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Diablo Archangels

La Hija de la Bruja y el Hijo del Diablo

Él se enamoró de sus raros ojos morados. Luego, pensó en tenerla por completo. —— Esa noche, la delicada mujer de ojos morados en vestido de novia estaba sentada en su cama mientras su esposo la observaba con una sonrisa. —Entonces —dijo él con voz maliciosa y magnética—, ¿no puedo ver el rostro de mi esposa ni siquiera en la noche de nuestra boda? —Su Majestad ha prometido cumplir mi único deseo —comentó la mujer, asegurando el velo que cubría la mitad inferior de su rostro con manos ligeramente temblorosas. Él se quedó mirando sus misteriosos y raros ojos morados. —¿Puedo preguntar, por qué tal deseo? Ella lo miró fijamente. —A Su Majestad quizás no le guste ver cosas feas. Él sonrió con suficiencia y se acercó a ella. —Pero, yo nunca tuve inclinación hacia las cosas bonitas. —— Seren, la infame hija de la bruja, y Drayce, el cruel e implacable hijo del Diablo. Nadie había visto nunca su rostro ya que las brujas están destinadas a ser feas, pero él era quien nunca había buscado la belleza. Ella estaba maldita para nunca enamorarse, pero él deseaba ser el único hombre que ella amara. Una princesa maldita casada con el hijo del Diablo para destruir su reino, pero el hijo del Diablo tenía un plan diferente para ella. El secreto de su nacimiento solo se revelará para guiar el camino a desatar los poderes ocultos dentro de ella que nadie puede controlar. Con los peligros ocultos deseando su poder, ¿podrán Drayce y Seren protegerse el uno al otro o será la oscuridad la que los trague a ambos? —— Este es el primer libro de la serie "Diablo y Bruja". Libro uno - La Hija de la Bruja y el Hijo del Diablo. Libro dos - La Bruja Maldita del Diablo. Libro tres - La Prometida del Diablo. Ambos libros están conectados entre sí, pero se pueden leer de forma independiente. —— Instagram- mynovel.20 Discord - Grupo de FB - mynovel20's novels
Mynovel20 · 149.8K Views

El Príncipe Maldito

Este libro es sobre hacer bebés. [COMPLETADO en el capítulo 715] El príncipe heredero fue maldecido el día que nació, de que nunca sería feliz. Lo que es peor, ninguna mujer podría tocarlo sin morir. Por lo tanto, encontrar una esposa para producir un heredero se convirtió en el mayor desafío de la familia real ya que el príncipe es hijo único. Hasta que un día... una sirviente que intentó matarlo no terminó muriendo después de que se tocaran. Emmelyn era una princesa de una de sus colonias que juró vengar la muerte de su familia matando al príncipe heredero. Y así es como terminó en su castillo. Viendo que ella era la única mujer con la que podría tener una relación sexual sin matarla, el príncipe hizo un acuerdo para dejarla ir y liberar su reino de su opresión si ella le producía tres herederos. Emmelyn dijo que sí, pero cada día que estaban juntos, ella hacía planes para matarlo y obtener su venganza. ¿Podrá Emmelyn conseguir lo que quiere, o quedará más enredada con el enemigo que fue considerado como el diablo encarnado por sus enemigos? EXTRACTO: —Serás la madre de mis hijos —dijo el hombre con tono autoritario. Sus descaradas palabras dejaron a Emmelyn sin habla y sorprendida, más aún, que el beso que él le dio en sus labios anteriormente. —Necesito tres hijos de ti. —Eh... espera... ¿qué? Espera un minuto —Emmelyn, que se recuperó de su choque, frotó sus labios rápidamente como si intentara quitar las marcas del diablo de ellos. —¡No quiero ser tu esposa! ¡No quiero casarme contigo, diablo! El hombre frunció el ceño y entrecerró los ojos amenazadoramente. —¿Quién dijo algo sobre matrimonio? AL DÍA SIGUIENTE —Vamos —dijo el príncipe. —¿Vamos a dónde? —preguntó Emmelyn, sin entender. —Vamos a hacer bebés. *** CHEQUEA MIS OTROS LIBROS con maridos cariñosos: - La Esposa del Rey es la Compañera del Alfa - EN CURSO - El Rey Maldito - COMPLETADO - Encontrando Polvo Estelar - COMPLETADO - Los alquimistas - COMPLETADO - El Príncipe Que No Puede Enamorarse - COMPLETADO - Hasta Que La Muerte Nos Separe - COMPLETADO NO HAGO DESARROLLOS LENTOS. Este libro es MUY DIVERTIDO, y MUY ATREVIDO. Solo para ADULTOS y personas de mente abierta. ¿ME COMPRAS UN CAFÉ? Mira el tráiler del libro en TikTok/Instagram: @missrealitybites Servidor de Discord:
Missrealitybites · 181.3K Views

