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Das Haustier des Tyrannen

Widder Aime Heathcliffe. Eine Prinzessin aus dem kleinen Königreich Rikhill wurde von allen geliebt. Mit ihrer bezaubernd zurückhaltenden Schönheit und ihrem klugen Verstand hatte sie viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt und die Herzen vieler erobert. Einer von ihnen war der schneidige Kronprinz des Maganti-Reiches. Überwältigt von der Sehnsucht nach ihr und seinem Interesse an dem Land des kleinen Königreichs, machte der Kronprinz des besagten Reiches vor nichts Halt. Die Ritter des Maganti-Reiches marschierten durch die Massen und eroberten das vierhundert Jahre alte Königreich Rikhill. Das Königreich Rikhill fiel über Nacht in den Ruin. Der Kronprinz ließ kein Mitglied der königlichen Familie am Leben, außer seiner Kriegstrophäe Aries. Nachdem er in seinen Händen gelitten hatte, fand Widder die perfekte Gelegenheit zur Flucht. Damals nahm er sie mit zum Weltgipfel. Ein Treffen der Herrscher aller Königreiche und Reiche zu Friedensgesprächen. Dort traf sie den Kaiser von Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth. Von Verzweiflung überwältigt, flehte Aries ihn an, sie bei sich aufzunehmen. Es war zu spät, als sie erkannte, dass der Mann, den sie um Hilfe bat, noch viel grausamer, verdrehter und geradezu teuflischer war als der Kronprinz, weil er sie als sein... Haustier annahm! EXZERPT: Als ein Paar karmesinroter Augen über ihr schwebte, hielt Aries den Atem an. Als sich seine Lippen teuflisch kräuselten, konnte sie nicht schnell genug reagieren, als er ihre Position schnell veränderte. Sie merkte es erst, als sie ihn sattelte und mit großen Augen auf Abel hinunterblickte. "Niemand steht in diesem Reich über mir - nicht einmal das Gesetz, aber sieh dich an", sagte er mit einem teuflischen Grinsen. "Du starrst auf mich herab... so entmutigend." Aries biss sich auf die Lippe und legte ihre Handfläche auf ihre eingefärbte Brust. "Eure Majestät..." "Verstehst du jetzt, welche Macht du hast, Liebling?" Abel wickelte seine Finger vorsichtig um ihr Handgelenk, erfreut über ihre Reaktion. "Nur du, Widder, darfst dich über mich erheben und bist der einzige Mensch auf dieser Welt, der auf mich herabschauen darf. Niemand sonst." Er hob einen Arm und fuhr mit den Fingern durch ihr Haar und legte seine Handfläche auf ihren Hinterkopf, bevor er sie nach unten zog, bis ihr Gesicht eine Handbreit von ihm entfernt war. "Nutze das lieber zu deiner eigenen Verfügung", flüsterte er und legte den Kopf schief, als er ihn anhob, um zu fordern, was ihm gehörte. SIE. Darf ich vorstellen: Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth, der sadistische Tyrann, der ein Imperium mit eiserner Faust regierte. Als sein Haustier Aries immer mehr in sein langweiliges, düsteres Leben eindrang, war er drauf und dran, sie zu töten. Doch jedes Mal, wenn er daran dachte, ihr das Leben zu nehmen, änderte er leider seine Meinung. Je länger er sie an seiner Seite hatte, desto schwieriger wurde es, sie loszuwerden. Und je mehr er sich nach etwas Tieferem und Dunklerem sehnte... es machte ihn wahnsinnig. Was würde Abel mit dem Geheimnis, das er vor ihr verbarg, tun, wenn Aries die verrottende Wahrheit hinter dem Reich und dem Kaiser herausfand? Würde er sie töten? Oder sie küssen? Sie vielleicht in einen Käfig sperren? Und würde sie versuchen zu fliehen, wenn sie herausfindet, dass Abel nicht nur ein normaler Mensch ist? Oder würde sie akzeptieren, dass er nicht nur ein leibhaftiger Dämon war? War es in einer komplizierten Welt, die sie schwarz färbte, überhaupt möglich, dass zwischen einem Haustier und seinem Herrn Liebe aufblühte? Beobachte, wie diese beiden das gefährliche und verrückte Spiel von Liebe und Lust spielen. Wer würde der Meister und wer das Haustier sein? Wer war die Beute? Lesen Sie, um mehr herauszufinden. --------- Originalgeschichte von: alienfrommars FOLGE MIR AUF INSTAGRAM für originelle Zeichenkunst: @authoralienfrommars Discord-Server: Haftungsausschluss: Cover nicht von mir. Habe es von Pinterest. Credits an den Künstler.
alienfrommars · 65.9K Views

