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Hinata Ino

Sistema Supremo Deus do Harém

``` [Sistema Supremo Deus do Harém.] Este era o Truque de Nux Leander, o homem que transmigrou para um mundo de cultivação, recebeu. Em um mundo de cultivação, este sistema truque permitiu que Nux pulasse o processo árduo que leva anos, décadas ou até séculos. Tudo o que Nux precisava eram suas adoráveis esposas. Quanto mais forte a esposa, mais benefícios ele recebe. “O quê? Você é um Cultivador do Estágio de Grande Mestre com 100 anos? E você chama isso de Talento Incomparável? Talento Incomparável é o caramba! Eu tenho 18 e já sou um Cultivador de Estágio de Rei, melhore, sua incompetente!” Tão ridículo quanto já era, o truque de Nux não terminou aí. Talento de Cultivo, Fisiologias Especiais, Linhagens, seu sistema podia herdar todas! Tudo o que ele precisava fazer era seduzir Mulheres fortes. Acompanhe Nux em sua jornada enquanto ele se promove de um mero mortal, para um brinquedo de menino de uma Nobre Solitária, e então para Imperador do império mais forte do mundo! Tudo isso enquanto ele fica mais forte passando tempo com suas adoráveis esposas. ... Confira também meu outro romance, Sistema de Deus Vampiro Primordial Se você quer ler sobre vingança, guerra, sangue, carnificina, vampiros, e, o Retorno do Esquecido Império de Sangue ... Capa Gerada por IA. ... Discord: Se por algum motivo o link não funcionar, Me mande mensagem direta: SleepDeprivedSloth ```
SleepDeprivedSloth · 275.9K Views


"ela foi escolhida porque era dele por direito desde o início..." Uma vez, em uma rara ocasião, na noite de uma lua cheia azul, uma menina é levada de uma casa para servir às feras que se chamam lobisomens. Os lobisomens eram os que governavam a cidade e controlavam tudo. Eles pareciam humanos, mas sob sua fachada humana havia um monstro impiedoso que busca destruir. Todos tentavam se proteger, mas no fundo sabiam que não eram páreo para os lobisomens. Arianne era uma menina que nasceu diferente das outras pessoas da cidade. Ela tinha longos cabelos ruivos e nasceu com olhos de cores diferentes. Um verde e um marrom. Ninguém sabia exatamente por que ela nasceu assim e isso não era hereditário. Sua mãe também morreu durante seu parto e por causa disso seu pai, Massimo, se distanciou dela e optou por se casar novamente. Ele se casou com uma mulher chamada Christine que já tinha uma filha fora do casamento, Rissa. Juntas Rissa e Christine decidiram fazer da vida de Arianne um inferno, ao que seu pai fechou os olhos e, por causa disso, afetou Arianne e ela decidiu se afastar de sua família e da sociedade. O dia da seleção chegou e Rissa foi escolhida para ir servir os lobisomens. Com medo pela própria vida, Rissa decidiu persuadir sua mãe a convencer Massimo a oferecer Arianne para a seleção. Ignorando seus gritos de súplica e lágrimas, Massimo entregou Arianne para ir servir aos lobisomens. Ninguém realmente sabe o que acontece com as meninas que são selecionadas e ninguém se deu ao trabalho de perguntar. Desconhecendo o destino que a aguarda, Arianne decidiu ir servir ao lobisomem a quem chamam Ivan Giovanni, um alfa conhecido por sua impiedade. Arianne conseguirá sobreviver vivendo entre os lobisomens? O que acontece quando ela descobre mais sobre sua identidade e a única pessoa que poderia ajudá-la era Ivan? O que você acha que aconteceria se ela descobrisse que Ivan era o menino que ela salvou anos atrás de morrer? NOTA: EU NÃO SOU O PROPRIETÁRIO DA IMAGEM DE CAPA DESTE LIVRO. IMAGEM ENCONTRADA NO PINTEREST.
