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Fou Fou Bros

L'animal de compagnie du Tyran

Aries Aime Heathcliffe. Une princesse du petit royaume de Rikhill qui était aimée de tous. Avec sa beauté qui était enchantement réservée et un esprit avisé, elle avait attiré beaucoup d'attention et conquis les cœurs de nombreux. L'un d'entre eux était le séduisant prince héritier de l'Empire de Maganti. Submergé par le désir de la posséder et son intérêt pour la terre du petit royaume, le prince héritier dudit empire ne reculerait devant rien. Les chevaliers de l'Empire de Maganti marchèrent à travers les masses et s'emparèrent du royaume de Rikhill vieux de quatre cent ans. Le royaume de Rikhill tomba en ruine en une nuit. Le prince héritier ne laissa aucun membre de la famille royale en vie à part son trophée de guerre, Aries. Après avoir souffert entre ses mains, Aries trouva la chance parfaite de s'échapper. C'était lorsqu'il l'emmena au sommet mondial. Un rassemblement de chaque souverain de chaque royaume et empire pour des pourparlers de paix. Là, elle rencontra l'empereur de Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Sangsouillé. Submergée par le désespoir, Aries le supplia de l'accueillir. C'était trop tard lorsqu'elle réalisa que l'homme à qui elle demandait de l'aide était bien plus cruel, tordu et carrément diabolique que le prince héritier en la prenant pour son... animal de compagnie! EXTRAIT : Avec une paire d'yeux cramoisis planant au-dessus d'elle, Aries retint son souffle. Quand le coin de ses lèvres se leva diaboliquement, elle ne put réagir rapidement alors qu'il inversait leur position avec agilité. Elle ne le réalisa que lorsqu'elle le chevauchait, fixant Abel, les yeux écarquillés. « Personne n'est au-dessus de moi dans cet empire et même au-dehors — pas même la loi, mais regarde-toi, » dit-il avec un sourire diabolique. « Me toisant... si intimidant. » Aries mordit sa lèvre, posant sa paume sur sa poitrine marquée d'encre. « Votre Majesté... » « Comprends-tu maintenant le pouvoir que tu détiens, ma chérie ? » Abel enroula doucement ses doigts autour de son poignet, enchanté par sa réaction. « Seulement toi, Aries, peut être au-dessus de moi et la seule personne dans ce monde qui peut me toiser. Personne d'autre. » Il leva un bras et passa ses doigts dans le côté de ses cheveux, posant sa paume sur l'arrière de sa tête avant de la tirer vers le bas jusqu'à ce que son visage soit à une paume de distance du sien. « Tu ferais mieux d'utiliser cela à ta discrétion, » murmura-t-il, inclinant la tête tandis qu'il la soulevait pour réclamer ce qui est à lui. ELLE. Faites la connaissance d'Eustass Silvestri Abel Sangsouillé, le tyran sadique, qui régnait sur un empire avec un poing de fer. Avec la présence croissante de son animal de compagnie, Aries, dans sa vie ennuyeuse et sombre, il était prêt à la tuer. Mais hélas, à chaque fois qu'il pensait prendre sa vie, il se retrouvait à changer d'avis. Plus il la gardait à ses côtés, plus il devenait difficile de s'en débarrasser. Et plus il aspirait à quelque chose de plus profond et plus sombre... cela le rendait fou. Avec un secret qu'il lui cachait, que ferait Abel si Aries découvrait la vérité pourrissante derrière l'empire et l'empereur ? La tuerait-il ? Ou l'embrasserait-il ? Peut-être l'enfermerait-il ? Et si elle découvrait qu'Abel n'était pas juste un humain normal, essayerait-elle de s'échapper ? Ou accepterait-elle qu'il n'était pas juste une incarnation de démon ? Dans un monde compliqué qui les teintait de noir, l'amour était-il même possible de fleurir entre un animal de compagnie et son maître ? Regardez comme ces deux-là jouent le jeu dangereux et insensé de l'amour et du désir. Qui serait le maître et l'animal de compagnie ? Qui était la proie ? Lisez pour en savoir plus. --------- Histoire originale par : alienfrommars SUIVEZ-MOI SUR INSTAGRAM pour les arts des personnages originaux : @authoralienfrommars Serveur Discord : Avertissement : Couverture non mienne. Prise sur Pinterest. Credits à l'artiste.
alienfrommars · 104.2K Views

Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Everyday was the same for Skullius. An Undead minion of the lowest order like him, didn’t have to find a grand purpose… other than mining mana gems for his Lich master, of course. His peers thought so. They lacked ambition. To be fair, so did he. But there was just that something that kept nagging at him. A spark that no other skeleton seemed to have. Other than being the sassy bullshitter obsessed with mana that he was, why did Skullius vaguely remember being something other than a Moronic Undead drone once? What had come before his Undeath? In the end, it was this spark that allowed our atrocious hero to escape the clutches of his evil master and reach another world. And it is in this world, chock full of dangers – most beckoned by Skullius’ abnormally horrendous luck, to be honest – that the skeleton’s journey begins. In Aigas – the new world – he prepared for the greatest getback of an age armed with a power greater than that of the Liches of Deadmanland! ...... [Author’s Answers To Popular Readers’ Questions] Q: (IHateArjuun77) -Hey author, is your book trash?- A: (Author) -Haha, screw you dear reader. The answer is NO. The story has elements of comedy, action, magic, adventure and Brutality. Like it gets really dark sometimes. There’s a comprehensive story with characters that I tried my damndest to NOT make generic on top of a cool power system that’s for the most part easy to understand. So its not trash. Q: (IFreakingHateArjuun56) -Hey author why is your first volume so slow paced and... trash?- A: (Author) -Haha. It’s how I designed the First Volume to be. It’s a fun setup that doesn’t focus on many things other than the MC’s mentality, powers and route of progression. The next volumes are normal paced, focusing on the world, the villains and general expansion but all while still retaining the book theme and fun experience- Q: (ShadeIsAPervert001) -Hey author, I instinctively sense that I’ll hate this book, when should I drop? A: (Author) -Is this the same reader?! Anyway, I’ll give a range. Read a minimum of the first 20 chapters to a max of up to chapter 44 before you decide on anything too rash. I’ll hunt down this reader! --- Discord: [ ]
Shade_Arjuun · 2.2M Views

Après avoir quitté le PDG, elle a stupéfié le monde

Mo Rao est née dans une famille de médecins militaires. Ses parents avaient risqué leur vie pour sauver la grand-mère de Fu Ying, alors cette dernière avait forcé Fu Ying à prendre Mo Rao pour épouse. Mo Rao savait toujours que Fu Ying avait une amoureuse de rêve nommée Qu Ru. Cette fille n'avait pas réussi à épouser Fu Ying comme elle le désirait parce que la grand-mère de Fu Ying les en avait empêchés. Après leur mariage, Fu Ying était très prévenant envers Mo Rao. Ils avaient même une grande compatibilité, en particulier au lit. Fu Ying se retrouvait toujours profondément plongé dans la tendresse de Mo Rao. Jusqu'au jour où, Fu Ying dit, « Qu Ru est revenue. Divorçons. Je transférerai la propriété que je t'ai promise à ton nom. » Mo Rao dit, « Ne pourrions-nous pas divorcer ? Et si... je suis enceinte... ? » Fu Ying répondit sans cœur, « Avorte-le ! Je ne veux plus d'obstacles entre Qu Ru et moi. De plus, Qu Ru a la leucémie, et ton moelle osseuse est compatible avec la sienne. Si tu es disposée à faire un don, je peux te promettre n'importe quoi. » Mo Rao dit, « Et si ma condition est que nous ne divorcions pas ? » Les yeux de Fu Ying se durcirent. « Mo Rao, ne sois pas trop gourmande. Même si je te promets quelque chose pour Qu Ru, tu sais très bien que je ne t'aime pas. » Les mots « je ne t'aime pas » poignardèrent le cœur de Mo Rao comme un couteau. Son sourire devint soudainement tordu et elle n'était plus la femme docile qu'elle avait été. « Fu Ying, c'est la première fois que tu me répulses autant. Tu me traites de cupide, mais n'es-tu pas pareil ? Tu veux que je divorce pour que tu puisses être avec Qu Ru ? D'accord, j'accepte. Mais tu rêves même que je la sauve ? N'oublie pas, on ne peut pas tout avoir dans la vie, comme toi et moi. » Puis Mo Rao s'en alla. Fu Ying se sentit réellement suffoquer, et ce sentiment le rendit fou. Lorsque Mo Rao réapparut, elle était devenue une étoile éblouissante. Quand elle se présenta devant Fu Ying, tenant la main de son nouveau beau, Fu Ying se moqua éperdument et dit, « Chérie, n'avais-tu pas dit que tu m'aimerais seulement ? » Mo Rao sourit légèrement. « Désolée, ex-mari. Je m'étais trompée à l'époque. Tu n'étais qu'un remplaçant. En fait, j'aime quelqu'un d'autre. »
Mountain Springs · 141.2K Views