Standing Next To You

A man in his thirties was standing in front of she-devil's grave, under everyone's watchful eyes, he dropped the flower to her coffin, his tone was full of ridicule. "Congrats on your death." Next year he came, "I won. You lost to me and I will live well. Just rot in there." Next year he came again, "I have a pretty girlfriend and I will marry next year. My life is good. Nothing to worry about." Next year he came once more, "I will stop visiting and forget you! My life is better without you! See, I live well!" But he came again the next year and the years after that. People said he was hunted by his so-called arch-enemy. That even after death, the devil did not even let him go. He stood in front of her grave. His once handsome face had turned old and wrinkly. "Bei Sangyun, I cursed you. You are not allowed to rest in peace. You must be suffering there like me, right? You devil..." He might be the last one standing. But his life was the same as the dead's- lifeless and empty. He did not live well, he never once marry and his heart was never at peace. And it was all the fault of one person. ***** Bei Sangyun was a big bully in high school. The target of her bullying was the skinny boy in her grade, Fei Chuan. They were classmates once in kindergarten and met again in high school. But one day, just a year left before graduation, the big bully suddenly changed. One day, Fei Chuan hesitantly opened his locker. The other night, the big bully said that she left something in his locker. He did not really want to open it. He was afraid a poisonous snake would come out of his locker. However, his report card was there. With gritted teeth, the young boy opened it. However, what appeared was not a hideous thing as he expected, but a bright pink letter with a little heart sticker as a seal. It turned out, the surprise was scarier than a snake. Was this a new form of torture? Since then, Bei Sangyun relentlessly chased the young Fei Chuan until the two got married. ****** This is a story of rebirth. The two arch-enemies who could not live under the same sky had become sweet lovers.
Avalondra · 1.6M Views

Hades' verfluchte Luna

In einer Welt, in der Lykaner und Werwölfe eingeschworene Feinde sind, ist Eve Valmont ein Werwolf, der durch eine Prophezeiung verflucht und reingelegt wurde. Von ihrem eigenen Rudel verraten und jahrelang gefangen gehalten, nimmt ihr Schicksal eine noch dunklere Wendung, als sie dem Lykanerkönig Hades Stavros angeboten wird - einem Herrscher, der für seine rücksichtslosen Eroberungen und tödlichen Fähigkeiten gefürchtet ist. Gebunden durch eine uralte Prophezeiung und verfolgt von den Geistern ihrer Vergangenheit, ist Eve nun der Gnade desjenigen Wesens ausgeliefert, das sie am meisten hassen und fürchten sollte - der Hand des Todes selbst. Hades, ein König, der aus Blut und dem Verfall seiner eigenen Seele geschnitzt ist, ist entschlossen, das Gemetzel an seiner Familie zu rächen und sein Volk von den Werwölfen zu befreien. Er glaubt, dass Eve der Schlüssel zu seinem Sieg ist. Für ihn ist sie nichts weiter als eine von der Prophezeiung vorhergesagte Waffe, ein Werkzeug, mit dem er die gegnerischen Kräfte, die sein Rudel bedrohen, vernichten wird. Und doch ertappt er sich dabei, dass er sich nach dieser mächtigen, aber gebrochenen Frau sehnt. Er fragt sich, ob sie wirklich seine Waffe ist oder diejenige, die dazu bestimmt ist, seine sorgfältig ausgearbeiteten Pläne zu durchkreuzen. *** Er pirschte sich an mich heran, wie ein Raubtier, das sich seiner Beute nähert, seine Augen dunkel und unleserlich. "Du lachst also?" Seine Stimme war leise, gefährlich sanft, so dass sich die Haare in meinem Nacken aufstellten. Ich schluckte schwer und merkte plötzlich, wie schwer es mir fiel, zu atmen. "Hades, ich..." "Aber du lachst doch nur über die Witze anderer Männer", unterbrach er mich, sein Blick war durchdringend und frei von jeglichem Humor. "Nicht über die deines Mannes." Die Anschuldigung in seinem Tonfall war scharf und zerschnitt die Luft zwischen uns. Ein nervöses Glucksen entwich mir. "Das kann nicht dein Ernst sein... Er ist dein Beta, um Himmels willen." In einem Augenblick schloss er den Abstand zwischen uns, so schnell, dass mir der Atem stockte. Seine Hände umfassten meine Taille, zogen mich an seinen Körper, und seine Hitze ließ meine Haut kribbeln. Ich keuchte, doch bevor ich ein Wort sagen konnte, stürzten sich seine Lippen auf meine und beanspruchten meinen Mund mit einer Kraft, die Schockwellen durch mich sandte. Der Kuss war strafend, hungrig - ich konnte nicht atmen, konnte nicht denken. Als er sich schließlich zurückzog, zitterte ich, und mein Brustkorb hob sich, als ich darum rang, wieder zu Atem zu kommen. Seine Augen, dunkel und stürmisch, suchten meine mit einer besitzergreifenden Intensität. "Du kannst nicht über meine Witze lachen...", flüsterte er, seine Stimme war gefährlich rau, während seine Finger tiefer wanderten und mir einen Schauer über den Rücken jagten, "aber du wirst mit meinen Fingern kommen." Ich erschauderte, und in meinem Bauch sammelte sich Hitze bei seinen Worten, seiner Berührung. Die Welt um uns herum verschwamm, löste sich in Nichts auf, als seine Hand tiefer glitt und mir ein unkontrolliertes Keuchen entlockte. Der Blick in seinen Augen verriet mir, dass er genau wusste, was er mit mir tat, und die ursprüngliche Verbindung zwischen uns war in diesem Moment nicht zu leugnen. "Ich brauche dein Lachen nicht", murmelte er gegen meine Haut, sein Atem heiß an meinem Hals. "Ich will stattdessen jeden anderen Teil von dir haben." **** Dunkle Fantasy-Romantik Moralisches Grau ML Angst Spannung Von Feinden zu Liebenden Smut (wie Streusel auf deinem Eis)
Lilac_Everglade · 143.8K Views

