In the distant future, amidst the vast expanse of the cosmos, humanity stands on the brink of war as tensions escalate across the galaxies. The sudden ascension of Emperor Ishbar of Valterrium sparks unrest, leading to a tumultuous era known as the Dark Century. Amidst the chaos, the House of Capsuley rises to prominence, propelled by the enigmatic figure of Peter, who harbors memories from another life.
Set against the backdrop of Vultrum, a frigid planet teeming with the invaluable resource Mana, the story unfolds with the arrival of Duke John Tyrell and his daughter, Siona. Their visit marks a pivotal moment as they encounter Peter, a young man marked by scars and otherworldly features. As Peter's fate becomes intertwined with the machinations of power and politics, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, navigating a treacherous landscape fraught with betrayal and intrigue.
As the celestial forces converge and destinies intertwine, Peter must confront his past and embrace his destiny to shape the future of the cosmos. With echoes of celestial strife reverberating across the stars, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance as ancient secrets and cosmic powers collide in a battle for supremacy.
A SAGA OF STARS is an epic saga of political intrigue, celestial conflict, and the enduring power of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Join Peter and his companions on a journey across galaxies as they unravel the mysteries of the universe and forge their own destiny amidst the chaos of the cosmos.