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Odette Negozio Danza

Rebirth of revenge

"Everything you have ever had is all mine. The high and mighty Diana is now laying there helpless." Said Odette "I trusted you and this is what you pay me with. Betrayal. You not only took my lover but also killed my family." Diana said with difficulty "Well, it's not my fault that your family got in the way. Especially your mother." She said while laughing "IT WAS YOU WHO KILLED HER!" Diana yelled 'I never thought I would be betrayed by Lucas, most importantly, Odette. You even killed my mother. To think that I have always treated you as family.' Diana thought to herself "Hahaha" Odette laughed "Yes. It was me. Don't worry. You will soon join her and be the happy family and rot in hell together." Odette said with a vicious yet satisfied look The room was already filled with flames except for one place. The place where Diana and Odette were at. Diana was lying on the floor, with wounds all over. While Odette was standing above her. With little force, she got up and pushed Odette into the flames. Sadly, Diana could not escape her fate of dying. Slowly dying she could only think of one thing. 'How could I be so stupid to trust her? To trust him. To trust anybody.  If I ever had a second chance, I would not repeat these same mistakes. I will not trust anybody. Get my revenge.' Slowly, the lights started to vanish. Betrayed by the people she trusted the most. Lost her loved ones. Diana receives a second chance to take revenge. One by one, Diana makes every single person who ever hurt her and her loved ones suffer. Lost in the urge for revenge, will she ever be able to trust again? [I am a new author and still a student. Updates may be slow. Please be patient.]
mimmin · 10.1K Views

lady Isadora

Capitolo 1 Lady Isadora, un'affascinante giovane aristocratica, passeggiava nel giardino di Kensington, circondata da aiuole fiorite e alberi secolari. Il sole del pomeriggio filtrava tra le foglie, creando un gioco di ombre sul sentiero. Isadora amava quel luogo; era il suo rifugio segreto, dove poteva sognare e riflettere lontano dagli sguardi curiosi della sua famiglia. Ma oggi, la sua mente era occupata da pensieri contrastanti. Da un lato c'era Lord Nicholas, un giovane affascinante con un sorriso disarmante e un'intelligenza acuta. Dall'altro, c'era Hastings, il potente duca di Waverley, noto per la sua determinazione e il suo carattere tenace. Entrambi erano su pretendenti, entrambi avevano catturato la sua attenzione. “Isadora!” chiamò una voce, interrompendo i suoi pensieri. Era Lady Margaret, la sua migliore amica, con un'espressione vivace sul volto. “Ho sentito voci di un ballo a palazzo la prossima settimana. Dovremmo andarci!” “Un ballo?” rispose Isadora, i suoi occhi brillavano di curiosità. “Senza dubbio, sarà l’occasione perfetta per incontrare Lord Nicholas e il duca.” Margaret, divisa tra l'eccitazione e la preoccupazione, smise di camminare. “Spero che tu non scelga Hastings. È affascinante, ma è anche molto ambizioso. Potrebbe non essere il partito giusto per te.” Isadora sorrise, ma il suo cuore batteva forte. “Nicholas è un gentiluomo, ma c’è qualcosa in Hastings che mi attrae; la sua forza, la sua presenza… è difficile da spiegare. Ma come posso scegliere, quando entrambi gli uomini sembrano interessati a me?” Lady Margaret, prendendo la mano di Isadora, lo fece con affetto. “Ricorda, cara amica, che non è solo il tuo cuore a dover decidere, ma anche la tua mente. Ascolta ciò che senti veramente.” Mentre le due ragazze si allontanavano verso casa, Isadora sentì un misto di emozione e incertezza. La danza tra il dovere e il desiderio era appena cominciata.*
DaoistcgQX7C · 4.3K Views