DA_Aloera · 167.6K Views

Love is Hard for me

At Kanci High School, everyone knows Sato Tomo—the boy with an angel’s face and a carefree smile. Popular yet mysterious, Sato floats through life, charming everyone without ever getting too close. His delicate frame and soft blue eyes often make people mistake him for someone fragile, but Sato hides deeper emotions behind that playful exterior. He seems untouchable, always surrounded by friends and laughter, making it hard for anyone to get a glimpse of who he really is. Emma Rose, on the other hand, is the opposite. With her strikingly foreign appearance—blue hair and pink eyes—Emma stands out, but not in a way that wins her friends. Shy, introverted, and often the target of bullying, Emma hides behind books and manga, escaping to worlds where she can be brave and confident, unlike the quiet girl she is in reality. The only person who truly knows her is her best friend, Ino, a bold and outspoken tomboy who’s always had Emma’s back. When Emma accidentally walks into the wrong classroom one afternoon and finds herself face-to-face with Sato, her world shifts in ways she never expected. Sato, with his easy smile and kind words, surprises her. Could there be more to him than the popular boy everyone sees? As Emma begins to notice the loneliness hidden behind Sato’s cheerful mask, she realizes they may have more in common than she thought. But Sato has no interest in love or high school drama—he’s too focused on his hobbies and enjoying life to get caught up in romance. Emma, on the other hand, isn’t sure what to make of her growing feelings. As the two are drawn into each other's orbits, Emma finds herself questioning not only her own heart but also the boy behind the smile. In Love is Hard, the story follows Emma’s journey of discovering herself and trying to understand the complexities of Sato, all while navigating the chaos of high school life, friendships, and her own shy heart. Will Sato ever open up? And can Emma find the courage to step out of her shell?
Siku_Uzaki · 2.9K Views

Legenda lima pendekar dan seekor Naga

Menceritakan seorang anak bernama AmeRyusaki yang dapat melihat masa depan dan kejadian dimasa lalu. Dia bersama ke lima temannya Anne yuma, Ryuzaki santa yuma, Kuzaki daterasu, Inoe matsu yuuma dan Reishi Sumadara berusaha membebaskan Kerajaan yang telah jatuh ke tangan Raja Iblis Sahamaru. Perjalan kehidupan yang membuka hati, pikiran dan pandangan mata mereka bahwa Dunia tidak seperti yang mereka fikirkan selama ini. Raja Sahamaru yang bercita-cita menguasai seluruh Dunia dan alam semesta. Membawa perang keseluruh Dunia termasuk ke dunia naga setelah menaklukan 6 Dunia tinggal satu dunia yang belum tersetuh. Dia akhirnya disegel oleh Sang Kaisar Naga dibantu sebelas orang lainnya. Perjalanan Hidup Ame ryusaki dan Anne menjadi pasangan tak terkalahkan. Melawan Pasangan Sahamaru dan Shinta shiro yuma. Takdir dari Puteri Naga kembar yang bertarung sampai mati. Dan perebutan kekuasaan yang menyebabkan kehancuran Dunia. Takdir putera cahaya menjadi penerang Dunia dan pembimbing jalan kedamaian. Kebangkitan 3 Dewi Takdir yang merupakan Makhluk yang ditunjuk Yang maha kuasa untuk menjaga keseimbangan dimensi. Muncul 10 Makhluk tanda kiamat. Mempercepat terjadinya perang yang akan menghancurkan atau menyelamatkan Alam semesta. Siapa yang akan berdiri diakhir mereka-mereka yang mengaku Dewa-Dewi bertarung untuk bertahan hidup. Perang yang merupakan perang akhir zaman Dewa dimulai Munculnya Tujuh Kaisar Agung Zaman kuno, Tujuh belas Dewi Naga tertinggi, Delapan Primordial Agung yang setara Dewa, Bangkitnya Lima Kaisar tertinggi zaman baru dan munculnya Sepuluh Makhluk akhirnya. Di sebuah dunia penuh keajaiban dan misteri, hiduplah seorang anak bernama Ame Ryusaki yang memiliki kemampuan luar biasa: melihat masa depan dan masa lalu. Bersama lima temannya—Anne Yuma, Ryuzaki Santa Yuma, Kuzaki Daterasu, Inoe Matsu Yuuma, dan Reishi Sumadara—mereka memulai perjalanan epik