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Mutter Witze

Hades' verfluchte Luna

In einer Welt, in der Lykaner und Werwölfe eingeschworene Feinde sind, ist Eve Valmont ein Werwolf, der durch eine Prophezeiung verflucht und reingelegt wurde. Von ihrem eigenen Rudel verraten und jahrelang gefangen gehalten, nimmt ihr Schicksal eine noch dunklere Wendung, als sie dem Lykanerkönig Hades Stavros angeboten wird - einem Herrscher, der für seine rücksichtslosen Eroberungen und tödlichen Fähigkeiten gefürchtet ist. Gebunden durch eine uralte Prophezeiung und verfolgt von den Geistern ihrer Vergangenheit, ist Eve nun der Gnade desjenigen Wesens ausgeliefert, das sie am meisten hassen und fürchten sollte - der Hand des Todes selbst. Hades, ein König, der aus Blut und dem Verfall seiner eigenen Seele geschnitzt ist, ist entschlossen, das Gemetzel an seiner Familie zu rächen und sein Volk von den Werwölfen zu befreien. Er glaubt, dass Eve der Schlüssel zu seinem Sieg ist. Für ihn ist sie nichts weiter als eine von der Prophezeiung vorhergesagte Waffe, ein Werkzeug, mit dem er die gegnerischen Kräfte, die sein Rudel bedrohen, vernichten wird. Und doch ertappt er sich dabei, dass er sich nach dieser mächtigen, aber gebrochenen Frau sehnt. Er fragt sich, ob sie wirklich seine Waffe ist oder diejenige, die dazu bestimmt ist, seine sorgfältig ausgearbeiteten Pläne zu durchkreuzen. *** Er pirschte sich an mich heran, wie ein Raubtier, das sich seiner Beute nähert, seine Augen dunkel und unleserlich. "Du lachst also?" Seine Stimme war leise, gefährlich sanft, so dass sich die Haare in meinem Nacken aufstellten. Ich schluckte schwer und merkte plötzlich, wie schwer es mir fiel, zu atmen. "Hades, ich..." "Aber du lachst doch nur über die Witze anderer Männer", unterbrach er mich, sein Blick war durchdringend und frei von jeglichem Humor. "Nicht über die deines Mannes." Die Anschuldigung in seinem Tonfall war scharf und zerschnitt die Luft zwischen uns. Ein nervöses Glucksen entwich mir. "Das kann nicht dein Ernst sein... Er ist dein Beta, um Himmels willen." In einem Augenblick schloss er den Abstand zwischen uns, so schnell, dass mir der Atem stockte. Seine Hände umfassten meine Taille, zogen mich an seinen Körper, und seine Hitze ließ meine Haut kribbeln. Ich keuchte, doch bevor ich ein Wort sagen konnte, stürzten sich seine Lippen auf meine und beanspruchten meinen Mund mit einer Kraft, die Schockwellen durch mich sandte. Der Kuss war strafend, hungrig - ich konnte nicht atmen, konnte nicht denken. Als er sich schließlich zurückzog, zitterte ich, und mein Brustkorb hob sich, als ich darum rang, wieder zu Atem zu kommen. Seine Augen, dunkel und stürmisch, suchten meine mit einer besitzergreifenden Intensität. "Du kannst nicht über meine Witze lachen...", flüsterte er, seine Stimme war gefährlich rau, während seine Finger tiefer wanderten und mir einen Schauer über den Rücken jagten, "aber du wirst mit meinen Fingern kommen." Ich erschauderte, und in meinem Bauch sammelte sich Hitze bei seinen Worten, seiner Berührung. Die Welt um uns herum verschwamm, löste sich in Nichts auf, als seine Hand tiefer glitt und mir ein unkontrolliertes Keuchen entlockte. Der Blick in seinen Augen verriet mir, dass er genau wusste, was er mit mir tat, und die ursprüngliche Verbindung zwischen uns war in diesem Moment nicht zu leugnen. "Ich brauche dein Lachen nicht", murmelte er gegen meine Haut, sein Atem heiß an meinem Hals. "Ich will stattdessen jeden anderen Teil von dir haben." **** Dunkle Fantasy-Romantik Moralisches Grau ML Angst Spannung Von Feinden zu Liebenden Smut (wie Streusel auf deinem Eis)
Lilac_Everglade · 10.9K Views

Die Tochter der bescheidenen Familie hat eine räumliche Tasche!

(1v1, rein und süß) Xiliangs Prinzenresidenz. Mit tigerartiger Energie und im Alter von nur 5 Jahren sah der kleine Prinz Xiao Moxi, wie seine Mutter wieder zu den Feldern davoneilte, und sein dampfbrötchenartiges Gesicht verzog sich vor Frustration. Er schaute betrübt zu seinem Vater neben ihm und beklagte sich mit einem Anflug von Weltweisheit: "Vater, wie konntest du dich in meine Mutter verlieben, die ständig weglaufen will?" Xiao Yeyang warf seinem frühreifen Sohn einen Seitenblick zu und tat dann so, als würde er über die Frage nachdenken. Warum hatte er sich in der Tat in diese Frau verliebt? Nach einem langen Schweigen... "Wer weiß? Vielleicht bin ich mit dem Kopf in einer Tür hängen geblieben!" Vater und Sohn tauschten einen Blick des gegenseitigen Mitgefühls aus und stießen unisono einen hilflosen Seufzer aus. Was macht man, wenn man mit einer Frau zusammen ist, die nie zu Hause ist? Mit der eigenen Prinzessinnen-Gemahlin (Mutter) kann man nur eines tun - sie verwöhnen, versteht sich! ... In die Antike versetzt, mit einem Raum voller Reisblumen, wollte sie nur in Ruhe ihr Leben auf den Feldern verbringen. Unerwartet wurde sie von ihrem Vater, einem Bezirksrichter, gezwungen, das Land zu verlassen und in die Stadt zu ziehen! In der Stadt herrschte reges Treiben, und um zu Hause mitreden zu können, kaufte sie Ländereien, baute Blumen und Heilkräuter an und entwickelte ertragreiche Getreidesorten von hoher Qualität. Bemerkenswerterweise half sie ihrem Vater, der neun Jahre lang Bezirksrichter war, Schritt für Schritt aufzusteigen und brachte die niedrig geborene Familie Yan in die elitären Kreise Pekings! Dies ist die Geschichte einer adligen Tochter aus einer bescheidenen Familie, die ihrem Clan zu Erfolg und Wohlstand verhilft, und eine süße Liebesgeschichte von gegenseitigem Erfolg und Zusammenwachsen! Männliche Hauptrolle: Vor den anderen ist er der stolze kleine Prinz, der herrschsüchtige Prinz von Xiliang. Vor der weiblichen Hauptrolle ist er ein sanftmütiger und zärtlicher Mann. Weibliche Hauptrolle: In allen Belangen klar, warmherzig und selbstbewusst!
Knocking Brush · 8K Views

