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Kalyan Satta Matka Bajar

Rahasia Inang-inang Internesyenel Move to New Link

Takdir membuat Kenes Kalyani yang awalnya merupakan seorang putri penjual es kelapa muda serta kudapan ringan di Pantai Pulau Merah Banyuwangi, Indonesia, menjadi seorang istri milyuner super kaya, putra tunggal seorang billionaire pemilik jaringan hotel di beberapa negara. Kebaikan hati serta kepolosannya sebagai gadis dusun, akhirnya harus berubah menjadi dingin dan kejam setelah terjadi kecelakaan yang menimpa mertua serta neneknya. Selang beberapa bulan kemudian, suaminya dikabarkan meninggal dengan cara di mutilasi, sedangkan putra mereka satu-satunya diculik. Kondisi dari ulat, berubah menjadi kupu-kupu, lalu terhempas kembali menjadi perempuan miskin tanpa keluarga, membuat Kalya harus berjuang, menyamar sebagai Executive Courier International atau di tempat kelahirannya di Indonesia, orang menjulukinya Inang-inang Internesyenel. Sebagai seorang Executive Courier atau Inang-inang Internesyenel, Kalya mendapatkan akses untuk bisa keliling dunia, sekaligus berusaha untuk melacak keberadaan putranya. Selain itu, pendapatan dari seorang Inang-inang Intyernesyenel bisa membuatnya bertahan hidup sampai dia bisa merebut kembali apa yang telah dirampas dari dirinya dengan paksa. Pada akhirnya, Kalya telah berdamai dengan keadaan. Dia memutuskan untuk bangkit berdiri, menunjukkan kepada dunia, bahwa dia adalah wanita mandiri yang mampu berdiri tegar meskipun badai menerjang. Tidak ada lagi yang memberatkannya sejak Dimi meninggal. Satu-satunya kekuatan Kalya untuk bertahan selama ini, adalah Dimi. Namun sekarang, segala pertahanan tersebut runtuh bersama kepergian Dimi, satu-satunya pria yang paling mengerti dirinya dan mencintai Kalya dengan sepenuh hati tanpa syarat. Setidaknya, hal itulah yang diketahui oleh Kalya sampai detik ketika dia menyaksikan peti mati suaminya diturunkan perlahan ke liang lahat. Dimi dengan segala kekuasaan serta cintanya yang dalam kepada Kalya, telah menjadi benteng terkuat bagi kehidupan Kalya. Namun sekarang, benteng itu telah runtuh. Hancur berkeping-keping bersama masa depannya yang tiba-tiba terasa redup. Hanya ada setitik cahaya yang harus membuatnya tetap tegar, yaitu Abimanyu Jose Diaz, putra balita mereka yang berusia 3 tahun, dan saat ini entah berada di mana. Apapun akan dia lakukan untuk menemukan Jose. Sebab Jose adalah satu-satunya bukti bahwa pernah ada seorang Dimitrio Diaz yang membuatnya memiliki kehidupan bagaikan seorang putri kerajaan dengan segala kemewahan baik dari segi materi maupun cinta yang berlimpah. Meskipun Kalya tahu Rodriguez mencintainya, namun Kalya belum bisa menerima adik angkat suaminya tersebut menjadi sosok pengganti Dimi. Bahkan Ady, pria masa lalu yang pernah menjadi cinta monyetnya di pedalaman Indonesia, tidak mampu melunakkan hatinya pada pesona Dimitrio meskipun suaminya telah berpulang kepada Yang Maha Kuasa. Bagi Kalya, apapun yang orang katakan tentang almarhum suaminya, Dimi adalah suami terbaik untuknya, ayah bagi Jose, kekasih, sahabat serta malaikat pelindung yang akan terus dia cintai sepanjang hidupnya. Ya, Kalya akan mengenang Dimi dengan segala memori baik dalam ingatannya, sampai akhirnya Kalya harus kembali terhempas ketika mengetahui kenyataan yang merobek-robek keyakinannya tentang almarhum Dimi, suaminya. Kalya tidak menyangka bahwa suaminya melakukan hal yang sama sekali tidak pernah terlintas dalam pikiran warasnya. Namun, Kalya harus tegar, demi menyelamatkan Jose putranya, dari perkumpulan sesat yang menjerumuskan suaminya.
Risa_Bluesaphier · 13.4K Views

unparalleled system

Han tian a healthy boy of 19 years, lives in the country of Korea who loves studying,food and training he rarely comes home as he doesn't want to see the disgusted look of his siblings. his father ignores him and he rarely talks to him as he feels that he is the reason for the death of his wife. since he returned from military his stepmother was the only source of affection in his family she never hated him but loved even more because of his siblings hatered towards him his son also hated Han tian by seeing his dad. later that night he heard noice by his bed but couldn't react in time and his brother nan tian Carried a dagger in his hand and pierced his chest with it it as laced with poison even if he could react in time for the dagger but poison weakened him Han tian in a lower voice asked him 'why did u kill me' what wrong have I caused you he had everything in your life good study good job and even my mother loved you more than me you trash which dad hated to see had meant more to him than me and now you have the property from your late mother now because of her will.what do you mean? Han tian replied I have enough I have everything what are you talking about.I never had my love I wanted from father I never received affections from by brother and now you say I have everything how far have I fallen for get stabed from behind even training in military never trained for betrayal if you wanted the property so much you could asked for it why kill for it (and he died with regret and hatred) the news was suppressed by the head of the tian family as he didn't wanted his family son and head of family to go to jail (here head of family refers to nan tian) and declared that he was died because of his previous wound from military even his body was never checked or examinated because of tian family influence his soul reached heaven in agony and god was seeing his life god grieved at his past and wanted to give a chance to the poor soul which suffered so much
Kalyan_Jadav · 13.8K Views

