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Gavi Dibujo

The Book Of Magik

.After some time Johnny's father realizes that this is an ordinary book, no, it is a magic book, then he tells Johnny that this is an ordinary book, then Johnny's father says you go play now, then he hides to the landlord of the village. Go and say I have a magic book.Then the zamindar says what are you saying is this true the man says yes zamindar mashai then the zamindar gives him some money and says that no one else should know about this magic book....After that, during the night, there was an incident with the magic book.... When the landlord opened the book, so many lights started coming out from inside the book that the landlord got scared and closed the book again..Next day that Johnny went to work in the zamindar's house then saw that book with the zamindar then went to his father and said why that book with the zamindar....Then his father told him the truth that the book was a magic book... Then the boy went to the landlord's house to steal the book. At night when that boy of Gavi went to steal,,,, when the boy opened that book after Then that boy is also afraid,,, after a while all the magic of that book enters Johnny, Johnny doesn't understand anything, after a few days Johnny slowly realizes that his body is Yes...Johnny goes to a secluded area to test it Johnny after testing he goes to his house the next day everyone Johnny is passing by and thinks I'm After that, an old man came in front of Johnny. The old man asked Johnny for help. Johnny did not understand anything and helped him with magic.The people around are surprised to see Johnny doing magic,,,then Johnny told everyone.I have a magic book I have learned many magic from that Khan.I won't harm you... everyone was surprised and happy after hearing this.. Then Johnny further said I am always with you.I will help, then all the people of that village praise Johnny by word of mouth, after a few days the zamindar of that village can know about Johnny, then the zamindar sends Johnny.After some time, Johnny came to bring Johnny, Johnny asked the landlord, why is the landlord asking, the landlord said, "Hey, I need you now."Johnny said what do you need, landlord Borlo I heard you have magic book Johnny said yes you heard right, landlord said it is I bought it from your father don't you know, the day I bought the book it means you stole that book, Johnny said yes landlord.Landlord said give me back my book, Johnny said I will return all the money my father took, Landlord said I don't need money I need that Johnny said that is not possible, the landlord got angry and asked Johnny to catch him, that's when Johnny became blind with magic and that Khan..After escaping, the landlord arrested Johnny's father, Johnny realized that he went to the landlord's house to bring his father, but the landlord made a trap to catch Johnny, Johnny did not understand it and caught him in the trap of the landlord. After what time.Zamindar comes to Johnny and says if you give me that magic book, then I will release you and your father, Johnny said to Zamindar you should release my father first.I will give you the magic book, the landlord thinks for some time, then the landlord agrees, the landlord asks his men to release Johnny's Johnny cleverly makes a fake magic book and gives it to the landlord, the landlord doesn't understand anything, after that Johnny leaves his father in another village, the landlord breaks the book and shows that this book is fake, the landlord gets angry, angry. Go kill Ordered, after that Johnny went to the landlord's house, the landlord saw Johnny and asked him to kill him, after that a fight started between Johnny and the landlord's men,,, at one stage Johnny killed all the landlord's men, then only the landlord was left alive.Then Johnny took the zamindar to the people of the village, after that Johnny said to all the people of the village tell me what I will do to him,,,all the people of the village hands..He picked up Johnny and told him to kill the zaminda
Biplob · 1.4K Views

El Camino De La Recuperación, Con Ciertos Problemas.

