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Our Future : Might for Revenge

Lily Renave, a young girl of American descent living in Medan, Indonesia, finds herself living under the shadow of her family's dark past. Her father, James G. Renave, is a former government agent who once exposed a major criminal operation led by Bruno Genovese, the boss of the Genovese crime family, one of the Five Mafia Families of New York. It all began with an online relationship between James and Stacy Spark, a British woman, whose life was turned upside down when Bruno, infatuated with Stacy's photos, ordered her kidnapping. When James could not reach Stacy, he uncovered through Interpol that she had been abducted by Genovese’s men, and the crime was caught on CCTV. James tracked her across international borders, discovering she was in Mexico, heading toward the U.S. Armed with information from satellite surveillance, James managed to track Stacy’s whereabouts and intercept her, saving her from Bruno’s grip. This led to the dismantling of a large narcotics operation tied to Genovese and ultimately resulted in Bruno's imprisonment. However, the takedown angered the mafia kingpin, and in retaliation, Bruno's associates sent James death threats. Fearing for his family's safety, James was forced to flee to Indonesia, where he hoped to disappear and start anew. Eight years later, Bruno was unexpectedly released from prison and, using his connections, tracked down the Renave family to Indonesia. Lily witnesses a brutal murder carried out by Bruno's men. Fleeing for her life, she is pursued by the mafia. Just as she is about to be captured, Lily is rescued by a mysterious stranger and falls unconscious from exhaustion. Caught between her father's past and the danger that now threatens her own life, Lily must navigate a treacherous path, uncovering dark secrets and fighting for survival. With each step, she gets closer to the truth, and to confronting Bruno and his criminal empire once and for all. This is just fiction and does not really exist. The similarity to people's names may not be intentional. Some stories use inspiration from real cases that have occurred throughout the world. However, the location of the place, as well as parties, agencies or organizations are not to denigrate or create a conspiracy. Artnorthlife Cover by AI
Artnorthlife · 12.6K Views

