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Hinata Twerk

The Cursed Prince's Strange Bride

The biggest mistake of Alicia's life, was trying to commit suicide. She found herself in the body of a 19 years old princess in exile, in the middle ages. What's more? She was forced to marry Prince Harold; the infamous white-haired hot tempered Prince who wouldn't mind killing someone for the most irrelevant reason. Now, her wedding is only a few hours from now and the 'princess', which happens to be Alicia, is supposed to display some 'princessly' skills to the guest. Quick question: Is twerking allowed in the middle ages? She knew one thing for sure, the wedding was going to be a disaster and the hot tempered prince was going to kill her before she found her way back home. God Help Her! ThatAmazingGirl in collaboration with Miss_Behaviour (The writers of In Love With A Klepto) is bringing you another book. "THE CURSED PRINCE'S STRANGE BRIDE" What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in the body of a princess in the ancient time? What's more, he isn't only a werewolf, he is also cursed by the moon goddess. EXCERPT: What should she do? She was confused and had no idea what was going on. Weddings in the middle ages was weird! What the hell is 'Virtues recitation'? Should she pretend to faint? That was the only thought that made sense. So that was what she did. She slowly collapsed on the ground and heard how everyone began to gasp and exclaim.  Alicia wanted them to take her out of there and then she would find a way to escape. But maybe she was unlucky after all, because when she peeped under her lashes, wondering why no one was coming to carry her out, she saw a golden robe, before the person crouched down in front of her. She shut her eyes tightly and stilled her breath. She was an actress, after all. She could pull this off flawlessly.  "That was a bad act, my lady." The deep voice spoke, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. Scary. "I will only give you three seconds to get up."  His voice wasn't really threatening, but somehow he commanded fear, especially with the slow and careful way he spoke. She had heard he was bad-tempered. What would he do after the three seconds passed? Would he kill her? Then would she die here? How did he even know she was pretending? Were people in the middle ages usually smart? She opened one eye to peek at him and saw him staring right at her with a smirk.  THERE WAS NO WAY THE WEDDING WASN'T HAPPENING. SHE WAS SO DEAD! ******* Werewolf (Check) Cursed prince (Check) Transmigration (Check) Comedy (Check) Romance (Double Check) ADD TO YOUR LIBRARY!
ThatAmazingGirl · 2.8M Views

Pengantin Aneh Pangeran Terkutuk

``` Kesalahan terbesar dalam hidup Alicia adalah mencoba untuk bunuh diri. Ia mendapati dirinya dalam tubuh seorang putri berusia 19 tahun yang sedang dalam pembuangan, di zaman pertengahan. Lebih dari itu? Ia dipaksa untuk menikahi Pangeran Harold; Pangeran berambut putih yang terkenal berapi-api dan tidak akan keberatan membunuh seseorang atas alasan paling tidak penting sekalipun. Sekarang, pernikahannya hanya tinggal beberapa jam lagi dan 'putri', yang kebetulan adalah Alicia, seharusnya menunjukkan beberapa keterampilan 'kesatriaan' kepada para tamu. Pertanyaan cepat: Apakah twerking diizinkan di zaman pertengahan? Ia tahu satu hal pasti, pernikahannya akan menjadi bencana dan pangeran yang berapi-api itu akan membunuhnya sebelum ia menemukan jalan pulang ke rumah. Tuhan Tolonglah Dia! ThatAmazingGirl bekerja sama dengan Miss_Behaviour (Penulis In Love With A Klepto) membawa Anda sebuah buku lain. "THE CURSED PRINCE'S STRANGE BRIDE" Apa yang akan Anda lakukan jika tiba-tiba Anda mendapati diri Anda dalam tubuh seorang putri di zaman kuno? Lebih dari itu, dia bukan hanya manusia serigala, dia juga dikutuk oleh dewi bulan. CUPILKAN: Apa yang harus dia lakukan? Dia bingung dan tidak tahu apa yang terjadi. Pernikahan di zaman pertengahan itu aneh! Apa itu 'Pembacaan Keutamaan'? Haruskah dia berpura-pura pingsan? Itu adalah satu-satunya pikiran yang masuk akal. Jadi itulah yang dia lakukan. Perlahan-lahan dia terjatuh ke tanah dan mendengar bagaimana semua orang mulai terkejut dan berteriak. Alicia menginginkan mereka untuk membawanya keluar dari sana dan kemudian dia akan mencari cara untuk melarikan diri. Tapi mungkin dia hanya tidak beruntung, karena ketika dia mengintip di bawah bulu matanya, bertanya-tanya mengapa tidak ada yang datang untuk membawanya keluar, dia melihat sebuah jubah emas, sebelum orang itu jongkok di hadapannya. Dia menutup matanya dengan erat dan menghentikan nafasnya. Dia adalah seorang aktris, setelah semua. Dia bisa melakukan ini dengan sempurna. "Itu akting yang buruk, nyonya." Suara dalam itu berbicara, membuat bulu kuduknya berdiri. Menakutkan. "Aku hanya akan memberimu tiga detik untuk bangun." Suara itu tidak benar-benar mengancam, tapi entah bagaimana dia memerintahkan rasa takut, terutama dengan cara bicaranya yang lambat dan hati-hati. Dia pernah mendengar dia mudah marah. Apa yang akan dia lakukan setelah tiga detik berlalu? Apakah dia akan membunuhnya? Lalu apakah dia akan mati di sini? Bagaimana dia bisa tahu dia hanya pura-pura? Apakah orang-orang di zaman pertengahan biasanya cerdas? Dia membuka satu mata untuk mengintip pangeran itu dan melihat dia menatapnya dengan senyum mengejek. TIDAK MUNGKIN PERNIKAHAN INI TIDAK JADI. DIA BENAR-BENAR AKAN MATI! ******* Manusia serigala (Check) Pangeran terkutuk (Check) Transmigrasi (Check) Komedi (Check) Romansa (Cek Dua Kali) TAMBAHKAN KE PERPUSTAKAAN ANDA! ```
ThatAmazingGirl · 38.5K Views

La curieuse épouse maudite du Prince

