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Böser Ehemann, gefräßige Ehefrau: Miss Piggy kaufen, Brötchen gratis bekommen

[Status: ABGESCHLOSSEN] "Feng Tianyi! Dein Bruder hat meine Tang-Familie zerstört! Gibt es irgendetwas Gutes an deiner Familie?" "En. Siehst du nicht, wie unsere gut aussehenden Gene an unsere Kinder weitergegeben werden? Was die Schulden der Familie Feng angeht, so werde ich sie bezahlen." Sagte er nonchalant. Tang Moyu spottete und verschränkte die Arme vor der Brust. "Wie willst du das bezahlen?" "Wie wäre es, wenn ich dich mit meinem Körper bezahle?" "..." Wie schamlos! Der Mann, der in seinem Rollstuhl saß, brach in Gelächter aus, als er ihren hässlichen Gesichtsausdruck sah. "Miss Tang, es hat keinen Sinn, so zu tun, als hätten Sie es nicht gesehen, da Sie praktisch auf mein Bett geklettert sind und mich ausgenutzt haben." Vor fünf Jahren war Tang Moyu die Kaiserin der Geschäftswelt und befand sich auf dem Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere, bevor sie zu einem Nichts wurde, als ihr Verlobter sich in eine andere Frau verliebte. Das war in Ordnung, da es keine Liebe zwischen ihr und Feng Tianhua gab, aber wer hätte gedacht, dass dieses "Aschenputtel" ein Wolf im Schafspelz war? Und dann ist da noch Feng Tianyi, der berüchtigte Nachfolger der Feng-Familie, ein von der Kritik gefeierter Autor, der mit seinen Büchern ständig die Bestsellerlisten stürmt. Gerüchte besagen, dass er hitzköpfig und temperamentvoll war. Er war so rücksichtslos, dass weder Männer noch Frauen seine Gesellschaft wollten. Die Gerüchte besagen sogar, dass sein Gesicht so gut aussehend und nicht von dieser Welt war. Er war praktisch ein Gott unter den Menschen. Es war schade, dass er verkrüppelt war. Die beiden sollten sich nie wiedersehen, aber ein paar süße kleine Brötchen kamen dazwischen. "Onkel, wir haben kein Geld, um dir den Schaden zu bezahlen." sagte das ältere kleine Brötchen. "Meine Manuskripte sind unbezahlbar", erwiderte der hübsche Onkel amüsiert. "Onkel, wenn es dir nichts ausmacht, können wir mit unserer Mama bezahlen? Sie ist auch von unschätzbarem Wert." Und so trafen die beiden süßen Brötchen und der hübsche Onkel eine Vereinbarung, aber wer hätte gedacht, dass es sich bei der Frau um eine eiskalte Königin aus der Hölle handelte, die eine seltsame Vorliebe für Süßigkeiten hatte? -- Herausgeber/Lektorat: ninaviews Buchcover: Bizzybiin / Copyright 2020 anjeeriku
anjeeriku · 39.4K Views

Die wohlhabende älteste Schwester herrscht über alles

Einleitung 1: Die Dorfbewohner seufzten und schüttelten den Kopf, als sie von Zhuang Qingning hörten, die keine Eltern hatte, dann krank wurde und es vorzog, allein zu leben, anstatt von der Familie ihres Onkels gepflegt zu werden, und dachten, sie würde sich selbst den Weg in den Tod ebnen. Aber wer hätte das gedacht, sie eröffnete eine Werkstatt, kaufte einen Laden, baute ein Haus, lebte gemütlich und züchtete Hunde und Katzen, und alle, die ihr nahe standen, kamen finanziell auf ihre Kosten. Die Dorfbewohner: Ist es jetzt zu spät, um bei dem Gott des Reichtums in Gnade zu stehen? Ich warte auf Ihre Antwort, es ist ziemlich dringend...... ---- Einleitung 2: Alle in der Hauptstadt seufzten über das Glück des Prinzen Qi, der an Schönheit nicht zu überbieten war, denn er folgte dem Wunsch der verstorbenen Königin und heiratete ein einfaches Mädchen vom Lande und verzichtete damit auf eine ideale Ehe. Aber wer hätte das gedacht, der Prinz war so rücksichtsvoll zu seiner Frau, gab ein Vermögen aus, um ihr ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zu zaubern, widersetzte sich Befehlen, nur um sie zu beschützen, und verhielt sich ganz wie ein tief verliebter Mann...... Das ganze Volk: Verzeihung, ist es zu spät, dieses Paar jetzt zu verschiffen? ---- Diese Geschichte handelt von einer Frau auf dem Lande, die Schritt für Schritt wächst, Wärme und Leichtigkeit ausstrahlt, auf dornige Pfade und freudige Errungenschaften gleichermaßen stößt, wo Liebende schließlich heiraten und es Vergeltung für Gut und Böse gibt.
Tea Warm · 25.3K Views

