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Deine Mutter Witze


WARNUNG: REIFER INHALT! ~Wer hätte je gedacht, dass sich der Sohn des jungen Alphas in sein Kindermädchen verliebt? Sie war wie die Mutter, die er nie hatte, die ältere Schwester, die er sich immer gewünscht hat, sein EINZIGER bester Freund. Nach einem Zwischenfall im Rudel der Dark Risers schickt der Alpha seinen Sohn in ein anderes Rudel, um ihn zu einem besseren Menschen, dem zukünftigen Alpha, auszubilden und zu erziehen. Zwölf Jahre später kehrt Daniel als erwachsener Teenager mit einem starken Sexualtrieb und einer Vorliebe für schöne Frauen zurück. In diesem jungen Alter muss er sich allein um das Rudel kümmern und auch den Druck der Ältesten und seiner Verwandten ertragen, eine Partnerin zu finden. Aber Daniel will keine Gefährtin. Wollte er nie und wird er auch nie wollen. Warum sollte er sich an eine Frau binden, die ihm nur Ärger macht, als jede Nacht mit einer Frau seiner Wahl zu verbringen? Wird er allein mit seinen fleischlichen Gelüsten leben oder seine Worte essen? I.G: C3e_Jay Diskord: C3e_Jay#0881 Discord-Server: Haftungsausschluss: Buchcover nicht von mir. Schriftarten und Design von mir. (◔‿◔) Band 1 Status: COMPLETED Status von Band 2: IN BETRIEB Status von Band 3: DEMNÄCHST Auszug; für Band (2) Aber ..." John hielt das Kissen mit einem ernsten, nachdenklichen Blick in seiner Hand. "Ist es das, was du wirklich willst?" Jephthah sah von seiner Skizze von Talia auf und runzelte leicht die Stirn. "Wovon redest du?" John seufzte und trat näher an ihn heran, und Jephthah verkrampfte sich, weil sein Bruder sehr ernst aussah. Und wenn er das tat, hatte er immer etwas wirklich Wichtiges zu sagen. "Du willst, dass Talia deine Schicksalsgefährtin wird, nicht wahr?" "Mehr als alles andere auf der Welt." sagte Jephthah, ohne einen Ton zu verpassen, ein Licht glitzerte in seinen Augen wie Sterne, aber es verblasste, als er bemerkte, dass John immer noch diesen ernsten Gesichtsausdruck hatte. "John, was ist los?" "Jephthah", seufzte John. "Wir sind Zwillinge ... das weißt du doch, oder?" Jephthah zuckte fast mit dem Kopf über die dumme Frage. "Und?" "Und wir sind wie zwei Erbsen in einer Schote. Wir sind jeweils die Hälfte des anderen." Jephthah sah ihn mit zusammengekniffenen Augen an. "Glaubst du, DU könntest mein Gefährte sein?" Diesmal schlug John seinen Kopf mit einem Kissen. "Nein!" "Dann komm direkt zur Sache, John." "70 % der Mädchen, die mit einem Zwilling gepaart sind, sind in der Regel auch mit...", er machte eine Pause und sah Jephthah in die Augen, bevor er seinen Satz beendete. "auch mit dem anderen Zwilling." Der Bleistift löste sich aus seinem Griff, rollte über das Blatt Papier und fiel mit einem dumpfen Schlag auf den Boden, wobei das spitze Ende des Graphits abbrach und neben die Tür fiel. "Was?!"
C3e_Jay · 1K Views

