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Shen Counter Pick

Parasitic Heart: I Accidentally Picked The Rune Of Calamity

My talent grow infinitely. I grow stronger even as I sleep, what's considered best for others is the least for me. I can stack skill infinitely. ****** In a world ruled filled with runes, Matt is reborn at the lowest rung of society. But Matt is no stranger to politics and power. Once a soldier and a cunning leader who bent entire nations to his will, death could not erase his sins—or rather his ambition. This new world is far from simple. Yet, Matt carries more than memories of his past life—he wields powers so extraordinary that they could turn kings into beggars and saints into monsters. But with great power comes an unsettling truth. As cryptic messages flood his vision— _____________ [ You have obtained the Divine ability- Cursed Re… ] [ You have obtained the Divine ability- Demonix Blo… ] ... [ Would you like to tranform your rune into... ] ... [ You have slained the Slug win... ] [ You gained... ] _____________ And with each surge of his newfound abilities, a disturbing realization takes hold: Matt is no longer certain he’s even human. What has he become—a monster, a weapon, or something far more terrifying? Something vast, unknowable, and merciless stirs in the shadows, pulling the strings of fate. Caught in its game, Matt must decide whether to embrace this power or risk being consumed by it. In a realm where deceit rules, strength speaks, and the line between salvation and damnation is razor-thin, Matt must decide what it means to live, to fight, and to survive. _____________ The main character of this novel is slightly based on Fang Yuan. Though, he will have a borderline. This will have Talent awakening, some mystery, Op abilities, beast mastery and a lot more... For faster updates, show your support. Read my review for more details...
Jin_moon · 3K Views

Renascimento nos Anos 80: A Esposa Intelectual é Fofa

Enganada para se casar, explorada por toda a vida como uma babá sem pagamento e, finalmente, espancada até a morte por sua mãe adotiva na frente do leito de doença de seu pai adotivo, a vida miserável de Shen Mianmian chegou ao fim. Quando ela abriu os olhos novamente, viu-se de volta aos quinze. Shen Mianmian jurou escapar do seu destino passado, punir sua prima maliciosa e mãe adotiva, mas acidentalmente brilhou demais no processo. A estudante que estava entre as últimas da escola de repente subiu ao topo, se tornando a candidata disputada por universidades prestigiosas, causando sensação entre todos os professores e alunos... Enquanto outros estavam ocupados estudando, Shen Mianmian estava ocupada iniciando pequenos negócios para ganhar dinheiro... Enquanto outros se preparavam para os exames de entrada na faculdade, Shen Mianmian comprou as duas casas mal-assombradas mais notórias de Pequim de uma só vez... tornando-se uma anomalia aos olhos de todos, zombaram dela dizendo que mesmo que tivesse a fortuna para comprá-las, poderia não ter a vida para morar nelas. Enquanto outros se formavam e estavam ocupados procurando emprego, as propriedades mal-assombradas compradas por Shen Mianmian foram requisitadas pelo governo, rendendo-lhe uma quantia considerável de compensação pela demolição. Aqueles que zombaram dela não puderam deixar de se bater duas vezes... procurando em todos os lugares onde poderia haver casas mal-assombradas à venda. Shen Mianmian, que originalmente precisava pegar dinheiro emprestado para as mensalidades da escola, usou os fundos da demolição e aproveitou a vantagem de seu renascimento para comprar um terreno adequado e construiu um prédio de aluguel, transformando-se na proprietária de terras mais rica e próspera de Pequim... Um dia, Shen Mianmian, carregando uma bolsa de chaves e tendo acabado de coletar o aluguel, foi arrastada para o Cartório de Registro Civil. "Shen Mianmian, é hora de você pagar o que me deve."
Yin Family's Sixth Child · 43.9K Views

