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Meng Po Soup Recipe

Le point de vue de l'auteur

La personne autour de laquelle le monde tourne. La personne qui défait tous ses adversaires, et obtient finalement la belle fille. L'existence même que tous les méchants craignent. C'est le protagoniste. Qu'en est-il de moi ? En tant qu'auteur raté qui n'a eu qu'un seul succès tout au long de sa carrière, je me suis réincarné dans mon dernier roman. "C'est ça" Ai-je pensé, en serrant fermement le poing. Je viens de me réincarner dans mon propre roman ? Est-ce ici que je me réincarne dans un roman et deviens le protagoniste ? Non. Malheureusement, ce n'est pas ce genre de roman, car je me suis réincarné en tant que figurant. Le monde ne tourne pas autour de moi. Les filles ne viennent pas vers moi. Les objets de triche ne viennent pas à moi. "Ouf" J'ai poussé un soupir de soulagement. "Dieu merci, je ne suis pas le protagoniste" J'ai crié joyeusement alors que des larmes coulaient sur mes joues. Attendez, êtes-vous curieux de savoir pourquoi je ne veux pas être le protagoniste ? J'ai oublié de mentionner la chose la plus importante lorsque je décrivais un protagoniste. C'est... Ce sont des aimants à calamités. Je viens de mourir. Si j'ai appris quelque chose de ça, c'est que ce n'est pas vraiment une expérience agréable. Si possible, laissez-moi vivre une longue vie stable. Merci, à celui qui m'a réincarné. Je viendrais plus tard à regretter ces mots... ======== Avis aux lecteurs : Veuillez lire le *Lire avant de lire le roman* dans le synopsis. ======== Crédit à _oinkchan pour m'avoir aidé à trouver l'ancienne couverture du roman Crédit à Rengoku pour son incroyable édition de la nouvelle couverture. ======== Discord : Patreon :
Entrail_JI · 427 Views

Mon épouse super féroce bien-aimée

"Le nouveau livre 'Réprimandée comme l'étoile de la mort, tous les grands du Capital se précipitent pour me gâter' est maintenant disponible !" Également connu sous le nom de "Ère Renaissante : S'enrichir avec le Système de Connexion." [Une protagoniste féminine énergique vs. un protagoniste masculin vindicatif, sarcastique et élégant] Après une explosion en laboratoire, Lin Tang retourne à cette époque de pauvreté et est liée à un système de connexion. Avant qu'elle ait le temps de réclamer le pack de cadeaux pour nouveaux venus, son fiancé, arborant un air confiant, vient rompre les fiançailles. La raison, c'est qu'il est sur le point de décrocher un emploi stable. Lin Tang regarde l'homme ordinaire mais sûr de lui, entrouvre légèrement ses lèvres rouges et dit : "... romps-les !" Moins d'un mois plus tard, son ex-fiancé est renvoyé pour une raison quelconque. Lin Tang fait un tour dans le comté et devient l'officier exécutif de la Station de Diffusion dans l'Usine Textile. OS interne de l'ex-fiancé : Est-il trop tard pour se réconcilier maintenant ? - Ces temps étaient difficiles ! Même choyée par ses trois grands frères et ses parents, tout, de la nourriture aux vêtements et même le savon, nécessitait des coupons... Même une vie frugale ne pouvait pas atténuer la misère. Regardant la bouillie noire dans le bol, Lin Tang resta silencieuse, “......” Heureusement, elle avait un système ! Besoin de quelque chose ? Il suffit de se connecter pour l'obtenir. - Plusieurs années plus tard. Un homme séduisant regardait sa délicate femme au teint clair, gardant son sérieux tout en disant, “J'ai entendu dire que tu pouvais assommer un sanglier avec juste deux coups de poing ?” Les yeux de Lin Tang pétillèrent, ses doigts exerçant doucement de la force, le Pot d'Émail dans sa main se déforma. Elle répondit d'un ton sérieux, “Absurdités ! Ne crois pas ces rumeurs. Nous sommes des gens civilisés et ne pouvons pas être aussi barbares !”
a visitor from South Flight · 43.1K Views