Mia ist kein Störenfried!

Die Familie Miller hatte eine Unruhestifterin in der Familie. Ihr Name war Amelia Miller. Ihre Mutter starb bei der Geburt, als sie geboren wurde. Ihre Stiefmutter stürzte während der Schwangerschaft von einer Treppe und starb. Amelias Vater bestrafte sie, indem er sie mit dem Gesicht zur Wand auf dem Dachboden stellte. Auf dem Dachboden war es dunkel und feucht, und es gab überhaupt kein Sonnenlicht. Niemand brachte ihr etwas zu essen, und Amelia dachte, dass sie vielleicht dort sterben würde. Kurz vor ihrem Tod wählte sie eine Nummer, die ihre Mutter ihr vor ihrem Tod gesagt hatte. Nachdem sie aufgelegt hatte, hörte sie ein Rumpeln um sich herum. Das Haus der Familie Miller war von einer Gruppe schwarz gekleideter Leibwächter umstellt. Acht Männer stiegen aus ihren Autos aus, jeder mit einer anderen Aura. Sie gingen direkt auf den Dachboden. Der Mann, der sie anführte, kniete nieder und hielt Amelia, die bewusstlos war, in seinen Armen. Er hatte einen ernsten Gesichtsausdruck. "Die Familie Miller muss bankrott gehen." Nachdem sie die ganze Nacht geschlafen hatte, wachte Amelia auf und musste feststellen, dass ihr Vater bankrott war. Ihre Familienmitglieder waren alle obdachlos. Inzwischen hatte sie... Sie hatte acht Onkel und einen netten Großvater, der sie sehr liebte. Amelias Vater bereute, was er getan hatte, und war nicht bereit, sein Schicksal zu akzeptieren. Und was ist, wenn Amelia jetzt ein gutes Leben führt? Sie war immer noch die Unruhestifterin, die für den Tod ihrer Mutter und den Bankrott ihres Vaters verantwortlich war! Er ahnte nicht, dass sich ihr Glück nach Amelias Rückkehr ins Haus ihres Onkels nur noch zu verbessern schien. Sogar ihre bettlägerige Großmutter konnte jetzt aufstehen und auf dem Platz tanzen! Schließlich behauptete ein gottähnlicher Mann, ihr Vater zu sein. Er verwöhnte sie so sehr, dass die ganze Welt neidisch auf sie wurde.
Nunu · 17.3K Views

Geliebt von einem älteren Mann

Das Verlobungsgeschenk beträgt zwei Millionen Dollar, keinen einzigen Cent weniger. Jiang Yu ist bereits achtzehn Jahre alt und kann jetzt heiraten. Schicken Sie das Geld auf meine Karte, und die Sache ist erledigt!" Jiang Yu sah ihre Mutter an, die am Verhandlungstisch ununterbrochen redete. Sie beobachtete, wie ihre Mutter ihren Preis nannte, als sie Jiang Yu verkaufte. Jiang Yu konnte es nicht fassen. Vor achtzehn Jahren brachten sie das falsche Baby aus dem Krankenhaus nach Hause, und Jiang Yu, die echte Tochter einer wohlhabenden Familie, landete bis vor einem Jahr in einem Waisenhaus. Jiang Ran, die falsche Tochter der Familie Jiang, wuchs mit einem silbernen Löffel im Mund auf. Da sie von klein auf über bessere Mittel verfügte, war sie in jeder Hinsicht besser als Jiang Yu und wurde der Stolz der Familie Jiang. Jiang Yu, die sich die meiste Zeit in der Außenwelt herumtrieb, war nichts weiter als ein Landei, das ihre Mutter in den Kreisen der Gesellschaft zum Gespött machte. Doch Jiang Yu hatte keine Ahnung, wie groß der Hass ihrer Mutter auf sie war. An dem Tag, an dem sie achtzehn Jahre alt wurde, "verkaufte" ihre Mutter sie zu einem bestimmten Preis. Jiang Yu sagte: "Wenn du deine Tochter mit jemand anderem verheiraten willst, sollte es Jiang Ran sein. Ich bin deine echte Tochter. Du bist diejenige, die Jiang Ran fälschlicherweise nach Hause gebracht hat!" Ihre Mutter erwiderte: "Halt den Mund. Ich wünschte, ich hätte dich nicht zur Welt gebracht. Du hast nichts als Schande über mich gebracht!" Jiang Ran sagte: "Große Schwester, alles, was Mama tut, ist nur zu deinem Besten. Mach ihr keine Vorwürfe." Ihre Mutter sagte: "Ich bin überzeugt, dass sie nichts anderes als eine Schuldeneintreiberin ist, die zu mir gekommen ist, um ihre Schulden einzutreiben! Entweder du gibst mir zwei Millionen Dollar, oder du heiratest gehorsam!" Jiang Yu verließ verzweifelt das Haus. Durch eine verrückte Kombination von Faktoren heiratete sie versehentlich einen Mr. CEO. Von da an verwöhnte der dreißigjährige Mann seine achtzehnjährige Frau bis zum Äußersten. Das kleine Mädchen sagte: "Mister, jemand hat Ihre Frau schikaniert!" Der Mann: "Welcher inkompetente Narr ist so blind, dass er es wagt, dich zu schikanieren?"
Mountain Springs · 50.8K Views

Mr. CEO, Ihre Frau ist ein versteckter BOSS!

