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Cassandra Cales

A Esposa Que Eu Peguei é Feroz Demais

``` Quando Feng Qing nasceu, ela foi vendida a um casal das montanhas devido à negligência do hospital. Dezesseis anos depois, seus pais biológicos a trouxeram para casa de uma pequena vila na montanha, ela achou que sua vida melhoraria, mas não foi o caso. Ela não apenas deixou de receber amor dos pais, como sua irmã substituta a fez ficar cega. No final, seus pais a casaram com um homem velho de cinquenta anos. No dia de seu casamento, Feng Qing fugiu do hotel com vários guarda-costas correndo atrás dela. Em uma situação crítica, ela entrou no carro preto que estava estacionado à beira da estrada. No banco de trás do carro estava sentado um homem bonito onde a frieza impiedosa era uma constante em seu rosto. Ele parecia alguém com quem não se deveria brincar. Feng Qing bateu suas pequeninas mãos sujas. "Então, senhor, notei que a solidão está escrita em todo o seu rosto. O que acha de ter uma esposa que agora se apresentou a você?" Xie Jiuhan era comumente referido como Nono Mestre. Ele era o tirano da Capital e tinha uma personalidade volátil. Era teimoso e impiedoso. As socialites da Capital usavam todos os meios, mas nenhuma delas chegava perto sequer de tocar na bainha das roupas do Nono Mestre. A partir deste dia, rumores começaram a se espalhar pela Capital. O Nono Mestre, que normalmente se mantinha longe das mulheres, criou uma pequena esposa na mansão e a mimou ao extremo. Nono Mestre: "Minha esposa é muito frágil para cuidar de si mesma." O médico: "Então, quem é aquela senhora que quebrou o joelho de alguém com um único chute?" Nono Mestre: "Minha esposa morou em vilarejos, ela não é boa nos estudos." Os alunos da Universidade da Capital: "Sua esposa está sempre em primeiro lugar em todos os exames. Se ela não é boa nos estudos, o que somos nós? Retardados?" Nono Mestre: "Minha esposa é extremamente tímida. Ela não conheceu muitos figurões ou pessoas proeminentes." O público: "Por favor, cale a boca!" As principais autoridades em medicina, professores de ciência e famosos diretores internacionais faziam fila fora de sua casa, implorando para vê-la! Sim, sua esposa não havia conhecido figurões ou pessoas proeminentes antes porque ela era a figura mais proeminente aqui. ```
Yishen · 73.6K Views

Wiedergeboren als Gefährtin des verfluchten Alphas

Was passiert, wenn sich eine Göttin in einen Shifter verliebt? Asara, die Göttin der Liebe, wurde von ihrem Vater, dem Gott des Donners, bestraft. Ihr Verbrechen war es, sich in einen sterblichen Shifter-Alpha zu verlieben. Um für ihre Sünden zu büßen, wurde sie als Cassandra LeBlanc wiedergeboren; eine sterbliche Prinzessin im magischen Königreich von Speldaria. Ihre Familie und ihr Königreich, mit Ausnahme ihrer mittleren Schwester, mieden sie, weil sie ohne magische Fähigkeiten geboren wurde und sich nicht an ihre wahre Identität erinnern konnte. Ihr Verlobter, der mächtige Magierkommandant von Speldaria, war von ihr unbeeindruckt. Er wünschte sich eine starke Frau. Cassandras Leben geriet aus den Fugen, als sie vom mächtigen Alpha von Dusartine eine Kriegersklavin geschenkt bekam. Sie wurde gebeten, an dem jährlichen Arenawettkampf teilzunehmen und mit dem Krieger zusammenzuarbeiten. Cassandra hasste die "Arena" mit ihrem eigenen Atem. Ein Ort, an dem Blut wie Wein floss und das Leben billiger war als die Luft, die sie atmeten, verstand sie nicht, was