Menikahi Mertua Mantan Suami

Sinopsis Volume 1: Apa yang terjadi ketika Anda mengetahui bahwa mantan suami dan kekasihnya ternyata adalah orang-orang yang menjebloskan anda ke penjara. Kemudian Anda menikah dengan ayah mertua suami Anda untuk menghukum. Tekad Nindy hanya untuk dendam dan membuat pasangan tersebut merasakan kekejaman ibu tiri Sinopsis Volume 2: Pada volume 2 ini menceritakan perjuangan Nindy membebaskan suaminya dari cengkraman wanita lain. "Yudisthira... aku istrimu!" Yudisthira Salman memandang wanita asing di depannya dengan rasa tak percaya. Ada dua wanita yang mengaku sebagai istrinya. Keduanya punya anak darinya. Siapa yang bisa di percaya. Lalu ada pula wanita ketiga. Wanita yang kejam berhati iblis. Wanita itu mengurung Yudisthira Salman seperti hewan peliharaan. Yudisthira Salman putus asa. Dia menjadi pria statis yang tidak berdaya. Mengapa ada banyak wanita yang mengaku sebagai istrinya. "Aku Nindy!" Nindy berbisik ke telinga suaminya. Yudisthira Salman membuka mata. Wanita bertubuh besar dan bertato itu mengaku sebagai Nindy. Suara wanita itu mirip Nindy, tapi wajah dan bentuk tubuhnya berbeda. Bagaimana Yudisthira Salman percaya begitu saja padanya? Apa yang bisa dia percaya dari wanita ini! Nindy tersenyum. Senyumnya yang sama dengan Nindy. Dia berbisik ke Yudisthira "Yudisthira, ada apel dan buah pir di meja. Lemparkan buah-buahan itu dan hancurkan CCTV itu. Mereka membuatmu seperti tikus percobaan!" Nona Yuri Coleman marah. "Apa yang dilakukan wanita itu? Mengapa dia membuat Yudisthira marah?!" "Nona tuan Yudis memecahkan lagi semua benda di sekitarnya!" Nona Yuri Coleman putus asa. "Panggil Esther Melody ke sini!" Esther Melody senang hati datang ke rumah keluarga Coleman. Dia lebih suka merawat Yudisthira Salman daripada kekasihnya yang kejam, tuan Robin Sultan. "Aku harus bisa membawa Yudisthira kabur dari rumah keluarga Coleman!"_ nyonya Esther Melody membuat rencana Tapi dia berhadapan dengan wanita gendut juru masak keluarga Coleman. "Wanita itu perusak rencana!"_ Esther Melody marah. Dia harus menyingkirkan Lupita Rose Louis dari sisi Yudisthira Salman. "Esther Melody!"_ Nindy tertawa dalam hati. Dia mengaku sebagai istri Yudisthira. Baiklah kita akan berhadapan!"_ Nindy menyingkirkan nyonya Esther Melody. Wanita itu terlempar dari rumah Yuri Coleman. "Sekarang aku harus membawa Yudisthira Salman keluar dari pulau Coleman!"_ Sekarang, Lupita Rose Louis harus berusaha keras mendapatkan kepercayaan dari nona Yuri Coleman. Membawa Yudisthira Salman dari pulau ini bukan perkara yang mudah. "Tuan Yudis mengalami masalah di usus, saya khawatir terjadi hal yang buruk padanya. Saya kira dia perlu segera di bawa berobat ke rumah sakit besar!"_ Lupita Rose Louis berkata dengan sungguh-sungguh. Nona Yuri Coleman tak percaya, tapi dia ketakutan melihat Yudisthira yang kesakitan. "Ya Tuhan... aku bisa membunuh Yudis!" Nona Yuri Coleman melihat ke ranjang. Yudisthira Salman melipat tubuhnya seperti udang. Dia beneran kesakitan. "Bawa dia ke new York!" Nindy bersyukur, Yudisthira bisa keluar dari pulau Coleman. "Segera tinggalkan pulau ini, dan cari Ibnu Saud di New York!" kata Nindy ke Iskandar. Iskandar menangis, "Tidak. Biarkan aku di pulau ini. Aku tidak sampai hati meninggalkan nyonya Viona Rose sendirian!" "Kamu harus melindungi dirimu sendiri!" Nindy harus mengeluarkan Iskandar dari pulau Coleman. Iskandar menolak. Dia sebatang kara di dunia ini. Nyonya Viona Rose sudah menjadi seperti ibunya sendiri. "Kalau begitu, bawa nyonya Viona Rose ke Bali!" Nindy juga berpikir hal yang sama dengan Iskandar. Dia tidak mungkin membuat nyonya Viona Rose sendirian, dan menjadi sasaran kemarahan keluarga Coleman. Iskandar tidak tahu caranya membawa nyonya Viona Rose ke luar pulau Coleman. Nindy kebingungan. Dalam usahanya menyelamatkan Yudisthira Salman, Nindy membuat kesalahan Dia menempatkan nyawa orang yang tidak bersalah menjadi korban.
Meri_Sajja · 1.2M Views