Vor fünf Jahren wurde Qiao Nian von ihrer Schwester, Qiao Xin, hintergangen. Nachdem sie eine Nacht mit einem Fremden verbracht hatte, wurde Qiao Nian schwanger. Sie wusste nicht, wer der Vater des Kindes war, und brachte schließlich eine Totgeburt zur Welt. Durch die Machenschaften ihrer Mutter und ihrer Schwester wurde Qiao Nian ihre Anteile an der Qiao-Gruppe entzogen und in eine psychiatrische Klinik eingewiesen. Fünf Jahre später sollte ihre jüngere Schwester, Qiao Xin, mit dem zweiten jungen Meister der Familie Gu verheiratet werden. Es wurde gemunkelt, er sei extrem hässlich. Am Tag seiner Geburt sagte der Arzt voraus, dass er nicht älter als zwanzig Jahre alt werden würde. Ihre Mutter konnte es nicht ertragen, dass Qiao Xin einen solchen Menschen heiratete und dachte an Qiao Nian, die immer noch in der Nervenheilanstalt eingesperrt war. Über Nacht wurde Qiao Nian aus der Klinik geholt, um Qiao Xin in ihrer Ehe mit der Familie Gu zu ersetzen. Ihre Mutter sagte: "Es ist gut, dass Qiao Nian, dieser Taugenichts, Xin'er als lebende Witwe in der Familie Gu ersetzen kann. Wenn Xin'er in diese Familie einheiraten würde, würde es mir das Herz brechen." Qiao Xin sagte: "Mutter, sag das nicht über die Schwester. Wenn sie nicht wäre, wüsste ich nicht, was ich tun sollte. Ich mache mir nur Sorgen, dass die Schwester nicht einverstanden ist." Ihr Vater sagte: "Xin'er, du bist zu nett. Hast du vergessen, wie Qiao Nian dich vor fünf Jahren verleumdet hat? Sie hat keine Selbstbeherrschung. Sie wurde vor der Ehe schwanger und brachte sogar eine Totgeburt zur Welt. Wir behandeln sie gut genug, indem wir sie jemanden aus der angesehenen Familie Gu heiraten lassen! Welches Recht hat sie, wählerisch zu sein?" Qiao Nian spöttelte. Damals war die Intrige gegen sie nur durch eine verrückte Kombination von Faktoren erfolgreich gewesen, unter denen sie zu leiden hatte. Sie wollte es ihnen allen heimzahlen! Alle dachten, dass ihre Handlungen auf einer Kombination aus Verlierermentalität und Geisteskrankheit beruhten, aber sie ahnten nicht, dass diese Ehe eine so starke Verbindung sein würde, wie der Mars, der auf die Erde stürzt! Qian Nian machte sich ihre brillanten medizinischen Fähigkeiten zunutze und brachte so manchen Abschaum zum Schweigen. Im Handumdrehen schockierten ihre zahlreichen Identitäten die Welt, als jede von ihnen aufgedeckt wurde. Es stellte sich heraus, dass sie reich genug war, um es mit einem ganzen Land aufzunehmen! Später stellte der Zweite Junge Meister Gu ein Paar von Qiao Nians Miniaturklonen vor sie hin. Angesichts dieser beiden Kinder, die ihr und Gu Zhou ähnelten, blinzelte Qiao Nian schockiert. "Wann habe ich eure Kinder zur Welt gebracht?"
JQK · 39.4K Views

Ich werde Baby-Mafia-Boss

Plötzlich ein Mafiaboss in einer Welt der Supermächte und du bist erst 3 Jahre alt?! Ainsley Sloan, eine 20-jährige begeisterte Anime-Liebhaberin, verwandelt sich plötzlich in den Körper eines Kleinkindes. Der Vater ist mit einer Frau durchgebrannt, und die Mutter war nur eine Leihmutter. Die beiden ließen ihr 3 Jahre altes Mädchen zurück, um eine mittelgroße Mafiafamilie zu regieren! Nein, das kann nicht sein! Ainsley war gezwungen, die verlassene Sloan-Familie zu umarmen und ihre Familie an die Spitze der gefährlichen Mafia-Welt zu bringen - sonst starb sie. Aber keine Sorge! Mit der Kraft des ultimativen Glücks, der Hilfe ihrer loyalen Untergebenen und dem Schutz ihrer Katzen, die zu Menschen werden, wird Ainsley jeden Feind ausschalten, der ihr in die Quere kommt! Eine späte Begegnung mit einem bestimmten System hat ihr sogar einen blumigen Weg geebnet. Mit seiner Hilfe wird Ainsley der beste Mafiaboss sein, und zwar ein außergewöhnlicher! Wenn andere Mafiabosse Zigaretten rauchen, hat Ain Schoko-Pocky im Mund. Wenn andere Bosse ihr Glas Rotwein schwenken, pustet Ain ihre Tasse mit heißer Milch! Wenn andere Bosse nach einer Schlägerei ihre Pistole ziehen, wechselt Ain ihre Windel. Sieh zu, wie das Baby die Mafia-Welt mit ihrem einzigartigen Baby-Charme erobert! 7 Jahre später. Ein gewisser gewitzter Mini-Boss: "Ain, wie wäre es, wenn du meine Verlobte wirst?" Der Junge, der fünf Jahre älter war als das Kleinkind, winkte mit einem BL-Kissenbezug in limitierter Auflage als Bestechung. Ein bestimmtes System: Kindchen, nimm seinen Antrag an! saugt sein Geld! Wtf ihr zwei. Verlobter, du Arschloch!! Ich bin erst 10! PS: Wenn Sie in den ersten 100 Kapiteln einen rasanten Bad*ss FL, Ohrfeigen & Heldentaten erwarten, ist dieses Buch vielleicht nicht nach Ihrem Geschmack _____ Bücher mit antikem/modernem Setting: 1. Die Frau des Drachenprinzen ist eine Übersetzerin (abgeschlossen) 2. Der Bürobote des CEO ist ein Mädchen (abgeschlossen) Baby-Protagonisten-Serie: 1. Ich werde Baby-Mafia-Boss (laufend) 2. Ich werde immer ein Baby! (schnelle Seelenwanderung, fortlaufend) Dating-Sim-Spiel-Buch: 1. Herr CEO, gehen Sie weiter! (Abgebrochen wegen eines Systemproblems, das es nicht erlaubte, weitere Kapitel zu aktualisieren, nachdem der Status des Buches versehentlich auf abgeschlossen geändert wurde) Folge mir auf Instagram: @zehell2218 & @willhem_l Discord-Server:
Zehell2218 · 48.2K Views