sie dort sollte. Hinzu kam, dass der geheimnisvolle Krieger sie in unvorstellbarer Weise beeinflusste. Sein hypnotischer Blick beunruhigte sie. Seine seltene Essenz überwältigte sie. Sein muskulöser, gebräunter Körper verzehrte sie mit sündigen Gedanken. Sogar die Träume aus ihrem früheren Leben quälten sie. Als "Die Arena" begann, kamen die verborgenen Absichten und unterschwelligen Wahrheiten ans Licht und Cassandra wurde vom Schicksal in die Hände gespielt. Ihr blieb keine andere Wahl, als sich zu fügen und einen Weg zu wählen. Die Frage wird sein. Wie wird Cassandra zurechtkommen, wenn sie von dem Fluch erfährt, der auf ihr lastet? Wird sie in der Lage sein, ihre magischen Fähigkeiten zu erhalten und sich gegen ihren Vater zu behaupten? Wer wird ihr auf ihrem Weg helfen? ~Auszug~ Dann spürte sie ihn, ihn ganz und gar. Seine ganze Schroffheit. Die Stärke seines Arms. Die Sanftheit seiner Lippen. Den Griff seiner Hand. Die Wärme seines Atems. Jeder Muskel in ihrem Körper spannte sich bei dem Gedanken an den Schlaf in den Armen eines Mannes an. Sie hatte noch nie in der Umarmung eines Mannes geschlafen. Ihre ganze Haut kribbelte wie kleine Funken, die auf den Stellen tanzten, die mit ihm verbunden waren. In den Spalten ihres Gehirns waren diese Erinnerungen, die nicht die ihren waren. Irgendwie kam ihr diese Berührung nicht fremd vor. Sie fühlte sich in seiner beruhigenden Umarmung sicher und wollte ihn nicht wegstoßen, und doch wusste sie, dass dies alles andere als angemessen war. Cassandra versuchte, sich aus seinem Griff zu befreien, aber seine Arme schienen aus Eisen zu sein, denn sie ließen sich nicht bewegen. Das leichte Kleid, das sie getragen hatte, hatte sich von ihrem milchigen Oberschenkel gelöst und entblößte ihn, während sein braungebrannter, muskulöser Schenkel darauf lag. Und jetzt spürte sie, wie etwas in ihren Rücken stach. Ihre Augen weiteten sich plötzlich bei dieser Erkenntnis und Cassandra geriet völlig in Panik. "Lass los!" stieß sie schwerfällig hervor. Siroos hob langsam sein Bein und lockerte seinen Griff um ihre Taille, damit sie wegschlurfen konnte. Er war aufgewacht, als sie sich zum ersten Mal versteift hatte, aber er wollte sehen, was sie versuchen würde. Mit weit aufgerissenen Augen warf sie einen Blick auf den Mann, der sie wie einen kostbaren Schatz, seinen Schatz, in seine Umarmung gehüllt hatte. Seine geschmolzenen goldenen Augen hatten aufgeflackert, und da war diese Sanftheit und Sehnsucht, mit der er sie anstarrte. Die weichen braunen Locken fielen ihm über die Augen, während er vergaß zu blinzeln und die zeitlose Schönheit betrachtete, die sie war. Ihr einzigartiger Duft war eine Tortur für seine Sinne. Wie sehr wünschte er sich, ihren zierlichen Knöchel zu packen, sie von ihm wegzuziehen und sie unter sich auszustrecken. Die Haut zu küssen, die diesen Duft verströmte, der ihn in den Wahnsinn trieb. Stattdessen legte er den Arm unter seine Wange und benutzte ihn wie ein Kissen, um sie mit begehrlichen Augen zu beobachten. Die peinliche Pause zwischen ihnen wurde noch länger, als Cassandra sich räusperte. "Musstest du auf mich klettern, um zu schlafen?" "Es war keine Absicht, aber es war sehr verlockend, und es wird bestimmt nicht das letzte Mal gewesen sein." Seine zutiefst hypnotisierende Stimme war so früh am Morgen noch verlockender, als sie um sie herum erklang. Das Buchcover ist von mir.
Sunny_Shumail · 21.6K Views

Réincarnée en tant que compagne maudite de l'Alpha

