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Serangan Balasan Ibu Tiri: Membesarkan Anak di Era yang Telah Berlalu

[Isteri Lembut VS Pria Tangguh, Memanjakan Istri + Kedua Berbudi + Kehidupan Sehari-hari Mengasuh Anak] Pembawa acara livestream makanan Shen Mingzhu tertransmigrasi menjadi ibu tiri jahat dari novel masa lampau, menjadi tokoh yang kontras dengan Shen Baolan dari desa tersebut. Shen Baolan baik dan berbudi, memperlakukan anak tirinya seperti anak kandungnya sendiri, sementara tokoh asli itu kejam dan bengis, selalu memukuli atau memarahi anak tirinya. Shen Baolan menikmati masa tuanya yang indah berkat anak tirinya yang menjanjikan, sementara tokoh aslinya terbakar hidup-hidup oleh anak tirinya yang terpilu dan jahat. Untuk mengubah hasil tragis tersebut, Shen Mingzhu menggulung lengan bajunya, siap untuk mengurutkan semuanya dengan benar. —— Shen Baolan memiliki mimpi. Pria yang akan dia nikahi akan meninggal setengah tahun kemudian, meninggalkannya menjadi janda tanpa apa-apa, terikat untuk menjalani hidup penuh kesengsaraan. Sementara itu, Shen Mingzhu, karena menikah dengan pria yang tepat, menjadi wanita kaya yang diidamkan. Keduanya dari desa yang sama, keduanya menjadi ibu tiri bagi seseorang, mengapa Shen Mingzhu harus hidup lebih baik darinya? Dia akan menikah dengan pria yang Shen Mingzhu nikahi, dan menjalani kehidupan baik Shen Mingzhu! —— Lima tahun berlalu. Shen Mingzhu telah menjadi mahasiswa, suami Shen Mingzhu tidak meninggal tapi malah menjadi bos besar, dan anak tirinya Shen Mingzhu menjadi anak ajaib. Shen Baolan, yang mendambakan kesuksesan suaminya, masih menunggu dengan pahit hari di mana suaminya akan meningkat menjadi hebat.
Seven Queens · 61.9K Views

The wealthy daughter breaks through the situation with wisdom

Standing in the Aristocratic Circle New to the Aristocratic Circle and Subjected to Bullying After crossing over, Dai Shi Ya found herself in a hostile aristocratic family. The housekeeper, Liu, treated her poorly, arranging for her to stay in the servants' quarters and providing her with servant uniforms as "daily clothes." The other servants also held prejudices against her due to her status, making life difficult for her at every turn. Faced with these difficulties, Dai Shi Ya did not choose to confront immediately but decided to take the initiative to try to integrate into the family. She began to help in the kitchen, learning various domestic skills. Although her efforts did not immediately win the recognition of everyone, she gradually won the respect of some of the servants. Shining at the Family Dinner In order to establish herself in the family, Dai Shi Ya decided to take advantage of the family dinner. She meticulously prepared for various aspects of the dinner, including venue layout and menu design. At the dinner, she encountered multiple difficulties from her cousin Dai Yue. Dai Yue first tried to prevent her from attending the dinner by soiling her dress, and then attempted to embarrass her by making her perform piano in front of everyone. However, Dai Shi Ya used her intelligence and skills to defuse the crisis and showcased her embroidery talent and "mind-reading" skills at the dinner, winning everyone's admiration and changing the attitudes of the family elders towards her. Resolving Crises and Consolidating Her Position At the birthday party of the Dai family patriarch, Dai Shi Ya once again became the focus of attention. She not only put in a lot of effort in the preparation process but also skillfully handled various unexpected situations at the party. She exposed Dai Yue's malicious acts of spreading rumors behind the scenes, causing Dai Yue to be embarrassed in front of everyone, while also gaining the recognition and support of the family elders, further consolidating her position in the Dai family. Handling Family Affairs Dai Shi Ya gained the trust of the Dai family patriarch and was asked to handle some family affairs. She took over a land project that had been abandoned for many years and, through her own efforts, resolved a series of issues in the land development process, including the breakage of the capital chain and the resettlement of residents. In the process of handling the land project, she also discovered some clues about the late wife of the Dai family patriarch, which brought her closer to the patriarch and also aroused Dai Yue's jealousy and resentment. Business Competition and the Test of Friendship Business Conspiracy and Counterattack Dai Shi Ya's rise within the family aroused the jealousy and dissatisfaction of some people, making her a target of business competition. The collateral branch of the Dai family, including Dai Qiang, spread rumors behind the scenes, trying to tarnish her reputation and undermine her position in the family. Dai Shi Ya was not knocked down by these rumors. She exposed the conspiracy of Dai Qiang and others through her intelligence and investigative skills, and successfully counterattacked them at the family meeting, maintaining her reputation and position. Friendship Crisis and Resolution Dai Shi Ya's good friend Wei Qing was implicated in her business competition. Wei Qing was threatened by Zhao Lei, forced to distance himself from Dai Shi Ya, and betrayed her in some business affairs. Dai Shi Ya did not give up on Wei Qing. She investigated the truth through her own efforts, exposed Zhao Lei's malicious acts, successfully resolved the friendship crisis with Wei Qing, and also freed Wei Qing from Zhao Lei's threat.
Typing_robot · 42.2K Views