Die Vertragsbesessenheit des CEO

[Warnung: Reifer Inhalt, R18+] [Abgeschlossen] [Tritt meinem Discord-Server bei, um mehr Bilder von Amy und Henry zu sehen.] Sie ist pleite und hat alles verloren, hat nur noch Schulden und Verbindlichkeiten. Er ist reich und hat alles, Erbe eines Multi-Milliarden-Unternehmens. Zwei unterschiedliche Menschen, die durch ihre Bedürfnisse zueinander finden - oder ist es Schicksal? **** Amelia Bell war erst 22 Jahre alt, als ihre Eltern, ihr Bruder und ihre Schwägerin bei einem Autounfall ums Leben kamen. Für die verletzten Kinder ihres Bruders ist sie nun verantwortlich. Sie hat alles, was sie besitzt, verkauft, ist hoch verschuldet und kann sich nur noch die Augen ausweinen. Und dann fiel ihr die Antwort auf ihre Frage ein: Woher soll sie das Geld für die Operation nehmen? Richtig... sie hat noch nicht alles getan, sie hat noch nicht versucht, sich zu verkaufen. Es war ein verzweifelter Schritt, aber sie hatte keine anderen Möglichkeiten mehr. Sie wurde sofort aus ihren Gedanken gerissen, als der Mann rief. "Das ist Wahnsinn, seine Qualifikationen sind einfach unmöglich... Jetzt verlangt er von mir, dass ich ihm dieses Mal eine reine und unschuldige finde... Selbst wenn sie einen 6-monatigen Vertrag unterschrieben haben, um ihm zu gehören, haben sich diese Frauen immer noch in ihn verliebt, obwohl sie wussten, dass sie nach 6 Monaten aus seinem Leben verschwinden würden... ... Ich werde nie die reine und unschuldige Frau finden, die er sucht, selbst wenn ich ihnen 5 Millionen im Voraus biete." Ohne zu zögern rannte Amy dem Mann hinterher und kletterte so schnell sie konnte die Treppe hinauf. "Entschuldigen Sie, Mister." "Was brauchen Sie, Miss? Ich bin in Eile." "Ich will den Job... den 6-Monats-Vertrag, ich kann ihn machen." "Ich nehme an, Sie haben auch gehört, dass ich eine reine und unschuldige Frau brauche, auch wenn ich nicht weiß, was das bedeutet." "Zählt eine Jungfrau? I-ich bin eine Jungfrau, vielleicht d-das ist, was Ihr Chef will, nicht wahr?" erklärte Amy kühn. Dann endlich stand der Chef, Mr. Welsh, vor ihr... Sie hatte nicht erwartet, dass er so jung ist, vielleicht fast so alt wie sie. Sie hatte sich einen alten Mann vorgestellt oder jemanden, der nicht so gut aussieht wie er. "Du solltest nicht aufhören zu atmen, Engel, das ist gefährlich, du könntest ohnmächtig werden. Wer weiß, was ich mit dir machen werde, wenn du erst einmal bewusstlos bist." Amy keuchte: "Was zum Teufel ist gerade mit mir passiert?", fluchte sie innerlich, während sie immer noch den Mann vor sich anstarrte. Dann lehnte er sich näher an sie heran. "Ich habe gehört, dass du etwas für mich hast. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dein Geschenk zu erhalten, mein Engel. Ich bin Henry." ******** Das Buchcover ist KI-generiert und von der Autorin bearbeitet, bitte verwenden Sie es nicht ohne Erlaubnis.
Shiroi_Nami · 11.9K Views