Alle wollen die glückliche Tochter verwöhnen

Die Familie des Herzogs hat ein Jahrhundert lang keine Töchter gehabt. Als ihnen endlich eine Tochter geboren wurde, hätte sie all die Liebe und Verwöhnung bekommen sollen, aber es stellte sich heraus, dass die echte Tochter bei der Geburt vertauscht und von einer Familie gutherziger Jäger aufgenommen worden war. Seit sie das Mädchen adoptiert hatten, schienen die Jäger bei allem Glück zu haben - das Wild lief in die Fallen und Netze, die sie auslegten, und sie fanden überall seltene Kräuter. Zehn Tränen später erkannte die Familie des Herzogs endlich die Wahrheit, dass ihre Tochter vertauscht worden war, und reiste über tausend Meilen weit, um sie nach Hause zu holen. Nachdem sie zu ihrer richtigen Familie zurückgekehrt war, wurde die Tochter zweifellos von allen Familienmitgliedern verwöhnt... Nachdem sie aufgewachsen war, zeichnete sich Lin Qingluo in den Kampfkünsten aus und stieg zur Spitze der Kampfkunstwelt auf. Als sie sich mit ihren Brüdern und ihrem Vater auf das Schlachtfeld begab, vernichtete sie ihre Feinde, wurde als Kriegsgöttin bekannt und gewann unzählige Bewunderer. Herr des Pavillons des himmlischen Geheimnisses: Dein Ruf eilt dir voraus, Milady - niemand ist mit dir vergleichbar, wie die Gerüchte besagen. Oberhaupt des Trank-Tals: Eure Fähigkeiten in der Medizin sind außergewöhnlich, und ich beuge mich Eurem Wissen. Ich verspreche Euch meine Loyalität, wenn Ihr mir beibringt, Medizin zu praktizieren und den Menschen zu helfen. Der Erste Prinz der Qi-Nation: Danke, dass Ihr mich gerettet habt. Ich stehe für mein Leben in Eurer Schuld. Lin Qingluo: Ein anhänglicher Prinz hat mein Herz gestohlen, und ich kann an nichts anderes mehr denken als an ihn. Ich habe keine andere Person im Kopf.
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 19.6K Views

Die Tochter der bescheidenen Familie hat eine räumliche Tasche!

(1v1, rein und süß) Xiliangs Prinzenresidenz. Mit tigerartiger Energie und im Alter von nur 5 Jahren sah der kleine Prinz Xiao Moxi, wie seine Mutter wieder zu den Feldern davoneilte, und sein dampfbrötchenartiges Gesicht verzog sich vor Frustration. Er schaute betrübt zu seinem Vater neben ihm und beklagte sich mit einem Anflug von Weltweisheit: "Vater, wie konntest du dich in meine Mutter verlieben, die ständig weglaufen will?" Xiao Yeyang warf seinem frühreifen Sohn einen Seitenblick zu und tat dann so, als würde er über die Frage nachdenken. Warum hatte er sich in der Tat in diese Frau verliebt? Nach einem langen Schweigen... "Wer weiß? Vielleicht bin ich mit dem Kopf in einer Tür hängen geblieben!" Vater und Sohn tauschten einen Blick des gegenseitigen Mitgefühls aus und stießen unisono einen hilflosen Seufzer aus. Was macht man, wenn man mit einer Frau zusammen ist, die nie zu Hause ist? Mit der eigenen Prinzessinnen-Gemahlin (Mutter) kann man nur eines tun - sie verwöhnen, versteht sich! ... In die Antike versetzt, mit einem Raum voller Reisblumen, wollte sie nur in Ruhe ihr Leben auf den Feldern verbringen. Unerwartet wurde sie von ihrem Vater, einem Bezirksrichter, gezwungen, das Land zu verlassen und in die Stadt zu ziehen! In der Stadt herrschte reges Treiben, und um zu Hause mitreden zu können, kaufte sie Ländereien, baute Blumen und Heilkräuter an und entwickelte ertragreiche Getreidesorten von hoher Qualität. Bemerkenswerterweise half sie ihrem Vater, der neun Jahre lang Bezirksrichter war, Schritt für Schritt aufzusteigen und brachte die niedrig geborene Familie Yan in die elitären Kreise Pekings! Dies ist die Geschichte einer adligen Tochter aus einer bescheidenen Familie, die ihrem Clan zu Erfolg und Wohlstand verhilft, und eine süße Liebesgeschichte von gegenseitigem Erfolg und Zusammenwachsen! Männliche Hauptrolle: Vor den anderen ist er der stolze kleine Prinz, der herrschsüchtige Prinz von Xiliang. Vor der weiblichen Hauptrolle ist er ein sanftmütiger und zärtlicher Mann. Weibliche Hauptrolle: In allen Belangen klar, warmherzig und selbstbewusst!
Knocking Brush · 8K Views

