Higher Dimensional Love: Life With Monsters, Magic and Maidens
50 years ago, an asteroid that go unnoticed by the radars of NASA has entered the Earth's atmosphere.
With a size of 53 meters height and 48 meters width, the huge ball of mixed stone, crystal and steel stronger than alloy traveled at the speed of Mach 4 and hit the Earth's surface.
The meteorite had brought great devastation upon the southeast of Asia. The impact have created severe shockwaves that shattered windows and blew away buildings, a huge crater was made, burying the half of China into bodies of water.
Not letting an hour pass, nation's sent teams to look upon it. The thing that caused great Destruction to the country who holds the highest population.
In the middle of the ocean, where nothing can be found but water, a cracked huge ball of stone was found. In it's middle float and shine blue light.
It is something out of ordinary, the cube that would break science and physics shone and float with its inside and outside simultaneously exposed to human eye.
Then it explode and was Fragmented into pieces.
It was later then called The Tesseract.
After that day, the Earth get through a drastic change, and magic was born.