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Arturo Vitali Vestidos

Blood Legacy: The Oath of the Infernal Reborn

In a world fractured by an ancient Holy War, where three divine kingdoms share the planet under seals of fragile peace, the story of Kaelen Silver is a heartrending ballad of vengeance, sacrifice, and the price of power. Tomas Silver, a slave turned assassin, manages to escape the shadow of the Bloody Moon Order thanks to Alenya, an herbalist who restores his humanity. Together they forge a simple life, hidden from a world divided by the gods. But their son Kaelen is born marked by a curse: his body absorbs the world’s vital energy (Nivora), inflicting him with unbearable pain. Although Tomas fiercely protects him, fate is cruel: Alenya dies at the hands of the Bloody Moon Order, and years later, the Five Great Clans—puppets of hidden demons—murder Tomas, leaving Kaelen alone, broken, and hungry for vengeance. Kaelen is not a hero. He is a cunning and ruthless survivor who, after decades of hunting the clans that destroyed his family, fails in his final attempt. Captured and sacrificed in a grotesque ritual, his death is not the end: an ancient demon offers him a perverse deal. “Go back in time. Save your parents. Destroy the seals that divide the world... and unleash Hell.” Upon awakening as a baby in the arms of his parents, Kaelen retains the memory of his previous life. But the path is not simple: to break the seals that keep angels, demons, and the Alliance of Races at bay, he will need the hearts of descendants of heroes, archangels, and demonic kings. How far will he go to rewrite his destiny? Will he become the pawn of greater forces, or will he even defy the gods who manipulate Ethalios from the shadows?
Seraphiel_Noctis · 2.3K Views

Legado de Sangre: El Juramento del Renacido Infernal

En un mundo fracturado por una Guerra Santa ancestral, donde tres reinos divinos se reparten el planeta bajo sellos de frágil paz, la historia de Kaelen Silver es un canto desgarrador a la venganza, el sacrificio y el precio del poder. Tomas Silver, un esclavo convertido en asesino, logra escapar de la sombra de la Orden de la Luna Sangrienta gracias a Alenya, una herborista que le devuelve la humanidad. Juntos forjan una vida sencilla, ocultos de un mundo dividido por los dioses. Pero su hijo Kaelen nace marcado por una maldición: su cuerpo absorbe la energía vital (Rei) del mundo, infligiéndole un dolor insoportable. Aunque Tomas lo protege con ferocidad, el destino es cruel: Alenya muere a manos de la Orden de la Luna Sangrienta, y años después, los Cinco Grandes Clanes -marionetas de demonios ocultos- asesinan a Tomas, dejando a Kaelen solo, roto y hambriento de venganza. Kaelen no es un héroe. Es un superviviente astuto y despiadado que, tras décadas de cazar a los clanes que destruyeron su familia, fracasa en su último intento. Capturado y sacrificado en un ritual grotesco, su muerte no es el fin: un demonio ancestral le ofrece un trato perverso. «Vuelve al pasado. Salva a tus padres. Destruye los sellos que dividen el mundo... y desata el Infierno». Al despertar como un bebé en los brazos de sus padres, Kaelen guarda la memoria de su vida anterior. Pero el camino no es simple: para romper los sellos que mantienen a raya a ángeles, demonios y la Alianza de Razas, necesitará corazones de descendientes de héroes, arcángeles y reyes demoníacos. ¿Hasta dónde llegará para reescribir su destino? ¿Se convertirá en el peón de fuerzas mayores, o desafiará incluso a los dioses que manipulan Ethalios desde las sombras?
Seraphiel_Noctis · 406 Views