``` Qu'arrive-t-il quand une déesse tombe amoureuse d'un métamorphe ? Asara ; la déesse de l'amour, fut punie par son père, le dieu du tonnerre. Son crime fut de tomber amoureuse d'un métamorphe Alpha mortel. Pour expier ses péchés, elle renaquit en tant que Cassandra LeBlanc ; une Princesse mortelle dans le royaume magique de Speldaria. Sa famille et son royaume, à l'exception de sa sœur cadette, l'ont rejetée car elle naquit sans aucune capacité magique et elle n'avait aucun souvenir de sa véritable identité. Son fiancé, le puissant mage commandant de Speldaria, était indifférent à son égard. Il désirait quelqu'un de fort. La vie de Cassandra fut bouleversée lorsqu'elle reçut en cadeau un esclave guerrier par le puissant Alpha de Dusartine. On lui demanda de participer à l'événement annuel de l'Arène en collaborant avec le guerrier. Cassandra, qui haïssait 'L'Arène' de tout son souffle. Un endroit où le sang coulait comme du vin et où la vie était moins chère que l'air même qu'ils respiraient, ne comprenait pas sa place dans tout cela. Par-dessus le marché, le mystérieux guerrier l'affectait de manières inimaginables. Son regard hypnotique la troublait. Son essence rare la submergeait. Son corps musclé et bronzé la consumait de pensées coupables. Même les rêves de sa vie passée la tourmentaient. Lorsque 'L'Arène' commença, les agendas cachés et les vérités sous-jacentes furent révélés et Cassandra se vit jouer une main du destin. Elle n'eut d'autre choix que de se soumettre et de choisir un chemin. La question serait donc. Comment Cassandra va-t-elle réagir une fois qu'elle apprendra la malédiction qui a été placée sur elle ? Sera-t-elle capable d'obtenir ses capacités magiques et de s'opposer à son père ? Qui l'aidera dans son voyage ? ~Extrait~ C’est alors qu'elle le ressentit, tout entier. Toute sa rugosité. La force de son bras. La douceur de ses lèvres. La prise de sa main. La chaleur de son souffle. Chaque muscle de son corps se tendit à l'idée de dormir dans les bras d'un homme. Elle n'avait jamais dormi dans l'étreinte d'un mâle auparavant. Sa peau toute entière fourmillait, comme si de petites étincelles dansaient sur les endroits même qui touchaient le sien. Les crevasses de son cerveau abritaient ces souvenirs qui n'étaient pas les siens. Ce contact, d'une certaine manière, ne lui semblait pas étranger. Elle se sentait en sécurité dans son étreinte apaisante et n'avait pas l'envie de le repousser, et pourtant elle savait que c'était loin d'être approprié. Cassandra tenta de se dégager de son emprise, mais ses bras semblaient être faits de fer, car ils ne bougeaient pas. Le vêtement léger qu'elle portait avait glissé de sa cuisse laiteuse, la dévoilant alors que sa jambe musclée et bronzée s'y drapait. Et maintenant elle pouvait sentir quelque chose la pousser dans le dos. Ses yeux s'agrandirent soudain de réalisation et Cassandra paniqua complètement. « Lâche-moi ! » dit-elle d'une voix lourde. Siroos leva lentement sa jambe et relâcha son étreinte sur sa taille pour qu'elle puisse s'écarter. Il s'était réveillé lorsqu'elle s'était raidie pour la première fois mais souhaitait voir ce qu'elle allait essayer. Avec des yeux largement ouverts elle vola un regard vers l'homme qui l'avait enveloppée dans son étreinte comme un trésor précieux, son trésor. Ses yeux dorés en fusion s'étaient entrouverts et il la regardait avec une douceur et un désir. Ces boucles brunes souples tombaient sur ses yeux alors qu'il oubliait de cligner des yeux, contemplant la beauté intemporelle qu'elle était. Son parfum unique était une torture pour ses sens. Comme il souhaitait saisir sa cheville délicate, la tirer vers lui et l'avoir étalée sous lui. Embrasser la peau même qui exhalait un tel parfum qui le rendait fou. À la place, il plia son bras et le plaça sous sa joue en l'utilisant comme un oreiller pour la contempler avec un désir empli dans les yeux. Le silence gênant entre eux se prolongea pendant que Cassandra racla sa gorge. « Tu devais vraiment te hisser sur moi pour dormir ? » « Ce n'était pas intentionnel, mais c'était certainement séduisant et définitivement pas la dernière fois. » Sa voix profondément hypnotique était encore plus envoûtante en ce début de matinée alors qu'elle résonnait tout autour d'elle. La couverture du livre m'appartient. ```
Sunny_Shumail · 27.2K Views

