Legacy of the Forgotten Hero
In a world teetering on the brink of collapse, humanity faces an unprecedented challenge: a dimensional cataclysm that warps reality and releases monstrous entities fueled by mana. Amidst the chaos, Ren, an unremarkable man often overlooked by the world, discovers he has been left behind as humanity is transported to parallel worlds for survival training.
As the sole inhabitant of a time-frozen Earth, Ren initially struggles to adapt to his solitary existence. Guided by enigmatic messages and assisted by a sentient AI, he embarks on an extraordinary journey to hone his physical strength and mental fortitude. What begins as mere survival training evolves into a transformative quest as Ren uncovers ancient secrets about Earth's past and its connection to the dimensional cataclysm.
Meanwhile, across the dimensions, humanity's survivors are embroiled in political schemes, alliances with mysterious beings, and battles for supremacy. A fractured group of heroes emerges, each wielding unique powers obtained in their new worlds. Yet, unbeknownst to them, their fates are intricately tied to Ren, the "Forgotten Hero" who holds the key to Earth's salvation.
As the dimensional barriers weaken and the cataclysm draws near, Ren must reunite with humanity and prove that being forgotten doesn’t mean being powerless. With ancient forces, newfound allies, and his unyielding determination, Ren prepares to lead the ultimate stand against the apocalypse.