O Mais Fraco Domador de Bestas Consegue Todos os Dragões SSS

"Dragões e seus descendentes dominam os céus, a terra e os mares... a humanidade sobrevive nas brechas, sonhando com um retorno." O poder vem da besta que você doma. Lobos, falcões, serpentes, aranhas, quimeras, quanto mais forte sua invocação, mais brilhante seu futuro. Pena para o nosso protagonista. Quando todos os outros invocaram salamandras, águias, cães trolls (não doge) ou tigres, ele conseguiu... Bem, digamos que a única coisa mais baixa na cadeia alimentar é a terra. Zombado, intimidado e vivendo como o alvo de todas as piadas, ele não está exatamente ganhando. Mas desistir não é uma opção... Seus pais idosos venderam tudo para sua chance "fracassada", e ele não vai deixar que seja em vão. Mas bem, esta é a história dele. O domador de bestas mais fraco? Aqui está a coisa sobre estar no fundo: isso ensina você a escalar. E dragões? Acontece que eles também começam pequenos. À medida que reinos desmoronam sob a ganância e ameaças externas, o domador mais fraco começa sua ascensão. Siga seu caminho enquanto ele desbloqueia um potencial tão raro, tão aterrorizante, que leva a dragões... Cada linha evolutiva leva aos mais fortes 'Dragões SSS'. Aviso: Contém dragões que podem acabar com o mundo, vingança do azarão alimentada por ridículo, protagonista com escamas de dragão, nobres moralmente questionáveis, evoluções assustadoras de criaturas e tantas reviravoltas que você se perguntará se o mais fraco realmente significa o mais sortudo. Um protagonista que quer provar que todos estão errados... mesmo que isso o mate. Alerta de spoiler: Não vai. Para aqueles que adoram muita diversão, este é para você. Se você está procurando uma história mais sombria, procure em outro lugar (Talvez Sistema Utopiano (;) Este é sobre se divertir e domar expectativas. Se você quiser saber mais sobre a capa: Sim, essa é a Luna, a FL... A pele e as roupas dela estão se transformando em escamas cintilantes por causa de seu poder de dragão. Lembra da Sailor Moon? Garotas mágicas? Agora imagine se a roupa mágica não fosse um vestido fofo, mas um dragão de verdade! O dragão é o vestido... Não é apenas moda; é fusão. Bestas de alto nível tendem a deixar sua marca, e Luna usa isso como um chefe, realizando o movimento de poder supremo. Vamos usar o mesmo Discord do meu primeiro livro, venha se juntar! Etiquetas bobas que parecem importar muito para alguns leitores: Sem Yaoi, Sem Yuri, Possivelmente Harém (Vote! Posso escrever qualquer um, e em qualquer caso, haverá várias meninas. A única diferença é se ele escolhe uma no final ou segue a rota "liberal"... a democracia é sua!), Sem NTR.
Dagzo · 239.6K Views