The Original Character Lives in the Fanfic World

There was a popular comic that captured the hearts of readers not because of its plot, but rather the bromance between the two protagonists, a crown prince and a duke. Their friendship & mutual trust led fans to ship them endlessly, with countless fanfiction stories ranging from dating to marriage or even incorporating omegaverse settings. One particular m-preg fanfic novel became extremely popular among fans, where the previously cold duke becomes pregnant. But the popularity of both the original comic and this novel caused everything to become unbalanced, until something strange happened - these works of fiction turn into real worlds that collided, creating an error that connected them together. In the world of the comic: Carlton from the fanfic world gazed up at his husband with longing eyes. "Husband..." He pouted, "Why don't you kiss me today?" Alaric from the comic world recoiled slightly and goosebumps broke out over his skin as he moved away. "Please don't come close to me..." He said tersely. Meanwhile, in another world: Alaric from the fanfic world, pulled his beloved Carlton into a warm embrace and peppered kisses on his cheeks. "Darling, are you mad at me?" Alaric asked affectionately. "It's okay, you're still cute." He leaned down to whisper into his ear before continuing. "But don't forget to comfort all our children, they think you're mad at them." Suddenly, seven children barged into the room and called out to their fathers. "Father, Daddy!" they exclaimed. Carlton's frozen expression spoke volumes about his state of mind as he tried to process what was happening. His murderous gaze fixed on Alaric as he muttered through gritted teeth. "Whose children do you say they are....?"
callciel_rin · 11.2K Views

To be the misunderstood villainess

|Mafia boss×Mafia's son| Warning: extremely mature content. - Couple one: Despite her trying to sound cool, he could hear her slight pants. "What were you doing?" He asked, forgetting everything. That's how it was for them. They could be in the middle of the most serious issue yet the slightest change in their breathing would make the other curious. "If I say that I was, or more like, am fingering myself while thinking about you, would you come here and f*ck me?" She said while putting two fingers inside of herself. A moan left her lips and his d*ck hardened on the other side. "F*ck, Andrew, ah," she was moaning on purpose, to get a reaction out of him. She wanted to test him till he broke and later fulfilled her with his entire being. She knew that she wasn't supposed to want him and so did he but the heart wants what the heart wants. And forbidden fruits always taste better. - All of a sudden, he moved a little away and by not feeling the same sensation as before, she opened her eyes with an annoyed look. She was almost about to come. "Why did you stop -" she was cut off by her own moan. He did the most unthinkable thing. He slapped her pu*sy. She thought that it would hurt her but it had the exact opposite reaction. It ended up sending an electric shock through her body but one that was filled with pleasure. She was looking at him with pleading eyes. She didn't know what she wanted him to do but she wanted something from him and he understood even though she didn't vocalize her thoughts. He made a silent promise to fulfill all of her fantasies and with that, he slapped her again. And she moaned in pleasure again. Who knew that something that counts as a punishment could bring one so much pleasure? - Tangled by an interesting past, lust, and underworld matters. And most importantly heart. Both of them refused to fall for the other again but for how long? In this twisted game called lust, would they end up falling for each other? -- Couple two: "Stars are pretty," he said. She gave him a sad smile. "But people always say that you are going to lose the moon while counting the stars but the moon got scars and you can't stare at the sun for two minutes, you are bound to get blind by its light and how can you love someone you can't even look at?" "So we shouldn't love anything at all?" "If you are willing to take the risk then sure, you can." "Maybe I am or maybe I don't have any choice of my own. If you were given a chance, what would have you been?" "Dust probably," she said, not looking at him anymore. "Dust why? Don't they fly away?" "I wish to be like the dust so that I can fly away. Everything except the dust that flies is desired in one way or another, for example: A bird is caged in the name of love, just because someone wants to keep it. A flower that was torn away from its home and later toasted away in a place where the wind makes it blown, at least one person is going to like it enough to keep it with them till they don't like it anymore. Nobody can see dust, let alone desire it. Maybe being undesired isn't always the bad thing." -- "I trusted you but you broke my trust. You could have told me the truth." "You never seemed interested enough in my truth." "I wasn't? You never bothered asking me anything, you just assumed and ruined everything because that's all you can do. You don't deserve my trust." "I know," she muttered under her breath, fully knowing that he was too good for her to ruin him. -- "Don't do this to yourself just because you hate me. Don't ruin your life, I am begging you." "Because of you? Why would you think that you deserve any of my thoughts, my emotions? You don't even exist to me." And she was again feeling unworthy, a word that was never going to leave her side. -- In the midst of misunderstanding, complications, and hate, will they find love?
gottastudyyyy · 50.5K Views