Der Verlobte des Teufels

Eine Liebe, die von Anfang an zum Scheitern verurteilt war, eine verlorene Sache, ein verlorener Kampf - und doch sind beide Herzen nicht bereit, bis zum Ende loszulassen. ----- Arlan Cromwell, der Inbegriff des perfekten Kronprinzen. Alles was er will, ist ein normales Menschenleben zu führen, aber das Leben eines Drachen ist alles andere als normal. Er hat nur ein Ziel - seine entlaufene Verlobte zu finden und sie zu enthaupten. Was passiert, wenn er herausfindet, dass die Frau, die sein Herz erobert hat, diejenige ist, die er zu töten geschworen hat? Oriana, eine Schwarze Hexe, die sich als Mann verkleidet hat, war ihr ganzes Leben lang auf der Flucht, ohne zu wissen, wovor sie wegläuft. Als die Geheimnisse ihrer Vergangenheit sie langsam einholen, hat sie niemanden, an den sie sich wenden kann ... außer Arlan. Doch als sie erfährt, dass der Mann, dem sie ihr Herz geschenkt hat, derselbe ist, der sie töten will, wie kann sie da die grausame Karte akzeptieren, die ihr das Leben zugedacht hat? Zwei Menschen mit Geheimnissen, die es zu bewahren gilt, Identitäten, die es zu verbergen gilt, und Antworten, die es zu finden gilt. Wird der Drache in der Lage sein, seine Gefährtin zu beschützen, wenn die Dunkelheit droht, Oriana zu entführen? ----- Auszug- "Hätte ich gewusst, dass du meine Verlobte bist, hätte ich dich gleich bei unserer ersten Begegnung getötet." Arlans Blick verfinsterte sich hasserfüllt. "Hätte ich gewusst, dass ich mit dir verlobt bin, hätte ich mich umgebracht, bevor du mich umgebracht hast!" Oriana spiegelte die gleichen Gefühle wie er. Er zog einen Dolch heraus und bot ihn ihr an. "Es ist noch nicht zu spät. Schneide dir damit einfach die Kehle durch und du wirst schmerzlos verbluten." Sie nahm das Messer an, ihre Finger umklammerten den Griff fest. Im nächsten Moment wurde er gegen die Wand gepresst und das Messer befand sich auf der rechten Seite seines Halses. "Wie wäre es, wenn ich es zuerst an dir ausprobiere, mein Verlobter?" "Du kannst es gerne versuchen. Aber wenn du versagst, wird dieses Messer erst das Blut deines Großvaters kosten und dann deins." Zorn stieg in ihren Augen auf, und im nächsten Moment floss Blut durch die rechte Seite seines Halses. Sie hatte tief genug geschnitten, um ein wichtiges Blutgefäß zu verletzen. "Du hättest mich nicht herausfordern sollen", höhnte sie und trat zurück, um zu warten, bis er zusammenbrach. Er schmunzelte nur und strich mit dem Finger über die tiefe Wunde an seinem Hals. "Sieht aus, als hättest du versagt." Sie sah zu, wie die Wunde an seinem Hals von selbst verheilte, und war bis auf die Knochen erschüttert. "Du... was bist du?" "Raten?" -----
Mynovel20 · 49.3K Views

