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สุดที่รักของเศรษฐีหนุ่ม: ภรรยาสาวติดใจความเร่าร้อน

คนในกรุงปักกิ่งต่างรู้กันดีว่า หยุนซี คือสุดที่รักของหวังหนุ่มผู้ทรงอำนาจ มู่เฟยฉือ ใครเห็นก็อิจฉาริษยา ใครยั่วโมโหก็มีแต่จะเจ็บตัว ก่อนเกิดใหม่ หยุนซีถูกแฟนหนุ่มนอกใจ แม่ทำร้ายใบหน้า และเพื่อนสนิทวางแผนทรยศ หลังเกิดใหม่ กลับได้รับความรักจากมู่เฟยฉือผู้โหดเหี้ยมอย่างไม่มีที่สิ้นสุด เมื่อภรรยาออกไปจัดการคนชั่ว เขาก็คอยจัดการสถานการณ์อยู่เบื้องหลังอย่างไร้ร่องรอย เธอคือดวงใจของเขา ความทะเยอทะยานที่จะครองโลกกลายเป็นสิ่งไร้ค่า เมื่อเทียบกับการได้ครอบครองเธอ
Gu Jiaqi · 64.2K Views

Tuan CEO, Istri Anda adalah BOSS Tersembunyi!

Lima tahun lalu, Qiao Nian dikhianati oleh kakaknya, Qiao Xin. Setelah menghabiskan satu malam dengan seorang pria asing, Qiao Nian hamil. Dia tidak tahu siapa ayah dari anak tersebut, dan akhirnya melahirkan seorang bayi yang lahir mati. Di bawah tipu daya ibu dan kakaknya, Qiao Nian kehilangan sahamnya di Grup Qiao dan dikirim ke rumah sakit jiwa. Lima tahun kemudian, adiknya, Qiao Xin, akan menikah dengan Putra Muda Kedua dari Keluarga Gu. Dia dikabarkan sangat buruk rupa. Pada hari ia lahir, dokter meramalkan bahwa ia tidak akan hidup lewat usia dua puluh tahun. Ibunya tidak tega melihat Qiao Xin menikah dengan orang seperti itu dan teringat pada Qiao Nian yang masih terkunci di rumah sakit jiwa. Dalam semalam, Qiao Nian dikeluarkan dari rumah sakit untuk menggantikan Qiao Xin dalam pernikahannya dengan Keluarga Gu. Ibunya berkata, "Baguslah jika Qiao Nian, yang tidak berguna ini, bisa menggantikan Xin'er untuk menjadi janda hidup di Keluarga Gu. Jika Xin'er yang menikah ke keluarga itu, aku akan patah hati." Qiao Xin berkata, "Ibu, jangan berkata begitu tentang Kakak. Kalau bukan karena dia, aku tidak tahu harus berbuat apa. Aku hanya khawatir kalau Kakak tidak akan setuju." Ayahnya berkata, "Xin'er, kamu terlalu baik hati. Sudah lupa kah bagaimana Qiao Nian menfitnahmu lima tahun yang lalu? Dia tidak tahu mengendalikan diri. Dia hamil sebelum menikah dan bahkan melahirkan anak yang masih mati. Sudah cukup baik kita membiarkannya menikah dengan seseorang dari Keluarga Gu yang terpandang! Hak apa yang dia miliki untuk memilih?" Qiao Nian mengejek. Saat itu, konspirasi terhadapnya hanya berhasil karena kombinasi faktor yang aneh, membuatnya menderita. Dia akan membalas semuanya! Semua orang berpikir bahwa tindakannya berasal dari kombinasi mentalitas orang kalah dan penyakit jiwa, namun sedikit yang mereka tahu bahwa pernikahan ini akan menjadi union yang kuat seimpak Mars menabrak Bumi! Dengan mengambil keuntungan dari keterampilannya yang brilian di bidang kedokteran, Qiao Nian membuat berbagai orang sampah dan penjahat menelan kata-kata mereka sendiri. Dalam sekejap mata, berbagai identitasnya mengejutkan dunia saat masing-masing terungkap. Ternyata dia kaya raya sampai bisa menyaingi sebuah negara! Kemudian, Tuan Muda Kedua Gu meletakkan sepasang klon mini Qiao Nian di depannya. Dihadapkan dengan dua anak yang menyerupai dirinya dan Gu Zhou, Qiao Nian berkedip dengan terkejut. "Kapan aku melahirkan anak-anakmu?"
JQK · 170.2K Views