Temukan Kebenaran

Tragedi aneh menimpa enam orang diantaranya tiga orang laki-laki dan tiga orang lainnya perempuan. Segala bentuk identifikasi kasus telah terpecahkan, terkecuali kasus Melati. Mereka semua hampir terbunuh oleh peristiwa sebelumnya yang kemudian secara misterius menimbulkan semacam kekuatan mutasi didalam masing-masing individu. Alien? Subyek eksperimen? Kutukan? Karma Tuhan? Anugerah? Mari kita cari tahu. Berawal dari rasa ingin tahu Melati terhadap Arum bahwa semuanya dilakukan oleh penelitian perusahaan Ayahnya. Namun tanpa diduga Arum pun berkeinginan untuk bertemu seseorang lainnya diluar sana seperti Melati yang memiliki kekuatan aneh sepertinya. Nama : Melati Umur : 26 Tahun Identifikasi : tergeletak diatas meja makan didalam rumah dengan darah keluar dari matanya tanpa henti, pukul 03:00 dini hari. Korban ditemukan oleh rekan kerja setelah korban menghubunginya karena merasa tidak enak badan pada pukul 02:40. Kasus : tahap penyelidikan Nama : Jaka Umur : 24 Tahun Identifikasi : tergeletak tepat didepan apartemen pada pukul 23:30 dengan luka tebasan benda tajam dibagian kedua lengan atas. Kasus : Dugaan Perampokan Nama : Arum Mawaratih Umur : 27 Tahun Identifikasi : tergeletak didepan kamar mandi dengan luka goresan di kedua nadi lengan pada pukul 06:16 Kasus : dugaan percobaan Bunuh diri Nama : Genta Gemilang Umur : 27 Tahun Identifikasi : terjatuh oleh sepatu yang basah. Cctv melihat pergerakan korban cukup gelisah hingga pukul 00:33 korban berjalam di lorong lantai 28, kemudian menghindari kucing hitam yang tiba-tiba melintas di sehingga terpeleset dan kepala korban membentur kursi lobi. Kasus : Kecelakaan Tunggal. Nama : Asri Purnama Umur : 25 Tahun Identifikasi : ditemukan di toilet umum apartemen dengan luka dalam sayatan di leher dan keadaan pakaian dalam terbuka. Ditemukan oleh penetap apartemen lainnya kepada pihak keamaan apartemen pada pukul 04:04. Kasus : tindak asusila, percobaan pembunuhan. Nama : Wisnu Wicaksana Umur : 25 Tahun Identifikasi : tersentrum oleh arus pendek listrik dari kabel headphone yang dipakai ketika tidur. Ditemukan oleh pihak layanan makanan setelah korban memesan makanan untuk pukul 23:06. Kasus : Kecelakaan Tunggal
januar_Putra · 12.5K Views

Mr CEO's Beloved Wife

The disastrous divorce trial almost ended their marriage, even though a certain blue-eyed man was still madly in love with his wife. Unfortunately, the head of a noble family who was famous throughout the country made an unbreakable decision. The CEO, who was also the sole heir to the Wenceslas noble family, would be appointed as the Chairman of the Board on one condition. He had to leave his wife and marry the woman of the elder's choice. All of that was for the sake of the next heir. However, the elder did not want to wait any longer. To stop the Wenceslas family's crazy plan, Aruna pretended to be pregnant. This petite woman had to get rid of her competitor. However, the Wenceslas family's crazy plan was not the only thing Aruna had to worry about. The woman chosen by the elder was more beautiful, slimmer, more fashionable, and many things Aruna was not. Furthermore, she was ready to be the trophy wife, the ideal doll for the Wenceslas family. Yet, there was something off about her. She seemed to be hiding her secrets amongst this new chaos. Aruna, the beloved wife of the CEO – Mahendra Hadyan Wenceslas, repeatedly received death threats. [Hello, babe. Where are you? I was in front of your office, but it's empty] [Hen… please…] her sobbing pushed the blue-eyed man on the other side to run as fast as he could. [Where are you?!] he asked, hurried with his shaking voice. He finally realized that something terrible had happened. [I… aaargh, let me go… let go!] Clatter! The sound that reached the blue-eyed man's ears was eerily similar to how a phone dropped to the floor. [Aruna… Aruna! Answer me! Aruna!] a wave of panic washed over him. He turned his head left and right, looking for his bodyguard, "You all! Go to the CCTV room, look for my wife!” [Hendra… I'm…], and he could not hear her anymore. Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Would this petite woman who pretended to be pregnant survive? How would Aruna defend her status as the CEO's beloved wife and become the ideal daughter-in-law of the Wenceslas noble family? Let’s follow Aruna and Mahendra's struggle to maintain their love story in [Mr. CEO's Beloved Wife] ____________________________ *** Follow My Book Dear ^^ *** Tale Of The Half-Blood Wizard The Half-Blood Wizard: Thief Of Time Stealing The Wife's First Kiss Once A CEO Wife Mr CEO's Beloved Wife Mr CEO’s Pregnant Wife ************************ Updates every day at (GMT+8) 07.00 AM ************************ #Meet me on Instagram: bluehadyan #Discord: bluehadyan#7481
dewisetyaningrat · 282.9K Views

