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Katie Sadie

Gadis Kelam

Natalia, seorang gadis muda, hidup dalam bayang-bayang masa lalu yang kelam. Sejak kematian tragis ayahnya, Rahmat, karena insiden yang melibatkan dirinya, Natalia dihantui oleh perasaan bersalah. Ia percaya bahwa tindakan yang ia lakukan saat itu adalah bentuk kasih sayang, tetapi kenyataan berkata lain—Rahmat kembali dari alam kematian dengan niat membalas dendam. Bersama teman-temannya—Bayu, Zayne, Reza, Rina, dan Karin—Natalia memutuskan untuk pergi berkemah di hutan, berharap bisa mengalihkan pikirannya dari teror yang mengintainya. Namun, perjalanan mereka berubah menjadi mimpi buruk ketika satu per satu teman-temannya dibantai secara brutal oleh sosok Rahmat yang telah menjadi makhluk mengerikan dengan wajah hancur. Bayu adalah korban pertama, kehilangan kepalanya setelah keluar dari toilet. Zayne, yang berusaha melindungi Natalia, terluka dan akhirnya tewas dalam pelarian mereka. Reza dibunuh dengan sadis saat bersandar di dinding kayu, dan Rina, yang tersandung saat berlari, langsung ditikam tanpa ampun. Kini hanya tersisa Natalia dan Karin. Di tengah ketakutan mereka, Natalia dan Karin menemukan mobil yang masih bisa digunakan dan bertemu seorang pendaki. Mereka meminta pria itu mengemudikan mobil untuk kabur. Namun, saat perjalanan di jalan raya yang sepi, Rahmat tiba-tiba muncul di luar jendela mobil, menyebabkan kecelakaan hebat. Natalia, satu-satunya yang selamat, harus berjalan kaki pulang ke rumahnya. Namun, rumah yang ia tinggali tidak lagi seperti dulu. Ibunya dan keponakannya menghilang tanpa jejak. Natalia mencoba mencari mereka, tetapi semuanya sia-sia. Saat ia memasuki kamarnya, pintu mendadak terkunci, jendela tak bisa dibuka, dan dalam ketakutan yang semakin mencekam, Rahmat muncul di hadapannya dengan wajah hancur dan pisau di tangannya. "Ini adalah pisau yang kau gunakan, Natalia," kata Rahmat, tanpa perlu menjelaskan lebih jauh. Natalia sudah tahu bahwa ini adalah akhir baginya. Ia terpojok di dinding, dan Rahmat terus mendekat. Dari luar rumah, terdengar teriakan mengerikan. Warga sekitar mendobrak masuk, tetapi yang mereka temukan hanyalah ruangan kosong dengan darah berceceran, seolah sesuatu telah diseret ke dunia lain. Natalia telah menghilang—diseret oleh ayahnya menuju kegelapan yang abadi. Novel Gadis Kelam pun berakhir dengan teror yang terus menggantung, meninggalkan pertanyaan apakah Natalia benar-benar telah pergi... atau ia masih ada di suatu tempat, menunggu untuk kembali.
Mrz_Sel · 402 Views

Stockholm Syndrome || WPHYTH0N

Rosemarie Lilith - seorang gadis yang tak pernah tahu apa itu erti bahagia. Bagaimana tidak, seumur hidupnya dia didera secara fizikal dan mental oleh orang di sekeliling dia. Datangnya dia dari keluarga dimana kekerasan nombor satu hanya membuat dia lebih menderita. Walaupun begitu, dia mempunyai hati yang lembut dan personaliti yang baik. "I don't have any goal in my life. Just breath like normal human and serve my body to anyone, that's my life if you're wondering." Pilgyeun Sa - seorang jejaka sadis dan psychopath yang suka mendengar tangisan dan rayuan manusia. Bagai syaitan bertopengkan manusia, dia tidak mempunyai hati perut, hanya seorang manusia yang suka mengambil nyawa orang lain dengan cara yang kejam dan tidak terjangkau dek akal. "And you keep crawling back to me, Lilith. How iconic, kekeke." Haeyoung Hwang - seorang jejaka bermuka dua yang sering digelar 'The Casanova Man'. Janji manis jatuh keluar dari bibir namun tak pernah ditepati. Dia tidak pernah mengambil sesuatu begitu serius, bagi dia, semua ini hanyalah permainan yang menyeronokkan. Namun, hati tak pernah berdusta, perasaannya tak dapat dihalang. "I always get what I want, even if it is the dirty way." Selepas pertemuan mereka yang pahit, setiap pertumpahan darah yang dibuat oleh Pilgyeun ialah untuk Lilith. Untuk gadis yang dia sayangi dan sakiti. Pilgyeun mahukan Lilith lebih daripada sesiapa. Tetapi, dalam masa yang sama, Pilgyeun mahukan Lilith untuk menderita. Malangnya, Haeyoung sentiasa menyokong setiap perbuatan Pilgyeun. Setiap tangisan, rayuan dan permohonan maaf bagaikan musik yang selalu mereka putar. "You always know how to make me feel good, my lovely birdie.." A psychological thriller story.
wphyth0n · 26 Views