Yashmi Madushika

The story revolves around a girl and a boy. The girl is shaking up the biggest business after 5 years. But no one even saw her. That means all board meetings and award ceremonies are attended by friends. This girl is famous all over the world because of her good heart. Let everyone see her No one saw it while waiting. She is also the sponsor of any ceramony in the world of cinema. She has written many films without anyone knowing. Found Every penny she spends is used not only for herself but also for every needy person. Because of that, caste becomes a deity among many people. Her best friend is the Rockstar Girls' Dream Prince who rocks the movie world. Find out the big secret of these guys who are best friends all over the world and the secret of their love story development the whole world is waiting. The day came for them to see their maximum progress after 5 years. It's been 5 years in a row in the world of cinema, but today's one more special than all that. On Rockstar's 5th Destination. Lots of surprises. Senaya goes for a surprise too for first time ceremony. At that moment the whole world knows the love story of their progress. Those love stories are one story. The two best friends turn their friendship into love. The girl gets the best director and the boy gets the best music director. The music that comes with it is the world's attention Taken. At that moment they took to the stage and told the world the secret love story of progress. The Love story beggining. TheGirl was born in 2000. They went to school together at home. Kalyan's father is an old famous actor in India. Mother is in Sri Lanka. Because of that both of them went to school together in Sri Lanka till the age of 10. Aunt of Senaya is a popular actress in Korea. My grandmother was a Korean and that the reason aunt living their . Senaya grew up very much going Korea as soon as she got a vacation or her aunt coming to Sri Lanka. Aunt loves senaya so much. They asked Senaya mother to give her to them and both of them looked at each other but Senaya's mother did not like it. Senaya loved her aunt so much but she don't wanted to leave her best friend. Aunty is become a popular actress for 10 years no one was able to take that place. At the same time, the number of enemies increased. It affected not only aunt but also the Senaya. At the same time, the two best friends split up in 2010. Kalyan left for India. The grief is a few days. The family promised take him to Sri Lanka once a year. Not only that, they used to talk once a week about details. Meanwhile, Kalyan's songs were not forgotten. At that time you were a music producer who shook the world of cinema Senaya had the idea of ​​becoming a director. Since then he has been dedicated to music. In 2013, they fell in love. From there one day Kalyan came to Sri Lanka about it Said. From there the love grew stronger. Senaya, who learned about business in 2018, invested the money his aunt collected for her. She started a lot of business using them. In the meanwhile the screenplay of films was done by her. 2023 Today, the film will be directed by Kalyan and will win the best award. It has not been a secret to everyone since then. Everyone realized that they had won awards for their own love story. Yes it is true "The hidden love story is revealed."
Yashmi_Madushika · 3.5K Views

Renacimiento: La chica atrapada en el tiempo

El cuerpo de Ye Wanlan había sido poseído; después de que el transmigrador convirtiera su vida en un completo desastre y se fuera abruptamente, finalmente recuperó el control de su propio cuerpo, solo para quedar atrapada en el mismo día, repitiéndose en un bucle infinito durante 999 años. No importaba lo que hiciera, todo empezaría de nuevo, y se vio obligada a convertirse en una loca poseedora de numerosas habilidades. El día que se liberó del bucle, enfrentando las desastrosas secuelas, todos se rieron de sus esfuerzos impotentes por restaurar el orden, hasta que su vida pasada se expuso de forma no intencionada— Ye Wanlan saltó desde una altura de nueve metros con su qinggong, ilesa. Algunos explicaban: Debió haber utilizado cables. La interpretación de Ye Wanlan de "Música Rompebatalla" dejó a nadie herido pero a muchos muertos. Algunos defendían: Son efectos especiales de postproducción. Ye Wanlan realizó la Aguja Divina Taiyi nuevamente, curando milagrosamente a los demás. Algunos encubrían: Todo estaba preescrito en el guion. Luego, técnicas secretas de artes marciales que se creían perdidas, habilidades de seda Kesi, y artes operísticas resurgieron en el mundo... Grandes personalidades inventando excusas para ella: ... ¿Pueden bajar un poco el tono? ¡Se están quedando sin excusas! · De repente, Ye Wanlan descubrió que podía escuchar las conversaciones de las antigüedades y, sin darse cuenta, dominó chismes de todas las épocas y naciones. 【Nadie sabe que debajo de la Pagoda Fengyuan se encuentra el libro ceremonial Tianqi】 Al día siguiente, salió a la luz el libro ceremonial Tianqi de Huaxia. 【Soy la espada personal del Gran Ancestro Ning, y no te diré dónde está el tesoro】 Al día siguiente, las noticias internacionales reportaron el descubrimiento del tesoro del Gran Ancestro Ning. Las antigüedades que tardaron en darse cuenta finalmente sintieron que algo estaba mal: ??? Ye Wanlan extendió su mano: Yo los llevaré a casa · Los tesoros de Shenzhou regresarán a Huaxia En la nueva era, ella es la única portadora de la antorcha Él apostó su vida a una edad dorada de Shenzhou con ella en ella
Qing Qian · 1.7K Views
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