Tangled in Desire

Zara's eyes were glued to Xavier's bare chest, unable to look away. The sculpted muscles, the deep V-line, the way his sweatpants hung low on his hips—she couldn't help but be captivated. It was as if her brain had short-circuited, and all logic had left her. She moved a step closer, almost unconsciously, her hand lifting as if to touch his chest. Before her fingers could make contact, Xavier's quick reflexes caught her wrist. His grip was firm, but not harsh, and he raised an eyebrow, looking at her with an amused expression. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked, his voice low but laced with a hint of teasing. Zara, startled but determined not to show weakness, scratched the back of her head awkwardly, trying to save face. "What do you mean? Why are you walking around shirtless?" she countered, trying to shift the focus off herself. Xavier's smirk deepened, his dark eyes glinting with mischief. "I'm not the one sneaking around in other people's rooms, Zara. You're the one who barged in here." Zara blinked, her mind scrambling to find an excuse. "Oh, right," she muttered, still not sure how to explain her behavior. She gave him a sheepish grin, but her eyes darted back to his chest, trying to look casual. "I was just… looking for something," she said, her words trailing off as she tried to think of a better lie. Xavier didn't buy it for a second. Slowly, he took a step forward, closing the distance between them. Zara instinctively took a step back, but Xavier followed, not giving her any space to escape. Her heart raced as she backed up again, trying to keep some distance between them, but Xavier wasn't making it easy. "Trying to run away now?" Xavier teased, his voice laced with playful challenge. He moved another step forward, and Zara continued retreating, her back now against the wall. Her breath hitched as she realized she had nowhere else to go. "I wasn't trying to run away," Zara said quickly, her voice a little too high-pitched. "Just, you know, I… I don't want to intrude. I just—"  But Xavier wasn't interested in her stammering excuses. His gaze remained locked on her, and as he stepped closer, his hand that had caught her wrist slowly slid down to her fingers, brushing against her skin. The gentle touch sent an unexpected shiver down her spine. Zara's heart hammered in her chest, and she took another step back, this time bumping into the wall with a soft thud. She couldn't help but feel the heat building between them, the tension so thick it was almost palpable. Xavier, now mere inches from her, tilted his head, his lips curling into a playful grin. "I think you're lying," he murmured, his voice soft, but full of mischief. "You were trying to touch my chest, weren't you?" Zara's face flushed with heat, and she tried to push back against him, but it was like trying to move a mountain. She cleared her throat, trying to recover some of her composure. "Maybe I was," she admitted, her voice low. "But, um… so what? It's not like you're making it easy to ignore." Xavier's grin widened as he leaned even closer, his body just inches away from hers. The closeness was overwhelming, and Zara's mind started to spin. She could feel the heat radiating off his chest, and she had to fight the urge to reach up and touch it again. "Is that so?" Xavier whispered, his breath warm against her ear. He placed his hand on the wall beside her head, trapping her in place as he stared down at her with a wicked gleam in his eyes. "You sure about that?".
Paula_y2k · 11.5K Views

Mandate Of Heaven [BL]

"I've seen enough, I'm done." Lie Zhanfeng muttered, watching with a mix of satisfaction and amusement as Xie Dongyi, the tragic villain of his favorite stallion novel, seized an ancient inheritance from the protagonist. The villain had finally fought back! But just as Lie Zhanfeng was about to read the next chapter, a bolt of lightning struck him dead. When Lie Zhanfeng opened his eyes, he found himself inside the very novel he had been reading, inhabiting the body of a lowly village thug- a cannon fodder destined to be killed by the protagonist. Worse, he had died before finishing the book and had no idea what happened after Xie Dongyi grabbed the inheritance. But like any reader, he assumed the villain met the same tragic fate as always. Determined to rewrite the story, Lie Zhanfeng made it his mission to protect Xie Dongyi and prevent his blackening. Shadowing the villain like an overzealous guardian, he fended off danger at every turn, believing he could change Xie Dongyi's tragic future. But there was one thing Lie Zhanfeng didn't know: Xie Dongyi's fate was far darker than he imagined. After awakening a sinister demon bloodline, Xie Dongyi became an unstoppable force. Hunted by the strongest powerhouses, he self-destructed in a final act of vengeance, dragging all his enemies to death with him. And when Xie Dongyi was reborn, he looked at Lie Zhanfeng-who had been protecting him-and said, "Don't ever betray me, or I'll drag this world to death with us." UPDATES: 1-2 chapters daily
JPenumbra · 1.7K Views