An angel‘s road to hell

What happens if the one transcendent being that cares for mortals fell and got a second chance in a world full of magic, intrigue and possibly even friendships? Does the past determine the future or are we all able to pick our own destiny? An angel, one of the two nigh immortal species in existence, has been hunted and killed by his own kind because he wasn’t prepared to watch silently while his people followed their own desires to whatever end. When, against all odds, he opened his eyes again, he was someone else, his past and powers hidden deep within him. On an ancient world, with advanced magic but medieval technology, he was reborn as Cassandra Pendragon, the youngest daughter of one of the five royal families on Boseiju, the home of the fox tribe, the kitsune. As she grew up, who she was and who she had been, started shaping her future. Forgotten friends and unknown enemies began knocking at her door and while she struggled to find her way between the past and the present, the winds of war were already blowing across her home. I‘ll try to publish at least 2 chapters a week, probably more. The first story arc is pretty much mapped out. Should be around 150 or 160 chapters for the first volume (it’s taking much longer than I expected) and the second one is nearly finished as well. Try it, it should be one hell of a ride. One more thing: the first two chapters are more or less a prologue and if you want to, you can skip them, I wouldn’t recommend it, though. The writing style as well as the perspective shifts dramatically, afterwards. As for trigger warnings: it’s going to get gory from time to time, and the MC often has to pay a toll in blood. Additionally there are -mildly- sexualised scenes, once in a while, but nothing graphic. Lastly, somewhen webnovel changed the description box from female lead to female oriented. It’s mandatory and I can’t change it either way but I have no clue if the book is catering male or female preferences. I hope the description above makes up for whatever confusion it might cause.
David_Amann · 840.2K Views