Udara Duniaku

Kasih adalah tokoh perempuan remaja berumur 13 tahun yang duduk di bangku SMP. Kasih bersekolah di SMP Negri 3 Malang, dia berperawakan tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak terlalu pendek, tingginya 154cm. Dia tipikal anak yang ramah, humoris, sopan, penurut, namun memiliki sisi pemberontakan tersendiri di dalam diri nya, dia seorang anak tunggal dari Ibu Jeny, dan Bapak Bahar, Kasih memiliki rambut hitam sebahu yang tidak terlalu tebal, tubuh nya berperawakan kurus, namun sedikit berisi. Mereka tinggal di wilayah desa yang mulai bertumbuh menjadi perkotaan, karena desa tempat tinggal Kasih baru saja diresmikan menjadi kota, dan terpisah dari kota dan kabupaten yang sebelumnya menjadi satu. Kasih memiliki sosok ibu yang tegas, galak, dan bermulut pedas namun penyayang, sedangkan ayah kasih adalah sosok yang pengertian, ramah, humoris, dan mudah berbaur dengan teman sebaya maupun yang lebih muda, Kasih tinggal di rumah berlantai dua Kasih sangat suka melihat langit saat pagi dan malam, bahkan ia rela membujuk ibunya habis-habisan sehingga ibunya rela memberikan kamar lantai atas yang baru dibangun menj"Kasih! ", panggil sang ibu pada putri remaja nya yang masih berada di kamarnya. " Iya mamah, Kasih turun! ", jawabnya, sambil berdiri dari kursi meja belajar nya!.              " Iya mah, tadi kasih masih ngerjain pr matematika", jawabku sambil menuju keran air, bersiap cuci tangan lalu bersiao makan malam. "Eh ayah sudah pulang?!, biasanya kasih denger loh suara gerbang depan, kasih emang lagi ngantuk sih ?! ", ujar kasih tersenyum sambil menyalimi sang ayah yang baru pulang kerja.             " Iya!, ayah pulang karena sudah cukup omset jualan alat tulis nya hari ini, dapet bonus dari pak bos karena ngirim paket buku banyak tadi", jawab sang ayah bersemangat memberi tahuku.             "Wahh!, Kasih boleh minta ayah beliin kue banyak-banyak dong?!", ucapku senang sambil menggoyang-goyangkan tangan ayah yang aku salimi tadi !, " Udah-udah makan, terus sholat maghrib sana, ibu aja udah makan udah sholat, kalian ini ngobrol teruss! ", ucap ibuku sambil menjewer telingaku dan ayah sekaligus.             " Iya iya ibu, ampun bu ", ucapku terkekeh, sambil beralih mengambil nasi dan lauk, lalu segera makan, dan lanjut beribadah. " Ini jawabannya berapa ya?, mana aku lupa rumusnya lagi!! ", ucapku sambil menggosok-gosok dahiku mulai lelah, dan makin bingung saat mengerjakan tugasku !.            Tok tok tok        Tiba-tiba suara ketukan pintu terdengar, aku pun menoleh dan menghela nafas sejenak, " masuk bu, pintunya ngga kasih kunci! ", jawabku , hingga ibu pun masuk dan berkata     " Sih!, ini susu vanila nya ibu taruh meja kecil sini ya!, diminum!, dikumpulin kapan itu pr matematika nya?", tanya ibu mengintimidasi!.            "Dikumpulin besok bu! ", jawabku lesu, karena memang pelajaran matematika bukan favorit ku,  dan selalu membuatku sakit kepala!, " Yaudah minta tolong bapak mu sana!, dari tadi ngga selesai-selesai ini kamu lemot apa gimana sih! ", jawab ibuku tegas!            " Iya bu!, ini kasih mau ke bapak! ", jawabku lemas karena dimarahi ibu, memang sejak tadi ada soal sulit, sehingga aku bahkan belum selesai meskipun mengerjakan nya sejak pulang dari sekolah tadi!.             " Udah!, kamu habisin dulu susu nya, sholat isya!, baru ngerjakan lagi!, ya kasih!! ", ucap ibu, " Iya bu ". Segera kuambil gelas susu dan meneguk nya hingga tuntas saat ibu menutuo pintu kamar ku, saat selesai menghabiskan susu vanila, aku pun beranjak berdiri dari kursi belajar ku dan menuju tempat cuci piring membersihkan gelas yang tadi kupakai. Kasih adalah tokoh perempuan remaja berumur 13 tahun yang duduk di bangku SMP. Kasih bersekolah di SMP Negri 3 Malang, dia berperawakan tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak terlalu pendek, tingginya 154cm. Dia tipikal anak yang ramah, natural, sopan, penurut, namun memiliki sisi pemberontakan tersendiri di dalam diri nya, dia seorang anak tunggal dari Ibu Jeny, dan Bapak Bahar, Kasih memiliki rambut hit
Bunga_Kelana · 154 Views