Reincarnated and Regressed Villain - Make heroines beg for forgiveness

"So, Diana, what's your excuse for betraying me?" His amber glinted eyes bore into the woman with bloodied, broken blue hair, kneeling in complete disarray. "... you're evil." "Oh, so, looking out for all of you makes me evil?" The man narrowed his eyes, contemplating the echoes of protagonist halos and heroines' mentality, starkly real now. Coming from a world far removed from such grim reality, he had read about these personalities in novels, but experiencing their shortcomings firsthand was a different story. "How am I evil?" He looked down at his foot where a young man, limbless and crushed, lay in a state of complete brokenness, mustering the little strength he had left to utter some words. "... y.. you ba..stard, You killed millions." Hearing these words, the man's internal amusement grew at the absurdity of these hypocritical people. He had eradicated all the evil organizations within the Empire after ascending to his throne. Wars were waged to crush rebellious kingdoms that stood against his Empire, uniting the entire Heidal Continent under one flag—the Selvius Empire. He shifted his gaze towards another woman with pink hair, her body completely broken, supported by a rock to maintain a semblance of balance amidst the devastation. "Hmm, so what about you, Karina? Wasn't your family about to be executed by the Aidiac Royal family? Is it wrong for me to have intervened?" "You killed them without mercy, and although you saved my family, it was not worth it." "I just saved—" "It's bullshit. You could have solved everything peacefully without drawing so much blood." Hearing all this, the man began to understand why those novels depicted these people as hypocritical and low in intelligence. If he hadn't saved them, they would have suffered the most gruesome fate. Yet, despite being saved, these ungrateful individuals chose to blame him. The bitter irony of their ingratitude gnawed at him, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. "Guess you all have the same reasons." The man looked towards the seven people, their disdainful gazes directed at him. He had only aimed to change their fates, to rescue some from slavery, others from crippling circumstances, and a few from inevitable betrayal. Yet, they all blamed him for saving them, unable to comprehend that he had severed the root causes that would have subjected them to excruciating suffering. "Hahaha." "Indeed, now I see." He now understood what those novels had tried to convey—'these idiots think this whole world works like they think it would.' 'System......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join Discord for Faster Update notification:: Additional Tags :- Smart MC, Harem, Time Travel, Yandere, Tsundere, Ruthless, Manipulative, Cunning, Regret, Reincarnation, Transmigration, System, No-forgiveness, Betrayal, elves, werewolves, vampires, dwarves, demons. **NO YURI, NO INCEST, NO NTR and Anything That Readers Hate, Me myself being a Reader, will never provide content that will destroy reader's mood. **MC is not Weak and Simp, his mentality maybe, to have soft corner for people in need but by no means he is blind, Don't take his Silence as his weakness. **About My Writing style - I love to keep Readers on edge, Don't believe what your eyes read as maybe they are some illusions, Coming to conclusions about plots will be your biggest mistake. Lastly, Don't Ask Questions in Review, it is for your true opinion about Novel, Go through novel once and leave a review, if you like it. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE ~ you can expect some errors Villain
A4KL · 2M Views

The supreme guardian's heartbeat

A pair of identical twins were separated at birth with each of them ignorant of his other half's existence. But fate brings them together again. Riley, our handsome protagonist is a nice and calm young man. He wields the fire magic, a majestic phoenix. he has a calm but dangerous aura emanating from him. Dedicates his life to saving humanity and ignores women who makes advances on him. he doesn't believe in love, but little does he know fate has a different plant for him. Dylan, the arrogant and cold-hearted antagonist wields the water and ice magic, a mighty dragon, is the heavenly crown prince and the assumed sole heir to the heavenly throne but unknown to him, he's got a twin brother. He possesses a deadly aura, a man who spends every night with concubines and hates the idea of being a one-woman man. But, he changes his perspectives for one single woman. Meet Maya, a young, calm and soft woman who wields flower magic, a pink rose who has been cursed to never fall in love and to face problems with her fated one as a punishment for her mother's past deeds. She leads a happy life until she meets a pair of identical handsome men and she was faced with problems upon problems. Would she fall in love or would she not Would she lead a happy life or a problem filled one Would Riley give up the woman he loves or would he face the problems and fight for his love Would Dylan fight his brother over a woman he loves or would he sacrifice his love to his brother Would the boys accept each other or despise one another
ZeeWrites · 15.6K Views