Separate tells a Hidden Story

Separate tells a Hidden Story adalah cerita penuh dengan misteri, komedi, dan drama. Dalam serial ini, cerita tersebut menceritakan kehidupan seorang anak remaja SMA yang bernama Saruizawa Kousan. Saruizawa Kousan bersekolah di SMA HighLight. Disekolahnya, Saruizawa hanyalah sebagai pelajar biasa. Untuk bisa melanjutkan sekolahnya di Universitas Nasional. Namun apa jadinya? Kalau Saruizawa memiliki alasannya sendiri untuk menutupi identitas diri yang sebenarnya. Di sisi lain, Saruizawa memiliki masa lalu yang dark atau bisa dikatakan Saruizawa hilang ingatan waktu itu. Pada masa kecilnya dulu, Saruizawa Kousan adalah putra pertama dari keluarga Saruizawa. Saruizawa Kousan dulu merupakan anak abnormal. Mungkin beberapa hari setelah kelahirannya, Saruizawa Kousan secara ajaib sudah bisa berbicara. Pada umumnya, keluarga Saruizawa terlihat seperti keluarga yang damai dan tentram, karena memang itulah kenyataannya. Akan tetapi, keluarga yang damai dan tentram itu tidak bertahan selamanya.  24 April 2014, pukul 00.12 tengah malam. Tepat di hari dimana ulang tahunnya dirayakan dan perayaan hari kelulusannya di sekolah dasar. Insiden tak terduga terjadi di jembatan merah. Terjadinya peristiwa kecelakaan maut antar mobil dengan truk. Akibat dari kejadian itu, jalanan jembatan merah menjadi rusak dan juga tiang-tiang jembatan itu menjadi terputus. Singkat cerita, setelah kepolisian menyelidiki kasus tersebut. Mereka tidak menemukan si korban terluka maupun mayat si korban di tempat kejadian. Mereka hanya menemukan kartu tanda pengenal milik antar korban kecelakaan. Nama yang tertera pada kartu tanda pengenal itu adalah Saruizawa Tamanawa, yang merupakan Ayahnya Saruizawa Kousan. Mereka juga mendapatkan bukti melalui rekaman CCTV di tempat kejadian, tapi percuma saja. Rekaman CCTV pun tidak memperlihatkan si korban disana. Kepolisian menyimpulkan tentang insiden ini sangatlah ironis. Lalu, bagaimana kelanjutannya Saruizawa Kousan hilang ingatan setelah keluarganya tiada? Ayo baca sekarang biar tahu bagaimana jalan cerita ini menuju cerita yang gelap.
AuthorFantasy · 55.8K Views