Menerima Warisan Besar Saya Setelah Perceraian

Shen Yan bersikeras menikahi Fu Hang ini meskipun harus menanggung risiko ditinggalkan oleh keluarga dan kerabatnya. Ia berpikir bahwa setelah tiga tahun, ia akan bisa melelehkan es di hati pria itu. Namun, ketika pria ini menahannya dan memaksa dia untuk berlutut di hadapan keluarganya untuk mengaku pada kesalahan yang tak pernah dia lakukan, Shen Yan menyadari bahwa hati pria itu terbuat dari es. Ketika ia terjatuh ke dalam air bersama kakak ipar perempuannya, Chloe Lindsey, Fu Hang segera melompat ke bawah pada momen pertama dan menyelamatkan Chloe Lindsey. Dia membawa Lin Xing ke rumah sakit sementara Shen Yan, yang tidak tahu cara berenang, hanya bisa menunggu penjaga untuk menyelamatkannya. Anak di dalam perut Chloe Lindsey tidak bisa bertahan dalam cobaan tersebut dan dia mengalami keguguran. Fu Hang membawa Shen Yan ke keluarganya tanpa penjelasan apa pun dan meminta dia untuk berlutut dan mengakui kesalahannya. Matanya di bawah alis yang tajam itu terlihat kejam, seolah-olah dia menusuk pisau ke dalam hati Shen Yan. "Setelah Kakak meninggal, dia hanya meninggalkan seorang anak. Kamu seharusnya tidak membunuh anak ini!" "Aku tidak melakukannya. Dia yang melompat sendiri!" "Kamu tunggu apa lagi? Berlutut dan akui kesalahanmu!" Tiga tahun dalam pernikahannya, Shen Yan yakin bahwa bahkan seekor anjing lebih berharga daripada dirinya di keluarga Fu, apalagi Chloe Lindsey yang benar-benar dicintai Fu Hang. Tepat sebelum salah satu lututnya hendak menyentuh tanah, Fu Hang masih berpikir bahwa Shen Yan akan mengakui kesalahannya. Namun tak disangka Shen Yan perlahan meluruskan badan dan berkata, "Fu Hang, ayo kita bercerai. Saya akan pura-pura bahwa saya memberi makan tiga tahun terakhir ini kepada anjing-anjing. Tidak ada seorang pun yang layak menyia-nyiakan masa mudaku setelah ini!" Oleh karena itu, Shen Yan memutuskan untuk pulang dan menerima warisannya yang bernilai ratusan miliar. Kehidupan yang gemilang menantinya!
JQK · 78.1K Views

