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Fu Dog Tattoo

La Femme Cachée du PDG Froid

Que se passe-t-il lorsqu'un puissant PDG dans le monde de la mode, qui avait déjà promis de se marier avec sa petite amie, est forcé d'épouser une femme issue d'une famille modeste, comparée à son prestigieux milieu familial, contre son gré ? Fu Hua, un nom bien connu dans l'industrie de la mode est forcé de se marier avec une femme du nom de Jia Li, qui était bien en-dessous de son niveau par son Grand-père, que personne dans sa famille n'osait contrarier, lui y compris. Au fil du temps, quelque chose est arrivé et Fu Hua a dû accepter le mariage, mais avec des conditions. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsque Jia consomme son mariage avec Fu Hua et lui donne un petit bout en retour ? Que se passe-t-il lorsque son Mari découvre son talent caché, va-t-il lentement commencer à tomber amoureux d'elle ? Mais que se passerait-il si Jia Li découvre que Fu Hua avait toujours eu les yeux posés sur elle depuis leur première rencontre, quelle serait sa réaction ? ***************** Fu Hua appelle Jia Li au téléphone pour l'aider à plier ses vêtements, et Jia Li entre dans sa chambre à coucher pour l'assister en pensant qu'il n'était pas là. Jia Li entre dans sa chambre et ferme la porte sans regarder derrière elle. Elle n'avait fait que quelques pas seulement pour entendre la porte se verrouiller derrière elle. Elle était un peu effrayée lorsqu'elle se retourna et vit Fu Hua la fixer avec un sourire. "Comment as-tu... Tu étais ici ?" Elle demanda, choquée. "Tu as peur ?" Demanda Fu Hua alors qu'il s'approchait d'elle avec un sourire dangereux. Le fin mot de l'histoire, c'est que l'innocente Jia Li a été dévorée tout cru par le loup affamé. Couverture du livre réalisée par, l'Artiste Laylee Suivez-moi sur Instagram : @authorpaschalinelily Rejoignez mon serveur discord pour obtenir des informations de première main...
Paschalinelily · 192.6K Views


Shen Feiwan und Fu Shiyan wurden wegen einer Nacht der Unbesonnenheit in die Ehe gezwungen. Drei Jahre nach ihrer Heirat wurde Shen Feiwan wie ein drittes Rad behandelt. Bis Fu Shiyans alte Flamme in die Stadt zurückkehrte, verkündete Shen Feiwan, dass sie diese Art von Leben nicht länger ertragen könne. Während Fu Shiyan seiner alten Flamme nachstellte, lud sie zehn männliche Models ein, um mit ihr zu trinken und sich zu amüsieren. Jemand war darüber nicht glücklich. Er trieb sie in die Enge und sagte: "Shen Feiwan, benimmst du dich, als wäre ich tot?" "Was ist der Unterschied zwischen dem Leben als Witwe und dem Leben als Witwe?" "......" In der Tat. Sich des Vaters zu entledigen, um das Kind zu behalten, ist nicht völlig inakzeptabel! Nach der Scheidung konzentrierte sich Shen Feiwan ausschließlich auf ihre Karriere, und die ging steil bergauf. Sie hatte zig Millionen Follower in ihren Livestreams, wurde zur besten Schmuckdesignerin der Welt, verdiente so viel Geld, dass ihre Hand krampfte, und erhielt so viele Auszeichnungen, dass ihre Hände zu zittern begannen. In einem Presseinterview fragte jemand: "Ich habe gehört, dass Ihr Ex-Mann Ihnen auf der ganzen Welt hinterherläuft, um Sie wieder zu heiraten?" Sie antwortete ruhig: "Ich habe mir die Zukunft vorhersagen lassen." "Ist er nicht der Richtige für Sie?" "Er beeinträchtigt mein finanzielles Glück." Fans: Er soll zur Hölle fahren! Fu Shiyan: ?