La Esposa del CEO es Hija de un Dios Demonio

``` [ Libro 1: Completado ] Tristan Davis, el CEO playboy de Heavenly Star Enterprize, fue forzado a casarse con CUALQUIER MUJER en un mes, o de lo contrario... su glamoroso título y posición le serían quitados. ¡NOOOOO! ¿Cómo podría seducir a esas hermosas mujeres si se volviera pobre y dejara de ser un CEO? Está bien, encontrará una mujer y se casará con ella para complacer a su exigente abuelo. ¿Qué importa si es una extraña mujer rara que conoció en la montaña mientras acampaba? ¿Cierto? Espera... ¿Qué!? ¿Ella NO ES HUMANA? ¿Es la hija del dios demonio? ¿Dijiste... DEMONIO? Pero ella luce tan angelical, hermosa e inocente. Tristan ni siquiera podía mirar a otras mujeres después de que esta hija del dios demonio se convirtiera en su esposa. Ja. Bien podría mantenerla cerca ya que a abuelo parece gustarle mucho. ============ Zhen-Zhen, quien tenía la sangre del dios demonio, era el objetivo de los guerreros guardianes. Desde que era niña intentaron matarla muchas veces pero fracasaron. Sin otra opción restante, la sellaron en la Montaña Divina. Pero después de 100 años, su sello se rompió accidentalmente y así, su Protector encontró la oportunidad de enviarla a otro mundo habitado por humanos puramente ordinarios - sin seres sobrenaturales y sin poderes mágicos. En este nuevo mundo, conoció al Travieso y Guapo CEO, quien le propuso matrimonio en su primer encuentro. Pero espera... ¿Matrimonio? ¿Convertirse en su Esposa? ¿Qué significa convertirse en Esposa? Aunque la hija del dios demonio no tenía ni idea de lo que significaba ser esposa, ¡aceptó su propuesta emocionada! ¡"Sí! ¡Quiero ser tu esposa!" ============ *** Extracto *** —Zhen-Zhen: "Tristan, ¿por qué te ríes aunque estés triste? Puedo sentirlo. Estás dolido, ahora mismo." Aun en su estado de ebriedad, Tristan pudo asimilar sus palabras. —Tristan: "Oye, mi Zhen-Zhen. Serás mi esposa, ¿verdad?" —Zhen-Zhen: "Sí..." —Tristan: "Entonces... hazme feliz. Acércate... y bésame." Ella se inclinó hacia Tristan mientras presionaba sus delicados y calientes labios en sus fríos labios. —Zhen-Zhen: "¿Estás feliz ahora, Tristan?" Tristan negó con la cabeza y puso pucheros. —¡No! Zhen-Zhen, eso no puede considerarse un beso. Solo presionaste tus labios contra los míos." Se quejó a ella con exasperación. "Ven aquí, ¡te enseñaré!" Tristan sostuvo su cara y luego comenzó a besarla apasionadamente. Tristan acercó su cabeza mientras profundizaba el beso. Después de unos segundos, Zhen-Zhen respondió y devolvió su beso con igual intensidad que la de él. 'Diablos, es una aprendiz rápida.' ========= [ HOT+Funny+Fluffy+Mature ]~ Esta es una historia de la hija del dios demonio y un travieso y guapo CEO... ======= Premio de Este Libro: WPC #133 Nivel Oro - ¡No Humanos Permitidos! Protagonista Femenina Apoyo a la Autora: Únete al Servidor de Discord de la Autora: Envíame un mensaje privado en Discord: ellezar_g#1010 Otro Libro de la Autora: 1. La Asesina Diabólica Conoce al Detective Angélico Volúmen I: Encuentro Predestinado (Capítulo 1-275) Completado Volúmen II: Sus Caminos se Cruzan de Nuevo (Capítulo 276-530) Completado 2. Amor Prohibido: Seducción de un Ángel 3. Amantes de la Luna: Unidos por la Sangre y la Venganza La obra de arte/ilustración/foto es generada por IA por la Autora ```
ellezar_g · 126.1K Views

La Bruja Maldita del Diablo