L'animal de compagnie du Tyran

Aries Aime Heathcliffe. Une princesse du petit royaume de Rikhill qui était aimée de tous. Avec sa beauté qui était enchantement réservée et un esprit avisé, elle avait attiré beaucoup d'attention et conquis les cœurs de nombreux. L'un d'entre eux était le séduisant prince héritier de l'Empire de Maganti. Submergé par le désir de la posséder et son intérêt pour la terre du petit royaume, le prince héritier dudit empire ne reculerait devant rien. Les chevaliers de l'Empire de Maganti marchèrent à travers les masses et s'emparèrent du royaume de Rikhill vieux de quatre cent ans. Le royaume de Rikhill tomba en ruine en une nuit. Le prince héritier ne laissa aucun membre de la famille royale en vie à part son trophée de guerre, Aries. Après avoir souffert entre ses mains, Aries trouva la chance parfaite de s'échapper. C'était lorsqu'il l'emmena au sommet mondial. Un rassemblement de chaque souverain de chaque royaume et empire pour des pourparlers de paix. Là, elle rencontra l'empereur de Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Sangsouillé. Submergée par le désespoir, Aries le supplia de l'accueillir. C'était trop tard lorsqu'elle réalisa que l'homme à qui elle demandait de l'aide était bien plus cruel, tordu et carrément diabolique que le prince héritier en la prenant pour son... animal de compagnie! EXTRAIT : Avec une paire d'yeux cramoisis planant au-dessus d'elle, Aries retint son souffle. Quand le coin de ses lèvres se leva diaboliquement, elle ne put réagir rapidement alors qu'il inversait leur position avec agilité. Elle ne le réalisa que lorsqu'elle le chevauchait, fixant Abel, les yeux écarquillés. « Personne n'est au-dessus de moi dans cet empire et même au-dehors — pas même la loi, mais regarde-toi, » dit-il avec un sourire diabolique. « Me toisant... si intimidant. » Aries mordit sa lèvre, posant sa paume sur sa poitrine marquée d'encre. « Votre Majesté... » « Comprends-tu maintenant le pouvoir que tu détiens, ma chérie ? » Abel enroula doucement ses doigts autour de son poignet, enchanté par sa réaction. « Seulement toi, Aries, peut être au-dessus de moi et la seule personne dans ce monde qui peut me toiser. Personne d'autre. » Il leva un bras et passa ses doigts dans le côté de ses cheveux, posant sa paume sur l'arrière de sa tête avant de la tirer vers le bas jusqu'à ce que son visage soit à une paume de distance du sien. « Tu ferais mieux d'utiliser cela à ta discrétion, » murmura-t-il, inclinant la tête tandis qu'il la soulevait pour réclamer ce qui est à lui. ELLE. Faites la connaissance d'Eustass Silvestri Abel Sangsouillé, le tyran sadique, qui régnait sur un empire avec un poing de fer. Avec la présence croissante de son animal de compagnie, Aries, dans sa vie ennuyeuse et sombre, il était prêt à la tuer. Mais hélas, à chaque fois qu'il pensait prendre sa vie, il se retrouvait à changer d'avis. Plus il la gardait à ses côtés, plus il devenait difficile de s'en débarrasser. Et plus il aspirait à quelque chose de plus profond et plus sombre... cela le rendait fou. Avec un secret qu'il lui cachait, que ferait Abel si Aries découvrait la vérité pourrissante derrière l'empire et l'empereur ? La tuerait-il ? Ou l'embrasserait-il ? Peut-être l'enfermerait-il ? Et si elle découvrait qu'Abel n'était pas juste un humain normal, essayerait-elle de s'échapper ? Ou accepterait-elle qu'il n'était pas juste une incarnation de démon ? Dans un monde compliqué qui les teintait de noir, l'amour était-il même possible de fleurir entre un animal de compagnie et son maître ? Regardez comme ces deux-là jouent le jeu dangereux et insensé de l'amour et du désir. Qui serait le maître et l'animal de compagnie ? Qui était la proie ? Lisez pour en savoir plus. --------- Histoire originale par : alienfrommars SUIVEZ-MOI SUR INSTAGRAM pour les arts des personnages originaux : @authoralienfrommars Serveur Discord : Avertissement : Couverture non mienne. Prise sur Pinterest. Credits à l'artiste.
alienfrommars · 104.2K Views