Soulbound: Forbidden Hearts

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] Euphy woke up in a desolate, abandoned bunker with no memory of how she got there. Stripped of her past and with no clues who she was, she was relying on the mysterious food supplies being delivered through a dumbwaiter to survive—until one day, they stopped. Forced to venture into the unknown, Euphy embarks on a perilous journey for survival, uncovering secrets that entangle her in a web of misfortune. As she navigates this dangerous world, she must confront her forgotten past and a royal who seeks to claim her for his own. Her quest for truth turned into a desperate fight for her very existence and freedom. Will Euphy escape the web of misfortune, or will it consume her? ** The king’s gaze flicked back to her, but this time, it seemed colder, more deliberate. His eyes swept over her torn camisole. “Who did this to her?” His voice was eerily calm, yet the weight of the question hung in the air like a storm cloud. She froze, not daring to speak, her heart thudding loudly in her chest. “I did, Your Majesty,” Count Greyfang answered, his tone almost smug, as if he expected approval. Her blood boiled at the casual cruelty in his voice. “Why?” the king asked, uninterested, his gaze fixed on Greyfang with a dangerous indifference. “I... I thought you would like it if she appeared... tattered,” Greyfang stammered, his earlier arrogance faltering under the king’s scrutiny. The king’s eyes narrowed, a cold menace creeping into his voice. “And what made you think I’d like that?” Before Greyfang could answer, there was a sudden, swift movement—a breeze cutting through the stillness of the room. Without warning, Greyfang’s head plopped to the ground, rolling a few feet away from his body before the lifeless form crumpled to the floor. She gasped, her eyes snapping shut in terror as the room plunged into silence. She could hear the sickening thud of Greyfang’s body, but she didn’t dare open her eyes. The rest of the room remained eerily quiet, as if the sudden execution had been expected. The king, sitting loosely on his throne, and unbothered, simply muttered, “Insolent bastard. Dare to compare me to a lustful animal.” He waved a hand dismissively. “Get this filthy thing out of my sight.” She flinched, fearing for a moment that he had referred to her, but the sound of heavy boots dragging Greyfang’s lifeless body confirmed otherwise. She kept her eyes tightly shut, too afraid to witness any more horror. The coldness in the king’s tone, the casual cruelty of his actions—it left her trembling. ** OTHER STORIES: Miss Not so Typical: Consider me Humored Too Gay for You: You Give me Heart Eyes A Night in the Galaxy Express Railway Join the discord:
talesofheaven · 656 Views

The Server's Chronicle: A Fantasy Of Faith

Senior Server Felix stood at the front of the church, his voice steady and solemn as he greeted the congregation. “Our help is in the name of the Lord,” he intoned. “Who made Heaven and Earth,” the people responded in unison, their voices matching his reverent tone. “Today, we initiate new members into this divine and holy Order,” Felix continued. “Today, we welcome new brethren into the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ.” At the back of the church, Louis sat on one of the few single chairs, his posture slightly slouched as his focus remained on a sheet of music in his hands. The title read, "Brightest and Best – Key of A-flat." 'Why didn’t Gramps give me an F or G? A-flat is so difficult, and I only have three days to finish it,' he grumbled silently, his brow furrowing in frustration. But he dared not voice his complaints. He could already imagine his grandfather assigning him even more difficult pieces—F-sharps and endless A-flats—as punishment. From the front of the church, a serene voice called out, “Harry! Step forward!” Louis glanced up, momentarily pulled from his inner musings. His eyes landed on a girl stepping forward from the pews. She had black hair neatly styled in a bun and striking green eyes that seemed to shine with warmth and composure. Dressed in a modest brown dress and black sandals, with a rosary resting gracefully around her neck, she exuded a calm, dignified presence. Her tanned skin and graceful demeanor only added to the aura of reverence surrounding her, befitting an Altar server. 'Sigh,' Louis thought as he brushed a hand through his white hair, his blue eyes softening with a mix of admiration and envy. 'I wonder what it’s like to be an Altar server. They all seem so pure and divine… and powerful.' Just as he returned his attention to his music, a calm, gentlemanly voice spoke beside him. “You could also be an Altar server, if you’re interested.” “Huh?” Louis blurted out, snapping his head to the side. But no one was there. “What in the name of Jesus is going on here?” he muttered, glancing nervously around. “At least you know my name,” the voice replied again, seemingly amused. “What?” Louis whispered, his heart beginning to race. "I'm certain you will be a good server," the voice said, calm yet enigmatic. Louis narrowed his eyes, still searching for its source. "Who are you?" "I have many personalities. I have many names," the voice replied with an air of mystery. "It’s your choice which one you accept." "You’re not making any sense," Louis muttered, growing more unsettled. "Blessed are those who have not seen but believed…" Before Louis could respond, his vision blurred, and the world around him seemed to melt away. He jolted awake, gasping for air. His hands clutched the crumpled sheet of music, its corners bent from his restless grip. His head teetered precariously over the edge of his bed, a faint ache in his neck reminding him of the awkward position he’d been in. "Holy Mother of Jesus!" he exclaimed as he lost his balance, tumbling off the bed in a heap of blankets and scattered papers.
JuniKelv_ · 250 Views

The Kingmaker System

"The masterminds are cooler than heroes," I mutter as I stare at the chess pieces before me. It is easier to be the one who sits in the shadows and moves the pieces, likewise deciding the flow of the game. Heroes will foolishly sacrifice their lives for the good cause and villains will sacrifice the world for their own gain, but masterminds will use both the heroes and villains to their own benefit. Why, you ask? Well, that's because I've lost my life once while trying to be a hero so, I don't want that anymore. I'd rather be a mastermind who molds the world as per my convenience and live peacefully. Because, why not? *** [Defender of Divine Glory says you are the hope of this world.] What? [Goddess of Wisdom believes that you will be the one to save the world.] Wait, what?! [Propose the Grand Duke the idea of a fake marriage.] And, why would I do that?! [Stop the assassination of Prince Eric.] Why would I save him?! [The candidates for the throne are:... Who will you choose?] Ah! I give up... It seems like a curse that anyone who wishes for a slacker life in Isekai will have to go through the most troublesome things. In my past life, I died because of one rookie mistake but after being transmigrated in the world of fantasy I've gotten an opportunity to start afresh, but unlike the protagonists who look for their love and glory, I'd rather make money and live a life of a slacker. I have magic, I have power and I have money, what else do I need? Well, that was the plan but this damn system is getting on my nerves. I mean who in their sane mind would want to mess with the complicated royal family and political affairs? But that's not all though. I've also become the saviour of this world. Things just can't be anymore worse! Besides, the penalty of failing this quest is... [Failure: Destruction of the World.] It seems like if I screw up in selecting the right person then the destruction that is going to befall the world won't be stopped. If I speak of my reward then it's this vague thing. [Reward: Fulfillment of any wish.] "If that's the case then, I'd rather choose the person who would be the best fit for the throne." And that's how I decided that I would become the Kingmaker.
AnimeVerseGirl · 156.8K Views