``` La plus grosse erreur d’Alicia, c’était d’avoir tenté de se suicider. Elle se retrouva dans le corps d’une princesse de 19 ans en exil, au Moyen Âge. Quoi de plus ? Elle était forcée d’épouser le Prince Harold ; le fameux Prince aux cheveux blancs et au tempérament de feu qui ne se gênerait pas pour tuer quelqu’un pour la raison la plus futile. Maintenant, son mariage n’est que dans quelques heures et la « princesse », qui se trouve être Alicia, doit démontrer quelques « compétences de princesse » aux invités. Petite question : Est-ce que le twerk est autorisé au Moyen Âge ? Elle savait une chose avec certitude, le mariage allait être un désastre et le Prince colérique allait la tuer avant qu’elle trouve un moyen de retourner chez elle. Que Dieu l’aide ! ThatAmazingGirl en collaboration avec Miss_Behaviour (Les auteures de In Love With A Klepto) vous présente un autre livre. « LA MARIÉE ÉTRANGE DU PRINCE MAUDIT » Que feriez-vous si vous vous retrouviez soudainement dans le corps d’une princesse à l’époque ancienne ? Qui plus est, il n’est pas seulement un loup-garou, il est aussi maudit par la déesse de la lune. EXTRAIT : Que devait-elle faire ? Elle était confuse et n’avait aucune idée de ce qui se passait. Les mariages au Moyen Âge étaient bizarres ! Mais qu’est-ce que c’est que la « récitation des vertus » ? Devrait-elle faire semblant de s’évanouir ? C’était la seule idée qui avait un sens. Alors c’est ce qu’elle fit. Elle s’effondra lentement sur le sol et entendit tout le monde commencer à s'exclamer et à pousser des cris. Alicia voulait qu'ils la sortent de là et ensuite elle trouverait un moyen de s'échapper. Mais peut-être qu’elle n’avait pas de chance après tout, parce que lorsqu’elle entrouvrit les yeux sous ses cils, se demandant pourquoi personne ne venait la porter, elle vit une robe dorée, avant que la personne ne se penche devant elle. Elle ferma les yeux fort et retint son souffle. Après tout, elle était actrice. Elle pouvait mener ça à bien sans faille. « C'était une mauvaise performance, ma dame. » La voix profonde parla, provoquant des frissons sur sa peau. Effrayant. « Je vous donne seulement trois secondes pour vous lever. » Sa voix n'était pas vraiment menaçante, mais d’une certaine manière il inspirait la crainte, particulièrement avec la manière lente et soignée avec laquelle il parlait. On disait de lui qu’il était colérique. Que ferait-il après que les trois secondes soient passées ? Allait-il la tuer ? Mourrait-elle ici ? Comment savait-il même qu’elle faisait semblant ? Les gens au Moyen Âge étaient-ils généralement intelligents ? Elle ouvrit un œil pour l’entrevoir et le vit la regardant droit dans les yeux avec un sourire narquois. IL N’Y AVAIT AUCUN MOYEN QUE LE MARIAGE N’AIT PAS LIEU. ELLE ÉTAIT TELLEMENT MORTE ! ******* Loup-garou (Coché) Prince maudit (Coché) Transmigration (Coché) Comédie (Coché) Romance (Doublement cochée) AJOUTEZ À VOTRE BIBLIOTHÈQUE ! ```
ThatAmazingGirl · 80.7K Views