De Luca empire

The De Luca empire What would you do if you had both the power and wealth to make everyone who ever made you life miserable, unbearable and of course hell pay. Well that's what Clara De Luca had in all aspects, she was the only child of the De Luca family and also known to be the most powerful Mafia family, Clara did everything to attain the respect and power she had, but she was lonely at some point and she felt nothing, until she met Luna la rose the Little girl whose smile could make Clara feel warm inside even when she thought she was dead inside. But it's the Mafia she feared to bring Luna into such a world, but all that was the least of her problems for she just found out she has a brother a brother who didn't even know her. whose name is Salvatore Esposito but actually Salvatore De Luca. Salvatore on the other hand is not aware of this and he lives he's day to day life normal helping his sick mother who's diagnosed with cancer and a father he never knew, but that doesn't stop him, He would do anything in he is power to make his mother fine and make her happy. Everything was going well for him until he found his girlfriend cheating on him with his best friend and she broke up with him right there. "Sarah why did you do this" Salvatore said to Sarah while holding the pizza he came to deliver, to his best friend's house now finding his girlfriend with a towel on. "What do you mean why" Sarah said acting confused. "You are freaking poor and he's not, just fucking accept this, I was trying to send you the message but this is way better" Sarah said while holding Lukas the best friend of Salvatore. "Dude you we're my Fucking friend and you did this" Salvatore yelled in rage. "Dude first rule of being friends with me, never trust anyone not even me" Lukas said and shut the door right in Salvatore's face. Salvatore was left heart broken but that wasn't over he got a call his mother was admitted to the hospital and now in a critical state. "Doc, please tell me my mom can be saved at least" Salvatore said while begging the doctor. "We have told you already son, the money is urgent if not your mother dies" The Doctor said and left. Now Salvatore was left heart broken on what to do. First his girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend and now he's mother he's only family might die. "What I'm I gonna do now" Salvatore said while crunching down. "How about you get up and take your right full place at the De Luca empire" A woman said and Salvatore looked to see who it was. It was someone he had never seen before. "Hello Salvatore Esposito or should I say Salvatore De Luca, time to rule your empire" The woman said and Salvatore looked confused. "What's up big bro time to get to work" Clara De Luca said *10 years later* "Sir we are leading now, do you have your reasons for leaving Italy and coming to New York" Alexander asked. "Yes, I just have to meet some old friends" Salvatore said while holding his Liquor and looking by the side of his private jet. "Look out Lukas Wayne there's an old friend coming and Sarah you are not excluded everyone whoever hurt me, I'm back and I'm gonna show you the real side of a De Luca" Salvatore said in his mind and smiled. "I'm gonna enjoy my stay in New York" Salvatore said "And I'm going to enjoy hurting those who hurt my brother" Clara said smirking devilishly. "Clara who are gonna kill me if u keep up with ur thrust" Luna said almost put of breath. Clara paid no heed to Luna words and kept thrusting till Luna passed out. Luna fell asleep in Clara's arms and Clara smiled. "Only I can make u feel like the woman u deserve, and if anyone dares touches u I just have to get rid of them" Clara smiled in a sinister way, which made Luna get shivers. THIS BOOK CONTAINS MATURE WORDS AND CONTENT GL AND BL INCLUDED MAFIA LOVE AND BLOODLUST ENJOY
Mayhem777 · 9.4K Views

Duc, ça fait mal...

