era hora de que hiciera pagar a los hijos del alfa por lo que su padre había hecho. Solo que... Iris era un renacuajo y era muy diferente a su padre.
i_want_to_sleep · 3.4M Views

From Zero to Stardom: The Radiant Rebirth

Charlie is a nobody. In the small, forgettable town of Maplewood, Charlie barely exists. His days are spent in a haze of lethargy, slumped on a basement couch that smells faintly of regret. His body, soft and bloated, seems to mirror the weight of his apathy—a monument to years of bad decisions and the crushing inertia of laziness. His parents look at him with disappointment, his classmates avoid him like a bad smell, and the girls, even the kind ones, can barely disguise their pity. He’s bullied, mocked, and ignored, but Charlie doesn’t care. Not really. Or so he tells himself. Until one day, a moment so small and humiliating it shouldn’t matter tears open the carefully constructed wall of indifference he’s built around himself. For the first time in years, Charlie feels something stir deep inside—a spark of something raw, terrifying, and undeniable. Then, one night, everything changes. A system appears, a voice in his mind that speaks of transformation, power, and redemption. It offers him a choice: to stay as he is and sink deeper into the void of his existence, or to rise—literally—and reshape himself, body and soul. The system promises him a path, but it won’t be easy. To shed the weight of his old self, Charlie must first face the physical and emotional burdens he’s carried for so long. The path is brutal, filled with trials that test his mind, body, and spirit. But as Charlie begins to claw his way out of the pit of mediocrity, he discovers a world beyond Maplewood—a world of incredible challenges, impossible bodies, and a system that rewards transformation. The ultimate prize? A body forged by effort, determination, and resilience—a body of iron, plasma, and even the golden brilliance of the sun. But each step comes with its own cost, and the system’s promises may hide more than they reveal. Can Charlie rise above the weight of his past, or will the weight of the world crush him once and for all?
Chad_ultraReader · 4.7K Views

Billionaire's Regret

“Is Mr. Angelis there?” a hurried voice asked. The man introduced himself as Dereck. “No, Matt isn’t home. He’s in Brisbane until tomorrow,” Colette replied, her tone flat and resigned. She was ready to end the call and retreat back to the comfort of her bed when Dereck’s response froze her in place. He laughed. “Oh, is that what he told you?” A cold drop of fear slithered down her spine. “What is that supposed to mean?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, a mixture of fear and anger lacing her words. There was a pause on the other end of the line, and Colette could almost hear the gears turning in Dereck’s mind as he realized his slip. “What?” She stammered, before abruptly cutting the call. Matheo would attend the gala with Iris, and they would be the perfect couple, the power duo that everyone admired. Meanwhile, Colette would be here, in this cold, empty house, a prisoner of her own despair. The realization was suffocating, the betrayal too deep to bear. Her heart ached with a pain so intense it felt physical, a crushing weight that left her gasping for breath. She sat down on the edge of the bed, her body trembling with a mixture of rage and sorrow. Tears streamed down her face, but she made no move to wipe them away. What was the point? The man she had loved with all her heart, the man she had trusted implicitly, had chosen another over her. He had lied to her, betrayed her, and now he was flaunting that betrayal in the most public way possible. But this was new! Now, he had started lying to her. So, that he could attend the gala with Iris without his "stupid, unreasonable" wife demanding to be taken to a public place with him? He wouldn’t want that burden on him now, would he? No, Iris would look much better in his arms, cool and sophisticated, with her intellectual talks to charm his potential investors. She knew the ins and outs of his business and it wouldn’t be the first time he had taken her to such events. The thought made Colette’s stomach churn. But tonight, something snapped inside her. The dead flower of her heart, long withered from neglect and betrayal, turned to a crisp. She had been humiliated, shamed, hidden away in secret, and lied to. Matheo had been afraid she would embarrass him? Now she would show him what true embarrassment felt like. Maybe her marriage was over. Maybe her husband had only ever wanted her for one thing: sex. If that was the case, then tonight, she would be the epitome of sex. She would get ready to seduce him in public, and the whole world would see the actual of their marriage before she left him forever. If he wanted her as the whore, he will get the whore.
DaoistwOsln3 · 498 Views