The Extra's Transcension

For as long as he could remember, life had always been cruel. A young man in his early twenties—his name now lost to the past—was dealt a life filled with misfortunes. A cold, empty apartment, a soul-crushing job, and, finally, a terminal diagnosis. With nothing left to live for, his only comfort had been escaping into the fictional world of Path of the Elemental Sage, a story of heroes, magic, and survival. But fate had other plans. When death finally came for him, he didn’t fade into nothingness. Instead, he awoke in the world he had only read about—a world of chaos and danger where death lurked around every corner. The air smelled of magic, the sky was filled with possibilities. {«[Status Window]»} [Name: Lyrium Blackwood] [Age: 16] [Rank: D-] [Skills: None] [Elements: None} At first, confusion filled his mind. Who was Lyrium Blackwood? Why was he here? And why did this body feel so different? But as his memories returned, so did the realization: this wasn’t some blessing or second chance. He wasn’t reincarnated as the protagonist. No destined savior. No cheat abilities. No grand fate. He was just another mob, a face in the crowd meant to exist and die without leaving a mark. But this young man—the one who had left his old name and life behind—wasn’t the kind of person to roll over and accept his fate. “This world is dangerous. The protagonist isn’t the only one fighting for survival here,” he muttered, his blue eyes cold and sharp. Unlike the naïve characters in the story, he knew the stakes. He’d read the web novel. He’d seen the carnage, the betrayals, the disasters that wiped out entire cities. And if there was one thing he refused to be, it was a pawn in someone else’s game. “I don’t care about glory. I don’t care about saving the world. All I care about is surviving—no matter what it takes.” Lyrium Blackwood wasn’t planning to live quietly or avoid danger. The only way to survive in this brutal world was to rise to the top. To be strong enough to stand above both heroes and villains. Using his knowledge of the story’s events and his iron will, Lyrium sets out on a relentless path to surpass the protagonist. Whether through clever manipulation, brutal training, or sheer desperation, he’ll climb higher and higher, leaving nothing to chance. But the deeper he gets, the more he realizes that this isn’t just the story he once read. As fate pushes him closer to the heart of the narrative, Lyrium begins to suspect that his reincarnation wasn’t an accident—and the world itself might be watching him. “I don’t care who or what stands in my way. If the story wants to kill me, I’ll rewrite the ending myself.” ---------------------------------- I apologize for any mistakes in this story, as it’s my first attempt at writing a novel. ---------------------------------- Chapter Update Schedule: (5/7) ---------------------------------- As the story has been vetted, readers can support me with Power Stones: PS – Power Stone 100 PS = 1 Extra Chapter 200 PS = 2 Extra Chapters 300 PS = 3 Extra Chapters ---------------------------------- Special thanks to @fallen_angel_26 for the amazing novel cover art, which I modified by changing only the hair color. :) ---------------------------------- Join the discord server to discuss about the novel with other readers and Author. Also for original character illustration
NaughtyHunter2 · 32.5K Views

Young Master's PoV: Woke Up As A Villain In A Game One Day

"Now you see?" she shouted in a mix of annoyance and disappointment. "You can't outsmart Scrients! They're the most intelligent beings across the two realms." "You're right," I muttered, averting my gaze with a heavy sigh. "I made a mistake. I was too arrogant to think that a mere human like me could fool them." —BOOM!! "Heik! Wh-What was that?" "Hmm? I'm not sure. Maybe you should go and ask the most intelligent beings across the two realms. Oh wait, you can't. I killed them all.” ______ My name is Samael Kaizer Theosbane. On the last day of high school, I got into a fight with a kid I used to bully. It was a stupid, pointless scuffle, and in the middle of it, I tripped and hit my head on a rock. That’s when the memories came flooding in - the memories of another life, of a different world. Suddenly, everything made a twisted kind of sense. I realized two things. First, I was in a game I used to play in my past life. Second, I was a villain. A villain! Not the cool and mysterious kind, either. No, my destiny was to be manipulated and die a dog's death! I was the worst type of cliché: an ungrateful, privileged, insufferable young master. The sort you'd find in those poorly written fantasy stories. The kind everyone hates — a snobby brat from a powerful noble family who thinks he owns the world just because he was born with a silver spoon lodged in his mouth. You know the type. The one the hero beats to a pulp to prove his worth. Yeah, I was that guy. And the hero? The hero was the kid I’d been bullying all this time. The same one I got into a fight with. He was the supposed savior of this damned world. A world teetering on the edge of destruction, beset by wars, calamities, and a grim future that only I knew. And at the end of it all, the final antagonist of the game, the undefeatable boss… the Spirit King, was waiting. But could I even make it to the end? Could I conquer a game where defeat was the only certainty? A game that was now my reality! “Ah, fuck it.” I had no idea if I could, but I sure as hell was going to try. Extorting extras, manipulating main characters, twisting the story to my advantage, stealing the hero’s cheat items, killing villains before they could become threats - nothing was beneath me. Would the main characters be affected? Who cares! Would the story change? Even better! All I cared about was me—my survival, my life, my choices. “I will live this life with no regrets.” …But as I soon discovered, fate was not easily changed. And the price of altering one's destiny was steep.
The_One_Who_Was · 766K Views

