A Sexual Apocalypse
In the year 3217, Earth has fallen under the domination of the Xytherians, a terrifying alien species that has enslaved humanity. The once-thriving planet is now a dystopian wasteland where humans are reduced to nothing more than cattle, bred for food and labor. The Xytherians, towering over 12 feet with immense strength and impenetrable defenses, treat humans as expendable resources. Earth’s population has plummeted from 24 billion to a mere 2 billion, and survival is a daily struggle for the remaining survivors.
Luther Grey, a 22-year-old human, lives a nightmarish existence in one of the Xytherians' feeding centers. Here, human slaves are slaughtered and consumed by the alien children, creatures with voracious appetites. The pain is indescribable, and Luther’s life seems destined to end in the same horrific manner. He is small and weak, only a tool for the Xytherians to exploit. Yet, despite his fragile body, Luther harbors an unbreakable will to survive, and in his darkest moments, a small flame of hope burns within him.
As Luther’s time draws near and the alien children close in to feast on him, fate takes a turn. A powerful meteorite crashes into the feeding center, obliterating everything in its path. The explosion destroys the Xytherians’ structure, killing most of the invaders. In the wreckage, Luther survives, gravely injured but alive.
In the aftermath, Luther encounters an ancient being named Meta, an entity once created by the Xytherians to serve them. Meta offers Luther a chance at vengeance and survival, granting him the ability to harness the soul-extraction system of the Xytherians. Through this system, Luther can gain power by consuming the bodies of the dead and absorbing their essence. Though revolted by the process, Luther realizes it is the only way to grow stronger and ultimately seek revenge on the alien invaders.
With his newfound power and Meta’s guidance, Luther embarks on a journey of vengeance. His weapon, a shadowy scythe, symbolizes his transformation into a soul reaper. The more Xytherians he kills, the stronger he becomes, leveling up and gaining abilities that were once beyond his imagination. However, as he feeds on the souls of his enemies, Luther struggles with the moral cost of his actions. Each kill feeds his power but erodes his humanity.
Luther’s path leads him to confront the very darkness he is becoming, questioning whether his thirst for vengeance is worth the price he’s paying. As he battles the remaining Xytherians, Luther must decide whether he will become a monster in the process or retain his humanity in the face of overwhelming power.
The Dark World's Dawn is a tale of survival, vengeance, and the cost of power, as Luther Grey rises from the ashes of Earth to challenge the alien overlords and reclaim his world.