``` La historia de un hombre que trae la muerte y una chica que la niega. ---- En la montaña embrujada del reino, dicen que vivía una bruja. Ella nació princesa. Pero incluso antes de su nacimiento, el sacerdote la declaró maldita y exigió su muerte. Envenenaron a la madre para matar al bebé antes de que diese a luz, pero el bebé nació de la madre muerta —una niña maldita. Una y otra vez, intentaron matar al bebé pero ella milagrosamente sobrevivió cada intento. Dándose por vencidos, la abandonaron en la montaña embrujada para que muriera pero ella aún sobrevivió en esa tierra estéril —una bruja. —¿Por qué no muere? Años más tarde, la gente finalmente se hartó de la bruja y decidió quemar la montaña. Pero el Diablo llegó en su rescate y la llevó consigo de aquel lugar en llamas, porque morir no era su destino ni siquiera entonces. Draven Amaris. El Dragón Negro, que gobernaba sobre los seres sobrenaturales, el Diablo con quien nadie deseaba cruzarse en su camino. Odiaba a los humanos pero esta determinada chica humana lo atraía hacia ella cada vez que estaba en peligro. —¿Es realmente humana? Él se llevó a la humana con él y nombró a esta misteriosamente tenaz chica “Ember”, un pedazo de carbón ardiente en un fuego moribundo. Un alma manchada de venganza y la oscuridad del infierno, se levantaría de las cenizas y cumpliría su revancha. ------ Este es el segundo libro de la serie de Los Diablos y Las Brujas. El primer libro es - La hija de la bruja y el hijo del diablo. Ambos libros están conectados entre sí, pero puedes leerlos de manera independiente. ```
Mynovel20 · 131.2K Views

La esposa de alquiler del millonario es una mujer de éxito

—¡Desde esta noche te dejaré estar arriba, por favor no me divorcies, querido! ----- La vida de cuento de hadas de Evelyn se hizo añicos cuando un extraño irrumpió, afirmando ser la verdadera hija de la familia Wright con pruebas. ¿Sus envidiables privilegios? Arrancados. ¿Su impecable reputación? Empeñada. ¿Su compromiso de cuatro años? Anulado abruptamente. Pero la peor traición vino de su antes amoroso padre, dispuesto a casarla para saldar una cuenta empresarial... ¡con un hombre de el doble de su edad! Todos en el círculo asistieron a esta escandalosa boda, ansiosos por presenciar la caída de la supuesta falsa heredera. Sin embargo, ¡el clímax no fue lo que ni siquiera Evelyn había anticipado! Zevian Reign, el magnate más rico de la nación, conocido por ser la fantasía de toda mujer y la pesadilla de todos sus rivales, hizo una entrada dramática. Su llegada dejó atónitos a los invitados, pero su osado deseo fue aún más sorprendente. Exigió casualmente reemplazar al novio y casarse con la hermosa novia. Nadie se atrevió a desafiarlo, ni nadie tuvo el valor de desobedecerlo. No les quedó más remedio que ver cómo se desarrollaba la boda. Y era el momento de Evelyn para sonreír con suficiencia, pues ahora era la esposa del diablo. ¡Y todos aquellos que la habían arruinado, pagarían el precio por diez! ++++ [Extracto] —¿Por qué iba a dejar a mi marido por un perdedor? —se rió Evelyn, cruzando sus brazos desafiantemente—. Él es mejor que él en todos los aspectos. —Su mirada se desvió hacia su ex prometido cercano, y continuó con una sonrisa burlona—. De hecho, mucho mejor en la cama. Con el rostro de Annabelle enrojecido de desdén, Evelyn le dio palmaditas en la espalda y se inclinó para darle otra bofetada. —Así que, buena suerte lamiendo mis sobras, querida hermanastra. Él es un partido perfecto para ti."
Zelra · 69.5K Views

