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Sharon Alexie

History academy arco 6: El fin del mundo.

En un universo fragmentado por la guerra y el caos, un grupo de héroes y guerreros legendarios se prepara para enfrentar la amenaza más grande que jamás haya existido. Xar'Khal, una entidad primordial nacida del caos y la destrucción, ha regresado para llevar al mundo a su fin. Su poder ha crecido hasta niveles inconmensurables, y ahora su único propósito es erradicar toda forma de vida, destruyendo el omniverso con su fuerza desatada. Entre los valientes que se alzan contra él, destacan personajes de gran poder y habilidades excepcionales. Victor, un guerrero conocido por su valentía, se ve obligado a abandonar su vida de paz para enfrentarse a su destino. Rigor, un experto en artes marciales y tácticas de guerra, lidera a un equipo diverso de combatientes. Junto a ellos están Daiki Talloran, el hijo del antiguo líder de la resistencia, y Nine Sharon, su antiguo amigo convertido en enemigo. A medida que sus fuerzas se combinan, también lo hacen sus historias, traiciones y antiguas lealtades. Con el omniverso al borde de la destrucción, los héroes se sumergen en un intenso entrenamiento para alcanzar su máximo potencial. José, hijo de Victor, tiene que superar sus propios miedos y dudas para cumplir con su destino. Yasane, una joven prodigio con el control de la energía, se enfrenta a su mayor desafío: dominar sus poderes antes de que la oscuridad los consuma. Mientras tanto, antiguos héroes que han dejado atrás la lucha se ven forzados a regresar a los campos de batalla, enfrentando no solo al enemigo, sino también sus propios demonios internos. El entrenamiento es implacable. Las antiguas técnicas de combate se combinan con poderes desconocidos, y las relaciones entre los héroes se pondrán a prueba en cada enfrentamiento. Con la fusión de habilidades y la voluntad de proteger lo que queda de su mundo, los guerreros se preparan para una confrontación final con Xar'Khal, cuyo poder es tan grande que incluso los más poderosos del equipo podrían sucumbir. Pero a medida que la batalla se acerca, los héroes descubren que la mayor amenaza no solo proviene de Xar'Khal, sino de las mismas fuerzas que los han forjado. El sacrificio será necesario, y el precio por salvar el universo será más grande de lo que cualquiera podría imaginar. La última guerra está a punto de comenzar, y solo los más fuertes sobrevivirán. "History academy" es una novela épica de entrenamientos intensos, luchas emocionantes y giros impredecibles, donde los límites del poder serán desafiados y el destino de todos será decidido en el último combate.
Victor_Jose_Perez · 18.3K Views

How Adware Recovery Specialist Helped Me Recover $10,000 from a Forex

For the past three years, I’ve immersed myself in the world of Forex trading—learning new strategies, refining my skills, and seeking every opportunity to grow. One such opportunity was an online Forex trading contest that initially seemed like a golden ticket to success. The contest was promoted by a company that appeared reputable; the website was professionally designed, and the contest rules were clear, which made it all seem legitimate. Intrigued by the promise of a large cash reward, I decided to participate. The registration fee was set at $1,000—a price that seemed acceptable considering the potential return. I eagerly paid the fee and received an email confirming that I had advanced to the next stage of the contest. However, the excitement quickly turned to apprehension when I was informed that I needed to pay an additional $2,000 for shipping costs related to the prize package. At that moment, I had already invested $3,000 in what I believed was my path to a substantial prize. Trusting the process, I paid the shipping fee, assuming it was a necessary step toward securing my reward. But after that payment, the promised prize never arrived, and the communication from the organizers went silent. WhatsApp info:+12 (72332)—8343 Realizing something was wrong, I began to research the contest and the company behind it. To my dismay, I found numerous reports from other participants who had fallen victim to the same scheme, each losing significant sums of money. In total, I discovered I had lost $10,000—$1,000 for registration and an additional $9,000 over time in shipping fees. It was clear that I had been scammed. Website info: h t t p s:// adware recovery specialist. com Feeling frustrated and helpless, I searched for ways to reclaim my lost money. That’s when I discovered ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST—a team of professionals dedicated to recovering funds lost to online scams. I reached out to them, and their experts immediately took over my case. Using advanced tracking techniques and digital forensics, they traced the scam’s trail, identified the fraudulent transactions, and ultimately managed to recover my stolen funds. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST, I was able to have my $10,000 returned. This experience was a harsh reminder of the importance of doing thorough research before engaging in any online contests or financial commitments. It taught me to be cautious, to question offers that seem too good to be true, and to always verify the legitimacy of any online opportunity. Email info: Adware recovery specialist (@) auctioneer. net I share my story in hopes that it serves as a cautionary tale for others in the Forex trading community. While I was fortunate to recover my funds with the help of ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST, not everyone is so lucky. Always proceed with caution and remember: if an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Telegram info: http s:// t. me/ adware recovery specialist1
Sharon_A_Fifth · 54 Views

