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Traditionele Henna Jurk

You're Forever

Di kisahkan, seorang gadis cantik bernama Helena. Dia mengalami kebutaan sejak lulus SMA, karena kecelakaan yang menimpa dirinya dan juga keluarganya. Ayah, Ibu, dan Kakak perempuannya yaitu Henna hanya mengalami cedera kecil. Tetapi, takdir sangat kejam kepada si bungsu keluarga itu, dia mengalami benturan yang sangat keras di kepalanya sampai akhirnya menyebabkan kebutaan. Setelah kejadian itu Helana harus hidup di dalam kegelapan untuk selamanya. Helena, dia berusaha untuk menerima takdirnya menjadi gadis buta. Selama dua tahun dia berusaha keras untuk membiasakan diri dan tidak bergantung terus kepada orang lain. Sampai akhirnya dia berhasil membiasakan diri dan beradaptasi dengan keadaannya. Dia mampu pergi kemanapun sendirian karena sudah tahu arah. Setelah matanya tidak berfungsi dia berusaha hidup melalui pendengarannya dan juga perasaannya. Dan... Siapa sangka, Helena si gadis buta itu di pertemukan dengan seorang laki laki yang sangat tampan yang bernama Kevin. Mereka bertemu di sebuah Taman yang sering Helena datangi. Seiring berjalannya waktu, karena mereka hampir bertemu setiap hari, akhirnya mereka menjadi saling kenal satu sama lain. Tetapi sayangnya, Kevin memiliki riwayat penyakit yang mematikan, yaitu penyakit leukemia. Setiap Minggu, dia harus cuci darah dan penyakitnya selalu saja kambuh hampir setiap hari. Kisah cinta mereka pun di mulai, kisah cinta seorang gadis buta dan laki laki penderita leukemia:) Apakah kisah cinta mereka akan berakhir bahagia? Jangan lupa ikuti terus ceritaku yaaaaa:)
Kinan18 · 3.4K Views

Hidden Scars by Blue Diary Author

Wedding Night December 2014, India She was removing her big nose rings from her delicate hand with beautiful henna on it while looking on the man in the bedside who was unbuttoning his sherwani. Her long red silk lehenga was swaying on the floor with all its majesty. She went to washroom and looked at her bridal get up for one last time while her tear and water droplets rolled down her cheeks together. "Are we ready?" She asked in a low and gentle voice after changing into her casual outfit with tears hidden. "Almost" He said swapping his hands after closing the chain of his black suitcase. Hayati and Shayleen left the hotel room together. "Good Bye... Take care" She said desperately hugging him tightly for the last time with all her spirit. A tear rolled down her eye and fall on Shayleen's shoulder making him hug her even tighter. He pulled her head away pressed his lips against with dominating force. She tip toed and and kissed him back almost bitten his lips. Her waist long hair was kept loose dancing in the sky. Under the dazzling moonlight he could see the long eyelashes up close where her tears were sparkling like pearls. "Go before I change my mind" He gently removed his lips away and took his hands back from her waist. She let her arm loose which was hugging him tightly as it was leaving the most precious thing. She turned back immediately and left running and wiping hard tears away. Shayleen stood there without moving an inch, watching her silhouette disappear. She boarded her cab and left without turning back. May be she was afraid if she stood a second more she would start regretting her decision. ... But it was decided. She had prepared herself for this day a long ago. Her ambition was in front of her. The man stood there still opposing the wind, he was wearing golden-framed glasses and his slim-fitting black tuxedo emphasised his broad shoulders and slender waist. His muscles were well built emitting an aura like of king of frost. Before getting into his car the black haired man looked down at his ring and slowly said. "We will meet again."
BlueDiaryAuthor_ · 28.5K Views

Baby Serendipity: Die ganze Welt hat sich in mich verliebt

Die Familie Su, die reichste der Stadt, hat plötzlich ein dreijähriges Küken! Alle dachten, dieses Kleinkind sei die uneheliche Tochter von Su Qi, dem berüchtigten Playboy des Unterhaltungszirkels, nur um festzustellen, dass die sieben Su-Brüder vor ihr knieten und sie Tante nannten! Ganz Nordstadt hat sich totgelacht: Wozu ist dein Tantchen denn sonst gut, als Milch zu trinken? Meine kann wenigstens für mich sticken. Su Qi: Sticken? Mein Tantchen kann Geister, Dämonen und Zombies fangen, Talente, die die Aufmerksamkeit aller auf sich ziehen. Kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Liu: Mein Tantchen kann Flugzeuge mit einem fliegenden Schwert jagen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Wu: Mein Tantchen kann Krankheiten mit der Dreizehn-Geister-Tor-Akupunktur heilen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Si: Mein Tantchen kann einen Fünffach-Sprung im Eiskunstlauf machen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su San: Mein Tantchen kann bei Spielen leicht einen Pentakill erreichen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Er: Mein Tantchen gewinnt Preise in traditioneller chinesischer Malerei, Ölmalerei und Tuschemalerei. Kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Da: Mein Tantchen hilft meiner Firma, eine Milliarde am Tag zu verdienen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Später wurde das kleine Tantchen der Familie Su erwachsen und begann im Stillen eine Romanze mit ihrer schönen, geschickten Jugendliebe. Unisono brüllten die sieben Söhne der Su-Familie: Haltet euch von unserem Tantchen fern!
Fox's Charm · 4.2K Views

The Dark City - Life Underworld

Wedding Night December 2016, India She was removing her big nose rings from her delicate hand with beautiful henna on it while looking on the man in the bedside who was unbuttoning his sherwani. Her long red silk lehenga was swaying on the floor with all its majesty. She went to washroom and looked at her bridal get up for one last time while her tear and water droplets rolled down her cheeks together. "Are we ready?" She asked in a low and gentle voice after changing into her casual outfit with tears hidden. "Almost" He said swapping his hands after closing the chain of his black suitcase. Hayati and Shayleen left the hotel room together. "Good Bye... Take care" She said desperately hugging him tightly for the last time with all her spirit. A tear rolled down her eye and fall on Shayleen's shoulder making him hug her even tighter. He pulled her head away pressed his lips against with dominating force. She tip toed and and kissed him back almost bitten his lips. Her waist long hair was kept loose dancing in the sky. Under the dazzling moonlight he could see the long eyelashes up close where her tears were sparkling like pearls. "Go before I change my mind" He gently removed his lips away and took his hands back from her waist. She let her arm loose which was hugging him tightly as it was leaving the most precious thing. She turned back immediately and left running and wiping hard tears away. Shayleen stood there without moving an inch, watching her silhouette disappear. She boarded her cab and left without turning back. May be she was afraid if she stood a second more she would start regretting her decision. ... But it was decided. She had prepared herself for this day a long ago. Her ambition was in front of her. The man stood there still opposing the wind, he was wearing golden-framed glasses and his slim-fitting black tuxedo emphasised his broad shoulders and slender waist. His muscles were well built emitting an aura like of king of frost. Before getting into his car the black haired man looked down at his ring and slowly said. "We will meet again."
_divineheart_ · 6.5K Views
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