Descendent: Rebirth of an Angel

Michael is the heir to the Bailon dynasty, a dynasty so expansive and rich the controlled half of Karmos City. His birth changed the lines of succession causing discontent and enemies in the Bailon family. All the while memories from his past life as an Archangel start to come back causing serious "episodes" in their wake. He is caught in between a war of succession that threatens his life, while also re-discovering his light powers that have now somehow changed. Celestial beasts arise out of nowhere creatures that shouldn't exist, yet they do and while dangerous, he discovers that they are his ticket to restoring his powers even acquiring the mystic gifts these monsters possess. Something horrible glimmers at the edge of his consciousness an event so catastrophic he left heaven in order to avoid it or prepare for it? A mission he embarked to bring Lucifer back however that has now changed his new mission wasn't to bring back his brethren rather he needed to kill Lucifer, and let the apocalypse happen. Excerpt: Prologue “A feathered wooden arrow shaft sticks out of my chest, black silky soft things why do they put them there anyway? Not that it matters. Dark red blood pools where the golden tipped arrow struck the chest pulverizing a rib tearing soft lung tissue underneath, breathing is difficult, extremely painful even. Lying on the ground a surface too soft and plain to be natural, blood continues to farther pool at my back, the celestial arrow must have gone through completely.” You will die Michael if you go on this journey You will die The warm fluid spreads under him almost a comforting presence except for the excruciating pain that comes with the open wound. “Humans! I thought they would love me” A labored chuckle ‘Yet here I am dying as a result of my arrogance, in retro-respect them killing each other ceaselessly should have been sign enough but no I had to heal them!’ strangely he wasn’t angry Elderine’s words reverberated endlessly in his mind. You will die You will die The sky shines twilight in the cloudy afternoon it would rain soon ‘Maybe it will wash away the blood, how optimistic of me.’ Blood continues to pour out ‘Michael the Arch-angel foiled by his kin and humans! Would make for a great poem I want to hear it.’ ‘How would it start…hmm…’ He groaned, life continued to flow out of him endlessly with every drop of his immortal blood. You will die A tear dropped from a corner of his eye down the side of his face, ‘Were angels capable of that? I guess so’ Another tear came out then more flowed out in pain, surprisingly he wasn’t crying because he was sad for himself, he had known his fate from the day he left heaven, but for those he couldn’t save, they had to suffer and die due to his recklessness he wouldn’t forgive himself or those who caused it “Elina…...Eva” he tried to shout raspy sounds came from his lips. You will die, You will return stronger than before. Soon he could not breathe any more, the Light became darkness. PS: just thought i should add this part this story does not in any way contravene or involve any type of religion, references to a religion if any are purely for fictional purposes, I do not intend to disrespect anyone.
Shinobi_rays76 · 36.4K Views

The Celestials Prison - Project Archangel

The Celestial is a symbol of the divine, a pillar stretching high into the heavens. It is worshipped for the blessings it brought upon the world. Extraordinary power, revolutionary tools, and beings beyond understanding. Bearing its power will not only change your fate, but the fate of the world. The noble Pendragon family, once known for their brutally efficient art of war, are revered for their effort and contribution in the field of medicine. They established the Helios Hospital of Medical Research and Development, sharing their years of work for the ongoing betterment of the angels. House Pendragon is loved by their people for this. But following the end of the war between angels and demons, they do not relish in this praise, for they always remember the pain and loss for that advancement. Upon acquiring the power of the Darkeater, Sirin Pendragon, daughter of Siba, enthusiastically put forward the proposition that would go on to inspire the creation of Project Archangel. Ironically, the very thing that would destroy House Pendragon. "The Darkeater even allows for the creation of matter at even the intricacies of the cellular level! We can create entire organs, bones, even limbs at will! Why in the world would the demons be so quiet about this? It's potential is limitless!" Eos, Yami, Nova, and Zeus enjoy the simple days they spend together with their mother. However, each day becomes more mundane as nothing ever changes. Their mother couldn't have ever controlled the children's growing curiosity, the will to satiate the senses with experiences they weren't yet privy too is only natural. It was the same for herself as well. But upon warning them of the vast, mysterious, and evil world beyond the forest surrounding their little home, she realized the truth was simply inevitable no matter what she did to hide it.
CelestialDuck · 7.9K Views

