The Dark Warlock's Game
The plot revolves around Vardy, a gamer who faces daily struggles and bullying. Despite his hardships, he finds solace in his favorite RPG game, Rune Quest. When offered the chance to choose his class, he selects Dark Warlock, seeking the power he lacks in real life. As he progresses in the game, he transforms from weak to strong, gaining confidence and resolve.
Later, Vardy is enrolled at White Oak Academy, a school for individuals with supernatural abilities. Assigned to the Frame Initiative, a group of students without powers, Vardy faces discrimination and adversity. Alongside his peers, including Luthor, Tracy, Jesse, and Frank, Vardy navigates the challenges of their living conditions and the disdain from students with powers.
Despite the harsh treatment, Luthor remains optimistic, while Vardy stays calm and composed. When confronted by students with powers, Vardy displays a surprising level of confidence, earning respect from his peers. As they face adversity together, Vardy and his friends bond over their shared experiences and determination to prove their worth.