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Ishq Par Zor Nahin Upcoming Twist

Amerikanischer Twist

Die Handlung spielt in den Jahren 2119–2120. Seit 2113 tobt ein langwieriger Atomkrieg zwischen dem asiatischen und dem westlichen Block. Russland gehört zum westlichen Block. Dem Krieg ging der „Pre-Krieg“-Krieg um Indonesien voraus, der 2107 begann. Die historische Periode des Pre-Krieg-Krieges hat bereits eine ganze Generation geprägt. Der sogenannte „Kriegsprozess“ hat wenig mit Vorstellungen von einem globalen Armageddon gemein. Die Wirtschaft der westlichen Nationen wird von zwei Superholdings – „Konstellationen“ – privatisiert, die Teile eines Ganzen sind und nicht miteinander konkurrieren. Im Laufe der Kriegsjahre haben die herrschenden Kreise verschiedener Ebenen Ziele erreicht, die ursprünglich nicht gesetzt waren. Dies betrifft den Erlass der US-Staatsschulden, die den Aufbau der globalen Verteidigung des Westens finanzierten, die implizite Besetzung ihrer Verbündeten durch die USA und die teilweise Privatisierung der USA selbst durch Konstellationen. Im asiatischen Block bietet sich ein ähnliches Bild. Zwischen den Blöcken gibt es einen Kanal für den Abschluss und die Einhaltung von Schattenabkommen gegen die Apokalypse – das „Siebte Hauptquartier“. Dabei handelt es sich um ein nuklearbetriebenes Superflugzeug-Hauptquartier, das ständig über der Antarktis fliegt. Ende der 2110er Jahre wird eine friedliche Beilegung des „Einzigen Krieges“ nicht mehr in Betracht gezogen. Stattdessen wird die Option einer „Konvertierung des militärischen Prozesses“ aktiv entwickelt – Minimierung militärischer Aktionen an den Fronten, Denuklearisierung des Krieges und Verlagerung militärischer Aktionen in hohe Weltraumumlaufbahnen. Die Spitze der Konstellationen und insbesondere der milliardenschwere Technokrat Bandon der Dritte sind an einem solchen Szenario interessiert. Der „konvertierte“ Krieg eröffnet Handlungsfreiheit für die Bildung einer neuen Gesellschaft, Industrie und Moral sowie den Austritt eines ausgewählten Teils der Menschheit zur Entwicklung anderer Planeten. Die moralischen Werte der Spitze der Konstellationen und Bandons des Dritten sind höchst fragwürdig. Ein Krisenereignis, dessen Details später geklärt wurden, diente als Anstoß für den Start von „Conversion“ einige Jahre zuvor. Die Frage nach der Motivation einer solchen Persönlichkeit wird dadurch erschwert, dass die meisten Kandidaten für diese Rolle ein solches Unternehmen unweigerlich als riskant und mit unvorhersehbarem Ausgang betrachten. Das Krisenereignis steht fest – es muss die Entführung eines neuen Shuttles sein. Zavirdyaev, der 2113 seinen „Schläferagentenkurs“ abgeschlossen hat, unterzieht sich regelmäßig einer technischen Überprüfung. Auf Auslandsreisen wird er von Geheimdiensten empfangen, sein Gedächtnis teilweise entmottet, überprüft und aktualisiert. Bei der Aktualisierung im Jahr 2120 erfährt er, dass er ein Shuttle entführen soll. Als die Zeit für die vollständige Entmottung gekommen ist, wird Zavirdyaev von den relevanten Planbeteiligten abgeholt, zwei Tage lang adaptiert und findet sich im Pilotensitz des Schiffes wieder. Er muss weder Fahrzeug noch Mission steuern – er ist ein Supermedien-„Affe mit Granate“. Der Plan beginnt, die Medienmaschine führt die von den Konstellationen entwickelten Schritte des Programms erfolgreich aus. Eine weitere Figur ist eine außerirdische Lebensform, die wie eine 35-jährige Nordeuropäerin aussieht. Es handelt sich um Haldoris Landskricht. Sie ist ein Avatar des Geistes eines Schwarzen Lochs in einem der Arme der Galaxie. Trotz aller Exotik ist ihre psychologische Erscheinung durchaus menschlich. Da sie unter Menschen lebt und über übermenschliche Fähigkeiten verfügt, vermeidet sie es, den historischen Prozess direkt und offen zu beeinflussen, um ihn nicht zu verschlimmern. Sie können auch die erweiterte Version der Zusammenfassung lesen
Aleksey_Serov · 99 Views

When A Filipino got Isekai'd with a Twist ! "only I can summon those!"