The Adam

Adam Gharafy memang cukup sering digosipkan menjalin hubungan dengan beberapa artis cantik tanah air. Tapi siapa sangka, keponakan orang nomor satu di Jakarta- Sueb Santoso itu terjerat skandal penyuka sesama jenis. Untuk menutupi aib dan menjaga nama baiknya, Bapak Gubernur Sueb memaksa Adam untuk menikah dengan seorang perempuan. Mila Kheminda, atau yang lebih dikenal publik sebagai Mikhe adalah seorang selebgram yang sedang viral karena tertangkap kamera cctv telah berhasil membekuk dua orang kriminal-penjambret sekaligus pembegal payudara, yang akan menyerang seorang mama muda. Sehingga atas keberaniannya itu dia dianugerahi oleh Gubernur penghargaan sebagai Duta Pelindung Perempuan. Diapun menjadi bahan perbincangan, akhirnya mimpinya untuk menjadi terkenal telah tercapai. Tawaran endorse datang dari mana mana, mengalirkan pundi pundi uang yang cukup untuk dihadiahkan kepada bapaknya-itu seperti sogok kan agar dia lupa memukul ibunya dan dapat berpesta narkoba. Dan setelah usai acara penganugerahan sebagai Duta Pelindung Perempuan, tanpa diduga Bapak Gubernur Sueb mengajukan sebuah lamaran. Tetapi setelah pertemuan terjadi Mila akhirnya tahu bahwa dia hanyalah sebuah topeng untuk menghilangkan isu bahwa Adam penyuka sesama jenis. Dia teriris. Tapi tawaran 1 Milyar begitu menggoda, bapaknya menyetujui pernikahan itu. Ketika Mila mengetahui semua kebenaran tentang Adam, dia dihadapkan pada dua pilihan, yaitu menjauhinya atau menemaninya melewati siksaan sebagai Querr dan Mila tahu bahwa Adam masih memiliki luka jiwa dan rahasia yang lebih banyak lagi.
Ratzela_0Cheriee · 8.3K Views


Adrine Sasongko, dia adalah seorang gadis cantik, cerdas dan pemberani putri dari pasangan Rino dan Adarina Sasongko. Keluarga Sasongko sangat dikenal disegala kalangan karna kekayaannya dan kedermawanannya. Di usia ke 8 tahun Adrine mengalami peristiwa yang sangat mengerikan. Keluarganya diserang oleh komplotan penjahat tidak dikenal. Rumah hancur porak poranda. Saat Adrine bersembunyi dia melihat ayahnya babak belur dihajar oleh para penjahat tanpa ampun. Ibunya bersujud meminta pengampunan kepada komplotan itu tapi tidak digubris. Dari tempat Adrine bersembunyi, Adrine melihat ayahnya hendak di tusuk menggunakan pisau. Adrine berlari mencoba memeluk ayahnya dan menampik pisau tersebut. Miris... pisau tersebut sempat mengenai lengan kirinya. Darah menetes menembus serat kain baju putihnya. Rino Sasongko hajar kembali oleh para penjahat tersebut hingga pingsan begitupula ibunda Adrine, mereka tidak sadarkan diri hingga polisi datang. Adrine diculik, tubuhnya lemas karna terus mengeluarkan darah di lengannya. Dia tak sadarkan diri. Namun ada seseorang diam-diam membawa lari Adrine, menyelamatkan hidupnya. Dia menjaga dan merawatnya hingga tumbuh dewasa. Di usianya yang telah dewasa, Adrine mencoba membalas dendam. Dia terus mencari bukti, setiap detailnya dan mencari CCTV rumah yang telah hilang. Dalam misinya mencari dalang atas peristiwa yang menimpanya, dia bertemu Ferit Bachim yang siap membantunya. Mereka saling jatuh cinta dan saling membantu satu sama lain. Tapi sangat disayangkan ternyata dalang peristiwa yang menimpa Adrine adalah Ayah kekasihnya. Lalu bagaimana nasib cinta di hati mereka ketika tahu siapa yang membuat Adrine dan orangtuanya berpisah? Apakah Adrine akan memaafkan ataukah kebencian yang akan tumbuh dan pergi dari kehidupan Ferit?
Safarinah_asih18 · 23.4K Views