Sang Pewaris Melawan Kembali

Sharon adalah orang biasa, sementara suaminya, Wallace Harris, adalah seorang pria yang menjanjikan dan tampan. Keluarganya adalah salah satu keluarga paling bergengsi dan terkaya di Kota New York. Dapat menikahi Wallace adalah sebuah kecelakaan. Sepanjang tiga tahun pernikahan mereka, Wallace tidak pernah tidur dengan Sharon. Keluarganya juga terus membujuknya untuk menceraikan Sharon. Itu adalah pesta ulang tahun matriark tua keluarga Harris, dan semua orang muda dari keluarga Harris telah memberikan hadiah paling mahal yang mungkin untuk membuat nenek bahagia—kecuali Sharon. Dia meminta untuk meminjam uang dari Nyonya Harris untuk penjaga rumah tua, Paman Smith, karena dia tidak punya uang untuk membayar pengobatan medisnya. Tapi seperti yang diduga, keluarga Harris menghinanya saat dia meminta. "Keluarga Harris belum pernah memiliki kerabat miskin seperti kamu. Jangan pernah muncul di hadapanku lagi! Wallace seharusnya menikahi Crystal. Dia tentunya seorang gadis muda yang layak menikah dengan keluarga kita!" kata Nyonya Harris. "Ketahuilah tempatmu dan pergilah dari sini. Jangan tinggal di rumah kami lagi. Bagaimana kakek Wallace bisa begitu bodoh menikahi wanita miskin dan tak berguna seperti kamu untuk anakku?!" kata Juni, ibu Wallace. "Hanya beberapa juta dolar, tetapi kamu begitu miskin sehingga perlu meminjam dari keluarga kami. Bagaimana seorang wanita sepertimu pantas bersama Wallace? Jika itu Crystal, dia tentunya tidak akan mempermalukan kami sebanyak ini!" Malam itu, Wallace memberikan Sharon sebuah kartu bank, yang berisi jutaan dolar. "Perusahaan sedang berkembang, jadi saya tidak banyak memiliki uang tunai. Kamu bisa menggunakan ini untuk membantu Paman Smith." Menghadapi permusuhan keluarga Harris, Wallace menyatakan, "Karena saya telah menikahinya, dia adalah tanggung jawabku. Terlepas dari dia kaya atau miskin, Sharon adalah istriku." Hanya sampai suatu hari seorang asing mendekati Sharon. Baru saat itu Sharon tahu bahwa dia adalah putri dari keluarga terkemuka yang berhak menerima aset setidaknya sepuluh miliar. Tiba-tiba dia memiliki perusahaan terbesar di New York dan sebuah kartu bank yang berisi ratusan juta 'uang saku'. Dalam sekejap mata, identitasnya telah berubah. Dia tidak lagi menjadi menantu perempuan miskin yang tidak disukai oleh keluarga Harris. Sebaliknya, dia telah menjadi orang paling bergengsi di New York!
Mountain Springs · 54.9K Views