Tout le village prospère après avoir adopté une fille chanceuse

Lancement d'un nouveau livre ! "Petit Trésor Fortuné de la Famille Agricole : Briser les Frontières". Tous les investisseurs sont les bienvenus ! Description brève : (Renaissance + Agriculture + Grotte Magique + Écraser les Indésirables + Devenir Riche) Jiang Sanlang trouve une petite fille nouveau-née sur la colline, et l'élève comme sa propre fille. Peu après, sa femme stérile tombe enceinte de jumeaux. Puis, la famille Jiang est arrosée de bonne fortune, s'engageant progressivement sur la voie de la richesse alors qu'elle était sans le sou. Tous les villageois envient la bonne chance de la famille Jiang et veulent partager la fortune de la petite Enfant Fée. Yingbao agite sa petite main : Allez tout le monde, allons planter de l'or et du Xue'er. Je vous garantis de quoi manger pour un an, de devenir riche en deux ans, et d'atteindre le sommet de votre vie en trois ans. À la fin, tous les villageois deviennent effectivement riches, suscitant l'envie d'autres villages. Puis un jour, la famille qui avait abandonné la petite fille vient chez la famille Jiang pour réclamer leur enfant. Le village entier est en colère, les poings prêts à l'action à la porte : Bah ! Quelle honte pour des gens qui osent voler un enfant, ils devraient recevoir quelques coups de poing pour commencer. Yingbao meurt, puis se réincarne. Elle n'aurait jamais imaginé qu'elle était en réalité un 'personnage jetable' d'une histoire, et que toutes ses expériences étaient orchestrées pour faire avancer l'intrigue. Dans cette vie, Yingbao est déterminée à éviter l'héroïne principale et les personnages secondaires, fuyant tous les drames de l'histoire. Elle aspire à mener ses parents adoptifs et ses frères et sœurs vers une bonne vie, construisant un foyer prospère.
For a long time · 40K Views

The second hand of the clock clicked forward with a soft tick, echoing

1. Uniqueness and Appeal of the Story (Condensed) 1. Worldbuilding: Historical Grit Meets Supernatural Spectacle Setting: 1930s America/Europe: Blends Great Depression realities (NYC soup kitchens, corrupt Wall Street alchemists) with occult threats. Nazi "Lebensborn" experiments resurrect through cursed artifacts, while vampire clans like Sanctum Sanguinis manipulate London's underworld. Core Innovation: Merges noir detective drama, Lovecraftian cosmic horror, and vampire political epics into a cohesive "dark fantasy" universe. Protagonist Wayne navigates gangster-ruled streets and eldritch rituals with equal pragmatism. 2. Plot Architecture: Layered Mysteries & Explosive Payoffs Opening Hook: A seemingly routine infidelity case unravels into a cult conspiracy marked by glowing cat eyes and radioactive mushroom-induced visions. The mundane detective office becomes a gateway to hidden wars. Key Conflicts: Personal: Wayne’s quest to find his sister Gwen—a victim of 1935 Nazi experiments—while battling his own physical decay (corpse-like stench, stopped pocket watch). Supernatural: Vampire dynasties, hellish legions, and secret societies (Mirror Sect) clash over the "Living Grail," a sentient artifact granting control over reality. Historical: Nazi occultists infiltrate America using gold-skull rituals; Federal Reserve corruption fuels supernatural arms races. Climactic Sequences: Holy Grail War: Wayne’s ragtag Vowbound Cross faction battles vampire hordes in London, with alchemically enhanced revolvers firing self-guided silver bullets. Leviathan Rising: A kaiju-like beast emerges from Liverpool’s waters, countered by undead dragons and Vatican light magic. Twist Ending: Gwen is revealed as a Nazi-made proto-vampire, forcing Wayne to sacrifice himself as a vessel to seal an elder god—leaving moral ambiguity lingering. 3. Characters: Moral Complexity & Jarring Contrasts Wayne (Protagonist): Flawed Antihero: A whiskey-drinking PI masking survivor’s guilt with sarcasm. His fake "model citizen" diary clashes with ruthless tactics (blackmail, radioactive interrogations). Duality: Protects street orphans while exploiting clients, embodying Depression-era moral erosion. Veronica & Wilhelm: Noble Fugitives: Veronica’s aristocratic German past and Wilhelm’s swastika-etched knife hint at dark histories. Posing as a secretary/gardener, they manipulate Wayne’s investigations. Comic Relief: Wilhelm’s mountain-like physique paired with cat-obsessed campiness ("sailor outfits") offsets existential dread. Antagonists: Preacher Jacob: A vampiric zealot who views bloodsucking as divine sacrament, mirroring Wayne’s nihilism. Dr. Isaac: A Nazi eugenicist weaponizing vampirism, blending scientific rigor with monstrous ambition. 4. Narrative Craft: Noir Aesthetics & Pseudoscience Multi-Perspective Storytelling: Wayne’s cynical first-person narration intercuts with newspaper clippings (Jack the Ripper Returns), cult parchments, and Veronica’s encrypted journals to piece together the puzzle. Stylized Language: Gritty metaphors: "Wall Street fog smells of rusted dreams," "Veronica’s hair outshines Coney Island neon." Symbolism: Bulletproof doors adorned with Citizen Kane posters critique hollow American idealism; cash-stuffed Bibles mock religious hypocrisy. Sci-Fantasy Systems: Vampire "sun weakness" explained as uranium radiation side effects. "Eldritch whispers" rationalized as infrasound brainwashing; hell reimagined as a quantum dimension. Weapons: Rune-engraved silver bullets, alchemy-modified revolvers blending mysticism and tech.
yu_xu_7087 · 328 Views