Noah Hart ha tenido una vida difícil, una vida que muy pocos logran resistir sin romperse psicológica y mentalmente. Él no era parte de esa minoría, siendo transexual y homosexual en secreto, su familia sin poder ser considerada familia, y él nunca pudiendo transicionar a su género real, uno masculino, ni tampoco pudiendo ser libre, lentamente se rompió. Se volvió un muñeco viviente, teniendo tendencias asesinas y perdiendo su empatía y compasión, no parecía un ser viviente, aunque sólo en su interior. Siempre que lo veías estaba feliz, pero bueno, todos sabemos que no lo estaba. Después de otro día de largo estudio, un muñeco viviente cruzaba la calle, sin importarle nada a su alrededor ni pendiente de la bocina que se estaba reproduciendo fuertemente en el vehículo que rápidamente se acercaba. Despierta. Una persona aparece en un nuevo mundo, sin entender lo que ocurre, por lo que empieza a explorar sus alrededores. Puede que descubra personas, puede que pueda recuperar su vida, puede que finalmente sea feliz. Puede que el otro lado de la moneda sea lo que necesitaba todo este tiempo. Lo intentará, lo logrará. ¿Podrá recuperarse al fin? (Fantasía, Romance, BL, LGBTQ+, Drama) -La portada no me pertenece, si el autor no desea que ocupe su dibujo, me lo puede comunicar y la cambiaré. -The portrait is not mine, if the author doesn't want his drawing to be used by me, they can communicate it with me and I'll remove it. Es mi primera historia y como estoy estudiando puede que no actualice mucho, si por alguna razón alguien lee la historia, me ayudarían las críticas. No planeo hacer la historia tan larga, pero no taaan corta. Espero la disfruten.
TreyNnoWords · 2.7K Views

believe and fly high

Mia, I don't want to go for party what I will do there I don't know anybody they are your and Gavy's friend Sharry don't make excuse you need to come with enjoy yourself always reading novels will not get you friends Mia I understand what you saying I also want to have fun but these parties make me more shallow Ok you come with us and if you not feel good you can always come back home I promise I will not force you  Are we ok with this Hmmm but I don't have anything to wear and look at my hair always clumsy Sharry don't worry I Will fix it every thing today I have a feeling you will meet someone nice Ohhh pls Mia not again there is no prince charming and there's no happy ending atleast from where I stand You always being negative how you can say you can't get happy ending my sister can get anything and look at yourself even though you faced so many things in life you are still strongly standing on your foot noone can say anything against  my sister Oh Mia love you so much you are the one who gave me confident otherwise I would have ended somewhere else Ok enough of these talks let's get ready for party today let's have fun and I promise with me and Gavy you will not get bored Ok ok let's get ready but warn you tomorrow I have meeting in office so I don't want to be late and no too much drinking Fine miss professional now let's get ready Mia this dress have deep neck and it's small I can't wear this Just try once for me I am sure you will like it Pls pls pls Ok fine you always make me do whatever u want Haha that's what the benefit of being younger sis Yes my sweet little sis How I am looking??? Ohhh superb let me do your make up and hair than you will look dazzling Don't you think it's bit overdo Cmon sis it's not too much it's you thinking too much Gavy: sharry! Wow you looking nice looking different.  I...I mean beautiful ( his mouth was open and look was totally mesmerised like he seen her first time) Sharry: Gavy don't lie I know it's not me I am looking awful Mia: Sharry don't do this I know my sis is beautiful and you need to change your dressing style some days after all it's grand party you can meet so many people Gavy: ok if you girls are ready shall we leave otherwise it will be long queue and we will not get proper parking Ohk let's go!!!! AT PARTY PARKING LOT Mia it's Vivanta Taj whose party is this I don't think I should come with you there might be too many people over there and might due to my clumsiness I do something awful I don't want to embarrass you both I will take taxi and leave Sherry are you so party pooper trust me nothing will happen just come out of car now we are getting late Gavy: sharry don't worry we are there just take a long breath and come. you being too nervous I know after such a long time you attending a party like this is making you feel like this .... After taking a long breath sharry finally come out of car and accompany them Now what going to happen in party does sharry will meet someone or whether she will do something to embarrass all or might once she put her guard down and enjoy a little What you think!!!!
sharoline · 12.6K Views

