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Yaoi Femboy

Depois de ser incriminada por sua família, ela foi mimada por um CEO de uma família rica

Jing Yao dormiu com o CEO de uma família rica que tinha fama de se afastar das mulheres. Ela até engravidou. Jing Yao cresceu sem receber qualquer amor de seus pais. Embora ela e sua irmã fossem gêmeas, ela não se parecia em nada com sua irmã mais velha. Seus pais favoreciam sua irmã mais velha. Jing Yao foi obrigada a começar a trabalhar desde jovem, enquanto sua irmã podia ficar em casa sem fazer nada. Jing Yao tinha que pagar suas próprias mensalidades. Uma única bolsa que sua irmã possuía custava dezenas de milhares. Não apenas isso, mas sua irmã mais velha até ficou com seu noivo, com quem estava noiva desde criança. Formalmente falando, Jing Yao era a segunda irmã na família. No entanto, na realidade, ela era tão pobre que nem conseguia pagar seu próprio aluguel. Sua família nunca lhe mostrou qualquer cuidado ou afeto. Pelo bem do casamento de sua irmã mais velha, a mãe biológica de Jing Yao a armou fazendo-a beber com um investidor. Ela foi até drogada. Felizmente, ela estava alerta o suficiente para fugir. No entanto, ela correu na direção errada. Como resultado, ela acabou dormindo com Liang Xun. Depois de voltar para casa, a mãe de Jing Yao gritou com ela. Seu noivo idiota a humilhou. Jing Yao cancelou o casamento na hora. Desde então, ela deixou a família Jing. Mais tarde, Liang Xun descobriu que Jing Yao estava grávida. Ele a procurou e pediu para que ela se casasse com ele. No entanto, Jing Yao o rejeitou. Liang Xun ofereceu diretamente 100 milhões como presente de casamento, e ela acabou aceitando. Rumores começaram a se espalhar na internet. Jing Yao, uma celebridade feminina que recentemente ganhou popularidade, estava sendo acusada de se envolver no relacionamento de sua irmã mais velha. Alguns até disseram que ela era a sugar baby de Liang Xun. Apesar das críticas, Jing Yao publicou uma resposta positiva. "Eu não tenho uma irmã mais velha, e eu sou a sugar mommy de Liang Xun." Liang Xun imediatamente comentou na publicação dela. "Minha esposa está certa."
Mountain Springs · 46K Views

Vom CEO zur Konkubine

Yan Zheyun wurde als Gewinner geboren und gezüchtet. Seine Eltern standen auf der Forbes-Liste, er war der Abschiedsredner seiner Abschlussklasse an der besten Universität des Landes, und als Sahnehäubchen wurde er von seinen Mitschülern vier Jahre in Folge zum "Schulbesten" gewählt. Und jetzt, mit nur fünfundzwanzig, war Yan Zheyun stolzer Vorsitzender und CEO seines eigenen Technologieunternehmens. Doch der Tag, der eigentlich der glücklichste seines Lebens hätte sein sollen, wurde zum schlimmsten, als er auf dem Weg zum Kaffee eine seltsame Roboterstimme hörte, nur weil er es nicht erwarten konnte, dass seine Sekretärin aus dem Kopierraum zurückkam. [FEHLERBERICHT #193842347: ANDERSWELTLICHE SEELE ENTDECKT. ABSCHIEBUNGSSEQUENZ EINLEITEN]. Und dann ist er gestorben. Bei einem sehr langweiligen, sehr alltäglichen Autounfall. ...außer vielleicht, dass er es nicht tat. Das erste, was Yan Zheyun dachte, als er die Augen öffnete und sich in einem Schlafzimmer wiederfand, das aussah wie die Kulisse eines dieser inneren Palastdramen, war: Wow, der Kaffee war es nicht wert. Das Zweite, was er dachte, als er feststellte, dass er sich in einem historischen BL-Roman befand und in den Körper einer tragischen Schönheit gewandert war, die von ihren zahlreichen Geliebten benutzt und missbraucht wurde (werden sollte), war: Ich muss meine Augen mit der falschen Technik geöffnet haben, lass es mich noch einmal versuchen ... nein, immer noch da. Naja. F**k. Vom CEO zum niederen Sklaven, Yan Zheyun konnte sein Glück nicht fassen. Gefangen in einer fremden Welt und umgeben von verrückten Oberhäuptern (auch bekannt als "Der Kindheitsfreund", "Der Sohn des Generals", "Der Kronprinz", "Ein anderer Prinz", "Der unheimliche Herzog" usw.), wurde Yan Zheyun klar, dass seine eintägige Erfahrung als CEO ihn nicht ausreichend auf dieses neue Leben voller Elend vorbereitet hatte. Aber er war nicht der Typ, der kampflos aufgibt, und so beschloss Yan Zheyun, sich von dem schrecklichen romantischen Handlungsstrang fernzuhalten, sich einen neuen politischen Handlungsstrang zu suchen und dabei ein paar dicke Schenkel zu umarmen und sich die Gunst der Mächtigen zu sichern. Und wessen Schenkel würden sich in einer dynastischen Monarchie besser zum Umarmen eignen als der des Kaisers selbst? Liu Yao: ...Dieser Herrscher erlaubt Euch, auch andere Teile zu umarmen. Paarung: - Der-Souverän-schaut-stern-aber-ist-geheim-lieb!Kaiser oben VS-ich-schaue-aus-wie-ein-Kaninchen-aber-ich-bin-geheim-ein-Fuchs!Sklaven-unten - KEIN Harem, die ganze Geschichte ist 1v1 Warnungen: - Dieser Roman behandelt einige schwere Themen, die sich aus der Sklaverei und dem Kastensystem ergeben. Ich habe Triggerwarnungen hinzugefügt, wo es relevant ist, aber nur als Vorwarnung, die Drecksäcke werden nicht ohne Grund Drecksäcke genannt! Aktualisierungen: 21:00 GMT+8 Illustriert von: HAZHE
Queeniecat · 17.3K Views