Raise Love

[Handsome and Mischievous & Sweet and Soft Girl] [Unrequited Love Comes True + Sweet Pampering + Both Pure] Ryder once found a pink love letter in a math book. The handwriting of the young girl was elegant, with shyness and youth between the strokes. The content of the love letter was very short, unsigned, and only one sentence: "Today I saw you, and suddenly I wanted to take you to Laguna Beach to see the sea." ... Aria has done two out-of-the-ordinary things in her life. One was writing an unsigned love letter when she was young. The second was secretly loving Ryder for six years, then gritting her teeth and repeating a year to get into the same university as him. She is not smart, and this is all she can do. People who know Aria say she has a reserved personality, beautiful but like a handful of ice and snow in the winter mountains, gentle yet aloof. Only Ryder knows that aloofness is just her protective color, the girl is timid and vigilant, squatting by the roadside in the misty morning to feed the stray cats of the school. He witnessed Aria's fear and helplessness when she was trapped in a nightmare. He saw her, after drinking, clutching his sleeve, her apricot eyes wet, looking as if she had lost the whole world. The girl's eyelashes trembled as she confessed her feelings to him, her voice soft and helpless, choking on her words: "I, I turned back, but he is just very good..." He is not good. Ryder thought, as if bewitched, it was her. Once fallen, there is no cure. Later, he took her to see the sea of "Kekexili", knelt on one knee for her, and gently kissed her ring finger under the girl's slightly red eyes. At the age of twenty-two, in the morning, holding her hand, the other hand held their marriage certificate. In this book, we will witness the two-way journey of a wealthy, handsome, and mischievous young man and a sweet, soft girl, six years of life, from middle school to high school, and then to university, starting from secret love and running towards the marriage hall.
chaoqun_zhang · 10.6K Views

Testament Of A Survivor

The world around me lay in ruins, a haunting reminder of what once was, my hand squelched in the thick, dark liquid that stained the cracked pavement—blood, pooling from the fallen, a testament to the chaos that had unfolded. Buildings, once towering symbols of human achievement, now stood as skeletal remains, their shattered windows resembling empty eyes staring into the abyss. The air was heavy with the stench of decay and despair, mingling with the acrid smoke that still curled from the remnants of pink fires still burning brightly . Strangely everywhere was silent, as i searched for a sign of life in this hellish landscape, searching for any sign of life or hope. Every shadow felt like a threat, and every sound made my heart race. In this world, weakness was the greatest sin. As I looked down at my chest only to see it peirced by a metal rod and my leg twisted as if ensuring i wouldn't try to walk, i was filled with so much pain that i couldn't think straight as my mind was filled with the death of my parents and the destruction that seems to echo around me. Only the remnants of my humanity and the pain that I was feeling that was judging my presence in this broken reality. I wanted to stay alive i truly did, but the weight of the image of my blood-soaked dead bodies of my parents lingered in my mind, a constant reminder of the fragility of life and the darkness that had consumed us all. Thinking back I thought 'what has led to this.'
Noblebird_Supreme · 3.5K Views

Ruby Ring : War in Life

Two twin sisters Ruby and Runa, total strangers by birth, have lived parallel lives in London. Ruby, the older twin, is actually a stranger, adopted by their mother as an infant. Runa, on the other hand, is their mother's biological daughter. Their mother, driven by a desire to provide a loving family, had kept the truth hidden, raising both girls as her own. As a result, Ruby and Runa grew up with a deep-seated bond, unaware of the secrets that lay beneath the surface. Ruby has always excelled, while Runa feels overshadowed. Ruby's success includes a high-paying job and engagement to billionaire CEO Ethan Blackwood. Runa's life, however, is marked by failed attempts to snag a rich husband. Her latest relationship leaves her pregnant and stuck with a poor boyfriend. A tragic car accident disfigures the twins, leaving them unrecognizable. In the chaos, their mother, frantic with worry, mistakenly identifies Runa's body as Ruby's, pointing out the engagement ring and pink dress Ruby had loaned to Runa. Unbeknownst to their mother, Runa had been wearing Ruby's belongings at the time of the accident. The doctor, relying on their mother's identification, uses Ruby's photos to reconstruct Runa's face, and vice versa. The surgical mix-up swaps their identities, leaving Ruby with Runa's face and Runa with Ruby's face. As Ruby awakens from a coma, she discovers the shocking truth: her life, her fiancé, and her wealth are all being hijacked by her twin. Runa, now with Ruby's face, has seized the opportunity and seamlessly stepped into her sister's life, impersonating her sister and manipulating those around her to maintain the charade. Ruby's memories return, and she discovers five years have passed. She learns that Runa, with her face, is married to Ethan and has been living her life. Ruby must decide: keep a low profile, allowing Runa to live her life, or reclaim her lost identity, ring, face, and love. Determined to reclaim her identity and expose Runa's deceit. Will Ruby be able to outwit Runa, reclaim her rightful place, and shatter the curse of their family's dark legacy, or will Runa's ruthless ambition destroy them both?
Daoist6QbrvM · 1.2K Views