Billionaire Wife

A marriage is between two people who are in love. But what if the marriage was fixed or arranged and had the potential to last a long time? Or can you fall in love with each other? Odette and Kiel's marriage began similarly, as a fixed marriage for a business. Odette Lim was known as the architect who designed some of the five-star hotels. Most of the hotels she designs are for her family. Odette's family owns the top five-star hotel and restaurant in the country and a construction firm that Odette's dad has owned for years. Odette was an intelligent and fearless type of girl. She was even part of a Taekwondo team when she was in middle school. Odette was the eldest child of the Lim family. Her dad was known for being strict when it came to business. But Odette was a daddy's girl; she got everything she wanted, but not in her father's deal with Mr. Lopez. Her father dared to seal the deal about marriage with the son of her business partner. Odette had no intention of falling in love with her soon-to-be husband. Even though she can make herself feel good, she knew the deal was just for business. She partied all night with her friends just to feel relieved about how her situation would be framed in the future without having the right to decide for herself. Kiel Calvin Lopez was a well-known billionaire actor and model. In his generation, he was known as the "Supreme Idol" for being the top endorser of luxury brands. His films were blockbusters. Together with his co-actor and real-life girlfriend, their love team was incredible. Kiel had a cold personality, and most of the people around him thought his arrogance just came from his wealth and fame. They don't realize he's doing it to avoid making his girlfriend jealous of other girls. Kiel was the eldest son of the Lopez family; he had a twin who was completely different from him. Kiel was the obedient son and the future face of the Lopez Group of Companies. He will take over his father's multinational corporation. Everyone knows that Kiel is next in line as chairman and CEO of the company, yet he wants to pursue his dream of being an international actor. Will he choose to marry someone he knew he had never loved as an obedient son?  Sloan Payne is an actress and model. Even though she was a great actress, some of her haters called him a "wannabe," and another fan thought she just used Kiel because before he entered the entertainment industry he already had a name because of his dad. Sloan was not from a wealthy family, just like Kiel. But she proved to a lot of people that she was not just famous because of her boyfriend but also because she had talent. But will Sloan agree to the idea that her boyfriend will not be her husband in the future and that she should get married to another girl just for business? When will her love be able to fight for their relationship?  In the marriage of two people, what disaster will it be if there is an intruder? Who will he have to choose between her wife and her girlfriend? Will they still have time to realize they've fallen in love with each other, or will it be too late to express their feelings? Will it be Kiel who falls in love with Odette? He was already aware of his feelings for his girlfriend, Sloan. But will he be aware of what he will feel over Odette? Or should he just ignore it because his mind still tells him it's Slovene? It will be too late for Kiel to discover it, or will he make a move to make things right between him and Odette? Or was it Odette who would realize she was slowly falling for her husband? She had a feeling Kiel already belonged to someone else. Despite my best efforts to keep feelings away from him, she never knew what her heart was saying. Will she fight her love for Kiel or let it go? Is it worth fighting for? Will she choose what will make her happy or not?
kandra_24 · 65.9K Views

Odette Under The Rose Tree

Kisah ini bukan tentang si putri yang dikutuk jadi angsa tapi tentang Odette, seorang psikolog yang terbawa ke abad pertengahan. Untuk kembali ia harus membantu Arion–seorang raja yang memiliki kepribadian ganda, sebuah trauma mental yang muncul setelah memenggal kepala istri sendiri. Kekacauan, kekonyolan serta berbagai kegilaan harus dihadapi Odette dalam menghadapi semua kepribadian Rion yang berubah-ubah seperti cuaca ekstrem ditambah lagi Odette juga harus menghadapi pemikiran kolot dari orang-orang yang  menganggap Raja Rion dikutuk oleh Lady Rose–sang ratu yang terpenggal, dirasuki roh jahat dan sedang disihir oleh penyihir. Seiring waktu, satu per satu dari penyebab munculnya kepribadian-kepribadian Rion ditemukan Odette dan jalan bagi Odette untuk pulang ke era modern semakin dekat namun langit membuat sebuah lelucon. Ia terlibat cinta segi tiga demgan Rion dan salah satu kepribadian Rion, lalu ketika cinta semakin tumbuh sebuah kisah dari masa lalu muncul ke permukaan yang membuat Odette tidak tahu harus mencintai atau membenci. – Apakah kamu pernah mengalami hal seperti yang dialami Rion? Kamu mencintai seseorang dengan sangat dalam tapi suatu hari kamu mengira orang itu menghianatimu. Kamu pun sangat marah, darahmu mendidih, hatimu terbakar sampai kamu gelap mata. Kamu meneriakinya, memukulnya bahkan mungkin ... membunuhnya. Setelah kamu melakukan semua itu, kamu tahu bahwa dugaanmu salah, kamu pun sangat menyesal, kamu ingin meminta maaf dan memperbaiki semuanya, tapi sudah terlambat, dia pergi. – "Hukuman terberat bukanlah hukuman mati, tapi rasa bersalah." [Arion Al Dofine] "Aku tahu kata-kata tidak akan bisa membuatmu merasa lebih baik. Aku tahu bahwa setiap ucapan tidak akan bisa menghilangkan sedih yang kamu rasakan. Tak apa jika kamu ingin menangis tapi jangan menangis sendirian, biarkan aku menemanimu, jika kamu malu kamu bisa menganggapku sebagai sebuah pohon. Sebuah pohon yang tidak akan pernah memberitahu pohon lain tentang obrolan mereka yang bersandar dan bernaung di bawahnya. Apa kamu tahu? Kamu adalah orang dengan hati paling kuat yang pernah kutemui, tapi kamu juga orang yang paling suka memaksakan diri yang pernah kutemui.Semua bebanmu, semua masalahmu, semua sedihmu, kamu memilih memendam semuanya sendiri. Kamu lupa bahwa kamu adalah seorang manusia yang butuh manusia lain. Tapi yah, sudahlah Mungkin memang seperti itulah kamu. Atau mungkin juga sebenarnya kamu ingin bercerita tapi kamu tidak tahu bagaimana caranya. Apapun itu aku ingin kamu tahu bahwa aku ada untukmu." [Odette Calestia]
Ogi_457 · 7.5K Views
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