When a Filipino Brings a Gundam to a Sword Fight > "Oh great, another summoner. Just what we need—more useless adventurers." > > *Famous last words from Sir Knight-Who-Got-His-Butt-Kicked* Look, getting isekai'd is already weird enough, but being a Filipino summoner in a fantasy world? That's like bringing *balut* to a fancy French dinner party – completely unexpected and guaranteed to raise some eyebrows. Picture this: There I was, contemplating whether to have *sisig* or *adobo* for dinner, when suddenly – **POOF!** – I got yeet'd into Medieval Times™ faster than my mom could throw her legendary tsinelas. And what did the universe decide to gift me with? The supposedly "weakest" class: *a summoner*. But here's where it gets *interesting*. These fantasy folks thought I'd be pulling rabbits out of hats or summoning cute forest creatures. **Boy, were they in for a surprise!** Because while they were expecting wooden sticks and basic swords, I was busy figuring out if I could summon: * My mom's battle-tested tsinelas (with +20 critical hit, mind you) * A fully-loaded M16 *Armor you say? " How about a mask raider suit! Or iron man armor!(credit to marvel ) * And oh yeah, *casual flex*, **AN ENTIRE FREAKING GUNDAM** Let me tell you something funny about being the "weak" summoner – when you can call forth weapons that would make Michael Bay weep tears of explosive joy, suddenly nobody's laughing at your class choice anymore. Welcome to my story of how a Pinoy turned the weak summoner class from zero to hero, one ridiculous weapon at a time. yeah that's me your accidental hero!
WrathBuh69 · 11.9K Views

American Twist

The action takes place in 2119-2120. Since 2113, a protracted nuclear war has been going on between the Asian and Western Blocs. The war was preceded by the "Pre-War" for Indonesia, which began in 2107. The historical period of the Pre-War & War has already formed an entire generation. The "war process", as it is called, has little in common with ideas about a global Armageddon. The economy of the Western Nations is privatized by two superholdings - "constellations", which are parts of a single whole and do not compete. Over the years of the War, the ruling circles of different levels have achieved goals that were not initially set. This is the write-off of the US national debt, which paid for the construction of the global defense of the West, the implicit occupation by the US of its allies, partial privatization of the US itself by constellations. In the Asian Bloc, the picture is similar. Between the Blocks there is a channel for concluding and observing shadow "anti-apocalyptic" agreements - the "seventh headquarters". This is a nuclear-powered superplane-headquarters constantly flying over Antarctica. By the end of the 2110s, a peaceful settlement of the "Only War" is no longer being considered. Instead, the option of "Conversion of the Military Process" is being actively developed - minimizing military actions on the fronts, denuclearizing the War and "pushing" military actions into "high space orbits". The top of the constellations and the billionaire technocrat Bandon the Third in particular are interested in such a scenario. The "converted" War will open up freedom of action to form a new society, industry, morality and the exit of a selected part of humanity to the development of other planets. The moral values of the top of the constellations and Bandon are quite dubious. A certain crisis event, the details of which were determined later, was chosen as the impetus for launching "Conversion" several years earlier. An important element of this scenario is a certain personality - the leader of the rebels who seize a nuclear base, an aircraft carrier, etc. The role of the personality is doubly important due to the fact that the crisis event must develop on display, "in front of the cameras", to the whole world. The question of the motivation of such a personality is complicated by the fact that most candidates for this role will inevitably see such an enterprise as risky and having an outcome that is unpredictable for them. The problem is solved by preparing an agent with a processed consciousness - a fragment of memory and life that contains preparation, moral pumping and technical training for such an agent is hidden, erased. One of these sleeper agents, Andrei Zavirdyaev, lives the life of an ordinary CSCE employee (the old-new name of the OSCE). The crisis event is determined - it must be the hijacking of a new shuttle. Zavirdyaev, who completed his "sleeper agent course" in 2113, regularly undergoes a "technical inspection" - during trips abroad, he is received by secret services, partially "de-mothballed" by his memory, checked and "updated". During the "update" in 2120, he is told that he is to hijack a shuttle. He does not need to control the vehicle and mission - he is a supermedia "monkey with a grenade". The plan starts successfully, the media machine successfully carries out the stages of the program developed by the constellations. Another character is an extraterrestrial life form that looks like a 35-year-old northern European woman. This is Haldoris Landskricht. She is an "avatar" of the mind of a black hole located in one of the arms of the galaxy. Despite all the exoticism, the psychological appearance of her personality is quite human. Living among people, possessing a number of superhuman abilities, she avoids directly and openly influencing the historical process, not wanting to make things worse. Haldoris Landskricht does not agree with the plans of the constellations…
Aleksey_Serov · 1.7K Views