Penny hat drei Brüder: Einer ist ein milliardenschwerer CEO, der zweite ist der jüngste Leutnant des Militärs, und der letzte ist ein erfolgreicher Schauspieler. Diese drei erfolgreichen Männer haben nur eines gemeinsam: Sie schikanieren Penny, ihre kleine Schwester. Die Schwester, die sie nie haben wollten, und die behauptete, ihre echte Schwester zu sein, während die Schwester, die sie die ganze Zeit über schätzten, eine Fälschung war. Nachdem sie ein Leben voller Misshandlungen im Haus ihrer Tante verbracht hatte, kamen einige angesehene Leute zu Penny und teilten ihr ihre wahre Herkunft mit. Sie glaubte, endlich aus den Fängen ihrer Tante gerettet zu sein, ohne zu ahnen, dass sie Schlimmeres erwartete. Mit 13 wünschte sich Penny nur eines: dass ihre Brüder sie liebten und sie wie eine Familie behandelten, so wie sie ihre falsche Schwester liebten. Sie arbeitete und lernte zehnmal härter als alle anderen, nur um von ihnen akzeptiert zu werden. In ihrer Verzweiflung tappte sie törichterweise in eine Falle, die ihr ein böswilliger Mensch gestellt hatte, ohne zu wissen, dass ihre Handlungen zum Untergang ihrer Brüder und zu ihrer Verurteilung zum Tode im Gefängnis führen würden. Am Tag ihrer Hinrichtung hatte Penny nur einen Gedanken im Kopf: Wenn sie jemals in die Vergangenheit zurückkehren könnte, könnten ihre Brüder ihre falsche Schwester von ihr aus verwöhnen! Sie wollte nichts mit ihnen zu tun haben! Und zu ihrer großen Überraschung fand sich Penny an dem Tag wieder, an dem alles begann: am Tag ihrer Geburt. Wie versprochen, würde sie dieses Mal nicht töricht versuchen, die Liebe und Zuneigung ihrer Brüder zu verdienen. Vergiss die Familie! Sie würde einfach eine Menge Geld verdienen, im Luxus leben und eine eigene Familie gründen! Aber Moment mal, warum mischten sich ihre Brüder jetzt, wo sie nichts mehr mit ihnen zu tun haben wollte, ständig in ihre Angelegenheiten ein? Hätten sie nicht ihre falsche Schwester verwöhnen sollen? Warum lassen sie sie nicht in Ruhe?! Und wie um alles in der Welt war sie in diesem Leben verheiratet? Zu allem Überfluss meldete sich dieser Ehemann, den sie in ihrem ersten Leben nie hatte, plötzlich freiwillig als Vater ihrer Kinder?!
BAJJ · 50.3K Views

Conquest Of The Fallen: Dark Dominions

[DING!] [Congratulations, APOLLYON. You have unlocked the Infernal System!] [NAME: Israfel BlüdThïrste.] [FACTION: DEMON ¢ RANK A.] [DING!] [You have ascended to the realms of man.] [CITY: The medieval Empire of Eldoria.] [ALL HAIL THE BURNING ONE!] [CONQUEST: Level Up to NINTH INFERNAL CIRCLE.] [The battle for DOMINION begins.] [SYSTEM has graciously provided the most delicious and bosomy babes to compete for MC.] [ADDITIONAL TAGS: Ruthless MC – NSFW – BDSM – Cosplay – MILF – War Crimes – Unholy Trinities – Hybrids – BDE – Smut – EVOLUTION – Succubus – Slaves – Yandere – Ascension – Gore – ADULT CONTENT AND LANGUAGE – Anal – Dominant MC – Hentai – Lust – Demon – Extreme violence – R18 – Faceslap – Fistfights – Bestiality – Bloodsport – Exorcism – LOLITA – Brutal MC – Magic – UNDERWORLD – Politics – Demonology – Necromancer – Old Gods – Fae – Sword and Sorcery – System – Hardcore – Mermaid – Cat girls – Dragon girls – DARK – Vulgar – Epic battle – Hell Ranking – Fallen Angels – DOMINIONS – Incest – Dungeon – Leveling up – Cold MC – Sibling Lust – Taboo sex stories – MONSTER GIRLS – Debauchery – Utter fuckery – Demented SC – MANA – Invulnerable MC – Elf – Vampire – Demoness – MATURE – Murder – Psychopaths – Luciferan Bloodlines – Corruption of virtue – Chivalry – Villainy – Death – LEGION – Clashing armies – Weapons system – Resurrection.] [WARNING: This book features detailed descriptions of female humiliation, hardcore sex and depravity. There is a guaranteed Adult Chapter one out of every five. NOT FOR CHILDREN! NOT FOR SOFT HEARTS!] • FULL BLURB Israfel BlüdThïrste was born in Hel. He has lived in it all eighteen years of his life. As seventh in the bloodline of the Morningstar himself, Rafel has had a pretty fucking great life. There's spilled blood in excess. Violence to choke the gray skies. Abundant sex—depraved and hardcore. And more blood. Everything a Prince of the Abyss could desire. But Rafel has heard stories, of the world above. The world of the weak mortals whose damned souls fall endlessly through the red skies of his, to meet with perpetual torture. Stories of their fine carriages and legendary kings. Their golden sun and green earth. But mostly, their virgin women. He wishes to see it for himself. And so, when a lucky gambit with his dear Aunt, Lilith, opens up a way for him to explore the surface, Rafel hops to it. The deal is a hundred years before he has to return to his duties as Hell's Apollyon. Accompanied by his new slave, a voluptuous horned Succubus, Rafel journeys to the mortal realm, entering into the mythical lands of Eldoria as the enigmatic Earl of Emberfall, a haunted estate. But Rafel intends to rise, into the very courts of the Eldorian Queen. At least before his time runs out. And if corrupting, blackmailing, fucking, and murdering a few mortals gets in his way, so be it. This is until the haloed mess of Ravenna de Vries ends up on the grand steps of his Manor, soaking wet with a blood debt hanging over her head. Israfel had seen many beautiful women in his time, but somehow the little mortal girl is sufficient to make him rethink his gambit. Ravenna is owed to a powerful Hell Principality. And though Rafel convinces himself that building up his power ranking is solely selfish, it also has to do with going up against an ancient adversary from his home who is certain to appear just about anytime to collect what he is owed—Ravenna. She is not his responsibility, but why does Rafel feel exactly that whenever he looks at her? And suddenly for this Immortal, a hundred years is not enough to fall in love.
Staplehead · 373.6K Views