En's Cozy Haven · 34.4K Views

Nachdem sie den CEO verlassen hatte, verblüffte sie die Welt

Mo Rao wurde in eine Familie von Militärärzten hineingeboren. Ihre Eltern hatten ihr Leben riskiert, um Fu Yings Großmutter zu retten, so dass dieser Fu Ying zwang, Mo Rao als seine Frau aufzunehmen. Mo Rao wusste immer, dass Fu Ying eine Traumfrau namens Qu Ru hatte. Dieses Mädchen konnte Fu Ying nicht wie gewünscht heiraten, weil Fu Yings Großmutter sie daran hinderte. Nach ihrer Heirat war Fu Ying sehr rücksichtsvoll gegenüber Mo Rao. Sie hatten sogar eine hohe Kompatibilität, besonders im Bett. Fu Ying fand sich immer tief in Mo Raos Zärtlichkeit versunken. Bis Fu Ying eines Tages sagte: "Qu Ru ist zurückgekehrt. Lassen wir uns scheiden. Ich werde den Besitz, den ich dir versprochen habe, auf deinen Namen übertragen." Mo Rao sagte: "Können wir uns nicht scheiden lassen? Was ist, wenn... ich schwanger bin...?" Fu Ying antwortete herzlos: "Brich es ab! Ich will nicht, dass noch mehr Hindernisse zwischen mir und Qu Ru auftauchen. Außerdem hat Qu Ru Leukämie, und dein Knochenmark ist zufällig mit ihrem kompatibel. Wenn du bereit bist, deines zu spenden, kann ich dir alles versprechen." Mo Rao sagte: "Und wenn meine Bedingung ist, dass wir uns nicht scheiden lassen?" Fu Yings Augen wurden kalt. "Mo Rao, sei nicht zu gierig. Auch wenn ich dir das um Qu Rus willen verspreche, weißt du genau, dass ich dich nicht liebe." Die Worte "Ich liebe dich nicht" stachen wie ein Messer in Mo Raos Herz. Ihr Lächeln verzog sich plötzlich, und sie war nicht mehr die fügsame Frau, die sie einmal war. "Fu Ying, das ist das erste Mal, dass du mich so zurückweist. Du nennst mich gierig, aber bist du es nicht auch? Willst du, dass ich mich von dir scheiden lasse, damit du mit Qu Ru zusammen sein kannst? Sicher, ich bin damit einverstanden. Aber träumst du auch davon, dass ich sie rette? Vergiss nicht, dass man im Leben nicht das Beste aus beiden Welten bekommen kann, so wie du und ich." Dann ging Mo Rao. Fu Ying fühlte sich tatsächlich erdrückt, und dieses Gefühl machte ihn wahnsinnig. Als Mo Rao wieder auftauchte, war sie ein schillernder Stern geworden. Als sie mit ihrem neuen Verehrer händchenhaltend vor Fu Ying erschien, konnte Fu Ying nicht anders und sagte: "Baby, hast du nicht gesagt, du würdest nur mich lieben?" Mo Rao lächelte blass. "Tut mir leid, Ex-Ehemann. Ich habe mich damals geirrt. Du warst nur ein Ersatz. Ich liebe eigentlich jemand anderen."
Mountain Springs · 72.8K Views

OP in the Apocalypse: I Gained a Zombie System and Became the Top Dog

In her first life, Daria idolised her boyfriend, Rain, and ignored the flying red flags flashed in her face, the dubious friendship between her best friend Molly and Rain shoved to the back of her mind because she wasn't going home and couldn't afford to leave. At least, that is what she likes to tell herself. Until she returned from work early, a string of strange news alerts of people attacking each other worldwide forced her sweet boss to send everyone home for the day. Fighting the crowds of others running home, narrowly avoiding what she knew was a Zombie only to find out that Molly had accidentally fallen on top of Rain, repeatedly for months in her bed. Had they so quickly forgotten that this bed was brought with her clean money in her house? Apparently not, and in Daria's grief, she had awoken the power to control lightning and found herself seconds away from "accidentally" killing her snake of a partner. The other end of the snake had snuck up behind her and knocked her out. Now they had her house, locking her in the safe room and removing all the food, water, and exit buttons. When they tried to sell her to a research lab, she managed to blow up her safe room and force the door to open. But when she ran the several long streets towards her mom's hotel, she was turned away at the door by her stepdad, and he watched her get dragged away kicking and screaming, never to be seen again. She survived another year in the research institute, closer to looking like a mental asylum, being injected and subjected to strange tests before it was overrun, and they were left to die. In her second life, she won't be so short-sighted, and her boyfriend, best friend, stepdad and the entire institute will die and become a part of her system horde and her twisted relationship with a fellow patient from her first life will set them on the path of revenge and victory.