The Heiress Twisted Fate

Destiny Ganzon is the epitome of a perfect heiress. She is beautiful, intelligent, and doted by her father, Alejandro, the Real Estate Magnate of the country, until one day, her mother died, and everything changed when his father remarried. Excerpt: A loud smack! "How dare you ruin my reputation, Destiny?" Alejandro asked after he slapped his daughter. That was the first time he used force on his only hier. "Dad, you have to believe me, it wasn't true, you raised me well. Do you think I will do something like that?" She asked back, caressing her beautiful face. "No, this time I had enough of your lies; your stepmother was right; you are only a nuisance and only bring shame to our family!" He angrily responded. "I had warned you. I will disinherit you. You will not receive even a single cent from me, and you must leave this house right now, or else I will ask the guards to drag you out!" He added before he turned his heels and walked away from his study with the loud slamming of the door. One scandal led to another, and what she couldn't accept was her first love and childhood sweetheart, Red Galvez, was part of their betrayal. Destiny's world crumbled, and she couldn't believe her stepmother and stepsister finally succeeded in planning her downfall. With a broken heart and no choice, Destiny left their mansion and lived an ordinary life with her nanny, the only person who never left her side. She pretended to forget her old life and started living and embracing the mundane world. Still, she promised herself that she would do everything to make her enemies, including Red, pay the price of their betrayal. But it was more complicated than she thought since her father was brainwashed with his wife and stepdaughter, and they made her life a living hell. Years later, Destiny met Red again, and he was still the same hot and gorgeous. On top of that, her ex became one of the highest-paid attorneys in the country. All unwanted memories came rushing back to her. Destiny hated him with all her heart, but Red promised to help her win back what was rightfully hers. Can Destiny forgive Red and trust the hottest attorney to claim back her inheritance without breaking her heart?
sirenbeauty · 124.5K Views

Twisted Ways of Heaven

Fate knows that timid people won't amuse her, so she serves them plain death as a conclusion. Being a philosophy student, the sixteen year old Kanito Aramishi had a humble yet principled personality. But his dreams were rather jejune : living a decent and respectful life. If there was something he hated the most, it was standing out. He hated to become the centre of attention. However one day, his biggest fear came true, a life-changing event uprooted him from his sweet life of normalcy. Returning home one night from his high school's farewell party, Kanito finds himself struck in an array of supernatural events. He is stabbed in the chest by a mysterious man and as he is about to die, he sees ferrocious, otherworldly creatures appear out of countless red portals. "Please God, give me refuge in Heaven." is what he ponders on the brink of his death, but then, a saviour descends down from the skies who whisks him away to a different world. In this new world, Kanito finds out that a mysterious race called the "demons" have waged a war against possibly every life form in existence. He learns that the destruction of his world was not merely an apocalyptic event but a planned invasion by this race. This single event landed the first blow to the strong foundations of his morality. The night he bid farewell to his school became the night he bid farewell to his own world. He accquired the status of a refugee, a stain that he will carry forever. What is this growing cruelty inside? Is violence, hatred and horror justified in a cruel world? What will Kanito choose – the newfound cruelty or the long-cherished empathy? Will he stick to his beliefs or will he give them all an egregious definition? Those will answered as the march of time continues revealing the refugee's and eventually the world's true purpose.
Flavian_09 · 15.4K Views