Guia para domar meus maridos vilões

``` Sequência do Guia para criar meus adoráveis maridos. Mo Qiang, uma arquiteta, foi escolhida pela fada da natureza que a trouxe para o mundo interestelar onde ela foi punida para reviver a natureza que ela mesma havia destruído com suas próprias mãos ao criar arquitetura que pensava estar pavimentando o caminho para o futuro. Agora, presa a um sistema de reviver a natureza em um mundo cheio de gases venenosos e coisas interestelares onde ela tem que começar do zero e plantar mais florestas e culturas enquanto cria um mundo habitável para os humanos, Mo Qiang estava sofrendo. Mas parece fácil, certo? Não! No seu caminho, ela tem três maridos vilanescos, todos os três querem matá-la para que possam se casar com sua capaz irmã depois de chutá-la para longe, que era um lixo e não servia para nada. Mo Qiang não tem nada contra eles, na verdade, ela está mais do que disposta a se divorciar deles depois de garantir sua vida e aumentar sua favorabilidade em seus corações de forma que eles não a matem mas —— Por que eles estão vindo atrás dela agora? Olá, vocês todos queriam se casar com a irmã dela, certo? Excerto: “Aqui está,” disse Mo Qiang enquanto empurrava o acordo de divórcio para o seu primeiro marido, que era gentil, mas venenoso como uma cobra. “Eu já assinei o documento do nosso divórcio, você pode dar uma olhada —-espera, por que você está tirando suas roupas?” O mer a olhou e sorriu gentilmente enquanto tirava seus óculos e disse, “Parece que minha esposa não está feliz comigo por não termos um filho, não se preocupe, eu vou trabalhar duro esta noite.” Mo Qiang: “…..” Eu não quero que você trabalhe duro! Pega o segundo! “Pegue isto e assine,” disse Mo Qiang, desta vez mais ferozmente, enquanto olhava para seu segundo marido que estava lendo um roteiro para seu filme. “Tenho certeza de que você quer se divorciar de mim, certo? Eu já assinei —-nossa! Por que você está me colocando na cama?” Ela perguntou enquanto olhava para o rosto lindo. Seu segundo marido a encarou de cima para baixo e com uma expressão e voz fria como a água disse, “Eu tenho que praticar uma cena de amor, me ajude, querida esposa.” Mo Qiang: “……” Esse filme que você está filmando é baseado no apocalipse Zerg, não minta para mim! Com quem você vai fazer amor? Com um Zerg? Pega o terceiro! “Huff, huff...este é o acordo de divórcio, assine... Eu sei que a sua empresa não permite que ídolos namorem então assine aqui,” ela disse ao seu terceiro marido que estava praticando seus passos de dança. O mer, que estava vestido com uma camisa de seda solta e suor escorrendo pelo corpo, deu uma olhada no documento que ela estava entregando e então abraçou Mo Qiang. Um segundo depois ela ouviu sua voz entrecortada enquanto ele cobria seu pescoço de beijos, “Esposa, você não me quer? É aquele novo ídolo que atraiu sua atenção, eu sabia! Eu vou cuidar dele!” “Solte essa faca, por favor!” E por que o terceiro príncipe da família imperial que a odiava até os ossos está vindo atrás dela com flores? Ela já tem problemas demais! …. ```
fairytail72 · 165.1K Views

¡Mia no es una alborotadora!

``` La familia Miller tenía una problemática en la familia. Su nombre era Amelia Miller. Su madre murió en el parto cuando ella nació. Su madrastra se cayó de una escalera mientras estaba embarazada y murió. El padre de Amelia la castigaba haciéndola enfrentarse a la pared en el ático. El ático era oscuro y húmedo, y no había nada de luz solar. Nadie le llevaba comida, y Amelia pensaba que podría muy bien morir allí. Momentos antes de su muerte, marcó un número que su madre le había dicho antes de fallecer. Después de colgar, hubo sonidos de estruendo a su alrededor. La residencia de la familia Miller estaba rodeada por un grupo de guardaespaldas vestidos de negro. Ocho hombres salieron de sus autos, cada uno con un aura distinta. Fueron directo al ático. El hombre que los lideraba se puso de rodillas y sostuvo a Amelia, inconsciente, en sus brazos. Tenía una expresión solemne en su rostro. —La familia Miller necesita declararse en bancarrota. Después de dormir toda la noche, Amelia despertó y descubrió que su padre estaba en bancarrota. Los miembros de su familia estaban todos sin hogar. Mientras tanto, ella... Ella tenía ocho tíos y un abuelo amable que la querían mucho. El padre de Amelia se arrepintió de lo que hizo, y no estaba dispuesto a aceptar su destino. —¿Y qué si Amelia ahora vivía una buena vida? ¡Ella seguía siendo la problemática que había matado a su madre y dejado a su padre en bancarrota! Poco sabía él que, después de que Amelia regresara a la casa de su tío, su suerte solo parecía mejorar. ¡Incluso su abuela postrada en cama ahora podía levantarse y bailar en la plaza! Finalmente, un hombre como de Dios afirmó ser su padre. La mimaba hasta el punto de que el mundo entero la envidiaba. ```
Nunu · 76K Views