Du PDG à la concubine

Yan Zheyun avait grandi destiné à gagner. Ses parents figuraient sur la liste Forbes, il avait été le major de sa promotion dans la meilleure université du pays, et la cerise sur le gâteau, il avait été élu « beau gosse de l'école » quatre années de suite par ses camarades. Et maintenant, à seulement vingt-cinq ans, Yan Zheyun était le fier président et PDG de sa propre entreprise technologique. Mais ce qui aurait dû être le jour le plus heureux de sa vie se transforma en pire quand il entendit une étrange voix robotique en traversant la route pour aller chercher un café, juste parce qu'il ne pouvait pas attendre que sa secrétaire revienne de la salle de photocopie. [RAPPORT DE BUG #193842347 : ÂME D'UN AUTRE MONDE DÉTECTÉE. INITIATION DE LA SÉQUENCE DE DÉPORTATION.] Et puis il mourut. Dans un accident de voiture très banal, très quelconque. … sauf qu’en fait, peut-être pas. La première chose que Yan Zheyun pensa après avoir ouvert les yeux et s’être retrouvé dans une chambre qui ressemblait au décor d'un de ces drames du palais intérieur fut : Wow, le café n’en valait pas la peine. La deuxième chose qu’il pensa après avoir réalisé qu’il était maintenant dans un roman BL historique et qu’il avait transmigré dans le corps d'une beauté tragique qui allait (être) utilisée et abusée par ses nombreux amants fut : Je dois avoir ouvert les yeux de la mauvaise manière, essayons encore…non, toujours là. Eh bien. Merde. Du PDG à l'esclave insignifiant, Yan Zheyun ne pouvait croire à sa chance. Coincé dans un monde étranger et entouré de tops fous (respectivement connus sous le nom de ‘L'Ami d'Enfance’, ‘Le Fils du Général’, ‘Le Prince Héritier’, ‘Un Autre Prince’, ‘Ce Duc Flippant’, etc.), Yan Zheyun réalisa qu'une journée d'expérience en tant que PDG ne l'avait pas suffisamment préparé pour cette nouvelle vie misérable. Mais ce n’était pas le genre à abandonner sans se battre, alors… Yan Zheyun prit fermement sa décision d'éviter la terrifiante trame romantique, d'essayer de se créer une nouvelle trame politique, et pendant ce temps, de serrer quelques cuisses puissantes, d'amadouer les puissants. Et dans une monarchie dynastique, de quelles cuisses serait-il mieux de se rapprocher que celles de l'empereur lui-même ? Liu Yao : …Ce Souverain vous permet aussi d'étreindre d'autres parties. Association : - Empereur au Sommet-Air-Sévère-Mais-Secrètement-Bienveillant VS Esclave au Bas-Face-de-Lapin-Mais-Secrètement-Renard - PAS un harem, toute l'histoire est en 1 contre 1 Avertissements : - Ce roman traite de sujets lourds résultant de l'esclavage et d'un système de castes. J'ai ajouté des avertissements déclencheurs là où c'était pertinent, mais juste pour information, les salauds sont appelés salauds pour une raison! Mises à jour : 21h00 GMT+8 Illustré par : HAZHE
Queeniecat · 29.9K Views