Divine system : My journey to celestial Godhood by kbp

scene opens with a bloodied battlefield, littered with the lifeless bodies of demons and angels alike, both fallen and holy. The stench of death hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the acrid smoke of the scorched earth. The landscape is a wasteland, a testament to the brutality of the battle that had just unfolded.Not far from the carnage, hidden within the shadows of a cave, lay three figures. Two were gravely wounded, their bodies barely clinging to life. One was the archangel Michael, whose once radiant armor was now stained with blood, his wings torn and battered. The other was the fallen archangel Lucifer, his wings scorched and tattered, his face twisted in agony as he fought to stay conscious. The third figure, In stark contrast to the injured angels, stood tall and composed. His presence was almost ethereal, though his features were hidden in shadow, making him an enigmatic figure in the midst of the ruin. He gazed down at Lucifer, a look of sympathy in his eyes. “I’m sorry that you had to suffer this fate,” he murmured, his voice laced with regret. His eyes shifted to both archangels, and he sighed deeply. “I’ll make it right.” A brief pause followed, the words after “I’ll make it right” lost in a quiet murmur, as if the figure’s voice faltered, or the meaning was veiled in secrecy. The only words that were clear came at the end, filled with finality and determination. “Take this new life and…” Another break in his words, this time leaving a lingering silence. Suddenly, the scene faded, shifting from the cave of despair to a small, dimly lit room. A young man lay in bed, his body drenched in sweat, breathing heavily as though he had just run a marathon. His eyes flickered open, a look of panic written across his face. He bolted upright, the nightmare still fresh in his mind. “Shit, that same dream… when will it stop?” Lucian Cross muttered, rubbing his eyes as if to rid himself of the lingering remnants of the vision. Glancing at the alarm clock beside him, he saw the time—almost 7:30 AM. He groaned, realizing he was running late. With a sigh, he threw off the covers and reluctantly dragged himself out of bed. It was the last day of school, and though he had hoped for it to be a day of relief, it held no joy. It was the day of the awakening ceremony, a day that would determine his future and his job class, though Lucian’s expectations were low. School, in his mind, was nothing but a hellish place. A place where he was used and trampled on, his life a series of miserable days. But today—today was supposed to be different. It was his last day, and maybe, just maybe, the ceremony would bring something good. He didn’t dare dream too big, but a small hope flickered inside him. The vice principal called out, “Lucian Cross, come on stage.” Lucian gulped as the whispers of mocking and ridicule from his classmates and juniors filled the air. He could hear their gossip: “Why is he even here?” “Bet he’ll awaken nothing.” “He’s just wasting our time.” Tightening his fist, Lucian forced himself forward, his footsteps heavy with anxiety. Reaching the podium, he glanced at the imposing white crystal, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly glow. “Place your hand on the crystal,” the vice principal instructed. Lucian hesitated briefly before resting his hand against the cool surface of the crystal. The room fell silent, anticipation hanging thick in the air. Suddenly, the crystal erupted in a dazzling platinum light so bright it was blinding. Gasps echoed through the hall as a celestial-class phenomenon unfolded. The sound of heavenly trumpets filled the room, shaking the very ground beneath them. The heavens themselves seemed to part, and a radiant Roman cross-like gate opened in the sky above. From the portal descended two armies of celestial beings, one side composed of graceful angels, the other of fallen angels. The fallen angels were an intimidating sight. Dark knights clad ...
Kingblaqpen · 0 Views

Blood Legacy: The Oath of the Infernal Reborn

In a world fractured by an ancient Holy War, where three divine kingdoms share the planet under seals of fragile peace, the story of Kaelen Silver is a heartrending ballad of vengeance, sacrifice, and the price of power. Tomas Silver, a slave turned assassin, manages to escape the shadow of the Bloody Moon Order thanks to Alenya, an herbalist who restores his humanity. Together they forge a simple life, hidden from a world divided by the gods. But their son Kaelen is born marked by a curse: his body absorbs the world’s vital energy (Nivora), inflicting him with unbearable pain. Although Tomas fiercely protects him, fate is cruel: Alenya dies at the hands of the Bloody Moon Order, and years later, the Five Great Clans—puppets of hidden demons—murder Tomas, leaving Kaelen alone, broken, and hungry for vengeance. Kaelen is not a hero. He is a cunning and ruthless survivor who, after decades of hunting the clans that destroyed his family, fails in his final attempt. Captured and sacrificed in a grotesque ritual, his death is not the end: an ancient demon offers him a perverse deal. “Go back in time. Save your parents. Destroy the seals that divide the world... and unleash Hell.” Upon awakening as a baby in the arms of his parents, Kaelen retains the memory of his previous life. But the path is not simple: to break the seals that keep angels, demons, and the Alliance of Races at bay, he will need the hearts of descendants of heroes, archangels, and demonic kings. How far will he go to rewrite his destiny? Will he become the pawn of greater forces, or will he even defy the gods who manipulate Ethalios from the shadows?
Seraphiel_Noctis · 1.4K Views

