In a fractured world ravaged by the aftermath of catastrophic energy experiments, humanity clings to survival in scattered settlements. The NeuroGhoul Virus has turned humans into mindless, ravenous creatures—monsters known as ghouls. The few who remain unturned struggle to rebuild while grappling with the horrifying truth: the ghouls were once human, born from the same energy they seek to harness.
Keyton, a lone survivor burdened by loss, is reluctantly drawn into a group of skilled fighters. The group ventures into the ruins of a forgotten world.
The group battles not just external dangers but their own doubts, tensions, and haunted pasts. Along the way, alliances deepen, trust is tested, and secrets unravel. But the deeper they dig into the truth, the closer they come to a harrowing realization—humanity's salvation and destruction are intertwined, and they may already be walking the same path that turned others into monsters.
Ruinborn is a tale of survival, betrayal, and hope, where the line between hero and ghoul blurs, and every choice shapes the fragile future of a broken world.