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Divani Inima

harapan serhan dan eliza

eliza nadina prasetiya adalah seorang wanita cantik nan muda berusia 21 tahun, anak satu- satu nya di keluarga divano prasetiya dan elina pramita wijaya divano prasetiya adalah papa dari eliza ,papa eliza bukanlah orang redahan beliau juga pengusaha ternama hanya mereka kelihatan sederhana jika di luar rumah. elina pramita wijaya adalah bunda eliza ,mama eliza seorang dokter di rumah sakit besar di indonesia .penampilannya sederhana . bagi keluarga eliza sederhana itu lebih dari cukup raffa serhan muttaqi adalah CEO muda yg menggantikan papa nya ,serhan anak pertama dari dua bersaudara , serhan menggantikan papa karna papa meminta nya papa merasa serhan lebih bisa di andalkan dina putri rayhan adalah mama serhan yg sangat ingin menantu idaman dan sempurna ,mama dina telah mempersiapkan wanita untuk di jodohkan dengan putra nya,tanpa mama dina ketahui bahwa serhan mulai menyukai liza devani putri muttaqi adalah adik perempuan serhan, berusia 17 tahun , vani sangat menyayangi kakaknya dan papa di bandingkan mama nya ...yg vani tidak sukai dari mama nya sendiri karna terlalu over dengan dunia sampai lupa apa kewajibannya di dalam rumah raka wilan muttaqi adalah papa serhan sifat papa lebih cenderung lembut dan tegas ,papa serhan juga mencarikan pendamping untuk putra kesayangan nya yaitu serhan tanpa sepengetahuan istrinya papa serhan jauh lebih cepat menemui orangtua calon menantunya . papa serhan bersahabat dgn papa eliza tidak ada yg mengetahui bahwa wilan dan vano 1 SMA lara adalah wanita pilihan mama serhan ,lara seorang model cantik rudi wijaya adalah sahabat dan sekaligus sepupu eliza , rudi bekerja di perusahan papa eliza . dinda prasetiya adalah keponakan dari devano prasetiya bertugas menjaga eliza tanpa eliza ketahui. azka saputra adalah asisten dan sahabat eliza , azka tidak mengetahui liza ternyata sudah saling kenal dengan bosnya
Najm_nurmukmin · 6.8K Views

Move on guysss.... (Broken heart squad)

Melupakan kenangan yang telah dilalui dalam waktu yang lama, bukanlah hal yang mudah. Apalagi kenangan itu membawa secerca luka yang akan selalu tersimpan dilubuk hati. Asri,Vani,dan Santi...Tiga orang gadis berambisi yang bertekad kuat untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit hati mereka pada pemuda yang sangat mereka cintai tapi malah mengkhianati. Asri Si paling baperan,ingin membalas kan dendamnya pada Rifki mantannya dengan cara menemukan pemuda baru yang mencintai nya dengan tulus. Sedangkan Santi lebih memilih memendam sakit hati nya,dan fokus mencari pekerjaan. Karena dirinya lebih mementingkan tujuannya ke masa depan, daripada harus memikirkan sakit hati yang tak kunjung mereda. Sementara Vani yang paling tegas dan tomboi,Ingin merubah penampilan lebih menarik dan feminim . Karena ia percaya,di era zaman sekarang pemuda lebih tertarik mencintai seorang gadis yang feminim dan cantik. Sedangkan gadis tomboi hanya menjadi sahabat saja. Seiring waktu Rencana mereka mulai dilakukan,Namun beberapa kejadian malah membuat mereka harus melupakan tujuan mereka. Karena,kehilangan sesuatu yang dianggap baik,akan tergantikan dengan yang lebih baik. Bagaimanakah kisah mereka? Apakah asri akan menemukan pria idamannya,atau malah kembali pada mantannya?karena sifat baperannya? Apakah Santi akan memilih menjadi wanita karir,dan tidak akan pernah jatuh cinta lagi? Apakah Vani akan menjadi gadis feminim seperti keinginan nya,atau malah tetap menjadi gadis tomboi? dan mencari pemuda yang akan menerima dirinya apa adanya?
Nurfadila_alfhun07 · 49.3K Views