Grinding to Become the Martial Saint of the Mortal World

Jiang Ning Transmigrates at a Time of Turmoil To protect himself, he began training in martial arts using his “grinding experience” panel, quietly building his strength. Gradually, he discovered that as his cultivation techniques broke through their limits, various attributes began to manifest some even concealing the authority of divine beings. Through the martial path, he started to harness both divine authority and innate supernatural powers. [Five-Animal Fist] : From the initial grind to the perfected state constantly breaking through limits and acquiring various attributes: the five vital organs store essence and each harbors divine power. [Indestructible Body] : From the initial grind to perfection continuously shattering limits and acquiring myriad attributes, endowing him with an unbreakable golden body and immortal divine bones. [Inner Alchemy and Life Cultivation] : From the initial grind to perfection relentlessly breaks limits and gathers various attributes that allow him to remain at the pinnacle and attain immortality. One day, the Martial Saint who had kept the world subdued for eight hundred years struck at him. He slowly smiled. “Are you trying to attack a divine being?” When the very weapon once capable of slaying immortals and annihilating gods fell upon his head, he merely tilted his head slightly; not a single hair was disturbed. “My foundation has long been forged into an indestructible golden body!”
LordoftheReader · 22.5K Views

La Hija de la Bruja y el Hijo del Diablo

Él se enamoró de sus raros ojos morados. Luego, pensó en tenerla por completo. —— Esa noche, la delicada mujer de ojos morados en vestido de novia estaba sentada en su cama mientras su esposo la observaba con una sonrisa. —Entonces —dijo él con voz maliciosa y magnética—, ¿no puedo ver el rostro de mi esposa ni siquiera en la noche de nuestra boda? —Su Majestad ha prometido cumplir mi único deseo —comentó la mujer, asegurando el velo que cubría la mitad inferior de su rostro con manos ligeramente temblorosas. Él se quedó mirando sus misteriosos y raros ojos morados. —¿Puedo preguntar, por qué tal deseo? Ella lo miró fijamente. —A Su Majestad quizás no le guste ver cosas feas. Él sonrió con suficiencia y se acercó a ella. —Pero, yo nunca tuve inclinación hacia las cosas bonitas. —— Seren, la infame hija de la bruja, y Drayce, el cruel e implacable hijo del Diablo. Nadie había visto nunca su rostro ya que las brujas están destinadas a ser feas, pero él era quien nunca había buscado la belleza. Ella estaba maldita para nunca enamorarse, pero él deseaba ser el único hombre que ella amara. Una princesa maldita casada con el hijo del Diablo para destruir su reino, pero el hijo del Diablo tenía un plan diferente para ella. El secreto de su nacimiento solo se revelará para guiar el camino a desatar los poderes ocultos dentro de ella que nadie puede controlar. Con los peligros ocultos deseando su poder, ¿podrán Drayce y Seren protegerse el uno al otro o será la oscuridad la que los trague a ambos? —— Este es el primer libro de la serie "Diablo y Bruja". Libro uno - La Hija de la Bruja y el Hijo del Diablo. Libro dos - La Bruja Maldita del Diablo. Libro tres - La Prometida del Diablo. Ambos libros están conectados entre sí, pero se pueden leer de forma independiente. —— Instagram- mynovel.20 Discord - Grupo de FB - mynovel20's novels
Mynovel20 · 167.8K Views