SLOTH (Superhero Litrpg Progression)

Dark events occuring in Sadie's life will cause her skills tree to awaken and sprout with stats as long as she's able to cultivate them properly. #antihero #litrpg #progression ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deep within the dilapidated Sinclair district of the city, amidst the crumbling remnants of a nameless temple, an intrepid archaeologist delved into its ancient catacombs. He unearthed an otherworldly artifact near one of the sealed coffins—a muddied relic emanating an eldritch aura that stirred unease in his excited heart. Upon peeling the layers, he found it to be a vase crafted from porcelain and jade and identified strange writings on its side. With each careful stroke, more details unraveled. The letters were that of a forgotten tongue, seemingly appertaining to an extinct civilisation, but what was clear is that it was wrought by a master's hands. Then suddenly, the dark of the cave seemed to spread, as the archaeologist attempted to escape the encroaching darkness that seemed to materialize from naught, a desperate fumble caused the artifact to slip from his grasp. The precious vase, steeped in the weight of forgotten wisdom, tumbled through the air, its delicate form shattering upon impact with the jagged rocks. In that fateful moment, a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors and pulsating energies burst forth, dispersing through the atmosphere. as if a rainbow pierced the heavens and rain poured forth on unwitting denizens. The city's population inhaled the strange color particles, their very essence became entwined with the mystical forces unleashed. Thus, a metamorphosis unfolded—a phenomenon that bestowed upon the citizens a tapestry of extraordinary powers, each intricately tied to the primal instincts of the animal kingdom. Some found themselves endowed with awe-inspiring abilities, harnessing the strength of lions or the agility of cheetahs. Yet, amongst the transformed throngs, a young woman named Sadie awoke to a different reality. As the veil of slumber lifted from her weary eyes, Sadie discovered herself transformed into Sloth Girl—a being defined not by raw power, but by an unparalleled languor that seemed to stretch time itself. While others were psyched in their newfound might, Sadie found herself sedated of care, a somnolent haze permeating her every fiber. She had gained the knowledge that when a civilisation collapses, spirits reincarnate in other lifeforms and all had to be redone again. Dreading such a restart from scratch. Her purpose became to slow the frantic pace of a world always rushing headlong towards its own ruin. The weight of her eternal existence and the burden of time's unending flow tested her resolve. She wished to understand the true purpose behind evolution and sought to unravel the mysteries of the relic as a gateway to learn the secrets animating her strange universe. Hoping that one day, she will gain respite from the eternal cycle of chaos and creation.
Basilius_Author1 · 28K Views

Black Needle Warrior

Li Yong adalah bocah yang bernasib malang. Sejak dilahirkan, dia tidak pernah mengetahui siapakah kedua orang tuanya. Dia dibuang begitu saja. Entah karena apa alasannya. Sebab hingga sekarang, dia sendiri belum mengetahui secara pasti. Saat itu usianya masih kecil. Untunglah langit mengulurkan tangannya. Pada detik-detik penentuan antara hidup dan mati, tiba-tiba ada sebuah tangan yang terjulur kepadanya. Tangan itu sudah keriput, bahkan kotor oleh debu-debu yang menyesakkan nafas. Ternyata tangan itu milik seorang kakek tua. Li Yong tidak tahu siapa kakek tua itu. Yang dia tahu hanyalah bahwa kakek tua itulah yang kemudian merawatnya seperti kepada cucu sendiri. Bahkan dia juga yang memberikan nama Li Yong kepadanya. Nama itu diambil dari marga Li milik kakek tua yang diketahui bernama Li Beng tersebut. Semenjak saat itu, Li Yong terus tinggal bersama Kakek Li Beng. Keduanya benar-benar akrab, seperti akrabnya hubungan keluarga. Siapa pun pasti tidak akan ada yang menyangka bahwa mereka sebenarnya tidak ada ikatan darah sama sekali. Namun sayang sekali. Semua itu tiba-tiba berubah ketika musibah menghampiri mereka berdua. Kakek Li Beng dibunuh secara sadis oleh perampok-perampok yang tidak punya hati nurani. Untunglah pada saat itu, Li Yong berhasil menyelamatkan dirinya. Kematian Kakek Li Beng telah membuat Li Yong terpukul. Dia tersiksa lahir batin. Hingga pada akhirnya, bocah itu memutuskan untuk pergi ke tempat yang sangat jauh. Namun sepuluh tahun kemudian, di jalan dan di desa yang sama, tiba-tiba muncul seorang pemuda misterius. Wajahnya angkuh dan dingin, kedua bola matanya kelabu. Siapa pun bakal mengetahui kalau dia adalah orang yang menderita penyakit batin dan selalu merasa kesepian. Pemuda yang dimaksud itu bukan lain adalah Li Yong. Ya, memamg dia. Namun Li Yong yang sekarang, telah berbeda jauh dari Li Yong sepuluh tahun silam. Sekarang dia telah menjelma menjadi seorang pemuda yang gagah perkasa. Ilmu silatnya sangat tinggi. Tiada seorang pun yang mengetahui sampai di mana taraf kesempurnaan ilmunya. Kematangan dari penguasaan setiap jurusnya juga tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Kemunculannya ke dalam dunia ramai membawa sebuah tekad. Li Yong ingin mencari pelaku yang sudah membunuh Kakek Li Beng sekaligus mencari jati dirinya sendiri. Dia pun ingin menjadi seorang pendekar yang membasmi kejahatan.
Junnot_senju · 154.1K Views

