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Liz Gilles

convertirse joven educada era 1970 con espacio

Lin Xiaowei una joven multimillonaria por accidente descubre que su brazalete de jade dejado como herencia de sus antepasados en realidad se transformó en un espacio portátil al caerle una gota de sangre por accidente. Asi que como amante de las novelas de viajes en el tiempo, transmigración e isekai ya sabiendo el futuro camino de las cosas decidió arreglar sus asuntos de la empresa familiar de la que era presidenta y luego se dispuso a comprar suministros al cabo lo que menos le faltaba era dinero, y cuando vio que podía necesitar mayor cantidad y productos decidió viajar por el extranjero y por muchos lugares del mundo para recolectar suministros, entre ellos fue ganado y aves de corral, semillas, granos de frutas, verduras , aceites sales y condimentos, también muchas hierbas medicinales desde buena calidad hasta pocas de calidad excelente. Compro ropa en grandes distribuidoras de ropa al mayoreo de mujer, hombre, niños y mujeres mayores, por lo cual al llevar una gigante cantidad de productos le hicieron descuento en cada tienda que iba independientemente de su categoría, recolecto mucha pesca marina, asi como productos ya hechos, compro también muchos electrodomésticos, generadores de energía, automóviles, motos, y bicicletas, compro muchos relojes desde modelos económicos hasta modelos caros, compro dulcería, repostería, y aunque dudo también consiguió muchas joyas, oro caligrafías, pinturas, libros tanto nacionales como extranjeros de todos los géneros y categorías, Preparo también muchos aparatos eléctricos como computadoras, tabletas, y celulares, asi como máquinas de coser, maquinaria médica, utensilios de cocina de pesca, de cultivación de flores y plantas, muchas recetas especiales de cada área y muchas cosas más. Para no desperdiciar compro muchas cosas ambientadas en la época de era y las demás eran de era moderna, y otras atemporales, solo cuando el espacio estaba muy lleno se sintió aliviada, el espacio era muy grande y tenía aparte del gigante terreno tenía varios almacenes para cada categoría, uno para alimentos ya creados, otro para granos, semillas y líquidos a granel, otro para ropa zapatos, telas accesorios y maquillaje y skincare. Uno para electrodomésticos, otro para libros recetas, caligrafías, libretas, pinturas para imágenes, plumas, pinturas, otra para juegos de niños y adultos, otro para oro y joyas, otro para accesorios y muebles de la vida cotidiana, otro con refrigeradores para alimentos fríos y congelados, y otros para vehículos, generadores de liz, petróleo, otro para herramientas y maquinaria de construcción, asi como muchos planos para armar maquinaria, y todavía quedaban muchos vacíos para cuando se cocechen lo que se plantó en el espacio. Esta la casa/mansión moderna, que tiene todo equipado para que viva una familia completa en ella. Asi que felizmente cuando regresaba a china después de estar todo un año vagando recolectando suministros y objetos el avión en el que venía sufre una gran turbulencia y ella lo último que oye es la voz ansiosa del capitán antes de caer en la inconciencia hasta que vuelve a abrir los ojos y descubre que efectivamente viajo en el tiempo a la era de 1975 como una joven educada huerfana de martires asi que adentrate en esta historia de como Weiwei se adapta a la era y como poco a poco va subiendo su rango de hasta volver a estar en la cima como en su vida anterior, pero alguien puede decirme porque ese hombre lobo se le pega y planea paso a paso para llevar a su nuera a casa
Darkfairytale8 · 50 Views