DeanCrystal · 13.1K Views

Desperté a mi esposo discapacitado en la noche de bodas!

``` —La madrastra de Shi Qian la engañó y la forzó a casarse con un hombre en estado vegetativo. Había tres cosas buenas de él. ¡Era rico, guapo... e incapaz de despertar! Fu Sinian, quien había estado en coma durante más de tres años, despertó y encontró que de repente tenía una esposa. Su pequeña esposa era justa, bella y tenía piernas largas. "¡Si no me amas, no te necesito!" Fu Sinian dijo y fríamente lanzó los papeles de divorcio. —Poco después, la famosa Shi Qian fue capturada en una fotografía en el lujoso coche del pez gordo, Fu Sinian. Fu Sinian aclaró públicamente y dijo: "La Señorita Shi y yo estamos conocidos". Netizens: "¿Solo están conocidos? ¡Ambos son llevados en el mismo coche! ¡Estamos esperando que nos den una bofetada con sus palabras, Joven Maestro Fu! ¡Nueve millones de fanáticos están mirando y esperando!" —Poco después, Shi Qian, que era popular en el círculo, fue fotografiada nuevamente entrando al hotel al mismo tiempo que Fu Sinian y solo salió después de tres días. Fu Sinian aclaró de nuevo: "La Señorita Shi y yo no tenemos ese tipo de relación. No estamos saliendo". Netizens: "¡El Sr. Fu debe haber fallado en su conquista! Si hubiese una chica que el Joven Maestro Fu no pudiera manejar en este mundo, debe ser su diosa, Shi Qian!" —¡Treinta millones de fanáticos continuaban comiendo palomitas y viendo el drama! Más tarde, Shi Qian, quien tiene doscientos millones de fanáticos, tuvo náuseas matutinas mientras estaba en la Ceremonia de Premiación a la Mejor Actriz! Fu Sinian caminó lentamente hacia el escenario y abrazó la cintura de Shi Qian y dijo: "Gracias por la preocupación de todos. ¡La Señora Fu está embarazada de nuestro segundo hijo!" ¡Los doscientos millones de fanáticos estaban confundidos. ¿La hermosa Shi Qian estaba embarazada de su segundo hijo? —¡Estaban viendo el drama desarrollarse todo el camino! ¿Cuándo dejaron de seguir el ritmo? ```
Wisps of blue smoke · 255.1K Views

Acordei Meu Marido Deficiente na Noite de Núpcias!

# 1V1 # AFEIÇÃO COM O TEMPO A madrasta de Shi Qian armou para ela e a forçou a casar com um homem em estado vegetativo. Havia três coisas boas nele. Ele era rico, bonito... e incapaz de acordar! Fu Sinian, que estava em coma por mais de três anos, acordou e descobriu que de repente tinha uma esposa. Sua pequena esposa era clara, linda e tinha pernas longas. "Se você não me ama, eu não preciso de você!" Fu Sinian disse e friamente jogou os papéis do divórcio. *** Não muito tempo depois, a famosa Shi Qian foi flagrada em uma fotografia no luxuoso carro do figurão, Fu Sinian. Fu Sinian esclareceu publicamente e disse, “A Senhorita Shi e eu somos conhecidos.” Internautas: “Vocês são apenas conhecidos? Ambos andando no mesmo carro! Estamos esperando que você nos dê um tapa na cara com suas palavras, Jovem Mestre Fu! Nove milhões de fãs estão assistindo e esperando!” Não muito tempo depois, Shi Qian, que era popular no meio, foi fotografada novamente entrando no hotel ao mesmo tempo que Fu Sinian e só saiu depois de três dias. Fu Sinian esclareceu novamente, “A Senhorita Shi e eu não temos esse tipo de relação. Não estamos namorando.” Internautas: “O Sr. Fu deve ter falhado na sua investida! Se houvesse uma garota que o Jovem Mestre Fu não pode lidar neste mundo, com certeza seria a deusa deles, Shi Qian!” Trinta milhões de fãs continuaram a comer pipoca e assistir ao drama! Mais tarde, Shi Qian, que tem duzentos milhões de fãs, teve enjoo matinal enquanto estava na Cerimônia de Premiação de Melhor Atriz! Fu Sinian caminhou lentamente até o palco e abraçou a cintura de Shi Qian e disse, "Obrigado pela preocupação de todos. A Sra. Fu está grávida do nosso segundo filho!" Todos os duzentos milhões de fãs ficaram confusos. A bela Shi Qian estava grávida de seu segundo filho? Eles estavam assistindo o drama desdobrar o tempo todo! Quando foi que eles deixaram de acompanhar?