young wife who are forced to marry are getting divorced every day

The young Katie, as bright as the sun, as proud as a swan, with a family of bamboo horses, a rich and happy family, but one day an illegitimate daughter broke in and broke all these beautiful, the sun was dusty, and the culprit rose high in the sky. When she saw the culprit rising high, she set her sights on her favorite moon, Liam. Then she pretended to love him. No one believed her, but he did. When the Chris family, a century-old family, disappeared overnight, the young master Liam lived in the Chor family and met Katie, the daughter of the Chor family who also lost her parents, and her smile was at the tip of his heart. The embarrassment of the situation made him realize that it was not the sun for him, but the sun did shine on him for a moment, and from then on, his heart was delusional. The dust and fog cleared, his love was known to all, but she scorned it or even kicked it away, and "She does not want me, is really do not want ah" heartbroken helpless teenagers huddled in the dark corners of the room, issued a burst of trembling choking sound, when the dabbling game country times began, excellent hunters know the strategy of desire to be indulgent, but the first to move the heart of the person is always a loser, Liam full of hatred, a cloudy, icy cold voice opening: "Do you regret it?" Seeing the woman's eyes full of humiliation, Liamn's lips slightly hooked, cold words of mockery: "The same tactics, the original in I do not love you when it seems so poor! Ah!" Finally, the haughty little swan gently lowered her neck and was too sour to do it, the excellent hunter was in a hurry. "You lied to me again; didn't you say you will make it up to me this time?" "I'm very good at hunting." "I can take the initiative as well." Arrogant Heartthrob Black Swan vs. Dark and Brooding Hunter
2achary · 4.6K Views

Emily's Lunar Reflection

Emily had taken off her gown, and was bare before Charles. No piece of clothing was seen on her. "My family moved to a place I do not know." Her voice was faint, and it was almost like a whisper as she moved closer to him. He took a step backward, but his eyes went all over her body. "I want us to break the mate bond we have together." Her hands touched his chest. "It's important for me to break the bond." To him, breaking the mate bond wasn't the issue. The issue was in the method she wanted to use in breaking the bond. Of course he would have gone ahead with it as his eyes were too busy outlining her body. He was simply putting up an hesitation just so he wouldn't seem cheap to her. She poured a can of oil on her body, rubbing it all over her breasts, and down to the line between her legs. "Do we really need sex for this?" His curiosity led him to ask. "Yes." She nodded multiple times, sniffing him. "It's a different process of rejection." ******************************************** Emily could never count herself as a normal werewolf all because her inner wolf, who called herself Katie, had a consciousness that could make her exist alone. Katie was able to touch, and co-exist physically with her. One of Emily's major flaws was her inability to find a mate even after surpassing the normal mate finding age of eighteen to twenty four. Later on, she found Charles as her mate, but there was still an issue. Charles was already the mate to Raguel, the alpha of their pack, making it a bizarre occurrence between him and Emily. For that, he had left the pack, leaving her and Raguel behind. It was complicated that Charles and Emily's family weren't in the same world as her, and she needed to find them. Her dream had revealed him to have killed her mother, and her aim of getting revenge had to be through sex. How was she going to do that? Katie found a different mate for herself, and it was also the same day Emily finally found a mate. How were they going to adapt to these changes? Was Katie no longer part of her? Or could her rejection of Charles be the issue?
sammyefemona · 20.6K Views
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