The Princess and Her Rough-Rider Khan

Petite Princess VS Rough Khan On their wedding day, Yelu Yan told Li Xianyun that apart from affection, he could provide her with endless wealth and honor. After the marriage, he indeed kept his promise, cherishing her in the palm of his hand. Little did he know, the more he cherished her, the deeper she burrowed into his heart, right to the very top. Not long after the political marriage with the Khitans, Li Xianyun gradually noticed earth-shattering changes around her: Initially, the commoners who disliked her began to worship her as a deity... The court officials accusing her of bewitching their lord were now pleading with her to consummate the marriage with the Khan... The most perplexing of all was her husband in name; wasn’t he the one who said he wouldn't give her emotional affection? Why was he always following her around? Little theater scene 1: One day, Yelu Yan cornered Li Xianyun against the wall. “Why are you avoiding this Khan?” “They say you might have taken a liking to your servant.” “Remove ‘might’, isn’t it obvious enough from how this Khan acts?” “But you said you wouldn’t give your servant emotional affection.” Yelu Yan held his forehead; he had indeed said too many foolish things. “The Han people always say that one should start a family and then establish a career; clearly, the two are not in conflict.” Little theater scene 2: The sun had risen high, yet Yelu Yan was still clinging to Li Xianyun. “Get up quickly, I have to leave. There are patients on the street waiting for my consultation, the good fields to the west need irrigation, the homestead plots in the east need measuring, and I have to oversee the silk reeling and dyeing... Uh...” “Your husband is a patient, don’t you care for him?” Li Xianyun looked at the man tough enough to rival ten bulls and was utterly speechless.
Fruit Jelly · 743.9K Views