Reborn As Cursed Alpha's Mate

What happens when a goddess falls in love with a shifter? Asara; the goddess of love, was punished by her father, the god of thunder. Her crime being falling in love with a mortal shifter Alpha. To pay for her sins she was reborn as Cassandra LeBlanc; a mortal Princess in the magical Kingdom of Speldaria. Her family and kingdom, except her middle sister, shunned her for she was born without any magical abilities and she had no recollections of her true identity. Her betrothed, the powerful mage commander of the Speldaria, was unbothered by her. He wished for someone strong. Cassandra’s life was toppled when she was gifted a warrior slave by the mighty Alpha of Dusartine. She was asked to take part in the Yearly Arena Event by collaborating with the warrior. Cassandra who hated ‘The Arena’ with her very breath. A place where blood flowed like wine and life was cheaper than the very air they breathed didn't understand her purpose in it. On top of that, the mysterious warrior affected her in unimaginable ways. His hypnotic gaze unsettled her. His rare essence overwhelmed her. His muscular bronzed body consumed her with sinful thoughts. Even the dreams of her past life plagued her. When ‘The Arena' began the hidden agendas and underlying truths came to light and Cassandra was played a hand of fate. She was left with no choice but to give in and choose a path. The question would be. How will Cassandra grapple once she learns of the curse placed on her? Will she be able to obtain her magical abilities and stand up to her father? Who will help her along the journey? ~Excerpt~ Then she felt him, all of him. All his ruggedness. The strength of his arm. The softness of his lips. The grip of his hand. The warmth of his breath. Every muscle in her body went taut at the implications of sleeping in a man’s arms. She had never slept in a male’s embrace before. Her whole skin tingled like tiny sparks dancing on the very parts that connected with him. The crevices of her brain had these memories which weren't hers. This touch somehow didn't seem foreign to her. She felt safe in his soothing embrace and didn't wish to push him away and yet she knew this was far from appropriate. Cassandra tried to wriggle out of his hold, his arms seemed to be built from iron for they wouldn't budge. The light garment she had worn had lifted from her milky thigh baring it as his bronzed muscular one was draped on it. And now she could sense something poking her back. Her eyes suddenly expanded from the realisation and Cassandra fully panicked. “Let go!” She voiced out, heavily. Siroos slowly lifted his leg and slackened his hold on her waist so she could shuffle away. He had awakened when she had stiffened for the first time but wished to behold what she would try. With eyes blown wide she stole a glance towards the man who had her wrapped in his embrace like a precious treasure, his treasure. His molten gold eyes had flickered open and there was this softness and want with which he stared at her. Those soft brown curls cascaded over his eyes as he forgot to blink, watching the timeless beauty that she was. Her one-of-a-kind fragrance was a torture to his senses. How he wished to grab her dainty ankle, pull her from it and have her sprawled underneath him. To kiss the very skin that oozed such scent which was driving him insane. Instead, he bent his arm and placed it under his cheek using it like a pillow to watch her with desire-filled eyes. The awkward lull between them prolonged as Cassandra cleared her throat. “Did you have to climb on me to sleep?” “It wasn't intentional but was certainly enticing and definitely won't be the last time.” His deeply hypnotic voice was even more alluring this early in the morning as it resonated all around her. The book cover is mine.
Sunny_Shumail · 519.5K Views

Cale Falck X

Wield ancient technology to overthrow your mage oppressors! Can your secret order of mage hunters save the kingdom, or will internal strife tear you apart? Magehunter: Phoenix Flame is an interactive fantasy novel by Nic Vasudeva-Barkdull, set in the same world as Battlemage: Magic By Mail. It's entirely text-based, 300,000 words and hundreds of choices, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. Generations ago, invaders brought magic to the Kingdom of Jubai, setting battlemages at the top of the noble power structure and leaving everyone else oppressed. Now, a secret organization of mage hunters has risen up, phoenixlike, to stand against the mages' power and overthrow their rule. As one of these mage hunters, you wield the power of slipflame, a potent energy source that powers hunter technology. When you are called to go into battle against the mages, will you blast explosive bolts from your bow, throw silence bombs to cover your stealthy approach, or control your enemies from afar with puppet darts? But the mages are not the only foes that you will face. The mage hunters have split into factions, and internal discord threatens their mission. Is there still hope for peaceful elections? And if so, which candidate will you support? What secrets lie buried in the history of your realm? When the time comes for your uprising against the mages, will you stay loyal to your order, or will the mages' power lure you to their cause?
zpy · 15.2K Views

Veil of Ambition

Tiberius Marlowe has silent power in his step-a storm repressed behind an impenetrable mask of coolness. Every glance was sharp, lethal, a reminder that his empire didn't come as some mistake. And right at his side, in every shadowy alley, were the enemies, with Nikolai Drakos most at the fore, chief rival to him in the cutthroat billionaire world. Nikolai’s relentless ambition and cold, calculated moves drive him ever closer to Tiber’s throne, creating a tension that pulses like an unspoken promise of war. Ivy Cadler is cool, calculated, and sartorially impressive in the high-stakes game of politics, wielding her power and scandals with characteristic poise. She is Tiber's mistress, his sword in a Savile Row suit, working her way through society's upper echelons to solidify his grasp from within. Every stolen glance, every whispered confidence between them, represents a bond forged in ambition, a mutual seduction tempered with danger. Their involvement is not some trivial affair but an alliance of twisted purpose, of power and lust precariously poised on a razor's edge. Yet wrapped inside Tiber's success was an anger so still and quiet, building with every pulse of the heart that was broken called Cassandra Marlowe. Now his bride, jilted, Cassandra's ghostly presence haunted in quiet resentment stitched into the fabric of his life; she was the ghost of his choices, biding her time to strike. Each time he touches Ivy, every scheme he devises to kill Nikolai-Cassandra sees. Her vengeance, planned with a smile masking anger so cold it could shatter them all. But as Tiber navigates his realm, his calculated steps draw him closer to the shadows he cannot control. At the core of his domain, where all friends bear the mien of foes and love is a deadly poison in the veins, one wrong move spells the dénouement of his carefully constructed reign. With Nikolai at his back, Ivy hiding secrets of her own, and Cassandra's silent fury burning ever closer, Tiber's world is a chessboard of betrayal just waiting to unravel. And just when he thought he knew how to play the game well, it may just be that the deadliest enemy of all is the one he never saw coming.
Lucea_Aether · 2.9K Views