Sinopsis: Sakura Haruno, una joven moderna y llena de energía, siempre ha soñado con explorar el mundo más allá de su ciudad natal. Con su espíritu indomable y un profundo deseo de aventura, decide embarcarse en un viaje al Caribe junto a sus mejores amigas, Ino Yamanaka y Hinata Hyuga. Lo que comienza como unas vacaciones de ensueño, repletas de risas y nuevas experiencias, pronto se convierte en una pesadilla. Durante el vuelo, un inesperado accidente aéreo lanza a las chicas al caos total. En medio del pánico y los gritos, un misterioso portal se abre en el cielo, y antes de que puedan comprender lo que está sucediendo, el portal las absorbe, transportándolas a una isla inhóspita, repleta de peligros desconocidos. Al despertar en esta nueva y salvaje tierra, Sakura, Ino y Hinata se encuentran rodeadas de una vegetación exuberante, pero también amenazadas por criaturas prehistóricas que parecen haber salido de un sueño aterrador. Desde el primer momento, se ven obligadas a enfrentar a los temibles dinosaurios rex que merodean por la isla, convirtiéndose en su principal enemigo. La necesidad de sobrevivir se convierte en su prioridad, y las chicas deben unir fuerzas y utilizar su ingenio para superar las adversidades que les presenta esta nueva vida. La isla resulta ser un lugar lleno de desafíos inusuales. Las tres amigas pronto descubren que no solo deben lidiar con las bestias feroces, sino también con la falta de recursos y la necesidad de construir un refugio adecuado para protegerse de las amenazas externas. Deciden crear un campamento improvisado donde pueden dormir y resguardarse, mientras luchan por encontrar alimento y agua potable. A medida que los días se convierten en semanas, su situación se vuelve más peligrosa, pero también más apremiante. Cada día trae nuevas dificultades que deben enfrentar. Con el paso del tiempo, las chicas desarrollan habilidades de supervivencia esenciales. Aprenden a cazar, recolectar alimentos y encontrar agua potable. A través de estas experiencias, se enfrentan a situaciones que ponen a prueba no solo su fuerza física, sino también su vínculo emocional. La presión de la supervivencia fortalece su amistad, y juntas se convierten en un equipo imbatible, apoyándose mutuamente en los momentos de duda y miedo. Durante sus exploraciones por la isla, las amigas descubren cristales mágicos que poseen propiedades únicas, cada uno relacionado con un elemento específico como el fuego, el agua, la tierra y el aire. Estos cristales no solo son hermosos, sino que también les otorgan habilidades especiales que pueden utilizar para su beneficio. Al aprender a utilizarlos, Sakura y sus amigas comienzan a manipular el entorno a su favor, creando defensas mágicas y herramientas que les ayudarán en su lucha diaria por la supervivencia. Sin embargo, el uso de los cristales también conlleva riesgos, ya que la isla tiene su propia magia oscura que puede volverse en su contra si no se tiene cuidado. Además de los cristales, las amigas se topan con runas antiguas que les enseñan a invocar habilidades especiales. A través de rituales y prácticas, descubren cómo estas runas pueden ayudarles a comunicarse con las fuerzas de la naturaleza y a conjurar poderes que las protejan de las bestias que las acechan. Este proceso de aprendizaje no es fácil; cada vez que utilizan las runas, deben afrontar desafíos que ponen a prueba su coraje y determinación. Aprenden a trabajar juntas para combinar sus poderes, creando habilidades conjuntas que las hacen más fuertes. A medida que enfrentan peligros cada vez mayores, las chicas experimentan momentos de tensión, pero también de cercanía emocional. En medio de la adversidad, surgen vínculos más profundos, y exploran su conexión de una manera más intensa, fortaleciendo su relación en un entorno realmente ostil
Nimsi_Sapato · 3.1K Views

"From Village to Empire: The Rise of Padrino Penduko"