untuk membebaskan kerajaan mereka yang jatuh ke tangan Raja Iblis Sahamaru.Raja Sahamaru, yang bercita-cita menguasai seluruh dunia dan alam semesta, telah membawa perang ke enam dunia, termasuk dunia naga. Setelah menaklukkan keenam dunia tersebut, hanya satu dunia yang belum tersentuh. Namun, kekuasaannya dihentikan sementara oleh Sang Kaisar Naga yang, dengan bantuan sebelas orang lainnya, berhasil menyegel Sahamaru.Di tengah perjalanan mereka, Ame Ryusaki dan Anne menjadi pasangan tak terkalahkan, melawan kekuatan jahat Sahamaru dan Shinta Shiro Yuma. Nasib mempertemukan mereka dengan Puteri Naga kembar yang bertarung sampai mati, serta melihat perebutan kekuasaan yang menyebabkan kehancuran dunia.Dalam perjuangan mereka, Ame Ryusaki terungkap sebagai Putera Cahaya, yang takdirnya adalah menjadi penerang dunia dan pembimbing jalan kedamaian. Mereka juga menyaksikan kebangkitan tiga Dewi Takdir, makhluk yang ditunjuk Yang Maha Kuasa untuk menjaga keseimbangan dimensi. Namun, dengan munculnya sepuluh makhluk tanda kiamat, perang besar yang menentukan nasib alam semesta semakin dekat.Perang akhir zaman Dewa pun dimulai, dengan kemunculan Tujuh Kaisar Agung Zaman Kuno, Tujuh Belas Dewi Naga Tertinggi, Delapan Primordial Agung setara Dewa, serta Bangkitnya Lima Kaisar Tertinggi Zaman Baru dan Sepuluh Makhluk Akhirnya. Mereka semua memeriahkan perang kolosal yang akan menentukan nasib seluruh alam semesta.Di akhir perjuangan ini, siapakah yang akan berdiri sebagai pemenang? Para Dewa dan Dewi bertarung untuk bertahan hidup, dan hanya yang terkuat yang akan berdiri di puncak. Perang kolosal akhir zaman ini akan menentukan masa depan dunia dan alam semesta, membawa harapan baru atau kehancuran total. Memeriahkan perang kolosal akhir seluruh alam semesta
MuhammadFauziInsan · 236.2K Views


Sinopsis: Sakura Haruno, una joven moderna y llena de energía, siempre ha soñado con explorar el mundo más allá de su ciudad natal. Con su espíritu indomable y un profundo deseo de aventura, decide embarcarse en un viaje al Caribe junto a sus mejores amigas, Ino Yamanaka y Hinata Hyuga. Lo que comienza como unas vacaciones de ensueño, repletas de risas y nuevas experiencias, pronto se convierte en una pesadilla. Durante el vuelo, un inesperado accidente aéreo lanza a las chicas al caos total. En medio del pánico y los gritos, un misterioso portal se abre en el cielo, y antes de que puedan comprender lo que está sucediendo, el portal las absorbe, transportándolas a una isla inhóspita, repleta de peligros desconocidos. Al despertar en esta nueva y salvaje tierra, Sakura, Ino y Hinata se encuentran rodeadas de una vegetación exuberante, pero también amenazadas por criaturas prehistóricas que parecen haber salido de un sueño aterrador. Desde el primer momento, se ven obligadas a enfrentar a los temibles dinosaurios rex que merodean por la isla, convirtiéndose en su principal enemigo. La necesidad de sobrevivir se convierte en su prioridad, y las chicas deben unir fuerzas y utilizar su ingenio para superar las adversidades que les presenta esta nueva vida. La isla resulta ser un lugar lleno de desafíos inusuales. Las tres amigas pronto descubren que no solo deben lidiar con las bestias feroces, sino también con la falta de recursos y la necesidad de construir un refugio adecuado para protegerse de las amenazas externas. Deciden crear un campamento improvisado donde pueden dormir y resguardarse, mientras luchan por encontrar alimento y agua potable. A medida que los días se convierten en semanas, su situación se vuelve más peligrosa, pero también más apremiante. Cada día trae nuevas dificultades que deben enfrentar. Con el paso del tiempo, las chicas desarrollan habilidades de supervivencia esenciales. Aprenden a cazar, recolectar alimentos y encontrar agua potable. A través de estas experiencias, se enfrentan a situaciones que ponen a prueba no solo su fuerza física, sino también su vínculo emocional. La presión de la supervivencia fortalece su