El Prometido del Diablo

Un amor condenado desde el principio, una causa perdida, una batalla perdida, y aún así, ninguno de los dos corazones está dispuesto a rendirse hasta el final. Arlan Cromwell, el epítome del perfecto Príncipe Heredero. Todo lo que quiere es vivir una vida normal como un humano pero la vida de un dragón no tiene nada de normal. Solo tiene un objetivo: encontrar a su prometida fugitiva y decapitarla. ¿Qué sucede cuando descubre que la mujer que ha conquistado su corazón es la que juró matar? Oriana, la Herbolario, disfrazándose de hombre, ha pasado toda su vida huyendo sin saber de qué huye. Cuando los misterios de su pasado la atrapan lentamente, no tiene a quién acudir... excepto a Arlan. Pero cuando se entera de que el hombre al que le ha entregado su corazón es el mismo hombre que quiere matarla, ¿cómo puede aceptar la cruel mano que la vida le ha dado? Dos personas con secretos que guardar, identidades que ocultar y respuestas que encontrar. Cuando cierta oscuridad amenaza con llevarse a Oriana, ¿el Dragón podrá proteger a su pareja? Extracto: —Si supiera que eres mi prometida, te habría matado en el mismo momento en que nos conocimos. —¡Si supiera que estaba comprometida contigo, me habría matado antes de que tú me mataras! Sacó una daga y se la ofreció. —No es demasiado tarde. Simplemente corta tu garganta con esto y sangrarás sin dolor. Ella aceptó el cuchillo, sus dedos apretaban con fuerza el mango. Al siguiente momento, él estaba presionado contra la pared y el cuchillo estaba en el lado derecho de su cuello. —¿Qué tal si lo pruebo contigo primero, mi prometido? —Siéntete libre de intentarlo. Pero cuando falles, este cuchillo primero probará la sangre de tu abuelo, luego la tuya. La ira se levantó en sus ojos, y al siguiente momento, la sangre fluyó por el lado derecho de su cuello. Ella cortó lo suficientemente profundo como para cortar un importante vaso sanguíneo. —No deberías haberme desafiado —dijo ella con desdén—. Y se echó hacia atrás, esperando que él colapsara. Simplemente sonrió y pasó su dedo por la profunda herida en su cuello. —Parece que has fallado. Observó cómo la herida de su cuello se curaba por sí sola y se sintió impactada hasta los huesos. —Tú... ¿qué eres? —¿Adivinas?
Mynovel20 · 198.3K Views

The Beginning of the Beginnings

The Beginning of The Beginnings by Simon Smolnik In the endless expanse of eternity, where multiple realms converge and the gods decide on the very fabric of existence, there is born an outstanding tale. The Beginning of The Beginnings is not just a tale; it's an experience-born love for imagination, storytelling, and biblical scripture that takes readers deep into the breathtaking worlds of vibrant characters down to the ultimate struggle between good and evil. The Almighty God stands in the midst, and then Sarnel the Eternal Prince of Heaven, a figure whose presence radiates an aura of strength, authority, and grace. Then there is the company of the Seven Great Archangels, who are celestial beings who serve in roles so grand yet deeply personal. It is through epic battles, profound moments of vulnerability, and steadfast devotion that each one of them-Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and the rest-play their role in the unfolding narrative. This story was born from my desire to create something meaningful, something that could bring people closer to each other while also introducing them to the truths that I believe in. I have always loved the idea of crafting worlds from my imagination: worlds of wonder, beauty, and conflict. The Beginning of The Beginnings truly reflects that passion: a mixture of grand cosmic battles, intricate characters, and amazing settings. Growing up in Poland and living in the UK for almost five years surrounded me with the beauty of different cultures, environments, and ways of life. These experiences shaped my view of this world and inspired me to channel that sense of wonder into the stories I write. I hope this reimagining of biblical figures such as Michael or Gabriel can show their stories in a new light, deeply rooted in scripture with creative expression. I love writing epic fights that echo across heaven, creating this huge and expansive cosmology to connect every layer of existence from the Throne of God down into the darkest depths of Hell. But this is not a novel of mere battles and world-building. It's about the relationships between these beings: the struggles, the triumphs, and the unwavering sense of purpose that they have. It's about exploring what it means to be part of something greater than oneself, to stand firm in the face of unimaginable challenges, and to fight for what's right-even when the odds are against you. The Beginning of The Beginnings is my means of sharing this wonder with any who would consider such tales and mortals who genuinely love epic tales, faith, and creativity. I thus hope that this book will allow people to see beauty in these realms and feel the inspiration that strength and love bind them together. This is just the beginning of a larger vision I have, and I can’t wait to share this journey with you. If you want to support me or see more things I'm working on. These are links for Exlusive Content like leaks and early access to future chapters that i will realese here: Ko-fi: Patreon:
Simon_Smolnik · 12.2K Views