Freezing: Frusthalia's Wake

Troan Re' Ages, a prince unjustly deposed at age 10 on the charge of treason, was sentenced to the sacred but monster-plagued Mount Avalon to serve punishment. Against all odds, he conquered the mountain and was chosen to wield the blade of the Ancestor: A blade only granted to the noblest of souls; the blade of the Knight of Ages. Amid a looming civil war against the Imperial Household and its allies, dark forces and old enemies converge to plunge the empire into ruin. Burdened by the knowledge of these problems and the constant assassination attempts on his life, he eventually met a rogue called Wriggler, who revealed to him a truth that may have solved the greatest mystery of his life. That he might not be human, but something far more—terrifying! Join Troan on his journey as he strives to become the ideal Ancestor's Chosen; a 'Lord of Avalon'. While still holding ambitions to one day build up a nation in his own image. Despite both goals requiring contrary values, making them mutually exclusive. ——— "But...why would you tell me all that? Why inform me of all this?" Wriggler snipped off some hair and said. "Because I knew you would eventually find out something was wrong—that you were different." He said with a soft smile. "That you would feel lost and alone, and I would really hate seeing you suffer. But now you can take solace in the knowledge that though you may be different, you are not alone. You are one of us." Troan's eyes grew distant for a moment, and then he closed them. "Thank you." He muttered. —— *Author's note: I will be exploring multiple viewpoints in this story, primarily using third-person omniscient viewpoint as there are a lot of interesting characters! Please note that point-of-view changes may not be specified. (Prone to adjustments upon reader feedback). Thanks for understanding!
Breadcastle · 39 Views


One day, Lee Taeyang, a young and handsome detective in the Seoul Police Department, has just been given a tough new assignment. Despite his young age, he is already known as a talented detective with exceptional martial arts skills. He was appointed to handle a very difficult case that no one has ever managed to solve. The case involves a series of mysterious murders that have terrified the citizens of Seoul. Despite numerous reports and investigations, the culprit always manages to disappear without a trace. The killer is very cunning, always tricking investigators and leaving little evidence. On a cold night, Taeyang received a report that there was another murder in an apartment located in a fairly crowded area. Once on the scene, Taeyang sensed that something was different about this case. With a keen sense, he checked the surroundings and immediately knew that this wasn't just another murder. There was a very neat and mysterious pattern, as if the perpetrator was waiting to be caught. With his advanced martial arts skills, Taeyang didn't just rely on his brain to solve this case. He has to deal with challenging situations, meet secretive people, and solve puzzles that have plagued many detectives before him. However, the deeper he delves, the darker and more complicated the case becomes. In fact, he begins to feel threats from unknown parties who are trying to stop his investigation. The night was getting late, and the temperature outside was getting skin-piercing. Lee Taeyang stood in front of the apartment door, feeling the tension coursing through his body. The dim street lights gave the neighborhood a gloomy feel. He looked around, feeling that something was wrong. When the apartment door opened, a strong smell of fishy odor greeted him. After entering the neat-looking but dark apartment unit, Taeyang looked carefully at every corner of the room. The victim's body was lying on the floor, with very precise wounds. There were no screams, no signs of resistance. It was a familiar method, but still, different. He knew the culprit was highly trained. "This is no ordinary murder," Taeyang muttered, his eyes scrutinizing every detail. Soon, he noticed a message hidden behind the glass of the desk. A strange number was written in red ink, as if giving a clue, but also complicating the situation. Carefully, Taeyang grabbed his cell phone and called his colleagues in the police force to secure the place immediately. He knew this would be a very complicated case and could be dangerous for him. While waiting for the arrival of the forensics team, he thought hard. "What does this number have to do with previous cases?" A feeling of unease began to overcome him. There was something bigger than just this murder. A well-planned death, and a pattern that suggested that this might just be the beginning of something much darker. Taeyang took a deep breath. This was his biggest test as a detective. He had to tread carefully, probe deeper, and uncover who was behind all of this, before it was too late.
elisabetholivia · 2K Views

Skill Forge: Broken Extra Character

Amidst the eerie silence of an unfamiliar hall, a cacophony of confused voices rose, mingling in a chorus of bewilderment. "Where are we?" "What happened?" "I thought I died!" Each utterance hung in the air, a testament to the collective disbelief gripping the room. As the haze of confusion lifted, disjointed memories surfaced, fragments of lives cut short by tragedy. "I remember... I was stabbed..." ventured one voice, echoed by another's affirmation of a similar fate. "I... I died in a plane crash," muttered a third, only to be met with a stunned agreement from a fellow survivor. Amidst the chaos of bewildered voices, one man stood apart, his expression a mask of contemplation amidst the turmoil. As his companions recounted their brushes with death, his mind churned with questions, each more confounding than the last. "I got shot... I remember it vividly," he murmured to himself, his voice barely audible above the din. "So how am I still here?" The enigma of their shared resurrection gnawed at him, compelling him to seek answers in the depths of his memories. With each revelation of a paired demise—a male and female, bound by the same tragic fate—a flicker of recognition ignited within him. "This... this seems familiar," he mused, the pieces of a puzzle slowly coalescing in his mind. But the picture remained incomplete, obscured by the fog of uncertainty that shrouded their surroundings. As the words "pairs, pairs, pairs" echoed in his mind like a cryptic mantra, a sudden realization struck him with the force of a revelation. "It can't be... don't tell me..." he whispered, his voice trembling with disbelief. With a sense of urgency, he began to scan his surroundings, searching for any sign or clue that could confirm his suspicions. Then, as if guided by an unseen force, his gaze shifted upwards, and there, bathed in an ethereal light, stood an angelic figure with golden apparel, its gaze fixed upon him with a warm smile. The sight took his breath away, filling him with a mixture of awe and trepidation. The man's heart raced as faced a real angel, his mind struggling to comprehend the surreal encounter unfolding before him. The angel's words, spoken with an air of amusement, only deepened the enigma shrouding their meeting. "I never expected anyone to notice me," the angel remarked, a hint of playfulness in its voice. "I was concealing my presence to let everyone fully calm down, but to think someone noticed me. Just who are you?" Ethan's disbelief and confusion intensified at the angel's question. "Eh... Ethan Rivers," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. As Aurelia, the angel, finally revealed himself to the bewildered assembly, a hush fell over the room, each soul drawn in by his radiant presence and commanding aura. Ethan's gaze lingered on Aurelia. "Greetings, lost souls," Aurelia declared, his voice resonating with a majestic power that seemed to fill the very air around them. "I am Aurelia, and I shall be your guide to your new life." As Aurelia extended his arms in a gesture of welcome, Ethan felt a surge of rage and hesitation, "This it bad, really bad."
Dark_Eyez · 1M Views