Into The Forest : The enigmatic case of Tambal

Mayari, a determined detective, reopens a long-cold murder case involving Joan Lua, a young woman whose death in 1999 has remained a haunting enigma. The prime suspect, James Hernandez, Joan's boyfriend, had been acquitted due to a solid alibi captured by the university's CCTV cameras. Yet, Mayari's instincts tell her that something is amiss, and she begins her quest for answers. As Mayari delves into the case, she uncovers a tangle of secrets and strange events. John del Cruz, Joan's taxi driver on that fateful night, insists he is innocent and that Joan had left his taxi at a 24-hour diner. A waitress corroborates his story, casting doubt on James's guilt. However, the real revelation comes from James Lua, Joan's grief-stricken brother. He reveals a shocking childhood encounter with a forest-dwelling creature called a Tambal, which he believes replaced Joan in a sinister ritual. With the help of an ancient protection necklace, the Anting Anting, James concocts a plan to trap the Tambal and avenge his sister's death. Mayari is drawn deeper into this mystical world, as she witnesses the ritual and the dangerous forces it unleashes. James Lua vanishes mysteriously, leaving Mayari to follow a trail of clues and confront the truth behind Joan's murder. The novel takes readers on a thrilling journey filled with twists and turns as Mayari forms an unexpected alliance with James's medium girlfriend and delves into the heart of the enchanted forest. There, they encounter the Tambal and its eerie powers, revealing a truth far more bizarre and perilous than anyone could have imagined. In a climactic confrontation, Mayari unravels the shocking reason behind Joan's murder and exposes the true culprit. The aftermath of this revelation shakes the lives of all involved, including Mayari herself, as she grapples with the mysteries of the human heart and the darkness that can lurk within. "Whispers of the Tambal" is a spellbinding tale of mystery, suspense, and the supernatural, showcasing the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable odds. It's a story that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish, ultimately leaving them with a sense of closure and resolution.
Cassandra123 · 2.2K Views

Hard Knocks

"I will seize my destiny for myself in this new world. I will obtain the freedom I seek, or die in it's pursuit." Eric Zakhele Xolani-Xing, 29 years old- Protagonist African/Chinese American Former underground cage fighter, Olympic boxer, wrestler and mixed martial artist. Born in a small town in Northern California, USA, to a Zulu African father and a Chinese mother from Hong Kong. Brother to Aaron Jabulani Xolani-Xing. Parents died in a car accident when he was 17, resulting in him taking care of Aaron from then on. The deaths had happened the day after he had won a gold medal in Olympic wrestling and before he won the gold in boxing, the news only reaching him the day after. He would go on to college on a full ride scholorship for wrestling, getting a degree in finance by the time he was 20. Served in the military on active duty until he was 22. Joined the UFC, with Aaron as his manager/coach, and swept 3 belts from their respective weight classes until he was 25. Having a perfect record, he sought out for more challenges and found an underground fighting league. He went around the world fighting in cage fights against all kinds of opponents, some if whom even used weapons. He fought them all bare handed, rarely receiving a scratch. It was then that his brother Aaron was approached by a man who simply went by Mr. Long. He informed him that Eric was to lose his next fight, with a reward of 4 times the normal prize money, and that failing to comply would not in his "best interest". Aaron told Eric, they agreed to leave the underground, which lead to them being brought before a Yakuza boss that served as Mr. Long's superior. He held Aaron hostage while Eric went to the next fight where he was to take a dive in the second round. The option was stolen from him in the first round however, when his opponent fell over from a heart attack after attacking him wildly for 2 minutes. The boss actually took the loss with grace and allowed the two brothers to leave with no repercussions, believing Eric to be a bad omen for him and his men. Mr. Long however, had been siphoning money from the organization and had taken a much larger loss than anyone that fight. In a rage, he found Aaron and shot him in the back of the head in broad daylight outside of a grocery store in Amsterdam. Eric, who had been out on a morning run, returned to find his brother being taken away on a stretcher. CCTV and eyewitnesses revealed who had done it. And so Eric began his rampage in pursuit of the man. After 3 years of chasing him around the world, he eventually concluded his revenge. Followed immediately by his own demise. Only to awake in a new world, in a younger body, and with a new mountain of adversity before him. Now he seeks freedom. For that he will need status. For status he will need power. For power... he will need to fight.
Xldub09 · 45.2K Views