Hi, my name is Eve Yvonne Pierce and this is my story. My mom is Mrs Tyra Pierce and my dad, Mr Tristan Pierce. I was separated from my family when I was six years old because of a guy called Dylan McKenzie. He ambushed us in an hotel which forced my parents to leave me in an orphanage. I lost my memory while I was in the orphanage when I was involved in a ghastly car accident. We were on a road trip, so I couldn't remember who my dad and mom was again. I was finally adopted by Mr Bruce and Mrs Hannah Mondragon who cared for me like thier own. I met my best friend while growing up. She's Gwendolyn Karts. Few years passed and I was in sophomore year in Maxwell high. I got to know about Gwen's boyfriend, Raphael McBrayer and his best friend, Ivan McKenzie, who was a member of a fraternity. Every fucking night, I have nightmares about Tristan, Tyra and Dylan McKenzie which brings me closer to getting my memories back. I and Ivan got close and finally he became my boyfriend. Slowly, I began to remember everything and finally remembered who my real parents were. I got to know that I have an adopted brother, Adrian Knight and a little sister, Cassandra Pierce. And when I thought everything was over, my parents were murdered. With Dylan as my first suspect, I promised my dead parents to avenge their deaths and make everything related to their death pay including Dylan and his family. But I found out that Ivan was the son of Dylan. I was confused and shocked. Should I go in to fulfill my promise and kill Ivan? Or should I forgive him because he's my boyfriend and break my promise to my parents?
Falogbon_Favour · 2.5K Views