To Sleep In The Sea Of Time

This is a story of a guy who loses everything, and then gets it back. Same old new world story, just a different kind of story teller. *** They took away our hunter tags. They had us grow our hair. They gave us a new brand, when we were over there. They staged us out of Dragur, East of the Olim Horn. I guess they call us Slaves, but no one calls us much anymore. There is no fun in killing. I don't want to do it anymore. Karn brought Sorrow. Pookie brought Fear. Milk brought the fly boys. They did work in Undia. I worked mostly clandestine. Some Legends I should not say. We played with better wands. I could use the extra pay. Did Mara give the order? Did venom pay the way? They said we were slaying demons, but it was kind of hard to tell. There is no fun in killing. I don't want to do it anymore. This was before HALO, and Codex was king. Hej atop the rider, he never felt a thing. When our rider caught a spell, and both the mages killed. It pitched us over sideways on some cold Sylph hill. My back felt like it was broken, my legs I could not feel. I kept on slaying demons, but it was kind of hard to tell. There is no fun in killing. I don't want to do it anymore. I never did heal up right from injuries sustained Officially in Torin, unofficially we train. I remember all their faces. They dream about me still. I guess I'm slaying demons, but it's kind of hard to tell. There no fun in killing. I don't want to do it anymore. I speak the cold logistic, that old boys speak so well. Veni, Vedi, Vici. I'll see you in Hel. Maybe it's bravado, or an unspeakable guilt. That village, they were demons, but it was kind of hard to tell. There is no fun in killing. I don't wanna to do it anymore. I've done plenty. What is one more? -Corb Lund *** Come guess me this riddle. What beats shire leaves and fiddle? What is hotter than pleasures touch, and whiter than cream? What best wets his whistle? What is clearer than crystal? What is sweeter than honey and stronger than steam? What will make the lame walk? What will make the dumb talk? What is the elixir of life and philosopher's stone? And what helped Pookie-Baba dig up a tunnel, that runs from Shalamanda to West-Torin? When you are digging a crater, It is the best thing in nature, for sinking your sorrows and raising your joys. Sometimes I wonder, if lightning and thunder, is made out of the plunder, of the reddest hiski and oils. *** If you can keep your head when all about you, are losing theirs and blaming it on you. If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too. If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, or being hated, don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise. If you can dream, and not make dreams your master. If you can think, and not make thoughts your aim. If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same. If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken, twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, and stoop and build them up with worn-out tools. If you can make one heap of all your winnings, and risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss and lose, and start again at your beginnings, and never breathe a word about your loss. If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew, to serve your turn long after they are gone, and so hold on when there is nothing in you; Except the Will which says to them ‘Hold on!’ If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, nor walk with Kings, nor lose the common touch. If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you. If all men count with you, but none too much. If you can fill the unforgiving minute, with sixty seconds worth of distance, run. Yours is the World and everything that’s in it, and which is more you’ll be a Man, my son. - Rudyard Kipling
man_of_culture3030 · 692.1K Views

Aegis Europa: Chronicles of the Celestial Accord

In the year 2025, a cataclysmic celestial event fractures the boundaries between worlds. The entire European Union—its land, people, infrastructure, and institutions—is mysteriously transported to *Eldryth*, a realm of floating continents, ancient magic, and warring feudal kingdoms. Overnight, 27 member states and 450 million citizens find themselves stranded in a world where dragons rule the skies, enchanted forests harbor sentient beasts, and political power is measured in mana crystals rather than euros. The EU’s founding principles of unity, democracy, and human rights clash violently with Eldryth’s arcane hierarchies and blood-oath loyalties. Chancellor *Lira Voss*, a pragmatic German leader, and *High Magister Kaelan Thorne*, a cunning elven sorcerer-regent, become unlikely adversaries—and reluctant allies—as they navigate a precarious peace. While EU engineers scramble to adapt renewable energy grids to run on elemental ley lines, Polish cavalrymen trade tactics with griffin riders, and Italian chefs reinvent pasta using *voidshroom* flour, darker forces stir. The *Sunderborn*, a cult worshipping the eldritch entity that caused the transmigration, seeks to devour both worlds. *Aegis Europa* blends geopolitical intrigue with high fantasy, exploring questions of cultural assimilation, technological vs. magical progress, and whether a bureaucratic superpower can survive sword-and-sorcery diplomacy. As the EU’s Parliament debates trade pacts with merfolk city-states and NATO mages duel necromancer warlords, one truth becomes clear: the only way home is to forge a new *Celestial Accord*… or watch both realms collapse into chaos.
ICBM · 356 Views

In The Supreme Fantasy World, Back In Time And Do Whatever You Want!

Liam Dreamweaver an ordinary highschool boy reincarnated in ordinary yet advanced technology world. He thought it was an advanced technology world. However it wasn't until one day the sky darkened and when the light come back, he.. no, everyone discovered they have new memories about cultivation in their mind. Everyone awakened their cultivation talent even if it's very weak almost negligible however the same can't be said about Liam. Liam didn't have any cultivation talent even a little bit. In this supreme fantasy world, he became a rare case who didn't have any cultivation talent. Later tragedy fallen upon his family as an beast tide run amok in the city and his mother, sister died while protecting him. In the end, he watched his family dying. Later after some years, he awakened his system, yet the system was immature. However it give him an technique about plundering strength as well as talent of other people's and went into dormancy. He vowed that he will resurrect his family. In his total 500 years life, he hunted all famous genius from every sect and became the notorious demon in the world. However by misfortune his identity was discovered, so he was hunted by almost every sect's in the world. Just when he was about to hide and save his life an system prompt sounded. [Ding, There are 70 percent chance that the host will die today!] [Ding, Do You Want To Go Back In Time When The Earth Hadn't Any Cultivation Aura Present?] He was stunned and when he clicked on yes, he went back in time, when everything hasn't started. This time the system give him an novice gift package as his peak strength. Feeling the strength and looking at his mother, sister, he vowed to protect them in this life and took an oath that in this life he will really do whatever he want! *** Tags: Slice of Life - Slow Life - Extreme Wish fulfillment - Smut - No Yuri - No NTR - But Contains Netori - Milf - Princess - Different World's - Different Races - Harem - Mature - R18 - Sex Stories - Hentai - NSFW - Pregnancy - Chaotic Neutral Main Character. ***** To see character's illustrations and to get instant chapter release, join my discord server;
Parshant_Morwal · 4.6K Views