Destined for the unknown

From Riches to Realms ------ Strange events had begun to unfold:missing children, vanishing women, and widowed husbands—all while bodies disappeared without a trace. But worst of all— whispers around of the dead walking among the living. They said dead men tell no tales—until you force them silent. ....... Marie Antoine Lisette, or Liz as she preferred, never thought her life would spiral from riches to rags. She thought her future was set: a husband on the way, with gold, silver, pearls, lands, mansions, manors, and accounts she could scarcely keep track of. She had it all. But one fateful day, everything changed. Her head spun, her legs buckled, and then—darkness enveloped her. When she finally awakened, a circle of concerned faces surrounded her (her body) —friends and family, all eager for her recovery. Yet something felt amiss. When the prince arrived, Liz gushed, blushed, and her lips pursed as she shyly batted it at the prince. (Liz: Ew...) (???: So, you do like the prince) (Liz: What prince? Who?) As Liz opened her eyes again, a spiders crept through the damp wall. Her luxurious clothes had vanished, replaced by rags, and her hair lay matted and dirty. "A prison cell," she thought. Her voice quivered on the brink of tears, "My luxurious life." (???: About the prince...) "What could he possibly have to complain about?” she snarked. "..." When your world unravels in the most bewildering ways, do you ignore it or seek the truth? And when those answers come, will you accept them, or will they shatter everything you believe? **Presenting Liz, the first novel of yours truly for fun.** Follow her on her journey—a thrilling quest where adventure and budding romance await amidst danger and mystery. ----‐---‐--‐------‐--------‐-‐--‐------------------------ Cover from: ChatGpt **and, a word, from the author. a bit of support is always welcome if I should continue this or not. Of course, I did this for fun but, a little motivation is nice and even reviews or a little well-intended criticism is good.***
Tisalreadymornin · 15.7K Views


For three years, Elizabeth "Liz" Carter endured a loveless marriage to Dante Steele, the enigmatic and ruthless CEO who saw her as nothing more than a pawn in his grander plans. Their marriage was built on a fragile foundation of duty, not affection, as Dante’s heart remained bound to his white moonlight, Maria Sinclair. Liz’s silent devotion and hope for love crumbled the night she lost their unborn child, only to find Dante leaving her side to be with Maria. Devastated and humiliated, Liz chose herself for the first time. She signed the divorce papers and disappeared, determined to rebuild her life. Two years later, Liz returns, no longer the timid wife but a confident, successful entrepreneur commanding the admiration of everyone around her. But her triumphant return is disrupted when Dante reveals a shocking truth—he never signed the divorce papers. He’s still her husband, and this time, he’s not letting her go. Liz is thrust back into Dante’s world, one filled with danger, betrayal, and secrets. As she uncovers hidden truths about their marriage and the dark forces surrounding them, Liz realizes her departure shattered something within Dante. Now, the once-emotionless man is desperate to prove his love. But Liz has changed, and so have her priorities. Torn between the pain of her past and the man Dante claims to be now, she must decide whether to risk her heart again or finally sever the ties that have bound her to him for so long. Vows of Betrayal is a story of heartbreak, redemption, and rediscovering self-worth in the shadow of love, with twists that will leave readers breathless.
Belluxarose · 24.4K Views


Dans un monde où la magie et la technologie coexistent dans un équilibre fragile, les forces anciennes et nouvelles s'affrontent, menaçant de plonger le continent dans le chaos. Au Sud, la république de Rimes se dresse fièrement, bastion de savoir et de progrès. Centre des plus grandes découvertes technologiques et des arts magiques, elle rayonne sur le continent. Mais dans ses académies, les plus sages perçoivent un déséquilibre grandissant. Les arcanes, autrefois maîtrisées, deviennent instables. Les murmures de la magie se transforment en avertissements : l'ordre que les hommes ont bâti est sur le point de se fissurer. À l’Ouest, les royaumes barbares, embourbés dans des guerres intestines, continuent de s’entretuer, aveugles aux véritables dangers qui se profilent. Dans leurs forêts et montagnes, des forces anciennes, réveillées par le sang des batailles, se mettent en mouvement. Ce qui dort sous la terre commence à se réveiller, tandis que les seigneurs de guerre, trop occupés par leurs querelles, ignorent le sombre présage qui approche. À l’Est, les steppes infinies, royaume des cavaliers nomades, vibrent d’une magie ancienne. Les tribus, autrefois insaisissables, deviennent les témoins d’événements étranges. Des esprits oubliés arpentent de nouveau les plaines, et les légendes se matérialisent sous la lumière de la lune. Ces terres, longtemps indomptées, semblent répondre à un appel lointain, un pouvoir qui transcende le temps et les hommes. Mais c’est au-delà des mers que le véritable danger prend forme. L’Empire de Zorya, mystérieux et impitoyable, étend son emprise avec une précision implacable. Gouverné par l’impératrice Belle d’Aurore, une souveraine aussi crainte que vénérée, Zorya déploie ses immenses flottes vers l’Ouest, ses voiles noires annonçant la conquête. Cet empire insulaire, imprégné de traditions séculaires et armé d'une magie ancienne et de technologies redoutables, convoite désormais les richesses et le savoir de Rimes. Belle d’Aurore, dont la beauté et la cruauté sont légendaires, ne reculera devant rien pour étendre son pouvoir. Au Nord, la Vangoriak n'est plus qu'une cicatrice, une terre désolée où les guerres vampiriques ont laissé des marques indélébiles. Jadis théâtre de batailles apocalyptiques, elle est désormais un territoire maudit, hanté par les échos du passé. La menace qu’elle représentait s’est atténuée, mais ses ruines restent un rappel des jours sombres où le monde était au bord de l’extinction. Ses ombres, bien que silencieuses, continuent de peser sur l’esprit de ceux qui osent s'en approcher. Dans ce monde au bord du gouffre, un jeune prodige, Gilles Crametout, est destiné à jouer un rôle central. Héritier d'une lignée de mages légendaires, il possède un pouvoir brut capable de renverser des empires. Mais ce pouvoir, qu'il ne contrôle pas pleinement, le place dans la tourmente. Aux côtés de la redoutable magicienne Chione Stritodeli, il devra naviguer entre intrigues politiques, menaces surnaturelles et trahisons. Mais la plus grande menace pourrait bien être celle qui sommeille en lui. Alors que les spectres rôdent à la lisière de la Vangoriak et que les armées de Zorya approchent, Gilles et Chione se retrouvent au cœur d’un conflit qui pourrait sceller le destin du continent. La guerre, la magie et le destin s’entremêlent dans une bataille où les légendes d'hier se transforment en réalités terrifiantes. Dans ce monde crépusculaire, les forces en présence s'affrontent pour façonner l'avenir, mais il se pourrait bien que tout soit déjà perdu.
adelpreis05 · 2.1K Views