Bienvenue dans le monde sophistiqué de l'élite, où Seraphina Alaric, une jeune fille délicate et fragile qui dépend toujours de médicaments pour aller mieux, essaie juste de souffler un peu avant que sa vie ne soit bouleversée par un mariage arrangé... Sérieusement, qui a envie d'être enchaîné quand on essaie encore de déterminer ce qu'on veut dans la vie? Lors d'un banquet fastueux, elle rencontre le mystérieux duc d'Everwyn. Et la partie la plus folle? Elle n'a aucune idée de qui est ce gars - elle pense juste qu'il s'agit d'un étranger mystérieux. Sortie de nulle part, se sentant aventureuse (et peut-être un peu téméraire), elle suggère une liaison secrète qui chamboule son monde entier. Dans cet instant caché, Seraphina plonge la tête la première dans ses désirs les plus fous. Mais coup de théâtre - il s'avère que l'homme avec qui elle vient de passer la nuit n'est autre que son futur mari. Oups! Tant pis pour l'étranger mystérieux - elle vient de passer la nuit avec son futur époux! "Duc, ça fait mal..." vous invite dans un tourbillon de découverte de soi, de romance torride et du doux chaos de l'amour quand on s'y attend le moins. Seraphina pourra-t-elle se libérer des chaînes de la société, ou se retrouvera-t-elle empêtrée dans la toile même qu'elle a tenté d'échapper? Rejoignez-la dans ce voyage palpitant, et découvrez comment l'amour peut être à la fois libérateur et compliqué. Ne manquez pas ça - votre prochaine obsession n'est qu'à une page de distance!

Blackthorn Under Hellfire

In a world where demons rule and humanity lingers in the shadows, society is strictly divided. Demons are categorized into three castes: Big Horns, extremely rare and overwhelmingly powerful; Medium Horns, the ambitious middle class; and Small Horns, the common people or demons if you will. Meanwhile, humans live in segregated communities, their very existence dictated by an invisible force known as Life Essence—the intoxicating energy they emit, the substance demons crave. For the safety of both species, humans and demons lead entirely separate lives. Expect for Cassidy "Cass" Veyne, because bro wanted to be different. Born to a powerful Big Horn father and a human mother, Cass is not a demon. He has no horns, no demonic energy, and—most baffling of all—no Life Essence to feed on. Or at least that's what he has been told his whole life. He’s an anomaly in a world that lives on strict order. But his father, a high-ranking noble in demon society, refuses to let him live among humans. Instead, Cass is forced into Blackthorn Academy (fire name I know), an elite private school meant for the most powerful demons in the country or the ones with the most money. From the moment he steps inside, Cass doesn’t belong. No horns. No power. No fear radiating from him like the others. The students whisper behind his back. Teachers look at him like a puzzle. Some demons want to test him. Others want to break him. At the top of Blackthorn’s social hierarchy is Nathaniel "Nate" Azrael, the student body president, the most feared Big Horn in the school, and the heir to a long lineage of royalty. His dark curling horns, piercing silver eyes, and suffocating aura make even strong demons tremble. Cold, ruthless, and untouchable, Nate thrives on domination and fear—it’s his nature. Cass is the only one who doesn’t flinch under his gaze. He isn’t afraid of him. And for the first time, Nate doesn’t know whether he wants to destroy Cass… or claim him. A forbidden love between two people who should never have met. A boy trapped between two worlds, struggling to prove he belongs. And a dangerous, undeniable pull between a fearless outcast and the demon who feeds on fear itself. This is Blackthorn under hellfire by yours truly.
Chloe_Bryant · 187 Views


WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 - 2886 Email @ Telegram: Website link: The scent of freshly brewed espresso and vintage Led Zeppelin records should have been my retirement anthem. But I was hunched over a computer in my still-under-construction vinyl record cafe, screaming at a blockchain explorer as if it just ridiculed my acoustic session. My life savings, $430,000 worth of Bitcoin, carefully earned over a decade of writing alt-rock ballads for car commercials, vanished into thin air. The culprit? Some smooth "investment manager" who'd promised me "Taylor Swift-level returns" on crypto staking, then bailed faster than my band's 2008 reunion tour.  The scam was a cringe symphony.Guy had a LinkedIn profile dotted with adjectives such as "Web3 maestro" and "DeFi virtuoso," an autotuned elevator jazz playing website, and a contractual loophole big enough to drive a tour bus through. I signed over access like a groupie handing over backstage passes. Poof. Gone. Money. My café's espresso machine sat in its box, accusatorially. My spouse said I needed to "get a real job again." Even my dog gave me the side eye. Enter my drummer, Chad, a guy who had escaped a festival pyro tragedy by jumping into a kiddie pool. He texted me: "Bro, look at Digital Tech Guard Recovery. They're crypto Roadies." I pictured a group of pierced hackers in black hoodies, blowing gum and cracking firewalls. Good enough. Digitals crew followed the scambot's trail with the ferocity of a producer hunting for the perfect bassline. The crook had routed my Bitcoin through privacy coins, obscured wallets, and exchanges located in countries that I couldn't spell. Their engineers stalked his path like a creep watching a pop star's concert tour schedule, in cooperation with Interpol and a Cypriot bank used also as a hub for meme stocks. As it turns out, my "maestro" had become careless, stashing money in a wallet associated with a failed NFT venture named "Aping for Jesus." Typical. Sixteen days later, my wallet beeped. Balance returned. No taunting, only a curt email: "Scammer's assets frozen. Your money's back. Buy better speakers." I blasted "Eye of the Tiger" through the café sound system, shocking a hipster with oat milk. The espresso machine finally came online. Digital Tech Guard Recovery didn't just restore my cryptocurrency; they wrote the encore for my midlife crisis. My café exists today, littered with grail-worthy records on the walls and a tip cup emblazoned "ETH accepted." Chad's no longer on the espresso machine, but he's got free coffee for life. If your cryptocurrency is ever swindled by a cyber rockstar, don't go into existential tailspin. Call the Digitals. They'll turn your faceplant into a victory lap. Just maybe screen your "maestros" harder than your band's setlist.
Bobby_felix · 320 Views


The glow of RGB lights still haunts me. There I was, mid-stream, hyping up a Fortnite squad when an email pretending to be a sponsorship opportunity with the subject line "ENERGY DRINK COLLAB!!! *" appeared on my second monitor. I clicked. Big mistake. By the time my chat spammed "*SCAM ALERT" in neon caps, a trojan had already ghosted my Bitcoin wallet, $320,000 gone, poof, like a noob disconnecting mid-game. My facecam caught the exact moment my soul left my body: jaw open, headset tilted, background of anime posters judging me silently. The VOD blew up. Of course it did...Email: rapid digital recovery (@) execs. com Pandemonium erupted. Donation alerts became panic emojis. My mods DM'd links to "HOW TO FIX CRYPTO THEFT" amidst banning trolls. My wallet? A barren wasteland. My DMs? A cemetery of "*F"s and crypto-bros pitching recovery scams. Then, a lifeline—a chatter named *xX_CryptoNinja_69 typed, "RAPID DIGITAL RECOVERY. THEY CLAPPED A HACKER FOR MY DOGE ONCE." Desperate, I Googled them mid-stream, muting to scream into a pillow...Whatsapp: +1 4 14 80 71 4 85. Rapid Digital Recovery’s team responded like NPCs scripted for heroics. “Send us the malware file,” they said. “**And your wallet logs. We’ll handle the rest.” For 12 days, they reverse-engineered the trojan, dissecting its code like speed runners cracking a glitch. The virus, it turned out, was a knockoff ransomware dubbed “Crypto Krush” (its dev had left a “HACK THE PLANET!!” Easter egg in the code, cringe). Rapid Digital Recovery’s squad traced its path, resurrecting private keys from registry fragments and backup clouds I’d forgotten existed. The return stream was record-breaking. I rebooted my rig, wallet restored, and titled the stream "HOW I UNBRICKED $320K (AND MY CAREER)." Chatters donated Bitcoin out of solidarity, and schadenfreude. Even my rival streamer, DrL33tGamer, raided me with 10k viewers. Rapid Digital Recovery? They viewed anonymously and left a sub with the message: "GG EZ. These internet Gandalf's didn't just fix a hack—they authored the greatest plot twist in my online existence. Now, my new website, Stream Vault, runs on a server guarded like Fort Knox, and I vet sponsors like the CIA. That fake energy drink company? Its domain now points to a Rickroll....Telegram: h t t p s: // t. me /Rapiddigitalrecovery1 If your crypto gets pawned by a script kiddie, skip the rage quit. Ping Rapid Digital Recovery. They're the ultimate cheat code for catastrophe. Just maybe have a malware scanner in closer proximity than your energy drinks next time.
Mc_Cabe_Kim · 350 Views