MISSION: Make her fall for me

Love was nothing for Stella Cruze, the daughter of Magdalene Cruze, the  most puissant,dominated rich woman in town with a lot of companies.Member of a mafia clan and her popularity centered on her domineering demeanor and  overwhelming wealth Taking the first place in ranking of wealth. Stella was overwhelmingly beautiful and so attractive but inherited the domineering behavior of her mother.Stella ,as the only child of Magdalene already inherited Magdalene's wealth. Love was nothing to  Stella ,to her love was a waste of time that always results in pain. Apollo Dun was the son of the Don,Lucus, the most dangerous Mafia boss.All Apollo wanted from the day his mom left was to make his father proud but it seemed like an impossible dream since Aaron Dunn, his step brother —same age—always got in the way. Lucus got diagnosed with  Alzheimer's disease and was going to die in two years. All he wants before his death is to take the first place in ranking of wealth.So he tells his sons to take control over the Cruze Empire. But how can this be done without falling for the  attractive Stella Cruze. ----------------------- Excerpt "Don't try me Apollo"Her words conveyed anger but her voice showed how much she wanted this. Apollo held her chin, lifting her head a little."Or else?"he asked with a smirk.He didn't comprehend why he was enjoying this.Fine, because making her fall for him was easy than expected but it felt like he wanted this and he didn't comprehend this feeling. His closeness made her heart pound so fast.She felt her chicks turn red.Stella looked away and struggled to free herself from his grip. "Just..leave me alone"She said. "What if I say I won't?"Apollo asked with a grin ."Just admit it Stella, you want me"He added. That he said was true but she was too stubborn to accept it . Love was not on her menu. "Dream on" Finally she removed her had from his and walked pass him, catching her breathe.Then, suddenly he pulled her by the waist . They were close to each other and their lips were a mere inch away.This was the best chance for Apollo to do what he wanted from the first day he set his eyes on her.....To kiss her. They both stared at each other's lips. "You better be ready for this."Apollo said. "W—what—"She felt his lips connected to to her. I don't own the cover so please ask the owner for permission before using it. Thank you. I hope you'll like my second book.
Clairemade · 34.1K Views


Kuma, a 29-year-old homebound programmer and self-proclaimed Otaku, lives a predictable life in the 21st century—until he wakes up in a world that defies logic. One moment, he’s binge-watching his favorite show with a bucket of chicken; the next, he’s stranded in a mysterious cave, clad in animal fur, and staring at a younger version of himself in a reflective stream. This isn’t just any wilderness—it’s a surreal, game-like realm where survival is the only rule. A cryptic menu floats before him, listing missions: Find Water. Build Shelter. Hunt an Animal. Survive. But this is no ordinary game. The stakes are life and death, and the rules are unclear. As Kuma ventures into the unknown, he encounters a world both breathtaking and terrifying. A towering, silver-marked mountain lion guards its territory with primal ferocity. Strange, rabbit-like creatures with glowing eyes dart through the shadows. And the forest itself seems alive, whispering secrets he can’t quite grasp. Armed only with his wits and a rudimentary “Analyze” skill, Kuma must adapt quickly. He forages for berries, crafts makeshift weapons, and sets traps, all while battling hunger, exhaustion, and the ever-present threat of predators. But as he delves deeper, he begins to suspect this isn’t just a game—or even a dream. The world feels too real, too deliberate. What is this place? Who brought him here? And why does it feel like the world is testing him? Lone Survival is a gripping tale of resilience, mystery, and survival. With every step, Kuma uncovers more questions than answers, and the line between reality and illusion blurs. Will he unravel the secrets of this strange world, or will he become just another casualty in its unforgiving landscape? Dive into a story where every decision matters, every encounter could be deadly, and the truth is as elusive as the next sunrise. Welcome to Kuma’s nightmare. Welcome to Lone Survival.
Arctic_Wing · 47.7K Views