Die Erbin schlägt zurück

Sharon war eine gewöhnliche Person, während ihr Mann, Wallace Harris, ein vielversprechender und gut aussehender Mann war. Seine Familie gehörte zu den angesehensten und reichsten Familien in New York City. Dass sie Wallace heiraten konnte, war ein Zufall. In den drei Jahren ihrer Ehe hatte Wallace nie mit Sharon geschlafen. Auch seine Familie überredete ihn immer wieder, sich von Sharon scheiden zu lassen. Es war die Geburtstagsfeier der alten Matriarchin der Familie Harris, und alle jungen Leute der Familie Harris hatten die teuersten Geschenke gemacht, um die alte Dame glücklich zu machen - alle außer Sharon. Sie bat Madam Harris um Geld für den alten Haushälter, Onkel Smith, da er kein Geld für seine medizinische Behandlung hatte. Aber wie zu erwarten war, wurde sie von der Familie Harris gedemütigt, als sie darum bat. "Die Familie Harris hatte noch nie eine arme Verwandte wie dich. Lass dich nie wieder in meiner Gegenwart blicken! Wallace hätte Crystal heiraten sollen. Sie ist sicherlich eine junge Dame, die es wert ist, in unsere Familie einzuheiraten", sagte Madam Harris. "Bitte weiß, wo du hingehörst und verschwinde von hier. Bleiben Sie nicht mehr in unserem Haus. Wie kann Wallaces Großvater so töricht sein, eine arme, nutzlose Frau wie dich mit meinem Sohn zu verheiraten?", sagte June, Wallaces Mutter. "Es sind nur ein paar Millionen Dollar, aber du bist so arm, dass du dir von unserer Familie etwas leihen musst. Wie kann eine Frau wie du es verdienen, mit Wallace zusammen zu sein? Wenn es Crystal wäre, hätte sie uns bestimmt nicht so blamiert!" An diesem Abend überreichte Wallace Sharon eine Bankkarte, auf der Millionen von Dollar standen. "Die Firma ist in der Entwicklung, deshalb habe ich nicht viel Bargeld. Du kannst das benutzen, um Onkel Smith zu helfen." Angesichts der Feindseligkeit der Familie Harris erklärte Wallace: "Da ich sie geheiratet habe, bin ich für sie verantwortlich. Egal, ob sie reich oder arm ist, Sharon ist meine Frau." Erst als eines Tages ein Fremder Sharon ansprach, wusste sie, dass sie eine Frau war. Erst da wusste Sharon, dass sie die Tochter einer angesehenen Familie war, die Anspruch auf ein Vermögen von mindestens zehn Milliarden hatte. Plötzlich besaß sie das größte Unternehmen in New York und eine Bankkarte, die Hunderte von Millionen an "Taschengeld" enthielt. Im Handumdrehen hatte sich ihre Identität verändert. Sie war nicht mehr die arme Schwiegertochter, die von der Familie Harris nicht bevorzugt wurde. Stattdessen war sie die angesehenste Person in New York geworden!
Mountain Springs · 90.7K Views

Betrayed by Blood, Claimed by the Alpha

“P-please let me go..” I stammered and before I knew it, I was word vomiting while crying. “—I won’t return. You won’t ever see me again. I know you don’t want me as a mate. You hate me, so please let me go.” I cried out. Cain’s jaw tightened with each word that left my lips “What gave you the idea that you have the power to choose what you want?” His voice was low, “You don’t get to decide what, how, and when you leave. Only I get to do that. You don’t get to leave me, you don’t get to run! You only leave when I want you to.” "I didn’t ask for this,” I whispered, trembling. “I didn’t ask to be your mate.” Cain stepped back, “Neither did I,” he muttered under his breath. “But the bond doesn’t give us a choice, does it?” ~~~~ As the only child of her late Alpha father, Avery Jae was meant to inherit her family’s legacy. But on the day of her arranged marriage to Alpha Lucian, her world crumbles. Rejected, humiliated, and cast aside for her own cousin, Avery barely escapes with her life only to find out a much deeper secret. One that changes everything. When Avery awakens, she finds herself in a foreign land, caught by the ruthless guards of the Vehiron pack, led by the infamous Alpha Cain. Tall, broad and as dangerous as the army he commands. Alpha Cain has a reputation that sends chills down the spine of even the most dangerous warriors. Haunted by his dark past, he has vowed never to take a mate, yet the moment he lays eyes on Avery, everything changes. With a single word, Avery is bound to Cain—whether he wants it or not. In a world where betrayal runs deep, can Avery ever trust the alpha who might just be her worst enemy.
LauraRave · 75.2K Views