Jeune Miss Renaissante : Phénix Ardent Rouge

[Statut : TERMINÉ] Dans sa vie antérieure, Adrienne Jiang avait utilisé tous les moyens pour sauver la vie de sa mère. Son père l'avait négligée après avoir épousé sa maîtresse, permettant à ce duo mère-fille de la tyranniser sans fin. Le frère aîné sur lequel elle pensait pouvoir compter lui avait donné froidement le dos et l'avait réprimandée pour ne pas avoir coupé le soutien vital de leur mère. Dans son désespoir, Adrienne a failli tomber dans le piège tendu par sa demi-sœur. Finalement, elle est entrée dans un mariage contractuel avec le frère de sa meilleure amie, Alistair Han, un homme pour qui elle avait le béguin depuis son plus jeune âge. Ce n'est qu'alors qu'elle a réalisé que cet homme était manipulateur et obsessionnel, ne voulant pas la perdre de vue. Elle avait été traitée comme un oiseau piégé dans une cage dorée. À la fin, elle a trouvé la mort trahie par son frère et tout a été perdu dans l'incendie. Après être renée, elle était déterminée à ne plus continuer à être une personne bonne à rien. Lennox Qin, le jeune maître vicieux de la famille Qin, était prêt à devenir le prochain chef de leur famille. Cependant, à cause d'un incident, il a été estropié et jugé indigne. Lorsque son chemin a croisé celui d'Adrienne, ils sont parvenus à un accord. « Je t'épouserai pour éloigner ta malchance et être ta femme pendant deux ans. En retour, permets-moi de t'utiliser pour détruire les familles Han et Jiang. » L'homme assis dans un fauteuil roulant a simplement levé un sourcil à sa déclaration. Ses lèvres se sont ensuite étirées en un sourire séduisant et il a accepté sans ciller. Cependant, lorsque le moment était presque venu, il s'est empressé de la convaincre de rester dans leur mariage. « Madame Qin mérite le meilleur. Si c'est le monde que tu désires, je te l'apporterai sur un plateau d'argent. Tu peux avoir le monde entier, mais chérie, n'oublie pas que bien que tout t'appartienne, tu m'appartiens. » Adrienne fronça les sourcils. « Mais tu ne m'aimes même pas... » Elle a tenté de raisonner, pensant que son mari avait perdu la raison. « Non, ce n'était pas le cas, mais maintenant je t'aime. En fait, tu es la seule à qui je pense ces jours-ci. » Cependant, il semblait pour elle que non seulement son mari essayait d'attirer son attention, mais sa belle-famille également. Éditeur/correcteur : ninaviews Avertissement pour les scènes et thèmes R18 futurs qui ne conviennent pas aux jeunes publics. Copyright 2023 anjeeriku
anjeeriku · 128.2K Views


Vero Luxe, my fashion brand, recently faced a crushing blow when I lost NZD 7,000,000 to a fraudulent franchise opportunity. What initially seemed like a promising chance to expand the brand quickly turned into a devastating scam. The franchise, which appeared legitimate, turned out to be non-existent, and the funds I invested were stolen by fraudsters posing as business partners. The financial loss was staggering, but the emotional toll particularly the loss of trust was even harder to bear. Having built Vero Luxe’s reputation over years in New Zealand's competitive fashion market, I feared this betrayal could have irreparably damaged everything. Yet, I knew I had to act fast to recover and protect the brand. That’s when I turned to CRYPTO RECOVERY CONSULTANT. Their team of experts swiftly investigated the fraud, tracing its origins and identifying the perpetrators. Thanks to their thorough work, I was able to pursue legal action and collaborate with authorities to track down and recover the stolen funds. With CRYPTO RECOVERY CONSULTANT expertise, I was able to reclaim the majority of the NZD 7,000,000. Their professionalism and coordination with financial institutions and law enforcement were critical in restoring the financial health of Vero Luxe and preventing further damage to its reputation. This experience taught me the vital importance of vigilance and working with trusted experts when navigating business opportunities. While expansion comes with inherent risks, the right support can make all the difference. Thanks to CRYPTO RECOVERY CONSULTANT, I was able to recover the funds and refocus on growing Vero Luxe’s future in New Zealand’s fashion industry. Moving forward, I’ll never take anything for granted and will always vet opportunities thoroughly before making significant financial commitments. contact; cry ptorecoveryconsultant312[@]zohomail,,com / +19842580430
Isak_Roald · 356 Views