Vom Rebellenkönig gestohlen

Als Prinzessin, die nicht zaubern konnte, bestand Prinzessin Daphnes einziger Wert für ihr Königreich in ihrer arrangierten Ehe. Die Aufgabe war einfach, aber als Daphne entführt und in die kalten Berge von Vramid gebracht wurde, wurde ihr klar, dass sie überfordert war. Sie hatte schon einmal von diesen verfluchten Bergen gehört - felsiges Gelände, eisige Temperaturen, und das Land wurde von einem Mann regiert, der von vielen auf dem Kontinent gefürchtet wurde. König Atticus Heinvres, der blutdürstige Herrscher des Nordens. Obwohl sie ihm noch nie begegnet war, erzählte man sich Geschichten über die Skrupellosigkeit von König Atticus. Manche sagten, er sei ein Ungeheuer, andere behaupteten, er sei der Teufel persönlich, aber wie auch immer die Geschichte lautete, jeder kannte den Mann, der über ungeahnte Kräfte verfügte. Er konnte Armeen stürzen und Nationen mit einer einzigen Handbewegung zerschmettern, unterstützt von einem Ring aus verfluchtem Obsidian, wie es hieß. Niemand außerhalb von Vramid war dem furchterregenden König je begegnet. Nicht bis Daphne. Bei der Begegnung mit dem furchterregenden Mann fand Daphne jedoch heraus, dass der König vielleicht gar nicht das Monster war, für das ihn andere gehalten hatten. Das, was sich unter dem Obsidianschild verbarg, könnte tatsächlich ein Rohdiamant sein. - [Auszug] "Also ... wo soll ich euch beide unterbringen?", fragte er beiläufig, ohne eine Antwort zu erwarten. "Es ist bedauerlich, dass ich nur einen Kronleuchter habe." "Unter meinem Bett? Nein, nein, zu schmutzig. Das haben meine Staubhasen nicht verdient", sinnierte Atticus vor sich hin. "Der Kaminsims? Wie wäre es mit dem Frisiertisch? Ich nehme an, wenn ich einen eurer Köpfe abschlagen würde, könnte ich ihn dort anbringen... Frau, welchen Kopf willst du anstarren, während du dir die Haare machst?" "Atticus!" Daphne schrie. "Ich will keine Köpfe! Lass sie los!" "Na gut." Atticus zuckte mit den Schultern und schnippte mit den Fingern. Es gab zwei identische Knackgeräusche, als beide Hälse auf einmal brachen. Daphne keuchte entsetzt auf. Dieser Mann, ihr Ehemann, hatte gerade zwei Männer mit einem Fingerschnippen getötet, als würde er Kerzen auslöschen. "Ich habe dir gesagt, du sollst sie gehen lassen!" Daphne schrie auf. "Ja, ich habe sie gehen lassen", sagte Atticus. Dann verfinsterten sich seine Augen. "Um das göttliche Urteil des Himmels zu empfangen." - Discord Server:
saltedpepper · 154.6K Views