The Divine system:my journey to celestial Godhood

The scene opens with a bloodied battlefield, littered with the lifeless bodies of demons and angels alike, both fallen and holy. The stench of death hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the acrid smoke of the scorched earth. The landscape is a wasteland, a testament to the brutality of the battle that had just unfolded.Not far from the carnage, hidden within the shadows of a cave, lay three figures. Two were gravely wounded, their bodies barely clinging to life. One was the archangel Michael, whose once radiant armor was now stained with blood, his wings torn and battered. The other was the fallen archangel Lucifer, his wings scorched and tattered, his face twisted in agony as he fought to stay conscious. The third figure, In stark contrast to the injured angels, stood tall and composed. His presence was almost ethereal, though his features were hidden in shadow, making him an enigmatic figure in the midst of the ruin. He gazed down at Lucifer, a look of sympathy in his eyes. “I’m sorry that you had to suffer this fate,” he murmured, his voice laced with regret. His eyes shifted to both archangels, and he sighed deeply. “I’ll make it right.” A brief pause followed, the words after “I’ll make it right” lost in a quiet murmur, as if the figure’s voice faltered, or the meaning was veiled in secrecy. The only words that were clear came at the end, filled with finality and determination. “Take this new life and…” Another break in his words, this time leaving a lingering silence. Suddenly, the scene faded, shifting from the cave of despair to a small, dimly lit room. A young man lay in bed, his body drenched in sweat, breathing heavily as though he had just run a marathon. His eyes flickered open, a look of panic written across his face. He bolted upright, the nightmare still fresh in his mind. “Shit, that same dream… when will it stop?” Lucian Cross muttered, rubbing his eyes as if to rid himself of the lingering remnants of the vision. Glancing at the alarm clock beside him, he saw the time—almost 7:30 AM. He groaned, realizing he was running late. With a sigh, he threw off the covers and reluctantly dragged himself out of bed. It was the last day of school, and though he had hoped for it to be a day of relief, it held no joy. It was the day of the awakening ceremony, a day that would determine his future and his job class, though Lucian’s expectations were low. School, in his mind, was nothing but a hellish place. A place where he was used and trampled on, his life a series of miserable days. But today—today was supposed to be different. It was his last day, and maybe, just maybe, the ceremony would bring something good. He didn’t dare dream too big, but a small hope flickered inside him. The vice principal called out, “Lucian Cross, come on stage.” Lucian gulped as the whispers of mocking and ridicule from his classmates and juniors filled the air. He could hear their gossip: “Why is he even here?” “Bet he’ll awaken nothing.” “He’s just wasting our time.” Tightening his fist, Lucian forced himself forward, his footsteps heavy with anxiety. Reaching the podium, he glanced at the imposing white crystal, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly glow. “Place your hand on the crystal,” the vice principal instructed. Lucian hesitated briefly before resting his hand against the cool surface of the crystal. The room fell silent, anticipation hanging thick in the air. Suddenly, the crystal erupted in a dazzling platinum light so bright it was blinding. Gasps echoed through the hall as a celestial-class phenomenon unfolded. The sound of heavenly trumpets filled the room, shaking the very ground beneath them. The heavens themselves seemed to part, and a radiant Roman cross-like gate opened in the sky above. From the portal descended two armies of celestial beings, one side composed of graceful angels, the other of fallen angels. The fallen angels were an intimidating sight. Dark knights clad ...
Kingblaqpen · 5.4K Views
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