Sauvé par l'Alpha qui s'avère être mon Compagnon

"Pas ici, faiblard ! Nous nous retrouverons au ruisseau près de la frontière du clan dans une heure, alors tu pourras me montrer ce que tu as." lui informa-t-il. "Très bien, défi accepté ! Mais si je te bats, tu arrêteras de me harceler et tu me laisseras tranquille !" cracha Aurora. "D'accord." Il lui répondit. "La haine que j'ai pour toi cessera quand tu ne seras plus. Là-bas, personne ne viendra à ton secours et je pourrai enfin te déchirer. Personne ne manque de respect à Dante impunément !" pensa Dante intérieurement en s'éloignant. La vie d'Aurora était censée être parfaite puisqu'elle était de naissance noble, mais malheureusement, elle était loin d'être parfaite. Son père était le bêta, le second en commandement de l'Alpha de leur meute et sa mère était l'une des guerrières importantes de la meute. En tant que première fille, elle était traitée comme une fleur, protégée du mal, de la tristesse, des troubles et des perturbations, et elle n'était exposée qu'à la pure joie, à l'amour pur, au bonheur et à tout ce qui est beau en grandissant, mais sa vie n'était pas remplie de roses, à mesure qu'elle vieillissait ! En grandissant, elle avait cru qu'elle serait normale comme tous les autres loups-garous de sa meute et de toute la communauté des loups-garous, mais hélas, elle était étrangement différente. Elle était la seule loup-garou de sa meute qui n'avait pas de loup, un animal intérieur, donc elle était traitée comme une paria. Alors que les autres loups-garous obtenaient leurs loups pour leur seizième anniversaire, le sien refusait d'apparaître. Même pas quand elle a eu dix-huit ans. Même pas quand elle rencontra son compagnon !!!
ogunsuyigrace87 · 126.8K Views


"ela foi escolhida porque era dele por direito desde o início..." Uma vez, em uma rara ocasião, na noite de uma lua cheia azul, uma menina é levada de uma casa para servir às feras que se chamam lobisomens. Os lobisomens eram os que governavam a cidade e controlavam tudo. Eles pareciam humanos, mas sob sua fachada humana havia um monstro impiedoso que busca destruir. Todos tentavam se proteger, mas no fundo sabiam que não eram páreo para os lobisomens. Arianne era uma menina que nasceu diferente das outras pessoas da cidade. Ela tinha longos cabelos ruivos e nasceu com olhos de cores diferentes. Um verde e um marrom. Ninguém sabia exatamente por que ela nasceu assim e isso não era hereditário. Sua mãe também morreu durante seu parto e por causa disso seu pai, Massimo, se distanciou dela e optou por se casar novamente. Ele se casou com uma mulher chamada Christine que já tinha uma filha fora do casamento, Rissa. Juntas Rissa e Christine decidiram fazer da vida de Arianne um inferno, ao que seu pai fechou os olhos e, por causa disso, afetou Arianne e ela decidiu se afastar de sua família e da sociedade. O dia da seleção chegou e Rissa foi escolhida para ir servir os lobisomens. Com medo pela própria vida, Rissa decidiu persuadir sua mãe a convencer Massimo a oferecer Arianne para a seleção. Ignorando seus gritos de súplica e lágrimas, Massimo entregou Arianne para ir servir aos lobisomens. Ninguém realmente sabe o que acontece com as meninas que são selecionadas e ninguém se deu ao trabalho de perguntar. Desconhecendo o destino que a aguarda, Arianne decidiu ir servir ao lobisomem a quem chamam Ivan Giovanni, um alfa conhecido por sua impiedade. Arianne conseguirá sobreviver vivendo entre os lobisomens? O que acontece quando ela descobre mais sobre sua identidade e a única pessoa que poderia ajudá-la era Ivan? O que você acha que aconteceria se ela descobrisse que Ivan era o menino que ela salvou anos atrás de morrer? NOTA: EU NÃO SOU O PROPRIETÁRIO DA IMAGEM DE CAPA DESTE LIVRO. IMAGEM ENCONTRADA NO PINTEREST.
DA_Aloera · 225.4K Views