Otaku dream: La vida de un mangaka en cierne

# Otaku Dreams: La vida de un mangaka en ciernes - Género: Comedia, drama, romance, acción. - Público objetivo: Jóvenes y adultos que les guste el anime y el manga, y que se identifiquen con los sueños y las dificultades de los protagonistas. - Premisa: Kaito es un otaku que sueña con ser mangaka, pero que vive una vida difícil. Un día, recibe una carta de una editorial que le ofrece la oportunidad de publicar su manga. Es el inicio de una serie de desafíos y aventuras que cambiarán su vida para siempre. - Personajes principales: - Kaito: El protagonista. Es un chico de 16 años que vive en Tokio. Es un otaku, es decir, un fanático del anime y el manga. Le encanta coleccionar figuras, pósters, revistas y todo lo relacionado con sus series favoritas. Su sueño es convertirse en un mangaka, un creador de manga, y publicar sus propias historias. Sin embargo, su vida no es fácil. Su padre murió cuando él era pequeño, y su madre trabaja todo el día para mantenerlo. En el instituto, es víctima de acoso por parte de sus compañeros, que lo llaman "friki", "raro" o "perdedor". Su único refugio es su habitación, donde se sumerge en sus mundos de fantasía. Es tímido, sensible, creativo y bondadoso. Tiene un talento especial para el dibujo y la escritura. Su manga favorito es Dragon Soul, una historia de acción y fantasía sobre un dragón humanoide que lucha contra el malvado imperio de Zarok. - Haru: El mejor amigo de Kaito y su compañero de otakismo. Es un chico de 16 años, igual que Kaito, pero con una personalidad muy diferente. Haru es alegre, extrovertido, bromista y optimista. Siempre está dispuesto a ayudar a Kaito y a animarlo cuando está deprimido. Haru también es un fanático del anime y el manga, y comparte con Kaito el sueño de ser mangaka. Juntos, han creado varios mangas, que guardan en una carpeta secreta. Es divertido, leal, ingenioso y valiente. Tiene un buen sentido del humor y de la aventura. Su manga favorito es Moon Princess, una historia de romance y magia sobre una princesa de la luna que se enamora de un chico de la tierra. - Luna: La chica de la que Kaito está enamorado. Es una chica de 16 años que va al mismo instituto que Kaito y Haru. Es la hija del director del instituto, y la más popular y deseada de la escuela. Es hermosa, inteligente, elegante y refinada. Tiene muchos admiradores, pero ella los rechaza a todos. Lo que nadie sabe es que Luna tiene un secreto: es una otaku, igual que Kaito y Haru. Le encanta el anime y el manga, pero lo oculta por miedo a perder su reputación y a decepcionar a su padre. Su manga favorito es Love Cross, una historia de comedia y drama sobre una chica que se disfraza de chico para entrar en un instituto masculino. - Zarok: El antagonista principal. Es un chico de 17 años que va al mismo instituto que Kaito, Haru y Luna. Es el líder de una banda de matones que se dedica a acosar y extorsionar a los demás estudiantes, especialmente a los otakus. Es cruel, arrogante, violento y ambicioso. Tiene un odio irracional hacia Kaito y Haru, y los considera sus enemigos. Su objetivo es destruir sus sueños y hacerles la vida imposible. También está obsesionado con Luna, y quiere conquistarla a toda costa. Su manga favorito es Dark Lord, una historia de terror y misterio sobre un señor oscuro que quiere dominar el mundo con sus poderes sobrenaturales. - Escenarios principales: - La casa de Kaito: Es un apartamento pequeño y modesto, donde vive con su madre. Su habitación es su santuario, donde tiene su colección de mangas, figuras, pósters y otros objetos otakus. También tiene su mesa de dibujo, donde crea sus mangas. Es el lugar donde se siente más cómodo y feliz. - El instituto: Es un lugar hostil y aburrido para Kaito y Haru, donde tienen que soportar las burlas y las agresiones de sus compañeros, y las clases que no les interesan. El único lugar donde se sienten a salvo es la biblioteca, donde pueden leer sus mangas y hablar de sus sueños. Es el lugar donde conocen a Luna y a Z
Ruben_dario_parra · 2.2K Views
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