The Unsettled Love Story

Weddings are a ritual that binds two souls for eternity. An arrangement that requires each to serve one another with whatever they have and will have in the future.Assets come together, liabilities find an equal balance and equity remains a challenge. A funny arrangement, isn’t it? It is hard to assess who has an upper hand. All we can say is that there are two hands holding each other while grinding a cliff with no rope and direction. So you hold, pull, make mistakes, stay, look for possibilities, unrest each other while comforting at the same time. But the more there is to climb, the better the view turns to be. Well, in marriage, there are no guaranteed views even after the hardest climb because it is never about the destination, it is all about the way you got there. Marriage is the greatest day in the life of an individual because from now on your individuality is shared with another person, and you both will do your best to bring out the best in each other. My name is Vani, and with great grace, I would like to invite you to witness my greatest day, as I hold his hand and keep on holding to it for the rest of my life. I have found the true love of my life. We have been in a relationship for 6 years. We had a good share of laughs, care, fights, and other things under the Sun. Finally, the doomsday is next week after eight months of rigorous effort of getting approval from my mom. I want the day to be perfect and as remarkable as it could get. Everything that will be noticed by our guests is a precise decision taken by us together. I am finally getting the chance to wear my mom’s wedding lehenga on my noteworthy day. She claims the most benevolent lehenga in the whole world. After all, she is the world’s best designer and she figured out how to improve the excellence and enchant the outfit for me with her own innovative thoughts. Yeah! I needed to drop a couple of pounds to fit myself into it. But I am amazed at how she has taken really good care of it, and from this day forward, it will turn to be my responsibility. While talking about whether to redesign the choli or not with my mother and unloading the wedding bag, today, I found a journal and a few letters to my father in my Mom’s cabinet. Furthermore, I am sure you know what I did with that diary. I took that journal to my room covertly and there began a page-turning journey that went on for a lifetime. The letters weren’t dated but they all surely were about me. Whatever I have known of them, I never really could find someone like them - after so many years, my mother’s adoration towards my father resembles a recently married couple. The density, depth, and intensity of love from their generation are astounding. The romantic tale of my folks has seen an incredible portion of high and low points, but they somehow learnt the trick to always come across together. But they say every love story is not a fairy tale. Love like theirs is just found in stories. Since I still have seven days left and most of the major tasks are taken care of, I’d like to change the course of my life with everything I’ll unravel in this diary. I do realise that pursuing somebody’s personal journal is an awful habit yet I can’t prevent myself from doing it, after all, what more would I ever reveal for myself than what I already know about my parents. I know they’re this happy couple who stood by thick and thin by the end of their time and hence, I just wish to know this secret element as a weekender read before I walk down that aisle towards the new uncertainty of my life. Hence, dear readers, this is Vani, Sole Chairwoman of Ghunmay Corp. Signing in today to testify to the most beautiful love story I have ever come across, yes, a love story because as I’ve dug into the pages, I believe that’s how she has written it too, a narration of forever love.
LoveleenaGhai · 3.8K Views

General Adhira

how would you feel if you died in an isolation ward while suffering from corona and losing everyone you once knew because of it. something similar happened to our protagonist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I was just a normal Indian girl until the pandemic struck the world. millions of people died in it and one of them was me and my family. I died at the young age of thirteen and transmigrated into the body of a girl same as me but way more beautiful than me!! there was only one word for her:- DEAD GORGEOUS!! how can anyone look so beautiful anyway until I met them... I was in the medival era of India in which Mughals pulled over the Asian subcontinent. I transmigrate in the body of a girl who is a daughter of a minister of the current mughal ruler. Akbar!! " omg!! he looks so hot! he could be a film star " my role model as well as my master, Birbal!! " master!! anything to do to make trouble? I am bored!" a bratty yet cute prince, Jahangir " Gosh, he is so adorable!!" " where did this annoying fly come from!?" and much more!! this is the story of a girl who came to the past and changed history. a girl who fights for justice and women!! a girl who is deadly in more than one way:- Gorgeous, Strong, clever she is indeed an overpowered main character until..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ hey, guys!! the cover is not mine so, the credits are to the artist but the novel is mine. I hope you guys like my work!! love from~ Vani Orla
Vani_Orla · 2K Views

Subjugată de destin.

Mă tem ,dar totuși nu mă tem încă mai am speranță sau poate că și acea fărâmă de tărie se va evapora curând. Nu mai am lacrimi să mai plâng sau poate mai am dar nu mai vreau ,nu mai vreau să simt cum și mai multă durere se instalează în inima mea în acel organ prin care trăiesc și cu care ar trebui să simt fericire,iubire poate,dar am prea multe gânduri deșarte.Pentru mine acea inimă e doar un organ care mă ține în viață chiar dacă aș prefera să mor , să închid ochii odată pentru totdeauna în această viață și mai apoi să-i deschid în altă viață. Singurul meu strop de fericire sau liniște pentru că fericire ,e prea mult spus ,și acesta a rămas atunci când muncesc sau închid pleoapele pentru câteva ore ,atunci când trupul meu nu simte durere dar și atunci mintea mi-e prădată de durerea gândurilor ce sălășluiesc în mintea mea atunci când am liniștea necesară să mai mă adun și pot să visez la un alt viitor ,un vis prea departe de adevăr.Prea departe... Durerea se resimte dar se risipește ușor , ușor ,fiecare picătură de sânge ce pică pe cimentul rece și pătat de alte vărsări la fel de dure și inimaginabile pentru unii, are acum amprenta urletelor și durerii mele imprimată în culoarea sa. Dar se spune că ce nu te omoară te întărește . Adevărat. Dar cred că m-am întărit destul ,nu mai am nevoie ,deja sunt distrusă de când sunt aici ,de când nu mai știu ce e aia fericire ,libertate ,nu mai știu nici să zâmbesc,tortura primită ani la rând mi-a dat ocazia ca pe chip să am mereu lacrimi ,sânge și vânătăi ,un tablou perfect pentru acești psihopați ce mi-au mâncat viața. Viața mi-e un calvar mereu activ ,mereu cu noi bătăi scrise cu sânge în filele vieții mele. Îmi adun toată forța pe care o mai am în mine și îmi strâng picioarele la piept pentru a-mi odihni capul pe acestea ,acum cât am timp. Aerul rece ce intră pe fereastra spartă îmi provocă mici valuri de șocuri reci de parcă cineva se joacă cu o lamă pe pielea mea vânătă și vopsită în culori roși și move. Ignor asta pentru că oricum nu am ce face .Îmi privesc mâinile ce îmi tremură mai ceva ca o gelatină abia scoasă de la frigider. Oare ce am făcut atât de rău să primesc o soartă atât de nemiloasă?
DaoistP1gwx6 · 1.8K Views
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