Wisps of blue smoke · 135.3K Views

Depois de Deixar o CEO, Ela Surpreendeu o Mundo

Mo Rao nasceu numa família de médicos militares. Seus pais arriscaram suas vidas para salvar a avó de Fu Ying, por isso esta última forçou Fu Ying a tomar Mo Rao como sua esposa. Mo Rao sempre soube que Fu Ying tinha uma garota dos sonhos chamada Qu Ru. Esta garota não conseguiu se casar com Fu Ying como desejava porque a avó de Fu Ying os impediu. Após o casamento, Fu Ying foi muito atencioso com Mo Rao. Eles até tinham uma alta compatibilidade, especialmente na cama. Fu Ying sempre se encontrava profundamente imerso na ternura de Mo Rao. Até que um dia, Fu Ying disse, “Qu Ru voltou. Vamos nos divorciar. Vou transferir para o seu nome a propriedade que prometi a você.” Mo Rao disse, “Não podemos não nos divorciar? E se... eu estiver grávida...?” Fu Ying respondeu desalmadamente, “Aborta! Eu não quero mais obstáculos entre mim e Qu Ru. Além disso, Qu Ru tem leucemia, e sua medula óssea é compatível com a dela. Se você estiver disposta a doar a sua, eu posso lhe prometer qualquer coisa.” Mo Rao disse, “E se a minha condição for que não nos divorciemos?” Os olhos de Fu Ying se tornaram frios. “Mo Rao, não seja muito gananciosa. Mesmo que eu lhe prometa por causa de Qu Ru, você sabe muito bem que eu não amo você.” As palavras ‘eu não amo você’ feriram o coração de Mo Rao como uma faca. Seu sorriso de repente se tornou distorcido e ela não era mais a mulher dócil que costumava ser. “Fu Ying, esta é a primeira vez que você me repugna tanto. Você me chama de gananciosa, mas você não é o mesmo? Você quer que nos divorciemos para poder ficar com Qu Ru? Tudo bem, eu concordo com isso. Mas até sonha que eu vou salvá-la? Não se esqueça, não há essa de melhor de dois mundos na vida, assim como você e eu.” Então Mo Rao saiu. Fu Ying na verdade se sentiu sufocado, e esse sentimento o enlouqueceu. Quando Mo Rao apareceu mais uma vez, ela se tornou uma estrela deslumbrante. Quando ela apareceu diante de Fu Ying, de mãos dadas com seu novo amor, Fu Ying não se importou e disse, “Amor, você não disse que só me amaria?” Mo Rao sorriu levemente. “Desculpa, ex-marido. Eu estava enganada naquela época. Você era apenas um substituto. Na verdade, eu amo outra pessoa.”