My CEO Boss Is A Masked Internet Sensation

There were three rules to working for CEO Karsten Chevalier. First, bring his coffee brimming hot and black like a starless night. Second, park your attitude outside his office door—his broody demeanour has the room covered. Third, never say ‘No’ to whatever he demands. Not even when he asks you to become his fake girlfriend? (Synopsis) Arata's fiance dumped her through a text on the day of their engagement party. The reason? She is too curvy for his taste! He only entertained her because of her prestigious family name. "Do you think men want a fatso like you? You're nothing without your family's name!" A heartbroken Arata sets out on a journey to discover herself without revealing she is the daughter of a billionaire. She moves to another city, away from her beloved family. ‘How dare he insult me? I love my curves and I will show him.’ Arata is not a damsel; her parents have raised her strong, and now it is time to become independent. Her heart is ablaze with newfound goals. One: to see how people will treat her if she acts like an ordinary girl and hides her identity. Two: to bag a bigger fish than her stinking—joke of an ex-fiancé. She will prove that a man will genuinely love her irrespective of her curves and surname! Arata's new life begins as the secretary of Karsten Chevalier, the CEO of a multinational clothing brand who is renowned for his dashing personality and enigmatic persona. Not much is publicly known about this man. Doused in mystery, the man has his own goals and hidden agenda which will topple Arata's world. Unfortunately, Karsten's handsome face becomes a punching bag in Arata's mind because of his ruthlessly demanding personality and ego larger than Mount Everest. Arata eases her frustrations by going to meet Twisted Rider, the currently popular yet mysterious, masked internet sensation. Both tangle under the sheets and he becomes her safe space as she complains and opens up about her boss. "Will you act as my girlfriend?” Karsten's proposal to become a fake girlfriend for his family events surprised Arata! How will Arata juggle the piling demands of her boss, her own heartbreak and the seduction traps of the masked man she loves to watch in her spare time? Will sparks fly between Arata and her colder-than-Arctic ice boss? Or, will she continue to complain to the masked man that her boss probably has a small PP? This is my entry for WSA 2025, please support it with your power stones. The book is a sequel to my previous novel “The CEO of My Dreams Returned To Me.” But it can read as standalone. A special thanks to Author Hansora for the overwhelming support and encouraging me to publish this book and helping me with the book cover. Want to chat or have any questions regarding the book? Find me on Instagram, Facebook and Discord with the same name.
Sunny_Shumail · 8.8K Views

Fantasy Fusion System

After reincarnation in the Nine Profound Realm, Nyxus awakened his ability as the System. Much to his delight, that system could load those great powerhouse template from fantasy world's! He could also freely choose the initial template at the beginning! After some thinking, he finally chose his own previous life novel protagonist as the initial template! But then something happened and because of that, the system became useless. Not only that, his luck decreased and when he was born, there wasn't even a trace of qi in his body which decides whether the person could become cultivator or remain mortal through his whole life. Even so, his mother bought a precious dan equal to heaven and earth spritual treasure for him. Using that dan, a mortal can initially walk on the path of cultivation. After 20 years, In the contests of the future patriarch of the immortal family, his dantian was broken by the enemy. It seems that his luck had abandoned him and he, his mother and twin sister were kicked out from the family because of various things in the past. Just when the situation was almost desperate--- [Ding, The System Has Been Updated Successfully] [Congratulations To The Host For Loading The Unique Template Of The Originator!] ******* Tags: Chaotic Neutral Main Character - Reincarnation - Strong To Stronger - Slice of Life - Smut - No Yuri - No NTR - But Contains Netori - Milf - Princess - Beautiful - YANDERE - Angel Race - Vampire Race - Dragon Race - Elves Race - Spirit Race - Undead Race - Harem - Mature - R18 - Sex Stories - Hentai - NSFW - Pregnancy - Extreme Wish fulfillment. ***** To see character's illustrations and to get instant chapter release, join my discord server;
Parshant_Morwal · 309.2K Views