Vengeance After High School

In the prestigious Institute of All Stars Universal, nestled in the glittering heart of Australia, power isn't just taught—it's inherited, fought for, and sometimes stolen. Behind its imposing gates, a story of love, betrayal, vengeance, and earth-shattering secrets is about to unfold. Iris Smith appears to be just another privileged 18-year-old heiress—the beloved daughter of Australia's financial titans, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. But beneath her sweet demeanor and shy smiles lies an extraordinary truth: since age 14, she's been secretly outmaneuvering even her parents in the business world, wielding powers that would make their empire look like a mere stepping stone. It's a talent she's kept hidden from everyone, including those closest to her heart. When betrayal strikes from the two people she trusted most—her boyfriend Brenton and best friend Naima—Iris's world shatters. The devastating blow transforms her from a quiet powerhouse into someone even she doesn't recognize. Just as she builds her walls higher, fate throws her into the orbit of Aiden Mayers—the notorious campus playboy, son of a prominent politician, and the face of Agatha Modelling Institute. He's everything she's trying to avoid: charming, dangerous, and impossible to ignore. Within the Institute's divided departments, where alliances shift like sand and power plays unfold daily, Iris faces a choice that could reshape not just her future, but the entire hierarchy of their world. Will she risk opening her wounded heart to the one person who could either heal or destroy it completely? Or will she channel her pain into becoming the kind of ruler that makes even kings tremble? As love and rivalry collide, one question remains: In a game where talents can topple empires and secrets can kill, who will Iris choose to be—the princess everyone underestimated, or the queen no one saw coming? Prepare to be drawn into a world where power wears a designer label, love comes with a price tag, and revenge is served at a temperature that burns everything in its path. Welcome to the Institute of All Stars Universal, where nothing is quite what it seems, and everyone has something to hide.
Sisey_TB · 1.7K Views

An American Biker in Another World

Book 1 Preacher, a biker with a dark past, is unexpectedly thrust into an alternate world while on a nostalgic journey down Route 66. Once a gunrunner and outlaw, Preacher turned his life around after a spiritual awakening in prison, becoming a wandering preacher to his biker community. However, his newfound path takes an extraordinary turn when a mysterious flash of light transports him—and his beloved motorcycle—to a war-torn medieval kingdom. Summoned by desperate mages seeking a hero to save their kingdom from the demi-humans, Preacher discovers a world rife with magic, slavery, and conflict. His arrival was meant to summon a warrior of legend, but Preacher—a 40-year-old ex-con—must now rise to the challenge. Equipped with unparalleled magical affinities and skills enhanced by the kingdom's healers, he quickly proves his strength and wit to skeptical allies and foes alike. As Preacher navigates his new reality, he encounters Iris, a fox demi-human enslaved by the kingdom. Touched by her plight, he frees her, forming an unbreakable bond through a ritual of ancient prophecy. Together, they face challenges of loyalty, prejudice, and the looming threat of a corrupt kingdom advisor plotting to use Preacher for dark purposes. Combining his biker tenacity, earthly wisdom, and newfound magical prowess, Preacher sets out on a path to not only survive but to reshape the war and bring justice to this fractured world. But can a man shaped by Earth's harsh realities bring peace to a world teetering on the edge of chaos? This action-packed, genre-blending tale of redemption, faith, and courage sets the stage for an unforgettable adventure.
Michael_Doling · 2.7K Views

My Heroine Stepsister Loves Me, The Villainess, Way Too Much

Falsely accused of treason and awaiting execution, Athena Cloverfield, the former young heiress to the fallen House Cloverfield, reflects on her life to pinpoint where it all went wrong. Athena blames Iris, her stepsister, for all the bad things that happened to her, but her perspective is utterly shattered when Iris visits her in the dungeons and confesses her love for her, going so far as to declare that she would try to rescue her. The time of the execution inevitably came, and Athena was about to be executed. Just then, Iris appears and fights desperately to get to Athena, but before she can get anywhere close, Iris is defeated and is made to watch the execution from where she fell. Seeing her desperation and finally believing the genuine tears, Athena prayed to God, for the very first time in her life, for a second chance to make amends. As if God himself had answered the prayer, Athena miraculously finds herself back in time on the same day Iris arrives at her home in the Cloverfield mansion. Seizing the chance, Athena resolves herself to be the best stepsister she could imagine herself to be, but the memories from the past timelines haunt her constantly, causing her to react negatively and straying down the same path as before. When eventually cornered into the fateful tea party, Athena, in a moment of vulnerability, confessed her inner fears of how Iris could once again ruin her life despite her trying her best to make amends. Perhaps due to an accidental but fortunate choice of words, Iris misunderstood Athena and was completely charmed by her. To Athena’s amazement, Iris swore to Athena on the spot that she would be her loyal and loving sister who would protect her from the world. And in the days after, Athena and Iris enjoyed a loving and caring relationship, just as Athena hoped to have. But fate had it out for Athena, and to her horror, the events that led to her execution started occurring once more when she got enrolled into the kingdom’s royal academy alongside Iris in this timeline. Thanks to the first of those dreadful events, she got involved with the crown prince, the same man who ordered her execution in the previous timeline, and somehow attracted his attention. To make things worse, as the days passed and Athena, for some reason, started to gain popularity amongst her peers, Iris became more obsessive and overprotective towards Athena, causing various scandalous rumours to rise and leading to both troublesome and amusing incidents. But unbeknownst to Athena and Iris, a sinister figure seeks to tear their relationship apart and eventually lead Athena down the path of doom…
Loki_Magikill · 4.3K Views
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