A Herdeira Contra-Ataca

Sharon era uma pessoa comum, enquanto seu marido, Wallace Harris, era um homem promissor e bonito. Sua família era uma das mais prestigiosas e ricas de Nova York. Casar-se com Wallace foi um acidente. Ao longo de seus três anos de casamento, Wallace nunca havia dormido com Sharon. Sua família também continuava persuadindo-o a se divorciar de Sharon. Era a festa de aniversário da velha matriarca da família Harris, e todos os jovens da família Harris haviam dado os presentes mais caros possíveis para agradar a velha senhora - exceto Sharon. Ela pediu para pegar dinheiro emprestado com a Madame Harris para a antiga empregada doméstica, Tio Smith, pois ele não tinha dinheiro para pagar seu tratamento médico. Mas, como esperado, a família Harris a humilhou quando ela pediu. "A família Harris nunca teve um parente pobre como você. Não ouse aparecer na minha frente novamente! Wallace deveria ter se casado com Crystal. Ela é certamente uma jovem senhora digna de se casar com nossa família!", disse Madame Harris. "Por favor saiba o seu lugar e saia daqui. Não fique mais em nossa casa. Como pode o avô de Wallace ser tão tolo a ponto de casar uma mulher pobre e inútil como você com meu filho?!", disse June, a mãe de Wallace. "São apenas alguns milhões de dólares, mas você é tão pobre que precisa pedir emprestado à nossa família. Como uma mulher como você merece estar com Wallace? Se fosse Crystal, ela definitivamente não nos teria envergonhado tanto!" Naquela noite, Wallace entregou a Sharon um cartão bancário, que continha milhões de dólares. "A empresa está se desenvolvendo, então não tenho muito dinheiro. Você pode usar isso para ajudar o Tio Smith." Diante da hostilidade da família Harris, Wallace declarou: "Desde que me casei com ela, ela é minha responsabilidade. A riqueza, ou a falta dela, não importa; Sharon é minha esposa." Foi somente quando um estranho se aproximou de Sharon um dia. Só então Sharon soube que era filha de uma família prestigiosa, que tinha direito a receber ativos no valor de pelo menos dez bilhões. De repente, ela se tornou dona da maior empresa de Nova York e de um cartão bancário que continha centenas de milhões em 'dinheiro de bolso'. Num piscar de olhos, sua identidade mudou. Ela não era mais a nora pobre e desfavorecida pela família Harris. Em vez disso, ela se tornara a pessoa mais prestigiosa de Nova York!
Mountain Springs · 855.5K Views

La Heredera Contraataca

Sharon era una persona común, mientras que su esposo, Wallace Harris, era un hombre prometedor y apuesto. Su familia era una de las familias más prestigiosas y adineradas de la ciudad de Nueva York. Casarse con Wallace fue un accidente. A lo largo de sus tres años de matrimonio, Wallace nunca había dormido con Sharon. Su familia también insistía en convencerlo de divorciarse de Sharon. Era la fiesta de cumpleaños de la anciana matriarca de la familia Harris, y todos los jóvenes de la familia Harris habían dado los regalos más caros posibles para hacer feliz a la anciana, todos menos Sharon. Ella pidió pedir dinero prestado a la señora Harris para el ama de llaves de la casa antigua, el tío Smith, ya que él no tenía dinero para pagar su tratamiento médico. Pero como se esperaba, la familia Harris la humilló cuando hizo la solicitud. —La familia Harris nunca ha tenido un pariente pobre como tú. ¡Nunca te aparezcas frente a mí de nuevo! Wallace debería haberse casado con Crystal. ¡Ella es sin duda una joven dama que merece casarse con nuestra familia! —dijo la señora Harris. —Por favor, conoce tu lugar y sal de aquí. No te quedes más en nuestra casa. ¿Cómo puede ser mi padre tan tonto de casar a una mujer pobre e inútil como tú con mi hijo? —dijo June, la madre de Wallace. —Son solo unos cuantos millones de dólares, pero eres tan pobre que necesitas pedir prestado de nuestra familia. ¿Cómo puede una mujer como tú merecer estar con Wallace? Si fuera Crystal, definitivamente no nos habría avergonzado tanto. Esa noche, Wallace le entregó a Sharon una tarjeta bancaria que contenía millones de dólares. —La empresa está en desarrollo, así que no tengo mucho efectivo. Puedes usar esto para ayudar al tío Smith. Enfrentándose a la hostilidad de la familia Harris, Wallace declaró: —Desde que me he casado con ella, es mi responsabilidad. Independientemente de que sea rica o pobre, Sharon es mi esposa. No fue hasta que un desconocido se acercó a Sharon un día. Solo entonces supo Sharon que ella era la hija de una de las familias más prestigiosas, y que tenía derecho a recibir activos por valor de al menos diez mil millones. De repente, ella era dueña de la empresa más grande de Nueva York y una tarjeta bancaria que contenía cientos de millones de «dinero de bolsillo». En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, su identidad había cambiado. Ya no era la nuera pobre que no era favorecida por la familia Harris. En cambio, se había convertido en la persona más prestigiosa de Nueva York.
Mountain Springs · 1M Views