Animara Empire of The Fallen

A world full of humanoid animals called Anisarians divided into 12 different habitat nations. Petty squabbles and past rivalries have erupted into all out World War between the nations, forcing all caught in the crossfire to choose a side. In the chaos are five interconnected stories of heroes and villains, mighty rulers, and humble refugees just trying to make it through the turbulent times they now find themselves unable to escape from. Only the strongest shall rule in an age of betrayal, conquest, and atrocities. But in a world turned monstrous. Some will not give in to what instinct demand's them to be in order to survive. Only time and blood will tell who will stand victorious, or rule over nothing but an empire of the fallen. Note: Some chapters may be unfinished. Still a work in progress as I figure out storylines, structure and motivations. Faction Guide: Allied powers: Ocean Monarchy, Forest Federation, Desert Republic, Northern Coalition. Axis powers: South Pole Empire, Deep Sea Confederation, Savannah Sovereignty, Swampland Horde. Neutral/Territory: Volcanic Isles, Jungle Nation, Tropical Tribesmen, Nocturnal Nomads. Mercenary factions: Army Ant Raiders. Fire Ant's. Visual Reference For look and Art style of each faction: Character/allegiance/title/species Guide: OCEAN MONARCHY: Shena Veso. Lieutenant. Hybrid Shark. Fereen Vosento. Corporal. Flying Fish. Whelios Whelorum. Retired. Octopus. Dregadon Veso. Deceased. Great White. Nora Veso. Widow. Great White Neso: Private/gunner. Tiger Vesa: Private/medic. Queen angel fish. Kiros: Sgt. Sea turtle. Argus. Admiral. Sailfish. Koa. Prime Minister. Sea otter. SOUTH POLE EMPIRE: Veadora. Empress. Albatross. Ryana. Princess. Albatross. Aravos. Exiled Prince/Warden. Albatross. Garotan. Varangian Guard. Polar Bear. Nea. Servant. White Seal. JUNGLE NATION: Naru. Hunter. Orb Weaver Spider. Esiva. Seamstress. Orb Weaver Spider Nadia. Archer. Orb Weaver Spider. Naya. Weaver. Orb Weaver Spider. SAVANNA SOVEREIGNTY: Ryo Sen Serasi: Janissary. King Cobra. Chai'ra. Janissary Apprentice. Cheetah. Kenno. Commander. Crocodile. Darg. Sgt. Warthog. NORTHERN COALITION: Boreca. Queen. Snow Leopard. FACTION FLAGS/SYMBOLS South Pole Empire: White winged Diamond, light blue background. Ocean Monarchy: Three golden Scallop Shells. Sea blue background. Savanna Sovereignty: Golden scarab in center of golden sun, black background. Volcano Islanders: Five different flame's one atop the other representing four different clans. Red, orange, black, blue and white. Yellow background. Tropical tribesmen: Pink waterlily amidst light green background. Nocturnal Nomads: White crescent moon, white star at center. Black background. North Pole Coalition: White Snowflake amidst grey background. Forest Federation: Five light brown interwoven branches representing five different federation states united as one. Forest Green Background. Swampland Horde: Ring of tan teeth, representing ancestors of death to honor in life. Murky green background. Deep Sea Confederation. Conjoined purple lightning bolt striking downward like jellyfish tendrils. Solid black background to represent darkness of the depths. Jungle Nation: Light Green Hexagonal jade ore stone. Dark green background. Desert Republic: ? Garotan the great army of the fist. Iron grey fist set between black and dark green background. Kashan the outlaw prince army of the claw. Blood red claw marks amid bright green background. Army Ant Raiders: White Ant skull amid blood red tattered flag.
Extinct_Vessel · 251.6K Views

Gender Change: Turned into a Silver Haired Women in Another World

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "My Winky is Gone?!" Su Yan exclaimed inwardly, grappling with the reality of his changed body. He was no longer the person he once was. Now he had reincarnated into a different world and inhabited the body of a woman whose name was Su Mu. In the blink of an eye, Su Yang's world turned to darkness as a truck staggered towards him, bringing an abrupt end to his life. To Su Yang's surprise, instead of an eternal void, He awakened in an unfamiliar room. As Su Yang stumbled to his feet, He couldn't help but notice the silver strands cascading down his reflection in the mirror—a stark contrast to the familiarity of his former self. A sense of bewilderment filled the air as he took in the surroundings, realizing that this was not the world Su Yang once knew. It wasn't just the change in scenery that caught his attention; it was his huge breasts, beneath the surface of the pink nightgown with a v-neck lace trim highlighting the gap between those huge breasts. He hesitantly examined himself, and there, in the nether region, undeniable alterations had taken place. The silver-haired beauty—a statuesque figure adorned with a pair of full, graceful breasts—stared back at herself in the mirror. Questions flooded Su Mu's mind. "How did this happen?!" she was turned into a beautiful woman with a perfect figure that could make anyone fall for her. But 'he' who has become 'she' is facing a major problem, and that is she can't make herself like men over women. "But, will I?"
MountainDuskwalker · 1M Views

A Lustful Journey Through Forbidden Desires - NTR

"Finally, freedom," Xiao Yi put down her heavy luggage and surveyed the room. After a twenty-hour flight, she had finally arrived in the USA, where Xiao Yi would begin her journey as an international student. Like most international students, she rented off-campus housing. She lived in a two-story building near a park. The first floor had a large living room and a storage room, with no one living there. The second floor had a bathroom, kitchen, small living room, and two bedrooms; Xiao Yi rented one of the rooms. "Hehe, finally no one to boss me around." The nearly twenty-hour flight had left her exhausted, feeling like she was falling apart. "First, a nice bath, then sleep." With a kick of her beautiful legs, her flip-flops flew off. She quickly changed into pajamas and ran into the bathroom. Squeezing some pink shower gel into her palm, her beautiful, crystalline hands evenly spread the gel over her jade-like breasts. Then her hands continued to knead her breasts, carefully rubbing the mature, perfect bosom. The full, snow-white peaks felt indescribably comfortable under the massage of her palms. When her fingers brushed over the cherry-like nipples, she felt a surge of excitement. Enjoying the sensation of water jets stimulating her breasts, under the impact and stimulation of the water, Xiao Yi's alluring, large breasts swelled, and her nipples, like red beans, became even more erect and upturned. "Hehe, no need to worry about being discovered anymore..." #Debauchery #sexslave #Nude #DifferentWorld #Exotic #Orgy
RISER_NOVELS · 44.8K Views