Transmigration Of A Sly Killer: Taming Beasts And Conquering The Realm

She was once an elite assassin, feared for her cunning mind and lethal skills. After years of operating in the shadows as the infamous "White Fox," she finally allowed herself a rare break—a vacation in the comfort of her modern apartment. While relaxing in her own sanctuary, the familiar world she knew suddenly shattered when a mysterious system activated, pulling her away from everything she had known and transmigrating her into a bizarre new realm. She awakens in a land ruled by powerful beastmen, where females are rare and fiercely protected. Stripped of her modern tools yet still armed with a razor-sharp dagger and a mind honed by years of deadly work, she finds herself in a world where her survival depends on adapting quickly and completing missions given by her latent, mysterious system. Unlike the delicate women of this realm, she is ruthless, calculating, and a two-faced cold-hearted killer who will stop at nothing to conquer the challenges before her. As she tames savage beasts and navigates treacherous alliances, cryptic system texts echo in the back of her mind, urging her toward an unknown destiny. Yet, as rival forces rise and long-buried secrets resurface, an enigmatic power stirs deep within her—a power that even she does not fully understand. Amidst this chaotic world, she encounters powerful beastmen—each as dangerous as they are captivating. All wanted nothing but her. With the system's eerie commands marking her fate, if this new world seeks to control her, it will first have to survive her. When the system whispered her name, a strange sensation filled her. [Nyxaria Duneveil, the main mission has been initiated.] She felt a sudden chill creep down her spine, an odd familiarity tugging at the edges of her mind. "Nyx..aria... Duneveil? No, that's not my name… or is it? Why does it feel so strange… familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time? If it's not my name, then... what is my name?" In this unfamiliar world, where nothing felt like home, her own name became a haze to her—like a puzzle missing a crucial piece. It gnawed at her, leaving her with an inexplicable sense of discomfort, as though something vital about herself was just out of grasp. A fleeting memory danced just beyond her reach, like a whisper from a past she couldn't recall.
Unknown_M_9093 · 1.4K Views

Wasteland Uprising

"In this apocalyptic New York, a can of SPAM might be worth more than gold." Imagine "The Walking Dead" meets "The Wolf of Wall Street" with a dash of "Doomsday Preppers" absurdity — welcome to New York City, 2030, a megalopolis struck by the collapse of social order. Cyrus Greene should have been just another office worker. But when the entire U.S. government mysteriously vanishes and the social fabric crumbles, his life takes an unexpected turn. No police, no government, no order... but for Cyrus, this chaos becomes his greatest opportunity. In this new world: - A can of SPAM buys you a week of shelter - A box of canned goods is worth a car - A pack of instant coffee can purchase vital intelligence - A bottle of clean water is more precious than diamonds But Cyrus isn't just surviving — he's thriving. Armed with his unique business acumen and surprising negotiation skills, he begins hoarding and trading survival supplies that have become priceless in this post-apocalyptic world. From convenience store canned goods to pharmacy first-aid kits to supermarket warehouse stockpiles, he builds his commercial empire in this wasteland. Along the way, he meets his match in a brilliant female powerhouse and an unexpected "sidekick" who becomes invaluable to his operation. If you enjoy: - Post-apocalyptic survival stories - Witty and clever protagonists - Unique business mindsets - Strategic negotiations and power plays - And a dash of blush-worthy romance Then this book is definitely for you. Warning: This isn't your typical post-apocalyptic tale. There are no zombies, no alien invasions — just a raw examination of human nature, and a compelling story about finding order in chaos and hope in despair. "In this world, the most dangerous thing isn't hunger or cold — it's the human heart. But paradoxically, it's also the warmest thing we have left."
kuiyukuiyi_cheng · 3.3K Views