The Child Soldier's Reincarnation

'The Weapon', that was what the soldiers called him. A young boy who ran into battle and simply killed what he was told to. All the higher ups used him as a tool, so calling him a weapon was rather fitting. He was a child who's talent was monstrous, he lived in a world where people produced 'Aura.' And although his Aura pool was rather large it wasn't what made him so monstrous, he possessed a Unique Attribute. The Corruption Attribute, it could stop natural regeneration, make the body and the ground crumble to dust. It made things decay and was like a poison. On top of that, he had a level of intelligence that would surpass even graduates of famous universities. His martial skills were also powerful, he could copy martial arts with a glance. However, he had been brainwashed and drugged to the point where he couldn't disobey. One night he was sent to battle and never returned. The Weapon only had one belonging, a book, it was the book written by the first person that he had killed. And he had reincarnated as a villain... _______________________________________________ All the art, the covers and in the images used in this book belong to their respective owners, I do not claim to own these images. I also recommend getting to around chapter 25 ish before deciding what to do, that's when stuff goes hard, everything before is more backround, information and build up. Oh and I got an Editor, WorthyAdversary, he edits from chapter 43 onwards And the MC won't be 'himself' for the first few chs, he'll be more of a mix between Valier and himself. But as the story progressess he'll start becoming himself again. Join the disc, it's got other authors and my editor in it!
Ram_Guy10 · 662.1K Views

Shadowbound: Black Spirit’s Pact - never intended to play Black Desert

Elias Verden never intended to play Black Desert Online. He certainly never meant to create a breathtakingly beautiful swordswoman and abandon her before even starting the game. But when a single careless click pulls him into the world he barely understood, Elias finds himself trapped—not as the adventurer he imagined, but as something far more dangerous. He has become a Black Spirit—a being of whispers and temptation, a guide and a curse, a force meant to shape heroes and consume them in equal measure. And standing before him, blade in hand, is the woman he once left behind—Ume, the Maehwa warrior he never played, yet who now breathes, moves, and glares at him with a fury born from abandonment. But the world they find themselves in is not the game he knew. There are no glowing markers, no system menus, no convenient respawns. Here, every step carries weight, every battle demands skill, and every mistake has consequences. Worse still, Elias is changing—his thoughts darker, his instincts sharper, his very existence bound to Ume’s fate in ways neither of them yet understand. Lost, confused, and utterly unprepared, the pair must navigate a world where legends are real, power is earned through blood and sweat, and the line between player and pawn is dangerously thin. But as Elias’s strength grows, so too does the shadow curling at the edges of his mind. Is he still himself? Or is the Black Spirit he has become merely waiting—biding its time—until there is nothing left of Elias Verden at all? Themes & Appeal: Dynamic Character Growth: A story that explores what happens when an idealist is thrown into a world where power is not given, but taken, and where survival demands more than just skill—it demands sacrifice. A Unique Protagonist Role: Unlike typical transported-to-a-game stories, Elias is not the adventurer—he is the Black Spirit itself, a being meant to guide and corrupt, torn between his human nature and the dark power awakening within him. Complex Relationships: Ume and Elias’s dynamic is tense, layered, and deeply personal—a warrior abandoned by her creator, and a creator who never meant to become the very thing meant to consume her. A World Beyond the Game: This is no longer Black Desert Online—this is a world where the game’s rules do not apply, and both Ume and Elias must learn what it truly means to carve their own path. Tagline: "He was meant to be the player. Now he is the curse that binds her fate."
Kinasalin · 13.7K Views
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