Moonlit Sins

One day, a brave hunter, one night a menacing and feral werewolf seeking preys and lust. Michael is an ordinary young man who has been doing whatever he could to hunt for food for the small town he's from. His life has been relatively peaceful until the one night during which he ventures out of the village to offer his support to a much more experienced huntress than he was. Since someone of his rank not supposed to be so far from town after sun fall, this moonlit night horribly turns into the most traumatic moment of his life as he's attacked by a dark beast. From there, his entire world is turned upside down, nightmarishly becoming what cursed him forever. Michael now has to balance his life between being both a man and wolf. ---- Warning: This novel is for 18+. It contains sex scenes and erotic sequences. Tags: R18 - 18 - Smut - Monster(s) - Monster Girls - Milf - MILF - Beautiful - Mature - Sex Stories - Hentai - NSFW - Pregnancy - Incest - Domination Play - Sins - Big Tits - Large Breasts - Huge Boobs - Nipples - Lactation - Werewolves - Beasts - Bestiality. Twitter: Discord: Patreon if you wish to support my work (access to early chapters, steamy exclusive chapters, audio chapters, and NSFW illustrations): Editor & proofreader: [Note from the author: The cover is original. It was illustrated by one of my artists working on this project.]
CamilleJuteau · 216.8K Views

Harvesting The Witch Queen

Be sure to join the official HTWQ Discord server for news on the novel, direct updates, polls, & exclusive rewards such as original illustrations: You can donate to the novel: Growing up as a slave in the Halloween Kingdom, Junk had been a prisoner for as long as he could remember. Born without a healthy nor stable body, he might have been the weakest of all the Minotaurs. Managing to finally escape the confines of his prison cell, the beast wanders the Kingdom’s dangerous roads. His body and soul slowly and painfully withering into nothingness until he miraculously runs into one final chance—the fallen Witch Queen—Lady September Autumn who had just recently been dethroned of her royal title. She provides him the opportunity to remain alive. Keeping his body and soul intact by feeding him with her royal, sacred Queen milk. Of course, this is no act of charity. She asks for his services in return. In exchange for harvesting her milk, Junk must become her loyal servant and bodyguard fulfilling whatever she commands: including hunting down and defeating all of those responsible for her dethronement. Refuse, and no more milk. No more milk, and the Minotaur will be doomed to perish once more. So a symbiotic relationship is formed. However, the ex-prisoner has something in mind for his powerful new Queen. Harvesting the bitch herself! Ultimately corrupting her into his breeding-slut when the time is right and birthing an army of monsters to re-take the kingdom for himself instead. Together, they are marching through this ghoulish and spooky fantasy world plagued with undead, spirits, demons, werewolves, vampires, demonic Gods and far worse! . . . [ Tags ] R-18 | Mature | Adult | Smut | Harem | Ecchi | Hentai | NSFW | Blowjob | Anal | Sex | Threesome | Foursome | Hardcore | Thick | Thicc | Milf | Gilf | Young & Mature | Choking | Out doors | Bdsm | Fetish | Dual Cultivation | Action | Demon | Weak to Strong MC | Antihero | Comedy | Wise . . . Discord link: Donations: If you have any question or hate mail: Thank you for all the awesome feedback.
CamilleJuteau · 1.1M Views

Exo Seeker: The Strongest Human Woke Up In The Future!

Kael Draven, the strongest human who fought against the Anthi-Org—a universal threat set on conquering the universe—was betrayed by one of his own when victory was almost within reach. He and his allies were known as the Exo Primevals, the first to wield an Exoskeleton suit known as Aegis Prime—a powerful piece of equipment created by the most advanced species to finally destroy the Anthi-Org and end the war. But with his teammate betrayal, Kael was sealed away in impenetrable ice, his people’s planets fell under enemy control, and the Anthi-Org rose to dominance. The Exo Primevals were forced to retreat, doing what they could to salvage what remained of their worlds. Countless lives were lost. Centuries passed, and Kael’s icy prison eventually shattered. The strongest human—or what used to be—woke up in a future he barely recognized. Learning that the Anthi-Org won, Kael is now driven by revenge. He vows to find the one who betrayed him and finish what he started. The war may be lost, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be reignited. --- Additional Tags: Cold blooded protagonist, Smut, S*x Scenes, Antihero, *sshole Protagonist and more, mainly for flexibility. What to expect: This novel is LitRPG. If you are a fan of Power Rangers/Kamen Rider, Warframe, and other Suit related novel/movies/shows then this is for you. Try to read for at least 20 chapters and see if this novel fits your taste. It's slow at first as the world and structure of the story is forming along the way.
Lncea · 25.1K Views