Enchoes of a Hidden Life

Di sebuah keluarga yang penuh dengan harapan dan kesedihan, Liz dan Jiwon adalah kembar identik yang terpisah sejak kecil. Liz, yang tumbuh di lingkungan yang penuh kasih sayang orang tua, memiliki masa depan yang ditentukan yakni dijodohkan dengan seseorang dari keluarga kenalan ayahnya. Sementara itu, Jiwon, yang tinggal bersama kakek dan neneknya di kota yang jauh, menjalani kehidupan yang jauh berbeda. Ketika sebuah tragedi mengubah segalanya, Jiwon harus meninggalkan kehidupan yang nyaman di kampung untuk menggantikan Liz dalam keluarga yang belum pernah ia kenal lebih jauh. Di tengah keraguan dan ketidakpastian, Jiwon menghadapi peran yang tidak diinginkannya, menggantikan saudara kembarnya dan mengisi kekosongan yang ditinggalkan Liz. Namun, kehidupan baru Jiwon tidaklah mudah. Ia harus menghadapi tuntutan keluarga yang merasa kehilangan, serta seorang calon suami yang tidak hanya mengganggu tetapi juga memicu kemarahan dan ketidaksukaannya terhadap laki-laki. Jiwon, yang dikenal sebagai seseorang yang canggung dan kurang nyaman dengan laki-laki, harus berjuang menghadapi kenyataan barunya dan mengatasi perasaannya sendiri. "Echoes of a Hidden Life" adalah kisah tentang identitas, cinta yang tersembunyi, dan pencarian jati diri di tengah tuntutan dan ekspektasi yang menghimpit. Dalam perjalanannya, Jiwon akan belajar bahwa untuk menemukan kekuatan sejati, terkadang kita harus menghadapi bagian terkelam dari diri kita. Start : 07 Oktober 2024
chinggu313 · 521 Views

How to Tame Your Demi-Girl

[Discontinued - But you can still read it if you want to, as it covers the entirety of the first arc with a decent ending] "What?! You want to make ice cream with the breast milk, you sucked out my breasts the other day?!" The Cow Girl with two sets of breasts, asked me in shock, while I was squeezing her chest, to fill up another canister full of fresh breast milk. "No, Luca! There's no way I'm allowing you to cook a sausage, by stuffing it up my secret place! That's too embarrassing!" The Salamander Girl, who's body was made of fire and scales, denied my small request, even though her fiery body was the perfect temperature to cook me up, a good old hotdog. "Okay, fine...I'll let you finger my gills. But do it slowly, since I'm sensitive there." The Shark Girl, who had razor sharp teeth and a long shark tail, agreed to let me have a little fun with her gill slits on her abdomen, that she used to breath when she went underwater. Do you want to know how all these crazy situations came out to be? Then read this damn novel, that transported me into this strange world full of adorable demi-girls, and find out for yourself. [Warning: This is a story made by a Degenerate, to cater towards Degenerates like myself. There will be many intense 18+ scenes, that you never could have imagined to ever exist in any form of media, in this story. So I advice people, who only enjoy the standard erotic scenes you see in every other novel, to ignore this piece of work and move on.] [And also, I highly request you to read the prologue of the story, so that you can understand what you're getting into.]
AGodAmongMen · 542.1K Views