Mountain Springs · 135.1K Views

Young Master Fu, Your Wife Is Too Fierce

Jiang Ruan was smitten by a fair-skinned, handsome cardiac surgeon. After learning that Dr. Fu came from a tragic background, with both of his parents deceased, she felt a sense of pity and resolutely whisked him away to her home to take care of. However, as she was taking care of him, she suddenly realized something was off. Her adorable little pupper seemed to have a few titles that did not fit his prescribed image. The mogul of the entertainment industry referred to him as 'Brother,' and even the ladies from prominent families tried to cozy up to him. A few months later, to Jiang Ruan's astonishment, the adorable little pupper turned out to be Fu Sanye, a ruthless and vicious heir to a world-class conglomerate! With his identity exposed, the usually gentle and innocent Fu Sanye smiled, "If you marry me, I will surrender my life to you." Jiang Ruan: "..." Let's have a proper discussion. What's the need to wave a scalpel in front of her? Afterward, a photo of the two out together was leaked online. The fans went berserk: She's nothing but a country bumpkin! Sanye is just toying around with her! Jiang Ruan's loyal followers jeered: You look down on our boss? That day, all of Jiang Ruan's secret, high-profile social media accounts were revealed... The internet was brought to a standstill. That same day, Fu Sanye liked the photo of the two that had been exposed, and posted: Sorry to disappoint you all, but the one being protected in this relationship is me. I am the kept man here. The bystanders flipped the table: Respected sir, please get a grip!
Bandit Hunting · 304.9K Views

Menerima Warisan Besar Saya Setelah Perceraian

Shen Yan bersikeras menikahi Fu Hang ini meskipun harus menanggung risiko ditinggalkan oleh keluarga dan kerabatnya. Ia berpikir bahwa setelah tiga tahun, ia akan bisa melelehkan es di hati pria itu. Namun, ketika pria ini menahannya dan memaksa dia untuk berlutut di hadapan keluarganya untuk mengaku pada kesalahan yang tak pernah dia lakukan, Shen Yan menyadari bahwa hati pria itu terbuat dari es. Ketika ia terjatuh ke dalam air bersama kakak ipar perempuannya, Chloe Lindsey, Fu Hang segera melompat ke bawah pada momen pertama dan menyelamatkan Chloe Lindsey. Dia membawa Lin Xing ke rumah sakit sementara Shen Yan, yang tidak tahu cara berenang, hanya bisa menunggu penjaga untuk menyelamatkannya. Anak di dalam perut Chloe Lindsey tidak bisa bertahan dalam cobaan tersebut dan dia mengalami keguguran. Fu Hang membawa Shen Yan ke keluarganya tanpa penjelasan apa pun dan meminta dia untuk berlutut dan mengakui kesalahannya. Matanya di bawah alis yang tajam itu terlihat kejam, seolah-olah dia menusuk pisau ke dalam hati Shen Yan. "Setelah Kakak meninggal, dia hanya meninggalkan seorang anak. Kamu seharusnya tidak membunuh anak ini!" "Aku tidak melakukannya. Dia yang melompat sendiri!" "Kamu tunggu apa lagi? Berlutut dan akui kesalahanmu!" Tiga tahun dalam pernikahannya, Shen Yan yakin bahwa bahkan seekor anjing lebih berharga daripada dirinya di keluarga Fu, apalagi Chloe Lindsey yang benar-benar dicintai Fu Hang. Tepat sebelum salah satu lututnya hendak menyentuh tanah, Fu Hang masih berpikir bahwa Shen Yan akan mengakui kesalahannya. Namun tak disangka Shen Yan perlahan meluruskan badan dan berkata, "Fu Hang, ayo kita bercerai. Saya akan pura-pura bahwa saya memberi makan tiga tahun terakhir ini kepada anjing-anjing. Tidak ada seorang pun yang layak menyia-nyiakan masa mudaku setelah ini!" Oleh karena itu, Shen Yan memutuskan untuk pulang dan menerima warisannya yang bernilai ratusan miliar. Kehidupan yang gemilang menantinya!
