I'm Not The Protagonist
Fate and friendships intertwine, Caiden Vallis, A man from modern Earth, suddenly thrust into a magical realm, his life forever altered by the forces of a strange new world. Initially, he finds solace in the companionship of the world’s greatest hero—Lorian Duskavale, charismatic and powerful protagonist who quickly becomes his best friend. Together, they conquer formidable challenges and grow stronger with every victory.
However, when the girl he secretly admires falls for his new best friend instead, jealousy begins to gnaw at him. Betrayal festers in his heart as his envy and resentment transform him into something darker—until the day he becomes the villain he never imagined he could be. Consumed by rage, he turns against his best friend, sparking a deadly conflict that ends with his own demise.
But through a twist of fate he awakens, once again, in the place where it all began—a second chance to rewrite his destiny. This time, he won’t let the whims of fate control him. The choices he makes will be his alone, and he’ll live a life free from jealousy and vengeance.
In a world of magic, betrayal, and redemption, can one man truly escape the cycle of his own emotions?