Serangan Balasan Ibu Tiri: Membesarkan Anak di Era yang Telah Berlalu

[Isteri Lembut VS Pria Tangguh, Memanjakan Istri + Kedua Berbudi + Kehidupan Sehari-hari Mengasuh Anak] Pembawa acara livestream makanan Shen Mingzhu tertransmigrasi menjadi ibu tiri jahat dari novel masa lampau, menjadi tokoh yang kontras dengan Shen Baolan dari desa tersebut. Shen Baolan baik dan berbudi, memperlakukan anak tirinya seperti anak kandungnya sendiri, sementara tokoh asli itu kejam dan bengis, selalu memukuli atau memarahi anak tirinya. Shen Baolan menikmati masa tuanya yang indah berkat anak tirinya yang menjanjikan, sementara tokoh aslinya terbakar hidup-hidup oleh anak tirinya yang terpilu dan jahat. Untuk mengubah hasil tragis tersebut, Shen Mingzhu menggulung lengan bajunya, siap untuk mengurutkan semuanya dengan benar. —— Shen Baolan memiliki mimpi. Pria yang akan dia nikahi akan meninggal setengah tahun kemudian, meninggalkannya menjadi janda tanpa apa-apa, terikat untuk menjalani hidup penuh kesengsaraan. Sementara itu, Shen Mingzhu, karena menikah dengan pria yang tepat, menjadi wanita kaya yang diidamkan. Keduanya dari desa yang sama, keduanya menjadi ibu tiri bagi seseorang, mengapa Shen Mingzhu harus hidup lebih baik darinya? Dia akan menikah dengan pria yang Shen Mingzhu nikahi, dan menjalani kehidupan baik Shen Mingzhu! —— Lima tahun berlalu. Shen Mingzhu telah menjadi mahasiswa, suami Shen Mingzhu tidak meninggal tapi malah menjadi bos besar, dan anak tirinya Shen Mingzhu menjadi anak ajaib. Shen Baolan, yang mendambakan kesuksesan suaminya, masih menunggu dengan pahit hari di mana suaminya akan meningkat menjadi hebat.
Seven Queens · 22.6K Views

Reencarnación en los 80: La Esposa Escolar es Linda

Engañada para casarse, explotada toda su vida como una niñera sin sueldo y finalmente golpeada hasta la muerte por su madre adoptiva delante de la cama del enfermo padre adoptivo, la miserable vida de Shen Mianmian llegó a su fin. Cuando abrió sus ojos de nuevo, se encontró de vuelta a los quince años. Shen Mianmian juró escapar de su destino pasado, castigar a su maliciosa prima y a su madre adoptiva, pero accidentalmente brilló demasiado en el proceso. La estudiante antepenúltima de la escuela de repente ascendió a la cima, convirtiéndose en la candidata peleada por prestigiosas universidades, causando sensación entre todos los profesores y estudiantes... Mientras otros estaban ocupados estudiando, Shen Mianmian estaba ocupada iniciando pequeños negocios para ganar dinero... Mientras otros se preparaban para el examen de ingreso a la universidad, Shen Mianmian compró de un golpe las dos casas encantadas más notorias de Pekín... convirtiéndose en una rareza a ojos de todos, se burlaban de que aunque tuviera la fortuna de comprarlas, podría no tener la vida para vivir en ellas. Cuando otros se graduaron y estaban ocupados buscando trabajo, las propiedades encantadas compradas por Shen Mianmian fueron expropiadas por el gobierno, ganándole una cantidad considerable de compensación por la demolición. Aquellos que se habían burlado de ella no pudieron evitar darse dos palmadas... preguntando por todas partes dónde podría haber casas encantadas en venta. Shen Mianmian, que originalmente necesitaba pedir prestado dinero para las tasas de matrícula, usó los fondos de demolición y aprovechó su ventaja de renacer para comprar un terreno adecuado y construir un edificio de alquiler, transformándose en la propietaria de tierras más rica y próspera de Pekín... Un día, Shen Mianmian, llevando una bolsa de llaves y habiendo acabado de cobrar la renta, fue arrastrada al Registro Civil. —Shen Mianmian, es hora de que pagues lo que me debes.
Yin Family's Sixth Child · 29.4K Views