JQK · 79.2K Views


Diana stood in front of his door fumbling with the knob. it wasn't like she was scared to enter his room as this won't be the first time she was entering and neither would it be the last. She was about to do something very wild and may be stupid of her but this was the definition of her and it won't change. Sighing and taking a heavy breath,she opened the door closing it behind her and she met him on his bed with his back kissing the surface of his bed...shirtless as usual. he really didn't like putting on a shirt from what she had gathered. "Diana..what the hell are you doing here?" He said sitting up to reveal the cross on his chest and his sleeve tattoo on the left arm. he also had the drawing of a skull at the right. "We made a deal remember?"she reminded him and he raised one brow up to ask 'what deal?' Diana was wearing a smirk looking so wicked and Xavier could not help but wonder what she was up to. standing up fully from his bed,he went to stand in front of her. "What deal Diana?" "I got a tattoo" she bursted the news to him and his facial expression said it all,he was shaken up. "You got a whaa?" "Tattoo....I got a tattoo" "Are you fucking with me.. please tell me you're messing with me Diana" It felt so good to hear him curse. it sounded so seductive coming from him... everything he does is seductive... FOCUS DIANA..NOT NOW,she said slapping herself internally. "I'm being serious" she made it clear to him incase he e was having problems believing it. "Diana I told you not to get a tattoo" "Not exactly as I remember,you dared me to get a tattoo" "Your dad is gonna be mad" "It's my body..I get to do what I want" "How many tattoos did you get?" "Three" "Three? isn't that too much?" "Speak for your self. you got your whole sleeve tattooed, you've one on your chest and you've one on your right arm...who has the most tattoos now?" "That's me, I'm a male and I'm not underage" she scoffed when she heard him. "So now,I'm underage? I'll be 19 next year...I think I'm off age to make my own decisions" "You're still under your father's roof" " I will be moving out...and besides,he won't know...unless you're gonna tell him" Xavier sighed. this girl who stood in front of him could be so stubborn at times. How could such a pretty face be this stubborn?, he asked himself. "Can I at least see the tattoos you got?" "yeah sure." Taking off her shirt to reveal the black tank top she was wearing underneath it, she turned to her side so she could reveal her left arm. "Fuck!! you got a skull?"And for the second time since she entered his room,he cursed again.... why do it seductively?,she said in her mind. "Yes I did..what's wrong with it?" "Couldn't you get a flower or something feminine?" that was the samething the tattooist had said. "If you could get a skull,why can't I?" "I'm a man...'re a girl, the whole point of being a girl is being girly and getting a butterfly or flower tattoo is something that is girly" "Well I don't want to be girly if I can't get a skull tattoo" He heard her say " And besides, I got a flower tattoo" She showed her belly which was now very visible as she was wearing a tank top. "And where's the other?"He asked as his eyes scanned her body for the last one. "I rather not say" He scoffed when he heard her.did she really get the tattoo in that place he was thinking of? "Besides you still have to keep the end of your deal" "And what was the deal again?" "If I get a tattoo before Wednesday, you would fulfill one thing I ask for and if I don't get a tattoo before Wednesday,I would do what you want" "I won so you will fulfill one thing I ask for" "Fine,what do you want?" "Kiss me...."
Ava_precie · 26.5K Views

An Obsession With The Billionaire's Virgin Baby Mama

Wen Yiran was betrayed. The man she loved sent her to a mental hospital, leaving her to suffer in agony. Branded as insane, abandoned, and tortured, she endured unspeakable pain. Electroshock therapy, isolation, and despair, until she fell into a coma and gave birth to twins. But when she woke up, only one of her children was in her arms. Four years later, she finally escapes with her younger son determined to find the child stolen from her. But before she can, she’s caught—again—by Fu Xichen, the very man who destroyed her life. "You sent me away yourself. We have nothing to do with each other anymore," she says, holding her son close. But Fu Xichen only chuckled darkly, caging her against the wall. "Over? You gave me two sons, Wen Yiran. You’ll never be free from me." Before she could lash out, her little boy stepped up, glaring. With his tiny foot, he kicked Fu Xichen’s shin. "Be nice, bad daddy! Or I’ll find Mommy a better husband!" Silence. Then, a deep, dangerous laugh. Fu Xichen’s eyes burned with something unreadable as he called over the older twin, the son she’d been searching for. "Take your brother outside to play," he said smoothly. The moment they left, he grabbed Wen Yiran, pulling her against him. His breath brushed against her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "How about we have another child?" She should hate him. She should run. But with her sons caught between them, escaping Fu Xichen might not be so easy this time…
Yin_Blvck · 3.3K Views
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