Echoes from the Three Eye'd God
In the quiet town of Jamestown, nestled in the heart of New York City, a young man named James leads a seemingly ordinary life. Working as a clerk alongside fellow students, James spends his days in a gaudy parlor, surrounded by tables strewn with papers and plastic coverings. His life takes a sudden turn when a mischievous coworker snatches a letter from him, revealing unexpected news of his parents. This announcement marks the beginning of a journey that will carry him far from the realm of normalcy.
As the day unfolds, the parlor's supervisor, Miss Fang, reprimands the rowdy group of students, reminding them of their responsibilities. James and his friends return to their work, their chatter giving way to the hum of productivity.
But as the evening descends upon the city, James finds himself on a path he could never have imagined. Walking the dimly lit streets, he encounters a group of enigmatic students, their beauty and elegance captivating him.
Inexplicably, he stumbles upon a mysterious manhole, dark and foreboding. The sounds emanating from its depths hint at something unnatural lurking within. A sense of dread washes over him as he hears approaching footsteps and something grabbing for him from below.
James's world spirals into chaos when a colossal snake-like creature emerges from the manhole. Its iridescent scales shimmer in the eerie light, and its words strike terror into his heart. He fights desperately to free himself from its grasp, but the more he struggles, the tighter the creature's coils become.
As he grapples with his predicament, a sudden intervention sends shockwaves through the scene. Arrows rain down on the monstrous creature, causing pandemonium. James is cast aside, struggling to regain his composure amid the chaos.
The story takes an unexpected turn as James is confronted by two men on horseback. Dazed and injured, he tries to make sense of his surroundings. The men, seemingly unfazed by the monstrous creature, explain that they are in Tyrthal. Before James can comprehend the gravity of his situation, the narrative takes a curious twist.
With a blend of mystery and the supernatural, Echoes from Tyrthal promises to unravel secrets hidden beneath the surface of an ordinary life, taking readers on a journey where the ordinary and the extraordinary collide. As James grapples with the strange events in this unfamiliar world, he must confront a power beyond his comprehension while navigating the enigmatic town of Tyrthal.