Salva pelo Alfa que Acaba Sendo Meu Par

"Não aqui, fracote! Vamos nos encontrar no riacho perto da fronteira da alcateia em uma hora, aí você pode me mostrar o que tem." Ele a informou. "Tudo bem, desafio aceito! Mas se eu te derrotar, você vai parar de me intimidar e me deixar em paz!" Aurora disse entre dentes. "Claro." Ele respondeu. "O ódio que tenho por você só vai acabar quando você não existir mais. Lá, ninguém virá te salvar e eu finalmente poderei te destruir. Ninguém desrespeita Dante e fica impune!" Dante pensou consigo mesmo enquanto se afastava. A vida de Aurora era para ser perfeita, já que ela tinha nascimento nobre, mas infelizmente estava longe da perfeição. Seu pai era o beta, o segundo no comando do Alfa da matilha e sua mãe era uma das fortes guerreiras da matilha. Como ela era a primeira filha, foi tratada como uma flor, protegida de danos, tristezas, perturbações e problemas, e só foi exposta à pura alegria, puro amor, felicidade e tudo de belo enquanto crescia, mas sua vida não era cheia de rosas, conforme ela foi ficando mais velha! Crescendo, ela acreditou que seria normal como todo outro lobisomem de sua matilha e da comunidade de lobisomens inteira, mas, infelizmente, ela era estranhamente diferente. Ela era a única lobisomem na sua matilha que não tinha um lobo, um animal interior, portanto era tratada como uma excluída. Enquanto outros lobisomens recebiam seus lobos em seus décimos sextos aniversários, o dela se recusou a aparecer. Nem mesmo quando ela completou dezoito anos. Nem mesmo quando ela encontrou sua companheira!!!
ogunsuyigrace87 · 101.7K Views