Betrayed by Blood, Claimed by the Alpha

“P-please let me go..” I stammered and before I knew it, I was word vomiting while crying. “—I won’t return. You won’t ever see me again. I know you don’t want me as a mate. You hate me, so please let me go.” I cried out. Cain’s jaw tightened with each word that left my lips “What gave you the idea that you have the power to choose what you want?” His voice was low, “You don’t get to decide what, how, and when you leave. Only I get to do that. You don’t get to leave me, you don’t get to run! You only leave when I want you to.” "I didn’t ask for this,” I whispered, trembling. “I didn’t ask to be your mate.” Cain stepped back, “Neither did I,” he muttered under his breath. “But the bond doesn’t give us a choice, does it?” ~~~~ As the only child of her late Alpha father, Avery Jae was meant to inherit her family’s legacy. But on the day of her arranged marriage to Alpha Lucian, her world crumbles. Rejected, humiliated, and cast aside for her own cousin, Avery barely escapes with her life only to find out a much deeper secret. One that changes everything. When Avery awakens, she finds herself in a foreign land, caught by the ruthless guards of the Vehiron pack, led by the infamous Alpha Cain. Tall, broad and as dangerous as the army he commands. Alpha Cain has a reputation that sends chills down the spine of even the most dangerous warriors. Haunted by his dark past, he has vowed never to take a mate, yet the moment he lays eyes on Avery, everything changes. With a single word, Avery is bound to Cain—whether he wants it or not. In a world where betrayal runs deep, can Avery ever trust the alpha who might just be her worst enemy.
LauraRave · 77.9K Views

Unexpected Romance: Love $ Hustle

Twenty-eight year old Delilah Sterling, has perfected the art of being a respectable realtor by day, and a professional gold digger by night. Delilah believes she has her double life under control. Her meticulously crafted life crumbles when she wakes up one morning with a wedding band on her finger, a marriage certificate on the table, and a sinfully gorgeous man claiming to be her husband. To make matters worse, he is broke and jobless, making her feel trapped in a surreal nightmare. Desperate for escape, Delilah demands a divorce, but the stranger—insisting he wants to stay married—thwarts every attempt. Frustration and confusion mount until Delilah hatches a new plan: she proposes they team up to con her next target, the elusive billionaire, Hunter Quinn. What Delilah doesn't realize is that her "broke husband" is actually Hunter Quinn himself. Billionaire CEO, Hunter Quinn, having discovered Delilah’s intentions to con him, had decided to outplay her at her own game. Hunter agrees to the partnership, and together they plunge into a high-stakes game of deceit. As they plot and scheme, the lines between pretense and reality blur. Their forced proximity ignites an unexpected chemistry, leading to moments of vulnerability and genuine connection neither anticipated. Caught in a whirlwind of deception, passion, and power plays, Delilah grapples with their growing feelings. As their con deepens, she must confront the ultimate question: Can she open her heart to love and trust again? ****Exerpt**** Delilah’s eyes darted to the marriage certificate again, the official seal glaring back at her. Her fingers itched to tear it apart, to make this nightmare disappear. But deep down, she knew that wouldn’t change anything. “I don’t remember,” she whispered, more to herself than to him. “I don’t remember any of it.” Blake nodded as if he had expected this reaction. “That is expected. You had a lot to drink last night.” he fished out a phone from the back pocket of his trousers, opened it. “Here, this is us celebrating, after we got married last night,” he said, showing her a picture. Delilah’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at the photo. It was indeed her. “How?” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “I don’t remember any of this.” “It was a wild night,” he said softly. Perhaps she had married Blake because he was wealthy. That would be the only logical reason for her to make such a blunder. There was hope, she thought, as she clung to the possibility of salvaging something from this disaster. Turning to him, she forced a smile, “Is this your house? Are we in your house?” She asked, looking around the bedroom. Blake shook his head, “No. This is a hotel,” he said, and she nodded. “I see. It looks like quite an expensive hotel,” she observed, “What do you do for a living?” she asked, trying to keep her voice steady as she searched his eyes for any hint of affluence. Blake hesitated, his confident demeanor faltering for the first time. He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m... in between jobs,” he stuttered, avoiding her gaze. Delilah’s heart sank, disappointment crashing over her like a wave. “In between jobs?” she echoed, her voice tinged with disbelief. Blake seemed to sense her dismay. “I know it doesn’t sound great,” he said quickly, trying to reassure her. “But I’m working on a few things. I just need a little more time.” “You’re jobless,” she muttered to herself as reality sunk in. “How did you pay for this room? For the wedding bands?” She asked, and he winced. “I didn’t. You did,” he said, and she collapsed on the bed. (PS: Cover photo isn’t mine. Credit to the real owner)
Miss_Behaviour · 681.3K Views
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