Sistema de Salvação do Vilão (BL)

Devido ao crescente número de casos de suicídio no país, o governo criou um sistema simulador que estava ligado às ondas cerebrais humanas, levando-as a transmigrar para milhares de mundos e experimentando muitos aspectos da vida para estimular a vontade de viver. Somente quando o medidor de vontade estivesse preenchido em 100% é que eles poderiam finalmente retornar à vida. Lu Yizhou. Masculino. Solteiro. 22 anos. Em um determinado dia, ele cometeu suicídio enterrando-se na terra da neve. E então, ele foi puxado para o simulador. 666: Bem-vindo, hospedeiro! Parabéns, você é a 666ª pessoa que se juntou a este projeto! Hospedeiro é muito sortudo por ter o 666, porque o 666 é o sistema mais bonito, mais sensato e mais maravilhoso! Lu Yizhou: …Posso trocar de sistema? Você é barulhento. 666: QAQ Lu Yizhou: Não importa quantas vezes eu transmigre, meu medidor de vontade não será preenchido. 666: N—Não, não desista! Hospedeiro não deve desistir QAQ uwaaa, não deixe o 666 sozinho! Você é o meu primeiro, o único, como você pode ser tão insensível e me deixar para trás assim?! Lu Yizhou: …por que isso soa errado? . . . Assim, ele começou a saltar de um mundo para outro para salvar o vilão. Lu Yizhou: Por que eu tenho que salvar os vilões? 666: Ckckck, Hospedeiro você é muito inocente! Claro, é porque eles são mais incríveis que o protagonista; mais ricos, poderosos, cheios de recursos, dominadores e bonitos! Lu Yizhou: …é só a sua preferência, não é? 666: Hospedeiro, por que você não acredita no 666?! QAQ . . . Ele pensava que não tinha mais nada pelo que viver. Levando consigo um coração cansado e um corpo adormecido, ele afundou no fundo do abismo apenas para encontrar... uma estrela brilhante. ******* Belo, estoico, denso e inesperadamente ingênuo gong x possessivo, mimado e ardiloso shou que sabia usar seu charme Tags adicionais: transmigração rápida, fantasia, aventura, comédia, sombrio, mistério, tragédia, ritmo acelerado, seme/gong/top protagonista, interesse amoroso se apaixona primeiro, yaoi, maduro, pensamentos suicidas, passado tem grande importância, 1 vs 1 Encontre-me em: Instagram: delanasiwarka Servidor Discord: Discord: delanasiwarka#1490
delanasiwarka · 25.2K Views

Après avoir été piégée par sa famille, elle a été choyée par un PDG d'une famille riche