amistad, y juntas se convierten en un equipo imbatible, apoyándose mutuamente en los momentos de duda y miedo. Durante sus exploraciones por la isla, las amigas descubren cristales mágicos que poseen propiedades únicas, cada uno relacionado con un elemento específico como el fuego, el agua, la tierra y el aire. Estos cristales no solo son hermosos, sino que también les otorgan habilidades especiales que pueden utilizar para su beneficio. Al aprender a utilizarlos, Sakura y sus amigas comienzan a manipular el entorno a su favor, creando defensas mágicas y herramientas que les ayudarán en su lucha diaria por la supervivencia. Sin embargo, el uso de los cristales también conlleva riesgos, ya que la isla tiene su propia magia oscura que puede volverse en su contra si no se tiene cuidado. Además de los cristales, las amigas se topan con runas antiguas que les enseñan a invocar habilidades especiales. A través de rituales y prácticas, descubren cómo estas runas pueden ayudarles a comunicarse con las fuerzas de la naturaleza y a conjurar poderes que las protejan de las bestias que las acechan. Este proceso de aprendizaje no es fácil; cada vez que utilizan las runas, deben afrontar desafíos que ponen a prueba su coraje y determinación. Aprenden a trabajar juntas para combinar sus poderes, creando habilidades conjuntas que las hacen más fuertes. A medida que enfrentan peligros cada vez mayores, las chicas experimentan momentos de tensión, pero también de cercanía emocional. En medio de la adversidad, surgen vínculos más profundos, y exploran su conexión de una manera más intensa, fortaleciendo su relación en un entorno realmente ostil
Nimsi_Sapato · 2.9K Views

"From Village to Empire: The Rise of Padrino Penduko"

"From Village to Empire: The Rise of Padrino Penduko" In the magical world of Xandros, Juan Pedro is reincarnated as Padrino Penduko, a humble villager in the isolated village of Rimuru, part of the once-great Kingdom of Earlshide. With no inherent magical abilities, Padrino must rely on his sharp intellect, strategic prowess, and knowledge from his past life to protect his village from the dangers that loom on the horizon. Despite its peaceful appearance, the village of Rimuru faces a growing threat as the Kingdom of Galdros expands, while Earlshide crumbles under the weight of political infighting. Alongside Hinata, a childhood friend gifted with powerful light magic, and Marko, a brilliant military strategist, Padrino begins to transform Rimuru from a forgotten village into a self-sustaining city-state, attracting refugees and nobles alike who seek protection from the chaos surrounding them. As Earlshide’s royal family is assassinated by Galdros forces, Padrino is thrust into a leadership role, encouraged by the remaining nobles and Prince Benimaru, the last surviving heir, to establish the Kingdom of Rimuru. With Padrino crowned as king, the new kingdom must defend itself against the relentless attacks of Galdros and other hostile forces while building alliances, advancing innovations, and preparing for war. However, Padrino’s journey is not without moral dilemmas and inner conflicts. As his kingdom grows, so too do the stakes, and he must navigate the complexities of leadership, balancing personal relationships with his strategic responsibilities. His bond with Hinata deepens, yet is tested by the moral costs of their decisions, while Marko’s rise from a trusted friend to a key council leader brings moments of tension and trust. As Galdros intensifies its efforts to conquer Rimuru, Padrino must lead his people through war, betrayal, and political intrigue. But the real question remains: How far is he willing to go to protect his kingdom? And what kind of ruler will he become in the process? "From Village to Empire: The Rise of Padrino Penduko" is a gripping tale of leadership, resilience, and the moral complexities of power, set in a richly detailed fantasy world where survival is only the first step toward greatness.