"Haunted Place Of Pakistan Karachi"

Karachi is a city with lights on the street, but it does get scary at night. That said, here are some haunted places in Karachi with famous horror stories and that you should [or should not] visit: Mohatta Palace The palace was built by Rajasthani businessmen back in 1927. It was a summer house for his family and after the partition, the Pakistani Government took control of the palace. Now, it is an art museum for the public. Although there are no legends attached to the Palace, there are incidents in this palace filled with horror stories – where visitors, including the staff and gatekeeper, have witnessed moving objects and heard conversations inside the palace’s rooms when no one was there. Legend has it, some objects in the museum change their position before dawn. Karsaz Road Cemeteries are creepy, but who would have imagined an entire road being haunted by a witch. The famous ‘Karsaz Witch’ is not unknown to Karachittes. According to the story, a newlywed couple was driving on Karsaz Road and they faced a terrible accident and died on the spot. Ever since the accident, there are countless events where people have witnessed a woman in a red dress with twisted feet walking aimlessly on the road. The Karsaz Witch tries to approach people whose vehicle would unexpectedly stop in the middle of the night. She has also been captured in CCTV footage. Chowkandi Graveyard at Highway It goes without saying that the ancient Chowkandi Graveyard – located near the National Highway in Karachi – makes a famous horror story in Pakistan. According to some researchers, it is the oldest cemeteries, dating back to the 15 century AD. The graveyard is included in a historical site. But, no one dares to visit them after sunset. As a whole, it is a beautiful place for attracting tourists. University students visit these graveyards in the morning or noon. Those who have explored the graveyard at night encountered strange activities. The locals would hear voices coming out from the graveyard at 03:00 AM and shadowy creatures creeping within these graveyards. Shireen Cinema Situated in North Karachi and now it is completely closed as the staff and visitors witnessed supernatural activities inside the cinema. According to some sources, they heard weird noises in empty rooms and constant talking of people in the back row when no one was there. Dark things walk in front of them and creep around the walls. Such incidents led the Government to shut it down permanently
shehrayar_rao · 3.2K Views

Haunted Places in Karachi

"Haunted Places in Karachi" Karachi is a city with lights on the street, but it does get scary at night. That said, here are some haunted places in Karachi with famous horror stories and that you should [or should not] visit: Mohatta Palace The palace was built by Rajasthani businessmen back in 1927. It was a summer house for his family and after the partition, the Pakistani Government took control of the palace. Now, it is an art museum for the public. Although there are no legends attached to the Palace, there are incidents in this palace filled with horror stories – where visitors, including the staff and gatekeeper, have witnessed moving objects and heard conversations inside the palace’s rooms when no one was there. Legend has it, some objects in the museum change their position before dawn. Karsaz Road Cemeteries are creepy, but who would have imagined an entire road being haunted by a witch. The famous ‘Karsaz Witch’ is not unknown to Karachittes. According to the story, a newlywed couple was driving on Karsaz Road and they faced a terrible accident and died on the spot. Ever since the accident, there are countless events where people have witnessed a woman in a red dress with twisted feet walking aimlessly on the road. The Karsaz Witch tries to approach people whose vehicle would unexpectedly stop in the middle of the night. She has also been captured in CCTV footage. Chowkandi Graveyard at Highway It goes without saying that the ancient Chowkandi Graveyard – located near the National Highway in Karachi – makes a famous horror story in Pakistan. According to some researchers, it is the oldest cemeteries, dating back to the 15 century AD. The graveyard is included in a historical site. But, no one dares to visit them after sunset. As a whole, it is a beautiful place for attracting tourists. University students visit these graveyards in the morning or noon. Those who have explored the graveyard at night encountered strange activities. The locals would hear voices coming out from the graveyard at 03:00 AM and shadowy creatures creeping within these graveyards. Shireen Cinema Situated in North Karachi and now it is completely closed as the staff and visitors witnessed supernatural activities inside the cinema. According to some sources, they heard weird noises in empty rooms and constant talking of people in the back row when no one was there. Dark things walk in front of them and creep around the walls. Such incidents led the Government to shut it down permanently.
shehrayar_rao · 4.1K Views