"From Village to Empire: The Rise of Padrino Penduko" In the magical world of Xandros, Juan Pedro is reincarnated as Padrino Penduko, a humble villager in the isolated village of Rimuru, part of the once-great Kingdom of Earlshide. With no inherent magical abilities, Padrino must rely on his sharp intellect, strategic prowess, and knowledge from his past life to protect his village from the dangers that loom on the horizon. Despite its peaceful appearance, the village of Rimuru faces a growing threat as the Kingdom of Galdros expands, while Earlshide crumbles under the weight of political infighting. Alongside Hinata, a childhood friend gifted with powerful light magic, and Marko, a brilliant military strategist, Padrino begins to transform Rimuru from a forgotten village into a self-sustaining city-state, attracting refugees and nobles alike who seek protection from the chaos surrounding them. As Earlshide’s royal family is assassinated by Galdros forces, Padrino is thrust into a leadership role, encouraged by the remaining nobles and Prince Benimaru, the last surviving heir, to establish the Kingdom of Rimuru. With Padrino crowned as king, the new kingdom must defend itself against the relentless attacks of Galdros and other hostile forces while building alliances, advancing innovations, and preparing for war. However, Padrino’s journey is not without moral dilemmas and inner conflicts. As his kingdom grows, so too do the stakes, and he must navigate the complexities of leadership, balancing personal relationships with his strategic responsibilities. His bond with Hinata deepens, yet is tested by the moral costs of their decisions, while Marko’s rise from a trusted friend to a key council leader brings moments of tension and trust. As Galdros intensifies its efforts to conquer Rimuru, Padrino must lead his people through war, betrayal, and political intrigue. But the real question remains: How far is he willing to go to protect his kingdom? And what kind of ruler will he become in the process? "From Village to Empire: The Rise of Padrino Penduko" is a gripping tale of leadership, resilience, and the moral complexities of power, set in a richly detailed fantasy world where survival is only the first step toward greatness.
Hinata2 · 61.8K Views

The Class F Guide Among Us

Human have mutated to adopt powers as a way to prolong their survival in this continuously evolving universe. They are put into different classes in accordance to the level of their power. Having above-average powers, Class A and B will find it easy to climb the social ladder of modern-society. Class C is the average. Class D is somewhat struggling, but they get by. Class E is considered powerless and is often seen as disabled. Class S is a rarity, and they are often recruited to join the country's team of espers to fight mutants. YES is Neo Japan's newly built Esper organization recruiting aspiring Esper trainees as young as 15 years old. Its core team, Team Phoeinix, is the only Esper team in Japan that consists of all S-Class Espers with Neo Japan's beloved young Esper, Takenouchi Sora, as its leading figure. This series follow the story of these elite Espers and the little secret they keep in the team; an F-Class Guide, This story will be divided into a number of Arcs: Book 1: Being a class S grandson of a once famous esper, Shuu knows it won't take long for his potential to attract the attention of Neo Japan's recently formed team of young espers, YES, which consists of 5 class S espers. Follow Shuu as he figures out the innerworkings of an Esper Organization, keeping up with his seniors, working hard, and, to his surprise, finding an F-Class member to the team.. Genre: Fantasy, Mystery, Shounen Ai, a little Horror, a little school life-ish Book 2: Arilio Banks is known as Team Phoenix's manager; but those who know him better call him the team's babysitter. It's difficult having to deal with kids with the strength and the temperament of S-Class; with all the screaming, the fighting, the power struggle and the knowledge that these kids can beat you to shreds anytime. No matter! Arilio Banks has long figured out a way to deal with his wards in the form of a Guide. This book follows Arilio Banks as he struggles with building a team; starting from meeting the enigmatic Sora, figuring out the struggles of working with Class S teenagers, and welcoming a guide into the team. Genre: Comedy, Shounen Ai, Yaoi, Action, Fantasy Book 3: With Shuu joining the team, Sora's design for the most powerful team to defeat the Great Mutant that attacked Japan half a decade ago is complete. But victory can only be achieved with understanding the enemy. What are mutants and where do they come from? The further they go to find these answers, the closer the get to the place where their team finally began; Shun-En High School. Genre: Mystery, Fantasy, Horror, Yaoi, Shounen Ai Book 4: After the murder of Hinata Ren, YES is finally dissolved with all of its Espers given the choice of retiring early or to join a different Esper Bureau. Takao, after witnessing all the horror of Shun-En and knowing what mutants are, picked the prior and returned to his hometown to take over the small family business with his brother. It's nice living the problem-free life in the country side and ignoring the fact that they have lost their weapon against The Great Mutant. Takenouchi Sora has disappeared, Abe Koukichi left for America, Kikuya Rika abandons her Esper career to become a pop sensation, and the Segawa brothers have gone rogue; one was said to be in a mental institution, and the other joined the enemy's side. It would be easier if only Guide Hinata is alive, but he’s now asleep in his coffin. Or so Takao thinks, until he sees the Guide sipping coffee in his family’s small restaurant. Genre: Comedy, Action, Shounen Ai, Mystery Book 5: ??? ** This story uses an alternate plot and system to another story I am currently writing. I figure that everything I can't put in that story shall go here. Here are other tags that I would like to add to this novel: #guideverse #esper #harem-ish The story will mainly focus on bl (sadly it has become my expertise at this point), but there are some hetero couples here and there.
MissTeaCup · 23.7K Views
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