Mind break

Intrigued by the possibility of quick earnings, Jay Garrick, a 23-year-old graduate student, impulsively accepts a dubious job offer. However, this decision takes a harrowing turn when he is abducted and transported to an undisclosed facility. Unveiling the nature of the task, he realizes he's bound to infiltrate a stranger's consciousness and extract concealed information—an irreversible commitment. Within the enigmatic realm of another person's mind, Jay encounters a mysterious entity named X, the gatekeeper of sought-after knowledge. Despite repeated attempts to extract the information, he fails, plunging into a desperate quest for escape from this mental labyrinth. To break free, he's forced to engage in a series of challenges and games orchestrated by X, revealing a fantastical world teeming with dragons, magic, cities, and spaceships—transcending genres. As the stakes escalate, Jay grapples with unraveling the enigma that binds him to this alternate reality. Hidden within the recesses of his mind lies a profound mystery, intricately linked to his past and present. Determined to escape the clutches of his own psyche, Jay must decipher the underlying reasons for this surreal ordeal, ultimately striving to expose the truth that holds the key to his liberation. The question remains: Will he triumph in extracting the vital information and conquer the illusions within, or will he be ensnared forever in this kaleidoscopic maze of the mind?
Need_more_Xp · 343.7K Views

The Price of Harmony

In a galaxy ravaged by war and haunted by the ever-expanding Dead Zones, Naia is a skilled Harmony Navigator - a person of extraordinary powers that can temporarily stabilize paths through them. Thus she was trained and recruited into the branch of the military known as Vanguard Operations. She finds her romance - a welcome stabilizing factor in her life - thrown into turmoil when the enigmatic and powerful soldier, Theia, joins her squad. It would be clear to anyone that the two women looked very much alike… and it was long clear to Naia that this woman was the one she was always meant to replace in Evander’s heart. Bound by duty, Naia must navigate not only the treacherous reality-bending terrain of the Dead Zones but also the growing tension and unspoken desires within their team. As her squad leader Evander's attention slips ever more towards the alluring and unpredictable Theia, the Navigator grapples with feelings of jealousy, insecurity, and a growing sense of isolation. Love & Duty - Or Duty & Sacrifice? A balance that the three can live with is sought. Will she be able to maintain her focus and fulfill her vital role in the war effort, or will the discord fomenting within their squad consume them all? Naia must confront the rising tide of chaos, both within herself and slowly building in the world around her… ultimately discovering the true price of harmony. ---- Romance-Drama with a Science-Fantasy setting. Messy Triangle - yes. An Omni-Directional one? At times, but it's not poly. Some FxM R-18/Smut... Interspersed tastefully and plot progressively. --In this author's opinion, anyway. * Eventual Les/Yuri/FxF scenes, yes. * You're Welcome. ---- If you like your love stories poking you in the feels in the middle of fantastical settings, check out my other works too! It's kind of what I do.
Seraphelki · 81.8K Views

The Queen of Fyre

In the realm of Fyre Land, Princess Ignis grapples with a legacy overshadowed by her lack of elemental power, a vital attribute in her magical kingdom. Her father, King Pyrrhus, a formidable ruler fueled by flames, has long belittled her for this deficiency, subjecting her to mistreatment and neglect. Despite her hardships, Ignis harbors a fierce determination to alter her destiny. Her salvation appears in the form of Adrian, the enigmatic ruler of Aqua Land, where water reigns supreme. Ignis learns of Adrian's unparalleled power and envisions a path to reclaim her sovereignty. She confronts Adrian, presenting her proposal with a mixture of determination and vulnerability. She seeks not only his hand in marriage but also his alliance, aiming to wield his elemental prowess to ascend the throne of Fyre Land as its rightful queen. As Ignis and Adrian navigate the complexities of politics and power, they forge an unexpected bond, transcending their initial motives. Both must confront betrayals, intrigue, and the specter of war as they strive to unite their realms and defy the constraints of fate. Can Ignis reconcile her desire for power with her longing for love, or will she sacrifice one for the other? Who will emerge victorious and at what cost? "The Queen of Fyre" is a captivating tale of courage, ambition, and the enduring quest for self-determination. Against a backdrop of elemental magic and political intrigue, Princess Ignis and King Adrian navigate a perilous journey towards love and empowerment, igniting flames of change that will forever alter the fate of their kingdoms.
Ananya_A_ · 23.7K Views