Kelahiran Kembali di Tahun 80an: Istri Sarjana yang Imut

Tertipu untuk menikah, dieksploitasi seumur hidup sebagai pengasuh tanpa bayaran, dan akhirnya dipukuli hingga mati oleh ibu angkatnya di depan tempat tidur ayah angkatnya yang sedang sakit, kehidupan menyedihkan Shen Mianmian berakhir. Ketika dia membuka matanya lagi, dia menemukan dirinya kembali pada usia lima belas tahun. Shen Mianmian berjanji untuk melarikan diri dari takdir masa lalunya, menghukum sepupu dan ibu angkat yang jahat, namun secara tidak sengaja bersinar terlalu terang dalam prosesnya. Siswa yang sebelumnya berada di urutan ketiga dari belakang di sekolah tiba-tiba naik ke puncak, menjadi kandidat yang diperebutkan oleh perguruan tinggi bergengsi, menyebabkan sensasi di antara semua guru dan murid... Sementara yang lain sibuk belajar, Shen Mianmian sibuk memulai bisnis kecil untuk menghasilkan uang... Sementara yang lain mempersiapkan ujian masuk perguruan tinggi, Shen Mianmian membeli dua bangunan berhantu yang paling terkenal di Beijing sekaligus... menjadi keanehan di mata semua orang, mereka mengejeknya bahwa walaupun dia punya keberuntungan untuk membelinya, dia mungkin tidak punya nyawa untuk tinggal di dalamnya. Sementara yang lain lulus dan sibuk mencari pekerjaan, properti berhantu yang dibeli Shen Mianmian diambil oleh pemerintah, membuatnya mendapatkan sejumlah besar kompensasi penggusuran. Orang-orang yang dulu mengejeknya tidak bisa tidak menampar diri mereka sendiri dua kali... bertanya-tanya di mana-mana apakah ada rumah berhantu yang dijual. Shen Mianmian, yang awalnya butuh meminjam uang untuk biaya kuliah, menggunakan dana penggusuran dan memanfaatkan keuntungan kelahiran kembali untuk membeli sebidang tanah yang cocok dan membangun gedung sewaan, bertransformasi menjadi pemilik tanah terkaya dan paling makmur di Beijing... Suatu hari, Shen Mianmian, yang membawa tas penuh kunci dan baru saja mengumpulkan sewa, ditarik pergi ke Kantor Urusan Sipil. "Shen Mianmian, sudah waktunya bagi kamu untuk membayar apa yang kamu hutangkan padaku."
Yin Family's Sixth Child · 51.7K Views

Wiedergeburt in den 80ern: Die Gelehrtenfrau ist niedlich

Durch Heiratsschwindel betrogen, ein Leben lang als Kindermädchen ohne Bezahlung ausgebeutet und schließlich von ihrer Adoptivmutter vor dem Krankenbett ihres Adoptivvaters zu Tode geprügelt, fand Shen Mianmians elendes Leben ein Ende. Als sie ihre Augen wieder öffnete, fand sie sich im Alter von fünfzehn Jahren wieder. Shen Mianmian schwor sich, ihrem vergangenen Schicksal zu entfliehen und ihre bösartige Cousine und Adoptivmutter zu bestrafen, doch dabei strahlte sie versehentlich zu hell. Die drittletzte Schülerin der Schule stieg plötzlich an die Spitze auf, wurde zur begehrten Kandidatin an den renommierten Universitäten und erregte das Aufsehen aller Lehrer und Schüler... Während andere mit dem Studium beschäftigt waren, gründete Shen Mianmian kleine Unternehmen, um Geld zu verdienen... Während andere sich auf die Aufnahmeprüfungen für das College vorbereiteten, kaufte Shen Mianmian auf einen Schlag die beiden berüchtigtsten Spukhäuser in Peking... Sie wurde in den Augen aller zu einer Kuriosität, und man spottete über sie, dass sie, selbst wenn sie das Vermögen hätte, sie zu kaufen, nicht das Leben hätte, um in ihnen zu leben. Während andere ihren Abschluss machten und sich auf die Suche nach einem Arbeitsplatz machten, wurden die von Shen Mianmian gekauften Spukhäuser von der Regierung beschlagnahmt, was ihr eine beträchtliche Abrissentschädigung einbrachte. Diejenigen, die sich über sie lustig gemacht hatten, konnten nicht anders, als sich zweimal zu ohrfeigen... und sich überall zu erkundigen, wo es Spukhäuser zu kaufen gab. Shen Mianmian, die sich ursprünglich Geld für die Studiengebühren leihen musste, nutzte die Abrissgelder und ihren Wiedergeburtsvorteil, um ein geeignetes Grundstück zu kaufen und ein Mietshaus zu bauen, und wurde so zur reichsten und wohlhabendsten Vermieterin Pekings... Eines Tages wurde Shen Mianmian, die einen Beutel mit Schlüsseln bei sich trug und gerade die Miete kassiert hatte, zum Amt für Zivilangelegenheiten geschleppt. "Shen Mianmian, es wird Zeit, dass Sie Ihre Schulden bei mir zurückzahlen."
Yin Family's Sixth Child · 10.7K Views