Jing Yao a couché avec le PDG d'une riche famille qui était réputé pour se tenir à l'écart des femmes. Elle est même tombée enceinte. Jing Yao a grandi sans recevoir d'amour de ses parents. Bien qu'elle et sa sœur fussent jumelles, elle ne ressemblait en rien à sa sœur aînée. Ses parents favorisaient sa sœur aînée. Jing Yao a été forcée de commencer à travailler jeune, tandis que sa sœur pouvait rester à la maison à ne rien faire. Jing Yao devait payer ses propres frais de scolarité. Un seul sac à main que possédait sa sœur coûtait plusieurs dizaines de milliers. Non seulement cela, mais sa sœur aînée sortait même avec son fiancé, avec qui elle était fiancée depuis l'enfance. Formellement parlant, Jing Yao était la deuxième sœur de la famille. Cependant, en réalité, elle était tellement pauvre qu'elle ne pouvait même pas payer son propre loyer. Sa famille ne lui avait jamais montré aucun soin ou affection. Pour le bien du mariage de sa sœur aînée, la mère biologique de Jing Yao l'a piégée en la faisant boire avec un investisseur. Elle a même été droguée. Heureusement, elle était suffisamment alerte pour s'enfuir. Cependant, elle s'est enfuie dans la mauvaise direction. En conséquence, elle a fini par coucher avec Liang Xun. Après être rentrée chez elle, la mère de Jing Yao l'a engueulée. Son odieux de fiancé l'a humiliée. Jing Yao a annulé le mariage sur le champ. Depuis lors, elle a quitté la famille Jing. Plus tard, Liang Xun a découvert que Jing Yao était enceinte. Il l'a approchée et lui a demandé de l'épouser. Cependant, Jing Yao l'a rejeté. Liang Xun lui a directement offert 100 millions comme cadeau de mariage, et elle a finalement accepté. Des rumeurs ont commencé à se répandre sur internet. Jing Yao, une célébrité récemment populaire, était soupçonnée de s'être impliquée dans la relation de sa sœur aînée. Certains ont même dit qu'elle était la sugar baby de Liang Xun. Malgré les critiques, Jing Yao a publié un post positif en réponse. "Je n'ai pas de sœur aînée et je suis la sugar mommy de Liang Xun." Liang Xun a immédiatement commenté son post. "Ma femme a raison."
Mountain Springs · 71.5K Views

Prestigious Sweet Marriage

People often say when men reach middle age, their looks and strength deteriorate. Amelia Clarke doesn't think so. At least, not for Owen Turner. Even in middle age, he’s still exceptionally striking and strong. Owen Turner countered, saying: “I'm only thirty-five, nowhere near middle-aged.” … Owen Turner, born into a distinguished family, self-made founder of the Boway Group, a huge influencer in commercial circles. When people talk about him, they describe a mature, serious, and austere entrepreneur with an unfathomable background. Such a solemn and almost harsh successful man has, in an uncharacteristic twist, taken a young bride fourteen years his junior. Amelia Clarke, a resilient grass that sways in the storm, became the envy of everyone overnight after marrying into a well-known affluent family. … Rumors circulate that Mrs. Moreland is a vixen who has seduced the upstanding, self-disciplined Mr. Turner. Further rumors suggest that Mr. Turner is absolutely smitten with his young wife. During an interview. The host asked, “People say Mr. Turner married Mrs. Moreland because she's young and beautiful. Is that true? Besides beauty, does she have any other merits?” Owen Turner responded, “I love her, whether she is beautiful or not, I would have married her regardless. She doesn't need to have any merits. Loving me is her greatest merit.” The unsuspecting host swallowed the unexpected response and continued, “When did Mr. and Mrs. Moreland first meet? How did you meet?” Owen Turner said, “The first meeting was fifteen years ago…” The host: “…” Fifteen years ago, he saved her life. Fifteen years later, he asked for her to share her life with him. … The twenty-one year-old Amelia Clarke became the beloved darling of the Campbell family. Old Lady Moreland said, “Emma dear, quickly finish your bird's nest soup.” Old Master Moreland said, “Emma dear, this ancestral bracelet is for you.” Mr. Campbell said, “Emma dear, here's a card for you. Buy whatever you want, don't worry about the cost.” Third Uncle Moreland said, “Jacob, you better not bully Emma. Otherwise your Third Aunt-in-law and I won't let you off!” Third Aunt Moreland said, “Hmm hmm hmm!” Uncle Moreland said, “I don't have much to offer, but I can provide you with two bodyguards. They can hold their own in a fight.” Amelia Clarke said, “…” Is all this fuss necessary just because I’m pregnant? [A one-to-one, sweet love story of a marriage in a wealthy family]
Aiyi Yao · 162.2K Views