Unexpected Love Blooms

In the largest forest of the world called Almanzon, there lived a community of werewolves. For a long time, they successfully hide from human beings since the forest is prohibited to human. One day, Enasha, one of werewolves villagers (female lead) went out to get food and herbal medicine since her mother was sick. But she lost her way and end up in a water falls. She was amazed by the moon's reflection in the water and taught it was the real thing. She jump in the water and end up drowning. Luckily Nicholie, from the City of human (male lead), was near the area and jump off the water to save her. Nicholie brought Enasha out of the water. He distance himself and about to leave. He turned around to see if Enasha can manage herself. Enasha look towards Nicholie and bow her head. Nicholie bow his head too and runs back to their camp site, while Enasha find her way back to their village and went home safely. Enasha promised herself to find the guy who save her and pay him back. After a year, Enasha turned 18. In their tradition, you're allowed to go out from the village if you turned 18. They did some ritual and ceremony to give them protection and blessing. The next day after the ceremony, Enasha started looking for the guy who saved her. After a month of searching, they luckily meet each other when Enasha was roaming around the City. When Enasha already know where Nicholie lived, she applied to be a house keeper in his unit. Every after Enasha's shift, she always left food and note with message to Nicholie. Nicholie always check his cctv from the first time Enasha left food. And apparently he feel inlove to Enasha's sweet gesture. Nicholie wanted to meet Enasha. But she always leave earlier before he arrived at his unit. While on weekend, she has always no schedule. One day, while Enasha is cleaning, she accidentally closed the door. The units door is already high tech. Unfortunately Enasha trapped inside. She has no choice but to wait for Nicholie to come home. She just finished everything and wait. Later on, Nicholie open the door and his eyes widened upon seeing Enasha sleeping. Suddenly Enasha wake up and stand up right away. When Enasha is about to go, Nicholie hold his hand and tell her how he felt. Enasha felt happiness when she hears it and tells Nicholie her feelings too. They hug each other and Enasha bid goodbye. She hurriedly went back to forest before it gets dark. Enasha and Nicholie's relationship keeps stronger each day. But Nicholie felt that Enasha was mysterious because she went home early. And she doesn't want Nicholie to meet her parent's. One day when Enasha went home, Nicholie follows her secretly. Nicholie was shocked when Enasha entered the Almanzon forest. He kept following Enasha. Then suddenly she stop infront of a big tree. Enasha walk again towards the back of the tree. Nicholie was surprised seeing a community in the middle of the forest. Enasha was surprised uppon seeing him behind. Enasha ask Nicholie to go back home before it gets dark but he refuses. Suddenly the sun sets already and the villagers started to transform. Nicholie was shocked and got afraid, so he fainted. Enasha brought him home. When Nicholie wakes up, he still afraid of seeing wolf. Enasha explained to her everything. She also tell him that he once saved her life before. Nicholie understand everything and accept Enasha heartfuly. Enasha introduce Nicholie to her family and to all villagers. Nicholie also introduce her to his family and friends. Their relationship went well through the year. One day, the villagers got captured by Armies. Luckily Enasha was with Nicholie. They keep searching for the wolves and finally they rescued them from the scientist club. Because of the incident, The werewolves decided to put a barrier so that no one can get in and out from the village. Enasha and Nicholie decided to part ways to keep everyone safe. From then, they didn't keep in touch with each other.
Yhengsky · 10.1K Views
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