O Chefe Aleijado Me Ama

A outrora rica garota Shen Hanxing perdeu sua mãe quando nasceu. Depois, foi abandonada no exterior pelo próprio pai quando era pequena, deixada à própria sorte. Dezenove anos depois, seu pai a levou pessoalmente de volta para casa do exterior, e o motivo era para substituir sua irmã mais nova e casar-se com seu noivo Ji Yan, que havia perdido o sentido das pernas após um acidente de carro. Pai: “Conheça o seu lugar. Você já está se casando acima da sua posição ao casar-se com Ji Yan com o seu status.” Irmã Mais Nova: “Obrigada por estar disposta a se sacrificar pelo meu amor~” Shen Hanxing sorriu levemente: “Concordem com as minhas duas condições, e eu me casarei com ele com prazer.” Depois disso, ela entrou na casa da Família Ji com uma bagagem vazia. O homem na cadeira de rodas rugiu para ela enfurecido no quarto escuro. “Some!” Shen Hanxing rapidamente acendeu a luz, puxou a cortina e estendeu a mão em direção ao homem com a luz atrás dela. “Olá. Deixe-me me apresentar. Sou sua esposa, Shen Hanxing.” Quando a viu pela primeira vez, ele a tratou friamente. E então, ele a valorizou. Ji Yan olhou para esta mulher que entrou de repente em sua vida. Ela usou sua força para domar seu irmão mais novo selvagem e impulsivo. Ela pacientemente e compassivamente curou sua irmã mais nova medrosa e introvertida. Ela usou tudo o que tinha para lentamente sustentar esta fria família... E então, Shen Hanxing caiu em uma armadilha. Antes de mergulhar na escuridão, ela viu o homem que deveria estar na cadeira de rodas correndo em sua direção, ansioso. Quando ela acordou novamente, o homem apontou para a tábua de lavar, o teclado e o durião e perguntou, “Hanxing, em qual deles você quer que eu me ajoelhe?”
Wuxia · 49.7K Views

When the Wild Beast is Trapped in the Nightmare Cycle (BL)

After being confined in a mental asylum for years, Jin Jiuchi had just been released back to human habitation when he suddenly found himself trapped in a dangerous and thrilling survival game. Wait, is there something wrong with you all? Why do you look so scared? This world is so… exciting! For Jin Jiuchi, this beast in human clothing who was chained by society laws, the appearance of the Nightmare Cycle was akin to a dream come true! Drinking tea with a dismembered bride in a haunted apartment, dancing tango with the evil spirit in the depths of suicide forest, skipping rope with the ancient god in a forgotten civilization… Jin Jiuchi was so happy that he was going crazy! However, when he went crazy, all the players and NPCs in the cycle trembled in fear. *** There was only a beautiful jade doll who had never been afraid of him. Shen Nianzu called out softly, "Jin-ge." Jin Jiuchi, who was happily digging through a rotten corpse's stomach, suddenly dropped everything and zoomed in front of Shen Nianzu with a speed invisible to naked eyes. His eyes were curved into crescents as he asked, "What's wrong, Nian'er? Do you want to join me too?" Shen Nianzu was expressionless as he stared at the bloody man in front of him. Then he suddenly stretched out a hand, palm up. Confused, Jin Jiuchi placed his dirty paw in Shen Nianzu's hand and shook it. Shen Nianzu: “Good boy.” Jin Jiuchi: ? *** Lunatic drama king, wild beast gong x big beauty, cunning, strong-acting-weak shou Additional tags: top/gong/seme protagonist, action, supernatural, psychological, mystery, slow romance, ghosts, gore, monsters, beasts, shameless protagonist, survival game, teamwork, unlimited flow, horror, suspense, younger love interest Find me on: Instagram: delanasiwarka Discord: delanasiwarka#1490 Discord server:
delanasiwarka · 1.6M Views

Insights of the Medical Examiner

Setelah beberapa tahun, Shen Junci memanjat gunung darah dan mayat dan akhirnya bisa bertemu dengan orang yang ia rindukan. Pemeriksa Medis Shen Junci, setibanya di Biro Kota Penang, menjadi anggota Divisi Kriminal Khusus yang baru dibentuk. Meskipun penampilannya tampan dan angkuh, Shen Junci adalah pemeriksa medis terbaik dengan sikap yang terampil dan penuh kasih sayang, ia menyembunyikan teknik yang luar biasa. Kapten Divisi Kriminal Khusus, Gu Yanchen, ditarik dari Departemen Logistik oleh direktur saat ini, Ding, dan memiliki keahlian menembak yang luar biasa serta kemampuan detektif yang solid. Saat pertama kali melihat Shen Junci, Gu Yanchen merasakan keakraban, yang berulang kali dibantah Shen Junci. Saat mereka menjadi rekan kerja dan kemudian tetangga, hubungan mereka berkembang menjadi kemitraan terbaik. Selama proses memecahkan kasus bersama, Gu Yanchen secara bertahap mengungkap rahasia yang disembunyikan oleh Shen Junci. Seluruh kota Penang bergejolak, secara bertahap membentuk badai. Di bawah debu waktu terletak cahaya abadi yang ditempa oleh darah dan kehidupan. “Jika kau ingin melawan kegelapan, aku bersedia menjadi senjata paling akurat di tanganmu.” – – – – – Penjelasan judul: Ada dua judul berbeda untuk novel ini. Judul web, “Fatally Destined Medical Examiner,” (绝命法医) dan judul cetak, “Interpretations,” (解语). Kami memutuskan untuk menggabungkan kedua judul ini menjadi satu untuk menyebutnya “Insights of the Medical Examiner.”
Elhafasya · 5.8K Views