After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

[Sweet, Satisfying, and Passionate; Group Pampering; Torture Casanovas] Si Fuqing opened her eyes to find that her luck has been stolen. Everyone wanted her out of the entertainment industry too. After getting a second chance at life, she just wanted to do nothing this time. Yet, some people who didn’t know their place kept trying to rub off on her fame without any genuine talents to show for. This wouldn’t do. She had to do something about them. Si Fuqing pinched her wrist and took action. After that, the internet berated her for being shameless enough to court Yu Yao, and that her private life was indecent, but… An international songstress: I’m able to stand here today all because of Qingqing. A top-rate male celebrity: Stay away from my sister #YuYao An official international sports channel: Congratulations to Si Fuqing for securing the 13th personal gold medal. At first, Yu Yao paid no mind to Si Fuqing. But when he later learned the truth and regretted, even getting down on his knees so Si Fuqing would look his way again, he could only post a status on social media saying, [#SiFuqing, Hello, Ninth Aunt]. That day, the internet was paralyzed. In the records of history, Emperor Yin rose to fame at a young age. He was perfect, powerful, and benevolent. Yet, he died at the age of 27 due to illness, having lived only a short life with no wife or children. He was an unattainable Adonis for many. No one knew that when he opened his eyes once more, he woke up in the future where 1500 years had passed. This time, he saw tall buildings that he had once imagined before. Shortly after, Emperor Yin’s identity was exposed. When Si Fuqing learned that her idol was within arm’s reach, she was so impressed that she wanted to… Si Fuqing: I’ll work hard! Emperor Yin: Repay me with your body. Si Fuqing: ??? ‘Here I am trying to work hard, but you want me instead?’ An all-rounder and gorgeous goddess x A resolute and noble emperor From being scorned on the internet, to being crowned as number one while she fought her Adonis one-on-one.
Qing Qian · 2.3M Views

Dual Cultivation God Returns

"Wu Long, the God of Pleasure, has fallen as he failed to breakthrough." This news have shocked all of the Seven Boundless Worlds. Meanwhile, a sixteen-year-old disciple of a dual cultivation sect was startled awake from a coma, and after some moments of calming down and gathering his thoughts, a dangerous light flickered deep in his eyes: "Jun Shaoshan, I will climb back to the top and make you pay for everything, no one has ever been safe after offending me, Wu Long!" -------------- Dual cultivation is a method of cultivation that can be seen described in a lot of cultivation novels where a man and a woman cultivates together by having sex. -------------- ***DIscord Link: The Image on the cover is AI-generated with some minor adjustments and text editing done over it. Please check the auxiliary chapter with Frequently Asked Questions since there may be some answers to the questions you might want to ask. If you want to ask questions regarding the novel before reading you can do so in the comment section of the said auxiliary chapter. If you have posted a review and it is not appearing on the novel page and not changing the novel score, it may have stuck in the system (happened in the past and occasionally happening now). Please comment under the FAQ auxiliary chapter mentioned above if you notice this happen. I can usually contact support in daytime on weekdays and the problem is fixed within days and the 'stuck' reviews appear on the page. Thank you XD -------------- ***The explicit chapters will be marked in the chapter name after the chapter number as (R18) and will contain no crucial plot, only explicit scene, so if you want to read it as a novel without explicit scenes you absolutely can by just skipping the explicit chapters. Though as a disclaimer: dual cultivation IS the theme of the novel so there will still be some provocative or slightly explicit content in the normal chapters, but not full-on long explicit scenes. ***Since it seems that there are a lot of people that are very particular about what they want I will put here some of the things to expect so that it is easier for people to decide if they want to read this or not: - NO yaoi, NO yuri, NO incest ; - NO rape ( it may be mentioned, but only as a thing that exists, not in relation to any particular character ); - MC's heroines will NEVER cheat on him; - MC's heroines will NOT ALWAYS have V cards (but there will be a lot of them who do); These are all non-negotiable so if you cannot tolerate a novel that adheres to any of the above sentences you should probably skip this one. !!! WARNING (ADVERTISEMENT) there will be MILFs. XD
DaoistGreenOnion · 3.1M Views