In the quiet, mysterious town of Caveroop, Terra Tunes, a high school student battling a tumultuous life, is forced to start over at the only school that would accept her: Caveroop High. Reluctantly, she tries to keep a low profile, but that becomes impossible the moment she’s assigned a room with Pink Spencer, the most popular girl on campus. Everything changes when Terra is swept into a world of dark secrets, supernatural beings, and ancient rivalries. After attending a party, she discovers that Jesse, the irresistible basketball star, is a vampire. What’s worse, The return of the school’s old nemesis, Nemus, signals a new threat to Caveroop High, while Jennifer Brown, a vicious werewolf with a relentless ambition to become the alpha, has returned to make everyone pay for past wrongs. As Terra grapples with these escalating dangers, she learns an earth-shattering truth: she is the last dark witch, a powerful being destined to end Nemus’ reign of terror. But with this revelation comes even more chaos, her newfound powers only complicate matters. Jesse, who was once cold and dismissive toward her, now reveals he has feelings for her, creating a storm of jealousy and rivalry with Pink, who will stop at nothing to tear them apart and reclaim Jesse's affection. With a powerful bond forming between enemies and allies alike, Terra must navigate a treacherous path of love, betrayal, and revenge. As secrets unfold, alliances are tested, and the lines between friend and foe blur, Terra must confront her destiny and face the darkest forces of the supernatural before Nemus and the deadly forces at his side can destroy everything she’s come to love. In a world where power, magic, and supernatural creatures rule, can Terra bring peace to Caveroop, or will the darkness consume her first? The fate of the entire school and perhaps the world rests on her shoulders. "Tunes" is a breathtaking supernatural thriller where love, betrayal, and revenge collide in a school full of vampires, werewolves, witches, and secrets waiting to be uncovered.
De_Cynthiaa · 11.7K Views

How Deep Will You Go For Love

Everyone knows the classic Cinderella story. A prince who falls in love with a commoner and unintentionally rescues her from her abusive household. But… What if Cinderella were a prideful young man, and the prince… was a princess who could barely admit her own feelings? Oh. The things people will do for love. The illegitimate son from the Xie family is laughed at the aristocratic circle. Proud, aloof, and undeniably rude, he’s everything but likable. His only saving graces are his unmatched grades and a face that could stop traffic. Yang Qinru, the "tyrant" of Imperial Academy, is no damsel in distress. With a bat in one hand and wit sharp enough to cut steel, she’s both feared and respected. But behind her rebellion is a girl who’s unafraid to take what she wants—even if it’s someone as infuriating as Xie Xinglin. ... "You’re kind of cute,” Yang Qinru mumbled, her cheeks betraying her with a faint pink hue. "What was that?" Xie Xinglin looked up, frowning. "I said you look like you crawled out of a garbage can!" she snapped, cheeks flaming as she spun on her heel and stormed off. Later, Wang Ye leaned in with a sly grin. "Boss, you into him? Like, fantasizing-about-him kind of into him?" Yang Qinru shot him a glare. "Like who?" "You know… him. Do you, like, daydream about holding his hand and skipping through fields of flowers or something?" She snorted. "Of course not! What kind of nonsense—?" She paused, her voice dropping to a mumble. "It's not like I imagine us getting married, building a house in the countryside, and adopting five cats or anything." Wang Ye blinked, stunned. "Uh… boss, that’s oddly specific." "Shut up!" she barked, shoving him away. This isn’t your typical fairy tale. When the "Cinderella" isn’t waiting to be saved, and the "prince" has his own walls to break down, what’s left is a whirlwind romance of rivalry, sarcasm, and reluctant confessions. After all, love doesn’t always follow the script.
rhaini · 9.4K Views

Love is Hard for me

At Kanci High School, everyone knows Sato Tomo—the boy with an angel’s face and a carefree smile. Popular yet mysterious, Sato floats through life, charming everyone without ever getting too close. His delicate frame and soft blue eyes often make people mistake him for someone fragile, but Sato hides deeper emotions behind that playful exterior. He seems untouchable, always surrounded by friends and laughter, making it hard for anyone to get a glimpse of who he really is. Emma Rose, on the other hand, is the opposite. With her strikingly foreign appearance—blue hair and pink eyes—Emma stands out, but not in a way that wins her friends. Shy, introverted, and often the target of bullying, Emma hides behind books and manga, escaping to worlds where she can be brave and confident, unlike the quiet girl she is in reality. The only person who truly knows her is her best friend, Ino, a bold and outspoken tomboy who’s always had Emma’s back. When Emma accidentally walks into the wrong classroom one afternoon and finds herself face-to-face with Sato, her world shifts in ways she never expected. Sato, with his easy smile and kind words, surprises her. Could there be more to him than the popular boy everyone sees? As Emma begins to notice the loneliness hidden behind Sato’s cheerful mask, she realizes they may have more in common than she thought. But Sato has no interest in love or high school drama—he’s too focused on his hobbies and enjoying life to get caught up in romance. Emma, on the other hand, isn’t sure what to make of her growing feelings. As the two are drawn into each other's orbits, Emma finds herself questioning not only her own heart but also the boy behind the smile. In Love is Hard, the story follows Emma’s journey of discovering herself and trying to understand the complexities of Sato, all while navigating the chaos of high school life, friendships, and her own shy heart. Will Sato ever open up? And can Emma find the courage to step out of her shell?
Siku_Uzaki · 2.9K Views