Everyone’s Genius: The School Beauty’s Unexpected Pursuit!

The game has arrived, and the world of Blue Star has been completely reshaped. Humanity enters the era of class change, while mythical beasts roam freely, and mysterious realms and abysses lurk in every corner. On the day of his own class awakening, Shen Mo discovers that he’s the only one to awaken the hidden class — Master of All Things. From this moment on, his life takes a turn for the extraordinary. As he unravels the truth behind the towering obelisk that connects different worlds, Shen Mo realizes he is no longer an ordinary person. He gains a godly passive ability that allows him to ignore class restrictions and access all abilities in the world, while his godly talent enables him to fuse different skills from various classes into more powerful abilities. Every time he defeats an opponent, he can randomly steal one of their abilities. Among these, Shen Mo acquires the Skill: Enchanting Touch, making every attack he launches against the opposite sex irresistibly seductive. But his "happy life" isn't as simple as it seems. One by one, beautiful women enter his world— a centaur girl, a cold school goddess, a beast-eared maiden, and even the Elf Queen, all drawn into his abyss for their own "challenges". Each one’s challenge is more than just a fight; it’s a battle of hearts, emotions, and desires. Will Shen Mo conquer the beautiful worlds around him and collect the women of his dreams, or will he find himself entangled in the chaos of love and power? It’s time for the ultimate showdown — and Shen Mo wants it all: the world, the power, and the beauties.
DaoistKjeyvp · 1.2K Views

Phoenix's crescent love

Her Lineage was cursed and a mission was given throughout the generations. Feng Hui Lan was the chosen candidate, heaven’s pick, but heaven’s pick that was against all odds. It shouldn’t have been her, but the mission fell on her shoulders. She was heaven’s pick that was sent into the body of a powerless empress with the exact same name and very similar face like hers. There she became ‘Empress Hui Lan’ who had been driven into a fiery pit of fire by her beloved emperor which had caused her unjust death. Before all of this, modern-day Hui Lan was an Eastern Historian Professor in England, but she would have never thought that she would be sent travelling back in time, even worse, into an unrecorded time period. Since young, she had been gifted a special gift to be able to talk to animals. There would always be small voices in her head, however, when she grew up, the voices slowly faded away. Until she came to the past where these voices reappeared once more. In the unfamiliar world, Hui Lan must strive among the plots and schemes aimed at her. Along the way, she has two majestic assistants to guide her, Yue and Hun that had come from an even more ancient time period. No longer the well-behaved empress like before, Empress Hui Lan seeks to find justice in this messy palace and end the mission forced in her hands. Beneath the surface, an underground power seeks to pull her down like how they had driven Empress Hui Lin to the pit of fire. However, if her enemies kept secretly hidden in the dark, then she would build an entire empire of hers to bring them down. The subtle change in his consort’s temperament had not escaped his incisive eyes. Emperor Shen Yang Long was well known for his iciness among his subjects, the surrounding kingdoms and his wives that were all arranged for different purposes. However, only one marriage that he was more than ever willing to marry was his favourite concubine, Concubine Li, Li Mei Fang. Nevertheless, after that night, he faces this indifference side of his consort who he had always been ignoring; it became like a thorn to his heart. Struggling with these new emotions in his heart, he finds out his true feelings in the end, but will it be too late? It was a fight for power within the palace walls, but moreover, the old roots that were also seeking to destroy the entire kingdom and the other kingdoms. Hui Lan was the next one in the next mission that was not supposed to happen, but would she be the last?” ... Upload Schedule: Mon-Fri at 11 pm (GMT+7) ... Join me on discord: ... Hope you enjoy this novel!
cha_cha · 1.4M Views
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