SSS Class Awakening: Start With A God-Level Choice System

[Loading choices…] -Ding! [(1) Respond to the bald teacher with: “Whether I sleep or not has nothing to do with you. No matter what I do, my future is still brighter than the light shining upon your bald head!” (Reward: God-Level Hair Stylist)] [(2) Look at the bald teacher’s bald head, sneer, and sleep again. (Reward: God-Level Driving)] [(3) Look at the teacher’s bald head and respond with: “Your bald head reminds me of the boiled eggs I ate for breakfast.” (Reward: God-Level Cooking)] [(4) Respond to the bald teacher with: “Yo, Wassup bro?” Then get out of your chair and perform a breakdance in front of the class. (Reward: God-Level Breakdancing)] [(5) Choose none of the given options and choose your own path. (Reward: None)] … Ainsworth Arthurford transmigrated to a parallel world of Earth. Unlike in his past life, magic and aura appeared on Earth and allowed everyone to awaken a Class at 16 and become an Awakener. Those who successfully awaken a Class and became an Awakener could take on Otherworld Missions provided by the Will of The Earth, with tasks related to invading the Otherworld. Whether it was to steal a powerful artifact, kill the children of destinies (protagonist of the world), or plunder the world origin, Awakeners from Earth became the notorious “invaders from another world”. When magic and aura had awakened, dimensional gates had also appeared which connected the Otherworld to Earth and it brought occasional invasions. Fortunately, the Earth’s Will reacted quickly and allowed humans to awaken a class and humanity managed to fight back and even invade the Otherworld to further strengthen both themselves and the Earth itself. Ainsworth transmigrated thirty years after the descent of the dimensional gates and the day before the Unified Awakening Ceremony. As a perk for his transmigration, he received the God-Level Choice System, which allowed him to choose the options given to him that would grant corresponding rewards. And with that, he awakened an SSS-rank Class and started his path to avenge his older sister and recover her Divine Eyes of Death Lines from the mysterious otherworld organization that gouged out her eyes!
MarvisWindesburg · 78.4K Views

Gamble in a dying world

[Warning: This book can get brutal, but don't expect action on every page. I place quite an emphasis on character design and development.] ......... You've read Apocalypse stories thousands of times, with courageous, cautious and even altruistic leads. Western, Eastern.. how about an African lead whose ability can actually get him killed?? Bernard once gambled on a chance to make his life better. To do what he actually wanted with his life despite what others wanted him to do. Though it's probably not the gamble you're thinking about... He succeeded. He got to live the life of his dreams, gave his family the support they needed and saw them thrive. That one moment gave him everything he dreamed of.. That was until the apocalypse came.... The planet quaked, the ozone was destroyed, harsh light eviscerated life on the planet.. Gravity was distorted and mutations occurred on some organic lives on the entire planet.. An enemy of unimaginable proportions descended on Earth, but the mystery behind him is one you probably haven't heard of many times... Bernard’s hard work was destroyed. So was his family that he had finally made proud, as a brother and as a son. At the brink of death, a light shone amidst the chaos. A light that clung to many humans who were still alive... A light that gave them a fighting chance against their enemy... The humans awakened to abilities tied to their happiest memories. Abilities of different kinds with vast applications and some.... awkward connotations.. Bernard awakened a gift to fight through the terror and creatures that awaited. He awakened the Innate Ability: Gamble... ......... Vital Information for Readers: I'm sure most of you won't like the main character in the beginning. But I must stress that he will develop and experience a major development in an important arc that's not too far ahead. He won't always be on the pages for the first section of the story, but he will still have a prominent role. Other characters in this world are given a fair share of time to express themselves and develop too. A lot. The first 10 chapters set up the BASIC story, but they are NOT exposition. The story will be moving...quite fast, so be prepared for less action in that time period. ....... Check out my other book 'Bro! I'm not an Undead' Cover picture is mine... only the dice are from the net and edited on PS.. credit to the...owner...
Shade_Arjuun · 233.1K Views
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