This is a work of fiction, any names, characters, stories or events, are fictitious! (Even the country in the story is just the author's fantasy as the author never visited those countries in the story) Armipotent is an archaic adjective meaning "strong in battle." Basically, it refers to someone who is physically tough in war. Originally, it was used to refer to the Roman god of war, Mars. ===================== Tang Shaoyang, an orphan who dropped out of the middle school to fight on the street as he found out school was useless for a penniless orphan like him. Tang Shaoyang dropped out of his school, fighting on the street, and made a name for himself. Berserker Tang from Youyouliucun. Afterward, Dragon Wing triad recruited him and everything was good for him. Even though the public deemed him as a tumor of society, Tang Shaoyang was having a decent life. Until one day, everything changed as an absurd and strange game started. "... Game starts! Stage one: Survival for The Fittest!" After the game started, zombies appeared out of nowhere. ... Ding! "You have killed 1000 zombies less than 24 hours since the game started! You gained 3 Talents!" Dong! "You may choose 3 Talents! please choose carefully!" Tang Shaoyang held his chin and mused what Talent he had to choose. "With Zombies appear everywhere, I need an infinite strength... this is one, I still need to choose 2 Talents more..." Then a lewd smile formed on his lips. "I want an infinite strength, charm and charisma to conquer women, and the last one, I want to upgrade my **** so I can please my women!" After saying this, Tang Shaoyang laughed aloud. "Hahaha, there's no way such talent exists... ehhhhh?!!!" Ding! Dong! "3 Talents are consumed! You have been granted Divine Body! Good Luck, Gamer Tang Shaoyang!" Tang Shaoyang immediately checked the detail of Divine Body. After a brief silence, he muttered unbelievably. "Such Talents really exist..." Note: I don't own the cover. If the creator wants me to take down the cover or put credit, please notify me by replying to my review at the Review section.
HotIce · 7.5M Views

The Kingmaker System

"The masterminds are cooler than heroes," I mutter as I stare at the chess pieces before me. It is easier to be the one who sits in the shadows and moves the pieces, likewise deciding the flow of the game. Heroes will foolishly sacrifice their lives for the good cause and villains will sacrifice the world for their own gain, but masterminds will use both the heroes and villains to their own benefit. Why, you ask? Well, that's because I've lost my life once while trying to be a hero so, I don't want that anymore. I'd rather be a mastermind who molds the world as per my convenience and live peacefully. Because, why not? *** [Defender of Divine Glory says you are the hope of this world.] What? [Goddess of Wisdom believes that you will be the one to save the world.] Wait, what?! [Propose the Grand Duke the idea of a fake marriage.] And, why would I do that?! [Stop the assassination of Prince Eric.] Why would I save him?! [The candidates for the throne are:... Who will you choose?] Ah! I give up... It seems like a curse that anyone who wishes for a slacker life in Isekai will have to go through the most troublesome things. In my past life, I died because of one rookie mistake but after being transmigrated in the world of fantasy I've gotten an opportunity to start afresh, but unlike the protagonists who look for their love and glory, I'd rather make money and live a life of a slacker. I have magic, I have power and I have money, what else do I need? Well, that was the plan but this damn system is getting on my nerves. I mean who in their sane mind would want to mess with the complicated royal family and political affairs? But that's not all though. I've also become the saviour of this world. Things just can't be anymore worse! Besides, the penalty of failing this quest is... [Failure: Destruction of the World.] It seems like if I screw up in selecting the right person then the destruction that is going to befall the world won't be stopped. If I speak of my reward then it's this vague thing. [Reward: Fulfillment of any wish.] "If that's the case then, I'd rather choose the person who would be the best fit for the throne." And that's how I decided that I would become the Kingmaker.
AnimeVerseGirl · 154.9K Views