Road Tripp

Devin and Masha sitting with her ass in his lap as he powers through I don't know how many plates of food and she just keeps hopping up to get more and feed him. Jun and Lilly in quiet planning mode considering they are not going to be at school next year. Ben and Liz are kinda on the outside of the group and have been most of the time. I think things have been tense concerning the big trip but I'll ask about that when we are closer to leaving. Kyle and Hanna are chit chatting with everyone, Kyle being brought in still threw a lot of people outside of the group but we got him healed and while there could have been some sort of explanation I don't feel the need to do so to everyone in the school. Isaac and Allison are my second biggest concern this year as the two of them have been dating like it's a soap opera. They are doing fine then he fucks it up and comes to the group to talk to her then they get back together for a week or two before another blow up. Finally, my biggest concern is Natsuko. After everything that has happened and all we've been through after Kori 'settled the score' with Heather at Johnny's place my little assistant has been less involved and more distant than I've ever seen her. I'm still enjoying the personal time I'm getting with my crew all the while Kori and I have been planning for the trip. I've been working out the trip list. She's been on the more 'important' job of making sure it'll be a fun trip. I'm pretty sure a bunch of teenagers in a couple RV's driven by bikers being tailed by a U-Haul carrying two bikes is gonna be fun for all. The backyard party ends in the late afternoon and while most of the crew heads off to home, I wait till all the guests leave before putting on my coat and grabbing Katy by the hand and dragging her off to my bike. She's wearing a confused look as I hand her the spare helmet but she's not fighting me as we head off to my only true private spot nowadays, the shack at Johnny's. My bike is a regular feature and as soon as I'm off there is someone to walk it to a small garage Johnny had built for the equipment. The place has really changed, it's still got the trailers stacked up like ghetto apartments and teenage outcasts running around but once I get past the 'courtyard' and into the main section it's tools equipment and then the green houses. Still marvel at the work Johnny has put in becoming a 'legitimate businessman' but I've got more important things on my mind as I walk past it all and to my shack. A little expansion on the shack and the bed were done just so I could hold meetings there with my people but other than that it stays untouched by others. I get Katy inside and sit her down on the bed after closing the door. I take notice of my confused 'Bad' girlfriend, tight jeans that are torn up with hard black boots. I know she's got one of her tank tops under her leather jacket. I take my leather jacket and hood off and set it on the chair, then kick my boots off before slowly pulling my t-shirt off. Katy starts to pick up on what's happening and starts to undress taking her own coat and boots off as I get my pants down and kick them to the side. I move up to her and help her with her top revealing her large breasts clasped together in a purple and black bra, her pants come off to show me matching panties before I throw the former to the floor. I pull her up off the bed to sit up and kiss Katy gently on the lips which catch her off guard for only a moment before I have arms wrapped around my neck. Katy leans back, we keep kissing as she takes me with her to the bed, slowly we work our limbs tightly but tenderly around each other as I feel myself getting hard against Katy's covered mound.
Fredrick_Udele · 37.9K Views