Empire of Butuan

Alexis Francisco, a gifted young man from a wealthy and historic lineage in modern-day Butuan, Philippines, is betrayed and murdered by envious relatives. Yet, fate grants him a second chance. Reincarnated as Siagu Alexie, heir to the Empire of Butuan in an alternate universe, he must navigate a world of politics, warfare, and monarchy. Armed with his modern knowledge and unwavering resolve, Siagu embarks on a journey to unite a fragmented empire, uphold its sovereignty, and forge a legacy of prosperity amidst the tumultuous tides of history. A gripping tale of ambition, resilience, and the burden of destiny. Notice: This novel is not intended to insult or degrade any culture, race, ethnicity, or religion. If ever you are offended because of this novel, I would like to apologize in advance. Also, English isn't my first language so please bear with the repetitive words, grammatical error, and wrong usage of filler words, and many more. Hope you understand GENRES: Low-Fantasy, Alternate Universe, History, Racism, Kingdom Building, Romance, Wars, Low-History, Non-Harem, Monarchy, & Religion --------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone. I am Holy_Slayer, a newbie writer based in the Philippines. This novel is inspired by my hometown’s history and my love for monarchy. I would like to apologize in advance as this novel might be offensive to some readers who are too nationalistic. If you ever wanted to read this, be open-minded and forget your lesson in our history as this novel will not be touching 100% in history despite having a ‘history’ as one of its genres, but I am trying to incorporate some historical events and people in my story. NOTE: The Rajahnate of Butuan is a real kingdom that existed in 988. For discord server:
Holy_Slayer · 488.6K Views


Last year, I found myself in a heartbreaking situation after losing over $35,000 in Bitcoin to a fake investor online. This all started when a colleague of mine at work introduced me to a supposed investment platform. She had been investing with them for several months and had received payouts without issue. Encouraged by her success, I decided to invest my own funds, only to watch it all disappear. Soon after, my colleague and I realized we were victims of a scam. We reached out to the support team countless times but received no response. Weeks turned into months, and the realization hit me hard: I had likely lost my entire investment.In my desperation, I even considered hiring a hacker to recover my funds, but I quickly dismissed the idea due to the risks involved. That's when I decided to search for legitimate ways to recover my lost funds online. After researching, I came across DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION a company that specializes in helping people recover lost funds from online scams, fraudulent investments, and even stolen bank account balances. I was intrigued by their success stories and customer reviews, which led me to believe that they could potentially help me reclaim what I had lost.I contacted DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION and immediately felt a sense of relief. The team was professional, understanding, and knowledgeable. They took the time to understand the details of my case and assured me they could help. Their process was transparent and efficient, and within a short period, they managed to track and recover my lost Bitcoin. I was amazed at how quickly and smoothly they worked to get my funds back.Not only did they help me recover my entire $35,000, but they also assisted my colleague, who had been in the same situation. After several months of waiting, DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION is now in the final stages of retrieving the last portion of her investment, bringing her closer to full recovery. It was a tremendous relief to see both of us getting our hard-earned money back, thanks to their expertise.If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, don't lose hope. There are professionals out there, liken DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION who can help you recover your lost funds. It’s reassuring to know that there’s a reliable solution for victims of online scams and fraud. +13433030545
Sharon_Tim_7770 · 499 Views


I was absolutely shocked when I realized that a Europe-based crypto trader had vanished with my significant investment, leaving me completely unable to access my funds. It was a crushing blow, and I found myself at a loss, not knowing where to turn for help. The emotional toll was immense, and I felt utterly powerless, unsure of how to recover what I had lost. In my search for solutions, I came across many unreliable services, which only heightened my frustration and confusion. Then, I stumbled upon numerous positive reviews on youtube comments about BLOCKCHAIN CYBER RETRIEVE and their expertise in tracking and recovering lost cryptocurrency. Though I was initially skeptical, I decided to give them a try, hoping that they could offer a solution. This decision turned out to be the best one I could have made. After initiating the recovery process with a payment, the team at BLOCKCHAIN CYBER RETRIEVE immediately began their work, and I could sense right away that I was in capable hands. What struck me most was how fast and efficient their team was. They not only recovered my funds in an impressively short time, but they also kept me updated at every step of the process. I never felt left in the dark or unsure of what was happening. The communication was transparent, and their professionalism was evident throughout. In what seemed like no time, my funds were recovered, and the overwhelming sense of helplessness I had felt for so long was finally replaced by relief and gratitude. I can’t thank BLOCKCHAIN CYBER RETRIEVE enough for their exceptional service. Their dedication and expertise were clear from the very beginning, and they went above and beyond to ensure that my case was handled with the utmost care. It was clear that they genuinely cared about their clients and were committed to helping victims of crypto scams like myself. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I wholeheartedly recommend BLOCKCHAIN CYBER RETRIEVE. Their service is nothing short of exceptional, and they have proven that they are a trustworthy and reliable resource in the fight against crypto scams. I am beyond grateful for their help in recovering my investment, and I will forever be thankful to them for restoring my financial security. CONTACT THEM ON: WhatsApp:+ 1520 564 8300 Email: blockchaincyberretrieve@ post.c o m
Sharon_Tim · 561 Views
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