Hinata2 · 59.1K Views

The Class F Guide Among Us

Human have mutated to adopt powers as a way to prolong their survival in this continuously evolving universe. They are put into different classes in accordance to the level of their power. Having above-average powers, Class A and B will find it easy to climb the social ladder of modern-society. Class C is the average. Class D is somewhat struggling, but they get by. Class E is considered powerless and is often seen as disabled. Class S is a rarity, and they are often recruited to join the country's team of espers to fight mutants. YES is Neo Japan's newly built Esper organization recruiting aspiring Esper trainees as young as 15 years old. Its core team, Team Phoeinix, is the only Esper team in Japan that consists of all S-Class Espers with Neo Japan's beloved young Esper, Takenouchi Sora, as its leading figure. This series follow the story of these elite Espers and the little secret they keep in the team; an F-Class Guide, This story will be divided into a number of Arcs: Book 1: Being a class S grandson of a once famous esper, Shuu knows it won't take long for his potential to attract the attention of Neo Japan's recently formed team of young espers, YES, which consists of 5 class S espers. Follow Shuu as he figures out the innerworkings of an Esper Organization, keeping up with his seniors, working hard, and, to his surprise, finding an F-Class member to the team.. Genre: Fantasy, Mystery, Shounen Ai, a little Horror, a little school life-ish Book 2: Arilio Banks is known as Team Phoenix's manager; but those who know him better call him the team's babysitter. It's difficult having to deal with kids with the strength and the temperament of S-Class; with all the screaming, the fighting, the power struggle and the knowledge that these kids can beat you to shreds anytime. No matter! Arilio Banks has long figured out a way to deal with his wards in the form of a Guide. This book follows Arilio Banks as he struggles with building a team; starting from meeting the enigmatic Sora, figuring out the struggles of working with Class S teenagers, and welcoming a guide into the team. Genre: Comedy, Shounen Ai, Yaoi, Action, Fantasy Book 3: With Shuu joining the team, Sora's design for the most powerful team to defeat the Great Mutant that attacked Japan half a decade ago is complete. But victory can only be achieved with understanding the enemy. What are mutants and where do they come from? The further they go to find these answers, the closer the get to the place where their team finally began; Shun-En High School. Genre: Mystery, Fantasy, Horror, Yaoi, Shounen Ai Book 4: After the murder of Hinata Ren, YES is finally dissolved with all of its Espers given the choice of retiring early or to join a different Esper Bureau. Takao, after witnessing all the horror of Shun-En and knowing what mutants are, picked the prior and returned to his hometown to take over the small family business with his brother. It's nice living the problem-free life in the country side and ignoring the fact that they have lost their weapon against The Great Mutant. Takenouchi Sora has disappeared, Abe Koukichi left for America, Kikuya Rika abandons her Esper career to become a pop sensation, and the Segawa brothers have gone rogue; one was said to be in a mental institution, and the other joined the enemy's side. It would be easier if only Guide Hinata is alive, but he’s now asleep in his coffin. Or so Takao thinks, until he sees the Guide sipping coffee in his family’s small restaurant. Genre: Comedy, Action, Shounen Ai, Mystery Book 5: ??? ** This story uses an alternate plot and system to another story I am currently writing. I figure that everything I can't put in that story shall go here. Here are other tags that I would like to add to this novel: #guideverse #esper #harem-ish The story will mainly focus on bl (sadly it has become my expertise at this point), but there are some hetero couples here and there.
MissTeaCup · 22.6K Views
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