Lucha, Huida o Parálisis: La Historia de la Sanadora

``` —¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo sería despertar en un cuerpo que no es el tuyo? ¿Un cuerpo mucho, mucho más joven? —No puedo decir que yo haya pensado mucho en ello. Hasta que una noche, un paciente entró en las urgencias donde yo trabajaba y me disparó a quemarropa en la cabeza. —Sabes, si quería una segunda opinión, sólo tenía que pedirla. Pero eso es aparte del punto... —De alguna manera, terminé despertando en un hospital extraño con una mujer que se parecía sospechosamente a mi madre sujetando mi mano y llorando. Lleno de alegría al verla, me tomó unos minutos darme cuenta de que ya no era el doctor de 25 años, exitoso en uno de los hospitales más prestigiosos del mundo. No, era una niña de 6 años que por un momento... quería a su madre. —Cuando llega el apocalipsis, cada uno tiene que arreglárselas por sí mismo. Tengo tres opciones: ¿lucharé por lo que quiero? ¿Huiré y me esconderé, o me quedaré paralizado cuando los demonios de mi pasado regresen para atormentarme? —Puede que me conozcas como La Sanadora, pero esta es mi historia para contar. ------ —Lucha, Huida o Parálisis es la segunda novela de la serie Renacimiento en el Apocalipsis, esta vez protagonizada por La Sanadora: Wang Tian Mu y sus hombres. —No tendrás que leer la primera para poder entender esta, y no va a permanecer como una niña durante todo el libro. —Li Dai Lu y sus chicos aparecerán de vez en cuando, ¡pero esta es estrictamente la historia de Wang Tian Mu! —¡Espero que la disfrutes! —Otras novelas: —Renacimiento en el Apocalipsis: La Tercera es la Vencida (Completada) —Las Naves de Estrella (Completada) —Bailando con Monstruos (En curso) —Tan Silencioso Como Un Ratón (En curso) —Encuéntrame en Discord: —devilbesideyou666 (@Sakura#6289) ```
Devilbesideyou666 · 59.6K Views

Passion Twist : Tales of Lost Sisters

"Passion Twist : Tales of Lost Sisters" is a heart- wrenching epic that chronicles the lives of four sisters torn apart by war and circumstance. In the ravaged kingdom of Marinia, the once- peaceful land is destroyed,and the royal family is brutally murdered. The four sisters - Selena,Isolde, Adrielle, and Seraphina are separated and forced into lives of servitude, slavery and deception. As they navigate their new realities, each sisters faces unimaginable hardships. Selena is trapped in a life of sexual exploitation, Isolde toils as a child laborer and Adrielle escapes her mistress only to find herself on the brink of death. Seraphina, the youngest, is trained by a cunning and dangerous Lord to seduce the prince of Drakmara, but she finds herself entangled in a complete web of passion and loyalty. The prince, initially confident and imposing,harbors a deep - seated conflict. He's torn between his ambition to rule Drakmara and the manipulation of his uncle, who has conditioned him to doubt his own instincts. As the sisters'paths converge, they must confront their tormentors,their own demons and the secrets that threaten to tear them apart. With their fates hanging in the balance, the sisters must decide where their loyalty lies: with their kingdom, their family or their own hearts. Will they find a way to reunite, overcome their past,and forge a new future? Or will the passions that drive them tear them apart forever?
Bella_Chacha · 5.3K Views

Twisted Love, Crooked Lover.

In the distant realm of Shadowfell, a land of ancient harmony between humans and werewolves, the Shadowfell Kingdom flourished under the wise rule of human King Maric and the cunning Alpha King Wulfric Lupercus. Wulfric Lupercus, alongside his Luna Queen Nyla, had four children: Thane the Cunning, Boris the Coward, Dantina, and Remi the Cursed, the youngest and most troubled of the brood. Remi's birth was marred by a deformity and frail health, condemning her to a life of suffering and rejection. Remi's family, including her parents and siblings, treated her with cruelty and disdain, eager to be rid of the ailing child. Her existence was a constant reminder of shame and weakness, leaving her vulnerable to the whims of those who sought to exploit her. The arrival of Kato the Ruthless, a rebel Alpha King determined to usurp Wulfric's throne and wage war against King Maric, presented an opportunity for Wulfric to sacrifice his unwanted daughter. In a desperate bid to forge a peace treaty, Wulfric offered Remi to Kato as a pawn, forcing her into a life of servitude and submission. Yet, Remi's true nature remained a closely guarded secret, hidden even from herself. The only clue to her mysterious past lay in an ugly iron ring bearing the name 'Odessa', given to her by Boris the Coward before Kato dragged her away to an uncertain fate. As Remi navigated her new life under Kato's rule, she began to unravel the mysteries surrounding her past. Sidestepped by her new Alpha, Remi discovered a shocking truth: her hunchback was not a birth defect, but a curse. This revelation marks the beginning of Remi's transformation, as she sheds her weaknesses and depression to forge a new path. As Remi's eyes unlocked the secrets of her past, the shadows that had shrouded her existence began to recede, it is revealed that she is not just a Tribrid wolf, but the Lost of the Last Moon King. The cursed child, once discarded and forgotten, rises to reclaim her rightful place among the wolves. With the weight of her true identity and her power settling upon her shoulders. Kato the Ruthless, begings to fall in love with Remi. But she is too drenched in her quest for revenge against the Lupercus family, who had stolen her heritage and buried it under curses and lies, ready to unleash a fury that would shake the very foundations of Shadowfell and forever alter the course of her destiny. *** "This is my offering to you." Wulfric said. Kato scoffed, disgusted, looking at the young, dead-faced girl in chains, hunching. "Is this some sort of joke? A HUNCHBACK GIRL? What am I going to do with her? Can I even hump her? This is not a gift, this is an insult!" Kato fumed. "She is still a princess, no matter how awkward she might look. She is still my daughter, and i am giving her to you as a gift because she is just as precious to me. " Wulfric said, her brothers and sister behind him snickered. "Even better," Thane began. "She is untouched, chaste. A virgin." "Of course she is. Who would touch her? She looks wretched and disgusting." Kato said through clenched teeth. "Careful now!" Dantina scolded. "She is still my father's daughter. You will not disrespect him this way. " Dantina said. "Take her. Fuck her, sell her, skin her, and make her your slave—any type of slave. I don't care. But just take her; she is yours now, Alpha Kato. The Hunchback princess of the Lupercus Pack is yours. And thus, our friendship." Wulfric smiled. Kato looked at her one last time; she dared not raise her eyes to meet him. ‘Cursed thing’, he thought. “Carl, bring her along.” Kato signalled to his beta. “Father! Father!!" Remi’s voice suddenly burst through. “Please, please. Don’t do this to me.” She sobbed. “Please, da.” But they all just stared at her with smiles. Note **This narrative includes explicit R18+ scenes of non-con, BxG pairings, masturbation, group orgies, harem. Discretion is advised.
Vallie_E · 2.3K Views
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