Transmigration: The Little Chef Calls The Shots

New novel "Tremble, Universe's Great Beings" is currently being serialized~ Overnight, a beautiful culinary goddess turned into the despised Little Disaster Star A rundown house with three rooms, a disabled father, a weak mother, and two skinny younger sisters to take care of What?! Her mother gave birth to three daughters just because she was hard on her brothers' lives? Her father fell off the roof and has been bedridden for half a year, just because she was playing with mud nearby? She calls her grandparents once, and instantly one falls ill and the other has an accident; even the beloved sons of her Uncle's family choke on their food because that day happens to be her birthday Humph! Uncle might tolerate it, but Aunt cannot! If I don't show my power, will they all treat me like Garfield the cat?! They think for five taels of silver, they can sell me to a sick weakling for good luck? Fine, since I'm the Little Disaster Star, let's turn your house into a disaster zone! They want to sell her sister into a wealthy household to become a slave or maidservant? She shouts, grabs a cleaver, fights the demons she meets, and slays the ghosts she encounters. From then onwards, her reputation as a wild shrew spreads throughout the village So be it if I'm wild. For the sake of loved ones, I gladly become the wild Kitchen Lady. With my superb cooking skills, I open a restaurant, become a top chef, develop new recipes, capture the hearts of food lovers, and even come up with new ways to make a big fortune, leading my whole family to wealth and a better standard of living! As for those shameless relatives licking their faces and coming back to recognize kinship, she gives a sweet smile, waves them farewell: Have a good trip. The disownment paper is already framed and hanging on the wall! As for men, well, even my little sister knows: Being handsome can't fill your stomach. A man who earns money, spoils his wife, and follows the three obediences and four virtues is a top-quality brother-in-law. Serious statement: This article is purely fictional. Please do not imitate any plots, behaviors, actions, etc. Cherish your life and live well~
Xin Yue Ge · 1.1M Views