To be the misunderstood villainess

|Mafia boss×Mafia's son| Warning: extremely mature content. - Couple one: Despite her trying to sound cool, he could hear her slight pants. "What were you doing?" He asked, forgetting everything. That's how it was for them. They could be in the middle of the most serious issue yet the slightest change in their breathing would make the other curious. "If I say that I was, or more like, am fingering myself while thinking about you, would you come here and f*ck me?" She said while putting two fingers inside of herself. A moan left her lips and his d*ck hardened on the other side. "F*ck, Andrew, ah," she was moaning on purpose, to get a reaction out of him. She wanted to test him till he broke and later fulfilled her with his entire being. She knew that she wasn't supposed to want him and so did he but the heart wants what the heart wants. And forbidden fruits always taste better. - All of a sudden, he moved a little away and by not feeling the same sensation as before, she opened her eyes with an annoyed look. She was almost about to come. "Why did you stop -" she was cut off by her own moan. He did the most unthinkable thing. He slapped her pu*sy. She thought that it would hurt her but it had the exact opposite reaction. It ended up sending an electric shock through her body but one that was filled with pleasure. She was looking at him with pleading eyes. She didn't know what she wanted him to do but she wanted something from him and he understood even though she didn't vocalize her thoughts. He made a silent promise to fulfill all of her fantasies and with that, he slapped her again. And she moaned in pleasure again. Who knew that something that counts as a punishment could bring one so much pleasure? - Tangled by an interesting past, lust, and underworld matters. And most importantly heart. Both of them refused to fall for the other again but for how long? In this twisted game called lust, would they end up falling for each other? -- Couple two: "Stars are pretty," he said. She gave him a sad smile. "But people always say that you are going to lose the moon while counting the stars but the moon got scars and you can't stare at the sun for two minutes, you are bound to get blind by its light and how can you love someone you can't even look at?" "So we shouldn't love anything at all?" "If you are willing to take the risk then sure, you can." "Maybe I am or maybe I don't have any choice of my own. If you were given a chance, what would have you been?" "Dust probably," she said, not looking at him anymore. "Dust why? Don't they fly away?" "I wish to be like the dust so that I can fly away. Everything except the dust that flies is desired in one way or another, for example: A bird is caged in the name of love, just because someone wants to keep it. A flower that was torn away from its home and later toasted away in a place where the wind makes it blown, at least one person is going to like it enough to keep it with them till they don't like it anymore. Nobody can see dust, let alone desire it. Maybe being undesired isn't always the bad thing." -- "I trusted you but you broke my trust. You could have told me the truth." "You never seemed interested enough in my truth." "I wasn't? You never bothered asking me anything, you just assumed and ruined everything because that's all you can do. You don't deserve my trust." "I know," she muttered under her breath, fully knowing that he was too good for her to ruin him. -- "Don't do this to yourself just because you hate me. Don't ruin your life, I am begging you." "Because of you? Why would you think that you deserve any of my thoughts, my emotions? You don't even exist to me." And she was again feeling unworthy, a word that was never going to leave her side. -- In the midst of misunderstanding, complications, and hate, will they find love?
gottastudyyyy · 50.3K Views