A spy's life is a lie

I had always thought that life and I were best friends, that luck would always be on my side, that I was the epitome of perfection itself but little did naive, little me know. Life is unfair, luck can be bad and perfection is easily shattered but I payed for it, I learned that information the hard and cruel way. Life betrayed me and took away my parents, perfection turned on me and disappeared before my eyes and luck? My luck went from bad to worse to worst. Have you ever had people in your life that stand by you, support you and give you good advice? If you have then you understand that those people become incredibly important people in your life that it's like they've become melded in you, they become part of your personality, your rock and you begin to admire them and believe that you would have never achieved what you have if not for them. You place them on a pedestal in your head, one far higher than yourself. Now imagine that those people turn their backs on you and betray you and you find out that all their "good" advice were just merely the worst possible advice one could ever receive wrapped up in a pretty pink ribbon. You find out that they are two faced snakes who came into your life just to deceive and destroy. The pain from that is simply indescribable, like if you were on top of a building and it begins crumbles from the ground up sending you falling down but this time instead of falling to your death, you fall down a dark well and begin to wonder a dark path of depression, guilt, self hate and depreciation and regret and I promise you that is a fate far worse than death. I loved watching Spy movies as a kid, I'd even dream about them. I always thought it looked so cool seeing the main character fly through the air and do awesome tricks and defeat the bad guy but everyone else around me disagreed. They all said that spies were bad people and were never to be trusted but I didn't listen, I only trusted what I knew. But when my childhood dream that became my reality was handed to me on a silver platter, I finally understood that all that glitters is not gold. The main character always loses everyone and everything and ends up alone and being a spy is far from the fantasy I'd imagined. A spy's life is nothing but a big lie and false documents made to deceive, infiltrate and annihilate the lives of others. I give you three pieces of advice to carry with you on this damned journey called life. Never, ever under no circumstances must you ever trust a spy they are wolves in sheep's clothing. TRUST NO ONE. Keep a good eye on your pillars, attack before they can make their move. Everything comes with a price some as just more horrid that others. ***** Author here, I hope you enjoyed reading the synopsis, it was really fun to write but for more elaboration; This story is about the adventures of Andrea and her three best friends but it focuses more on Andrea, as she's the main charcter but there are some chapters whers the POV will changeand focus on her friends ot those around her. Andrea, having growing up in a loving family, finds it hard to believe that all she has grown to believe is a lie. She discovers that truly everything is not as it seems as it seems in her world of undercover spies.
Sommy_Rea · 10.4K Views

Espionage in the elite

Welcome to Cipher Academy, an elite private school where only the wealthiest and most gifted students walk its pristine marble halls. But beneath its luxurious facade lies a clandestine world of espionage, assassination, and secrets that could shake nations. Kira Yurei, a 17-year-old with jet-black hair and haunting pink eyes, is one of the academy’s top operatives—a member of the Student Council, the school’s elite governing body, which secretly doubles as an organization of highly trained assassins and spies. With a cold, apathetic demeanor and surgical precision in every mission, Kira seems untouchable, a shadow in human form. But cracks start to form in the school’s perfect image when Leon Ashford, a brilliant and manipulative golden-haired boy with striking violet eyes, starts poking around. Known for his sharp wit and unrivaled intellect, Leon is not only the top academic student but also someone the school’s higher-ups have cautiously considered recruiting. Yet, they know better—they fear him. Leon is far too perceptive, far too dangerous. When a series of inexplicable accidents start happening on campus—students disappearing, encrypted messages left in lockers, and faint traces of blood in off-limits areas—Leon’s curiosity turns into obsession. His fixation on Kira only grows, sensing that the cold boy is at the center of it all. As secrets begin to unravel and alliances blur, Kira is forced to confront the weight of his loyalty to the Student Council, the enigmatic Headmaster Alistair, and the shadowy figure known only as “The Director.” Will Leon uncover the truth behind the academy’s dark underbelly, or will Kira silence him before he gets too close? And when the final mission threatens to upend the entire system, whose side will each boy stand on?
_espyy · 369 Views
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