The Shadow of Amunet

In a kingdom threatened by a mysterious disease, Shin, a determined adventurer, finds himself at the heart of a perilous mission. Upon entering a church filled with people suffering from the plague, he learns from a knight named Xinu that the disease is a curse draining the mana from the people, a curse that can be limited but not fully eradicated. This curse, tied to the legendary Korran and the mysterious lotus blooms, could be the key to solving the kingdom's plight. Shin is summoned to the king's palace, where he meets the royal council, including seven captains, and discovers that an artifact known as the "Crystal Sphere of None" has been stolen, vital for the upcoming lotus bloom. The king, aware of the impending danger, tasks Shin with uncovering the truth behind the curse and its connection to the sealed monster, Korran, hidden in the church. Shin and Xinu are sent to investigate further, armed with an old map that reveals the church's many forgotten secret passages. Their search leads them to a cryptic riddle about a hidden way to meet the god, directing them to a mysterious pillar in the church. When they push the pillar, it opens a secret passage leading deep into the church's bowels. Inside, they encounter an ominous empty room with a giant eye, a trap set by the mastermind behind the curse. As they begin to piece together the ancient prophecy, Shin and Xinu realize they are not only up against a dark force tied to the church's past, but also a master manipulator controlling the cursed energy. With the lotus bloom set to absorb all the kingdom's magical energy, the two heroes must now fight to uncover the secrets of the church, prevent the curse's spread, and protect their world from total collapse. The tale weaves a deep mystery, ancient prophecies, and a looming battle between light and dark, with Shin and Xinu at the center of it all, uncovering secrets that could either save or destroy the kingdom.
jj323881 · 1.7K Views


Before parting with any money on a website or mobile app, it's essential to take steps to ensure the platform is legitimate. Researching the company, its founders, and its track record is key to making an informed decision. Be diligent in asking questions, reading reviews, and looking for any signs of credibility. Always remember the old adage, "If it’s too good to be true, it probably is." Scammers often prey on unsuspecting users with enticing offers that, on closer inspection, are nothing more than traps designed to steal your money. Scams can come in many forms, and some are more subtle than others. For instance, scammers may pretend to form emotional connections, feigning love or friendship to manipulate victims into giving money. In more extreme cases, they may even post inappropriate material to coerce or blackmail their victims. Regardless of the method, the impact can be both emotionally and financially damaging. If you’ve been scammed, recovering your funds can be a stressful and frustrating process. However, with the right approach, you may be able to recover your money and mitigate the damage. I found myself in such a situation, and I was able to successfully recover my funds by working with a service like Rapid Digital Recovery. They specialize in helping individuals who have fallen victim to online scams by assisting with fund recovery. The process was faster and easier than I expected, and their team made the entire experience much less overwhelming. If you suspect you’ve been scammed, the first step is to gather all relevant information about the transaction. This means taking screenshots of conversations with the scammer, which will serve as vital evidence. Next, gather any details about the scammer, such as their full name and account information. If you made the payment through a mobile app or SMS, find the transaction in your history and copy the “Transaction ID Number.” This information will be essential when filing your case with both your bank and the platform where the scam took place. Once you’ve gathered your evidence, contact your bank’s e-fraud department immediately. Most banks have specialized teams for online fraud. Provide them with all the necessary details, including screenshots and transaction IDs. It’s also wise to contact the scammer’s bank, sharing the same information, and to forward a copy of your case to Rapid Digital Recovery. Their team worked with the bank to help freeze the scammer’s account, preventing further losses and speeding up the recovery process. Recovering funds from online scams can be daunting, but with the right steps and the help of professionals like Rapid Digital Recovery, you can significantly increase your chances of success and protect yourself from future scams. Thanks to their assistance, I was able to recover my funds and put the whole ordeal behind me. Reach Out To Them Via Whatsapp: +1 4.14 8.0 71.4 8.5 Website: https: // rapiddigitalrecovery. org Email: rapiddigitalrecovery (@) execs. com
Jorgensen_Eddie · 737 Views
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