Rise of the Primimials

Before the gods, before the first flames of creation, before even the concept of form or thought—there was only The Void. Silent. Infinite. Unshaped. And yet, within this boundless abyss, something stirred. From the nothingness, three forces emerged, like threads weaving together the first fabric of existence. These were not gods, nor were they beings of thought—they were essences, fundamental truths of reality itself. Each one distinct, yet inseparably bound to the others, ensuring that creation could ever take root. The Continuum of Space—The foundation upon which all things are built. Without it, nothing could exist in form or structure. It is the skeleton of reality, defining boundaries, distances, and the vastness of the cosmos. It separates matter from void, the heavens from the abyss, and ensures that existence is not a singular, undivided mass. The Flow of Time—The great river that moves all things forward. Without it, existence would be an eternal, stagnant moment, neither past nor future, only an endless Now. It is the force that dictates growth, decay, and the very concept of change. The Essence of Emotion—The spark that gave purpose to creation. Where Space gave form and Time gave movement, Emotion gave meaning. It is the will of existence itself, the force that fuels ambition, hope, despair, and desire. Without it, creation would have no direction, no dreams, no soul. These three primal forces intertwined like the threads of an infinite loom, shaping reality from nothingness. Their collision did not simply create a single world—it birthed the Multiverse, an infinite sea of realms, each one a unique reflection of the interplay between these cosmic truths. Where Space stretched, galaxies bloomed. Where Time flowed, stars ignited, burned, and faded. Where Emotion stirred, life took root, seeking purpose in the infinite. Percy Atlas Magus, was admitted to a prestigious university frequented by heirs of powerful Chaebol families. A devastating accident soon followed, tearing apart the Magus family. Percy survived only to awaken in a strangely altered reality—one where his beloved twin sister Camilia, became unrecognizably distant, and the sudden introduction of someone he didn't realize was family. Now, Percy must navigate this perplexing new reality, guided by an enigmatic floating screen {Infinite Omega System.} With his path intertwined with cosmic forces and familial bonds strained by fate itself, Percy’s journey becomes one of survival, reconciliation, and the pursuit of hidden truths. Join him as he battles the challenges of his altered life, unlocking the secrets of the universe and the powerful legacy that awaits him and his sisters—the foretold awakening of the Triquetra, the legendary Power of Three
Po3_TrinityCPE · 2.8K Views

Brimful Depravation

Front Page Was NAÍNDRA NUXINUS Whoever is the Pussy Weak-Minded Person Responsible For The Removal Of My Cover I Hope Life Is Good To You Because Karma Is A Bitch… The world is dangerous, yet, there is beauty in the chaos if you learn how to appreciate it. The "Imperishable", Entities Above Everything Else, understood this undeniable truth eons ago, gifting to the Mortals a few tools to overcome the challenges across their lives. With this, amusing their own boring existences, looking with enthusiasm what new story could unfold, or if the same mistakes would be done once again but by a different person. The First Gift, is "Shards", called "Cards" by some, this otorgue instant rewards when you exchange them in an "Imperishable Monolith". The Second Gift, is the mentioned structure, capable of craft almost anything if you have the recipe, blueprint and the required materials and ingredients, a true aberration depending on who you ask. The Third Gift, is the "Perennence", with a 100 you won't Die if you are slain, you simply would "Respawn" in a "Memory Hall", making you partially Immortal, because as long as you have 1 of Perennence, you wouldn't be really dead, and someone else can "Revive" you by providing the missing resource. However, this comes with a drawback, you become a "Servant" of the person or thing that save your life, at least until you repay the Perennence plus an Interest of 50%. The Fourth Gift, is "The Memory Hall", unfortunately, they had an evil twin, "The Howling Wall", which are created in places that had seen too many "Take Downs" in a short span of time; Differently to the prodigal twin, you must have a minimum of 25 Perennence to be Respawned, otherwise, at best, you become an Immaterial entity, similar to a ghost, if not, a mindless beast or a simple Drone for a Hive Mind is not far fetched. Lastly, The Fifth Gift, is divided in three concepts, "Repercussion", "Traits" and "Work", being the last, one of the most unfair of all the Gifts, as you can't change your Work under any circumstances, which applies even for "The Imperishable". But the Gifts don't come for free, as they attract a series of weird creatures from unknown territories, sprouting the so called "Graveyards", "Factories", "Hives", "Nests", "Lairs", "Crops" and "Farms" across the entire world of "Leathemnur". NO CHEATS NO PLOT ARMOR NO VANILLA EASY LIFE DON'T GET FOOLED BY THE START A FAIR SHARE OF: ACTION BEAUTIES MYSTERIES A WHOLE LOT OF: SMUT BONDING INDECENCY COMMENT FOR: KINKS DOUBTS SUGGESTIONS Additional Information: I would try and publish TWO or even THREE Chapters a Day, and TWO up to SEVEN Chapters on Sundays, of course, it would depend entirely on my current schedule IRL. My Personal Goal is Publish between 15 up to 25 Chapters every week. English is not my first language, that is why, any mistake I made across the story, feel free to point it out for me to correct it as soon as possible.
Marshack · 187.5K Views