Reality Subduers

Cover is "Lunette". Next in line is SILVER, "THE WOMAN", KORVAC, (OXXANA) NARAE, or WILDKYR'ZON, she has appeared before in the cover, BRIANNELL and SLAYÇĘR are not easy to create i keep trying though. Check the work of - EasyFun - in PixAI, he made one of the future Covers and a few Creatures. Search for - Saito Tesshu - in the same plataform too, he create a picture that was literally the live image of Thyfall. (Now in the Characters section!) IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A CERTAIN CHARACTER IN THE COVER, LEAVE A COMMENT. Arriving to The New Existence, is not even the start in the unparallel journey to "Absolution". Follow the DISTINCT CHARACTERS across their adventures and troubles on a REALITY they "ARE" and "NOT" familiar with: First four Archs are Introductory to concepts employing different points of view, The story sets up its tempo until Arch five onwards. (I RECOMMEND TO READ UNTIL THE SIX TO EIGHT ARCH, OTHERWISE YOU ARE GOING TO MISS A LOT OF INFORMATION) Pick your favorite Character and support them on the Fandom Feature!: BVERXKKA Marshack "The Absolute Apex": Born to be the Epitome of his Species, The Hûrngöth, labeled the strongest and more powerful Entity on his previous Existence, search the weaklings and hybrids of his species to exterminate them, due to them being the responsibles of the Destruction of Hûlfhednär, his Homeworld, and a trillion of his peers (Real Trillion has eighteen Zeros!). SHLÕVTHY Zergirion "The Playboy" - The Best Mate of his Species the Königh, hates with madness the majority of other Königh that are less evolved, he is driven by vengeance, occulting this truth behind a smiling and playful facade. VIUKANE Newller "The Charmer" - The second best integrant of his Species the Gärmshïer, for him is abhorrent to take the credit for what others do, and is extremely ruthless when others steal what belongs to him, above everything, his achievements. KORVAC Idris "The Athlete" - A young man from a different variation of the iterations of Humanity (Terranean) that belongs to another Existence, he is extremely Pragmatic and Paranoid, which makes him doubt his own beliefs and question everything, as he doesn't feel any grievance for the brutal murder of his fiancee before being send to The New Existence. The Daily Chapter always is published at 20:00 Local Hour every day. Additional Chapters on Sundays, I am going to pile them up in the week. Steamy encouters (Probably) on weekly basis, Starting from chapter 69 Onwards!. (Full intercourse Shlõvthy / Maiden Rodgers) (Future Full intercourse Viukane/Oxxana - Dallas/? - Häränn/? - Silver/? - Swallöwęįne/?) ("S"caling "M"utual "U"nderstanding and "T"rust bonding to build a solid relationship henceforth Thyfall/Korvac - Slayçęr/? - Briannell/? - Bverxkka/?) 50 Power Stones = Additional Chapter. Golden Ticket = Additional Chapter. I am really busy, i publish the next chapters as soon as i finish to cook them. (If you want to know a bit more about some characters, you can read the Prequel - SOMETIMES THE UNKNOWN IT'S BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE) MATURE CONTENT - SMUT - R18 BDMS - BONDAGE - ROLEPLAY ACTION - GORE (Depending on situation) HAREM (Some) NTR (Technically) YURI (Depending on characters behavior and tendencies) ADVENTURE - HARSH (For some) - DARK (As the story unfolds) - COMEDY (Occasionally) ROMANCE (Driven by different mentalities, cultural disparities or traditions) MULTIPLE LEADS (No real MC, if you want one, then, is BVERXKKA if it weren't for him no one else could have a chance in the unforgiven REALITY everyone is surviving) NO CHEATS (No one has something "Unique", everyone can reach "Absolution") NO PLOT ARMOR (If they look like they are going to die, think about it twice, what they can or can't do, the answers are already there)
Marshack · 106.1K Views

Her Young Amorous Husband

Many say love is a fleeting emotion. But to them, love is an amorous devotion. … Cassandra Qin, a woman of grace and feminine perfection. Renowned as a charismatic and regal chairwoman, a prime woman in her late thirties whom all could only yearn in their most beautiful dream. Seen as a woman who has it all; exquisite beauty, success and outstanding daughter. She is revered by all, yet little do they know that behind her veneer of perfection, she has to nurse her own wound in darkness of night when no one is around. A woman whose heart is encased frozen to the heat of intimacy is what she believed she is, or so she thought until she meets him, the younger man who melts her coldness and ignites a flicker of passion within her into a storming inferno. A wet dream dressed in a hot suit, the finest womanizer. Her sweetest mistake. Him, whose presence sets her body aflame and whose smile features upon her dirtiest fantasies. Heir to the dark household. A man with whom she should have no contact with, yet the maddening temptation is just as irresistible as his vixen smile. Their passionate romance is like an exquisite painting, a captivating blend of raw passion and intimacy. Two dominant man and woman who get very lost in their amorous yet loveless affair, neither is able for fall for the other. Their coupling is one of unbridled passion, wrapped in the shroud of secrecy and danger. Will they end in timeless devotion or be consumed by the flames of their alluring affair? ... Sensuous fingertips traced down the lines of masculine perfection and up rippling pectorals. Hot and wet tongues locked together as silken thighs straddled with sinuous motion. Inhalations whisper of passion and desire. Their breaths mingled while fingers orchestrated an exhaled symphony of amorous moans. "Dance for me." The lady demanded, biting his neck as she pinned him down against the soft velvet sheets. "My pleasure." The man rasped, swallowing down, as he caressed the silhouette of smooth, contrasting thighs. "Anything you desire, my dear Queen."
BlaccLotus · 1M Views
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