The Red Queen of Nothing

“I Lord Tank Albridge, and my family, Pete Albridge, Cleo Albridge, and Fred Albridge, disavow Vinnandra the hateful as our blood. “Today, in one voice we curse the day she joined us, and we’ll forever celebrate the day she has left our ranks! Vinnandra shall not know us, and she is not ours to know anymore.” *** In a world of white-haired dragon riders and black-haired witches, Princess Vinnandra Albridge is born red-haired as the forbidden spawn of a witch-spy and a dragon rider known as the Hateful. Unwanted by her family and shunned by society, Vinn tries to get by everyday unnoticed and alive. However, her simple plans come crashing down when her family disavows her by removing her from her royal bloodline, proclaiming her a traitor to consequently serve as an official slave to the notorious Lenklock dragon riders family that rules in the North. There, it would seem that while Vinn might not be able to groom a dragon, she might make good food for one… not if she had anything to do about it. Vowing to fight for her life and rise above others, Vinn must learn how to break through her blood and reach to whatever minute strength she possesses and become a dragon rider… or something. And it would seem Vinnandra’s vows would be realised in the form of Xander Lenklock—a troubled man and problematic heir who charges into her life, proclaiming a nobody like her his greatest ally and seeking her alliance. For the first time in a long while, Vinn feels needed and wanted—two dangerous elements that ignites feelings she shouldn’t have, and evokes thoughts she shouldn’t think. And in a partnership that might make or break them, Vinn was sure she would do anything to have Xanders’ body, heart and soul. Problem is, Xander has a fiancée who was there to stay… forever. But with her mothers past looming over her, and with shadows of the enemy hidden in the trees playing their ultimate move, even if Vinnandra manages to steal Xander’s heart, will she be able to keep it? Or will her dubious identity destroy everything she has come to enjoy? Will the powers she has come to possess swallow her? Or could she be the enemy that her people really fear? Be whatever it might, the ultimate question remains—Dragon rider or Witch… which is she? ***** VOLUME 1 (Beginnings): COMPLETE VOLUME 2 (Chaos Abounds): ONGOING
JaneSmitten · 252K Views

Système de Péché: Harem Démoniaque Après la Réincarnation

Réincarné pour découvrir deux beautés reposant sur ses genoux, Jake découvrit qu'il était un Baron Démon sans lignée. Exilé de l'Enfer vers le monde des humains, Jake fut laissé avec un petit donjon et ses deux serviteurs, avec presque aucun monstre sous ses ordres. Juste au moment où il pensait que les choses n'étaient pas bonnes pour lui, il entendit soudainement une voix féminine dans sa tête. [Ding! Bienvenue hôte dans Le Système du Péché.] [Veuillez faire tourner la Roulette du Pécheur pour déverrouiller votre premier Sin.] « C'est... » Alors que Jake touchait instinctivement le disque sombre apparu devant ses yeux, le disque se mit à tourner et s'arrêta cinq secondes plus tard. Il entendit à nouveau la voix du système. [Ding! Félicitations, vous avez déverrouillé le Péché de Luxure.] — — — Tags supplémentaires : Mc mauvais - Mc intelligent - Mc effronté - Mc fourbe - Pornographie - Pas de Yuri - Pas de NTR - Mais contient du Netori - Loli légal - Succube - Elfe - Ange - Vampire - Filles chat - Filles dragon - Filles renard - Filles monstre - Esclaves - Milf - Princesse - Belle - YANDERE - Seinen - Mature - R18 - 18 - Histoires de sexe - Bestialité - Hentai - NSFW - Grossesse - Inceste - Jeux de domination - Contrôle des émotions - Manipulation de lignée - Corruption des personnages vertueux - Péchés - Gore - Transmigration - Mana - Diable - Démon - Nécromancien - Mort - Donjon - Évolution — ー ー Avertissement : Veuillez lire ceci avec prudence. En tant qu'auteur, je vous recommande de NE PAS montrer ceci à vos enfants. Si vous avez le cœur sensible, n'ouvrez pas ce livre.
FireEngine · 84.2K Views
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