A Love Written In The Stars

Desperate for an heir, the Emperor strikes a dangerous deal with Lokiàn Shén, a 100,000 year old demon. The pact brings him Prince Cheng but also a terrible curse—a shadow that threatens Cheng’s life and the stability of the empire. As the Emperor's health wanes, political vultures circle, and the court is filled with doubts on Cheng's future on the throne. Meiying, a fearless warrior, returns home after years of secret training in the martial world only to find her home in ruins and her family vanished. She unknowingly saves the prince during a deadly ambush and their destinies collided, soon she discovers her own powerful secret; a rare ability to manipulate one's life force, once wielded by protectors of the throne. But her newfound powers are unpredictable, and Cheng’s curse only deepens the chaos surrounding them. As political conspiracies rise and dark forces awaken, Cheng and Meiying must forge an unlikely alliance to save the empire. Can Cheng overcome his curse to claim his destiny? Will Meiying’s quest for vengeance tear them apart—or lead to salvation? ——— Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. My body stiffened as a palace guard called for me from the other side, but I ignored it. Mei, on the other hand, began pushing me away in a panic. "Cheng, let go," she said, struggling in my arms. "Can't you hear him? What if he comes in and sees us like this?" "I don't care," I replied, my lips brushing her ear. "Tell me you forgive me, that's all I need. I won't let go until you do." I knew I was taking a risk, a huge one, if we were seen like this, there would be consequences. But losing Mei would be the bigger risk, the one I couldn't take. I couldn't let her slip away. "I just need to hear you forgive me, mei. That's all I need right now." The guard knocked again, calling my name, and Mei struggled harder. "Cheng, please," she said, her voice cracking under the strain. But I didn't budge. Finally she muttered, "Fine. I forgive you." "I forgive you, you crazy jerk." "You really mean that?" I asked, my voice barely audible. She nodded, exasperated, and only then did I release her. Just as I did, the door swung open, and I barely had time to step back before the palace guard entered, the guard rushed in, his face pale with worry. It was a close call. too close, but I didn't care. Mei flinched at the intrusion, but quickly composed herself, stepping away from me to a more respectable distance. The guard, wide-eyed and clearly flustered, fell to his knees in a bow. "My deepest apologies, Your Highness. I called for you several times but received no reply. I entered out of concern, fearing the worst." I glanced at Mei, but she wouldn't meet my eyes. She simply gave the guard one last look and walked out, leaving the room without a word. I let out a long, exhausted sigh, running a hand through my hair, still reeling from everything that had just happened. Turning back to the guard, I motioned for him to stand. "Get up" "And next time, don't enter my room without permission." ———— Author’s Note (Rong King) This story is a work of fiction, entirely created from my imagination. Any resemblance to real people, events, or places is purely coincidental. I have made every effort to craft a compelling narrative, but I acknowledge that some scenes or details may be inaccurate or unintentionally offensive. For this, I sincerely apologize. My intention is to entertain and inspire, not to harm or misrepresent. Thank you for your understanding. As we journey together through this story, my greatest hope is that our lives reflects God’s love and truth in all we do. I put my faith in Jesus Christ, who gave His life for me, and it’s my prayer that His grace and mercy touch each of us. Thank you for being part of this. May God bless you abundantly!
RongKing · 21K Views

Math Is Magic

Vector hates math! With all his heart! Due to severe dyscalculia, he can’t even handle the simplest calculations, like 1+9! After losing his parents, he is placed in an orphanage, and his school struggles only worsen from there. He fails his final exams every year in high school, can’t find a job, and eventually ends up living on the streets. Without a home, parents, friends, or love, Vector spends his nights under bridges or wherever he can find shelter. “I hate math!” he mutters, tormented, until this thought consumes him. Many years later, now old and sick, Vector finds himself on the brink of death. But with his final breath, something extraordinary happens: Vector wakes up, reincarnated in another world, one where dragons, fairies, and creatures of all kinds are part of his new reality. Here, in the continent "Harmony", magic is revered and is based on “Syntony” that each person can develop with one of the seven elements. “Magic? Amazing! Now, finally, I can study and learn something unrelated to math!” But unfortunately, things take a completely different turn from what he expected... “I… have a Syntony… WITH MATH?! This is a joke, right?! Damn it! Is it still trying to ruin my life? Screw you, Math!” In time, however, he begins to realize the immense potential it can grant him: a power beyond imagination. Determined to rewrite his destiny and to defeat dangerous enemies that threaten the life and existence of every living being, he will turn his greatest obstacle into the key to becoming the STRONGEST. “Now I understand, and now I accept it… MATH IS MY MAGIC!” { UPDATES: Every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday at 3:14 AEST (UCT/GMT+10) } [A/N: This is a slow-paced novel. Also, please don’t expect the protagonist to start out overpowered and dominate effortlessly from the beginning. As I mentioned, he will become THE STRONGEST, yes, but it will take time. (^-^ )]
iminchoo · 20.7K Views
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