Dark Hunger

A werewolf who would stop at nothing to claim her… After enduring the torment of his first relationship, Caleb Silver, king of Ixoviya, was enraged to find that he indeed had a mate. When he finally came close to her, the rage within him soothed. But she was on her death-bed. Turned into a vampire, she is on the verge of rejecting her mate… Conditioned to hate the night creatures, Elize Walsh, ran away from her mate. She hated him like fiery pits of hell — until this man starts his slow and wicked games of dark desires. Will Elize succumb to the miseries of her past with him and reject him? Will Caleb be able to win her? Join me in this game of seduction and games of the Lore. --- She watched the sun set through the tinted glass, rays blazing over the water, setting it aflame. Elize looked dreamily at the sea and said, "This looks too beautiful to be real."  "No Liz," said Caleb. Elize turned her gaze to meet him, and he was... mesmerized. In a breathy voice, he said, "You are… surreal. Do you know when I saw you for the first time, I thought I had met an angel?"  Her cheeks became pink like the sky outside. A smile tugged her lips up as his sunstruck eyes held her gaze. "When I first saw you, I was done for my life. Your blond hair, those sharp curves— it all acted like a magnet." His heart thudded in its ribcage and his pulse raced. She took a sip of her wine with trembling hands without realizing that it wasn't blood.  "And that instant I knew you were my mate. And that instant I knew that I could die looking at you."  There was so much intensity in his words that Elize's heart raced for this beautiful man. She wanted to go to him and place a kiss on his lips. Her flute shook on its way to her lips. She drained it absentmindedly and her head became dizzy immediately. Caleb came to her side the next instant. He took the glass from her and placed it on the table. Stroking her back softly, he apologized to her for giving her the champagne. She coughed a little and some tears poured out in response when she felt the burn of the wine in the back of her throat. But Caleb had paled so much by that time that she couldn't help giggling. "Since you didn't remember, it is your punishment that you drink the entire bottle of wine and then next."  ---- Book cover by Micehellwd. Copyrights belong to me. Other books in the series are: Feral Confessions: Adrianna and the Alpha (complete) The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince (complete) Ileus: The Dark Prince (ongoing)
MishaK · 1.1M Views

Do not mess with a transmigrated and angsty otaku!

Elizabeth Hill/Liz was an Otaku. She was sitting on her bed playing an otome game on her phone which was called “This Sweet Blood Of Mine” she was trying to obtain the happy ending of the last male love interest which was very hard since he was a twisted yandare as were the other male leads… After six hours of nearly going broke by getting points and gems to help beat the game she finally did it! She was utterly exhausted so she closed her eyes for a quick second but when she opened them again she was…in the otome! She transmigrated as an extra who had no lines but was only there to be one of the background characters in the high school setting. Her mission before was to quickly get out of this world and under no circumstances attract the attention of the male lead but that became very hard when the MC befriends her.. The MC is a sweet and perfect and cute angel which makes Liz wanna protect her at all costs! So her mission changes. Now she must protect the bunny MC from the psychotic beasts known as the yandare male leads! What do you think will happen next? Will she be safe in this dangerous world? What is the true purpose of our existence…wait ignore that last question…. This book was inspired by SkyHighLimits go check their book out it’s called “If I’m a male then I can avoid the yandares, right?” It’s an amazing book! Credits: Cover from Pinterest by username “Bella” - with a heart emoticon. : There will be mild cursing and mature content so..just in case you don’t like that you can leave
Itsurbff_who_reads · 20.6K Views

The Beast's Virgin Claim

WARNING: {R18+ ROMANCE}{Explicit sexual content} ~~~ "I only want you, Theia. Always have always will and this shall never change. How could I ever want another when I possess the one I solely exist for?" "Phobos," I call his name fondly a need to hug him and breathe in his calming scent surfaces. "I do not wish to treat you like you are made of glass because you aren't. Your body was made for me and it can handle everything I choose to give it. And this I will prove it to you." "When?" I ask breathlessly as he ultimately turns around to meet my curious eyes. Golden rings outline his irises his beast announcing his presence and they stand as one before me. A wicked smile paints his face with a flash of canine displayed to me. A promise he gives that I will be ruthlessly devoured. "When I fuck you senseless." ~~~ After years of excruciating loneliness, Phobos approached me. A frightening beast, my soulmate who emerged from within the bounds of a ruthless thundering storm. The male I yearned for. He caught me off guard and I was under the spell he cast through his ocean eyes. A spell I couldn't defeat and that very moment I knew I was in trouble. The second our eyes met I knew he would bring me endless heartache. We were childhood friends, him and I. Phobos the gentle and playful juvenile I grew up with and looked up to as a pup vanished and was replaced by a cold-hearted barbarian, he terrified me as he killed many with a blink of his eyes. No regret, no concern his beast often in control surging forward consuming his senses. They were equals. How can I connect with a beast like him? How could I make him call me his? How can I love my childhood friend who has become a merciless monster? ~~~ #TBVC is a childhood friends to lovers dark romance erotic series with an age gap of 9 years between the protagonists. It will be a rollercoaster ride of emotions but will also have tons of delicious spice to heat you up. I truly hope you enjoy it my little wolves!
Luna Liz · 3.6M Views
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