The Licentious Cultivator

Update: 2 Chapters Weekly! After leading a domineering life as Venerable of the main world, Xue Ritian meets his end at the hands of the strongest warrior from the Primordial Dragon Race; Long Aotian. But the strengths of a Venerable knows no bounds and Xue Ritian's soul is forcefully refined in the Cycle of Reincarnation. Now, he is reincarnated as a young Lu Zheng in China's Lu Clan and must fight his way back to the top of the cultivation ladder and exact his revenge on his foes. Embark on this journey with Lu Zheng and see what is next to come ------------- The genre is Xianxia. Characters in the novel absorb energy (Qi) from their surroundings and use it as the basis of their strength. ------------- **Character is reincarated and will receive strong powerscaling and a fair level of omnipotence at the beginning. **Contrary to the title of the book, there are will be very little amounts of sexual relations. When there are (cuz there will be), expect them not to consume too much of the chapter. **In case you are expectant of what the novel might have to offer and what it won't, - There is NO yuri, NO yaoi, NO incest - There will be NO mentions of rape (thank goodness) - MC will HAVE an harem This is my first novel so the first chapters are a bit rough but I promise, the writing gets fine tuned as the story progresses. I have received offers to go premium but I would prefer The Licentious Cultivator (LC for short) to remain free till the very end. **WARNING: LC is a product of me playing around. I can't promise regular updates but I always stock up on chapters in my drafts whenever I have the time. P.S.: Feel free to leave a review and comment. They give me that extra 'hoompf' Enjoy XD
LonelySnow23 · 395.1K Views

WHAT! I Have To Kill Heaven's Son To Live!

For as long as Reon could remember, his life had been a monotonous cycle of solitude. A loner to the core, he buried himself in his studies and part-time jobs just to get by. No family. No friends. No joy. No sorrow. Just an empty existence. But fate had other plans. Reon suddenly found himself transmigrated into the world of a novel he had read, all because of a complaint about the Protagonist. However, he wasn’t reborn as the protagonist, a powerful supporting character or even a notable figure. No, fate had saddled him with the most pitiful role imaginable: A Villain! No, he wasn’t the villain who sparked fear to everyone or the rival who challenged the protagonist’s growth. No, he was that guy—the one who gets a single line of dialogue before being obliterated, his only purpose to highlight the hero’s strength. The kind of character readers would roll their eyes at and skip over without a second thought. Yes, he had become that kind of background character—cannon fodder, a disposable pawn, a nameless lackey serving under a third-rate villain! The worst kind of cliché—a spineless dog for a spoiled young master from a powerful family, wagging his tail at every order. The one whose destiny was to be manipulated and die a dog's death long before the main story even began. How could fate be so cruel? So petty?! But Reon wasn’t about to accept this. Not again. This time he wasn’t the Reon who had wasted away his first life. A world once confined to the pages of a novel had become his reality—a realm where strength commands respect, and the weak are trampled underfoot like insignificant ants. If this world wanted him to live like a dog and die like a stepping stone, it was dead wrong. This time, Reon resolved to live life to the fullest—to fight, to laugh, to love, to revel in the chaos of this fantasy world filled with magic, swords, and cultivation. No one would stop him from seizing his happiness. Not Fate. Not the so-called Protagonists. Not even Heaven itself. And if anyone dared to stand in his way? He would break the rules, exploit the extras, manipulate the main characters, and twist the very fabric of the story to serve his own ends. He would plunder the opportunities meant for the protagonist, destroy threats before they could rise, and rewrite his destiny with his own hands—whatever it took to carve out his path to survive. Would the main characters suffer? Who cares? Would the story change? Even better. This time, he would live without regrets. A glass of wine in one hand, a woman in the other, and unshakable strength beneath his feet. That was the plan… until the system arrived. . . . [Ding! The Host has awakened the Heaven Plundering System! If the host wishes to survive in this world, he must kill Heaven’s Child.] . . . WHAAT! . . . --------------------WARNING------------------- . . . . If you prefer a dense, shy, beta, submissive protagonist, then this novel is not for you. Here, the main character will be Domineering, Ruthless, Calm, Intelligent, Cunning, and Alpha-type—caring only for his loved ones while remaining cold toward the rest of the world. Additionally, female leads will be Strong, Intelligent, and Loyal—not merely waiting for the main character to come and rescue them like a fairytale prince. The harem in this story will be large, with each member being capable and equally important to the plot. Every character will have their own significance and development, contributing meaningfully to the story. . . . NO NTR!! NO YURI!! NO FUTA!! NO YAOI!! . . . [There will be smut scenes in later chapters, it will be marked as (R-18) beside the headline. Minors, please exercise caution.] . . . °°°°The story will unfold at a slower pace, so I encourage fellow Daoists to be patient and support me on this journey. If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to share them in the comments. I will consider adding them if I find them truly good.°°°°
MysticWanderer · 118.3K Views
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