The Forgotten Heiress: Rules of Rebirth

Title: "The Forgotten Heiress: Rules of Rebirth" When Sang Ning blinked awake in a rural farmhouse, the 21st century gained its most anachronistic socialite. The former crown jewel of Ming Dynasty aristocracy—trained from birth to command households and outmaneuver concubines—now found herself reborn as Nan Group's long-lost heiress. Her "sister"? A champagne-drenched fraud waving a Stanford diploma. "Your honors thesis plagiarizes 14th-century embroidery manuals," Sang Ning remarked over afternoon tea, her hanfu sleeves fluttering like war banners. The Nans soon learned bloodlines matter: This "peasant girl" restored ancestral shrines in a week, turned board meetings into imperial courts, and made their five-star chefs kneel when serving shark fin soup. Meanwhile, Beijing's most notorious heir was breaking his own rules. Jason He, whose Lamborghini collisions made tabloid gold, found himself obsessed with teaching modern customs to the time-traveling noblewoman: "Handshakes require... seven seconds of eye contact." His thumb stroked her pulse point. "Corporate dinners mandate... partner dancing." His grip slid lower at the waltz's crescendo. When she pressed a jade hairpin to his throat after an attempted goodnight kiss, the billionaire playboy grinned through bleeding lips: "Careful, princess. In this era, drawing blood means signing marriage contracts." In a world of silicon valley and silicon fillers, a queen from China's golden age is rewriting the rules of power—and passion.
AmberlynSonnet · 6.6K Views

Bride From Hell: My Three Husbands Are My Recipe For Revenge.

°MATURE AUDIENCES• He carried me, my legs wrapped around his waist, while my back rested against the wall. I loved this position when he gave it to me. I thought he was an ordinary man. I thought that since I had already tasted his touch, the dreams of our intimacy always haunting me, I could own him. Finally, as a goddess, I believed I could enjoy myself freely this time, get lost in pleasure, which I could finally savor. I wanted him for myself alone, my personal treasure. But then I began to fall for him. A treasure I thought I could use and discard at will became something I couldn't go a day without. His presence became my weak point, my doom and yet, I couldn't help but embrace him. __________ "They all deserve to die a terrible death." These were the words of the goddess of revenge when the anguished cries of a woman, a victim of relentless domestic violence reached her divine ears. Bound by her sacred duties and forced to wait for the souls of the guilty men to return for judgment, the goddess was patient. For thousands of years, she waited. And when the time came, she descended into the mortal world, inhabiting the body of a young billionaire to exact her divine punishment. Victory was a certainty for her. She had always prevailed, delivering justice to those who deserved it. But this time, her task proved unexpectedly complex. Living under the same roof with her husbands after signing a marriage deal, one of them proved to be no ordinary man. Tristan D'Leon, a vampire, a creature born from the depths of hell, carrying his own mysterious burdens and duties. Their fates intertwined, both driven by obligations they could not ignore. Yet, as time passed, something unthinkable began to take root: love. For Jade, whose purpose was to mete out divine punishment, falling for a millennia-old vampire was unthinkable. Why him? Why now? This was not her first time walking the earth, so why had the will of heaven suddenly shifted? As Jade navigated the complexities of her mission and her growing feelings for Tristan, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The goddess of revenge, known for her unwavering dedication to justice, was now faced with a daunting question: could she truly fulfill her duty when her heart was no longer aligned with her purpose? ________ This novel is a dark romance and the more you read, the more darker it gets. Don't say I didn't warn ya. Hehehe
BLUE_WAVY_ · 19.4K Views
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