Senhora Gu É Fraca Demais Para Se Defender Sozinha

``` Corria o boato de que Qiao Xi tinha uma constituição fraca — uma beleza doente. Diziam que ela gastava uma fortuna todos os dias com medicamentos — comendo-os como se fossem doces. Corria o boato de que dez criados a atendiam na cama todos os dias — um fardo para todos. Todos esperavam que a família Qiao jogasse Qiao Xi de volta para o campo e a deixasse se virar sozinha. Qiao Xi: "Estão todos dizendo que sou fraca e não posso cuidar de mim mesma. Parece que também gasto dinheiro sem pensar.” Ela olhou para a sua camisa esfarrapada e ficou exasperada. Qiao Xi: “Estão dizendo que essa família rica deixa sua filha usar roupas rasgadas todos os dias?” A rica filha da família Qiao? Ela já tinha o suficiente! Ela não seria mais! Portanto... Carinha escroto: "Sem a família Qiao, você não é nada." Qiao Xi: "Se eu for expulsa da família Qiao, estou acabada." Garota escrota: "Mana, não fique muito decepcionada. Contanto que você se esforce, um dia será elogiada." Qiao Xi: "Cala a boca, eu não conheço traidora como você." O carinha escroto e a garota escrota: "???" Corria o boato de que o filho mais novo da família Gu, Gu Zheng, se casou precipitadamente com uma mulher que não tinha nada além da aparência. Qiao Xi: "Alguém está me subestimando?" Um dia, Qiao Xi viu um dos funcionários de Gu Zheng quebrando a cabeça com uma série de números na tela do computador. Como ela estava de bobeira, ela deu uma mão. Ela acabou de quebrar o firewall criado pelo esforço conjunto dos melhores hackers de elite?! Gu Zheng se aproximava a cada passo. "Qiao Xi, do que mais você está me escondendo? Hmm?" Qiao Xi: "Ai, não! Estou tonta de novo! Sou tão fraca. Esse meu corpo é muito frágil!" ```
Qiaoqiao · 127.6K Views

Le Toucher du Mech

Dans un futur lointain, la civilisation humaine galactique est entrée dans l'Âge des Mechs. Les innombrables puissances mineures de l'humanité ont adopté les mechs comme leurs principales armes de guerre. Seul un petit nombre d'humains possède l'aptitude génétique nécessaire pour piloter ces machines de guerre destructrices de la taille d'un bâtiment. Né dans une famille militaire à la périphérie de la galaxie, Ves Larkinson est l'un des nombreux individus dépourvus du talent pour gagner la gloire au combat. Au lieu de cela, il devient concepteur de mechs. Aidé par son père disparu, Ves a obtenu le mystérieux Système de Concepteur de Mechs qui peut l'aider à s'élever dans la galaxie et au-delà. Ses mechs, basés sur les principes de la vie, lui permettent rapidement de se distinguer. Puissants et hautement compatibles avec les pilotes de mechs, ses produits ont le potentiel de révolutionner le marché. Cependant, le succès n'est pas facile, et d'innombrables défis entravent sa capacité à vendre ses mechs à un marché avide d'innovation ! Avec les péchés de la race humaine dans l'arène galactique qui rattrapent lentement, Ves doit naviguer dans les périls du marché ultracompétitif des mechs et maintenir le contrôle sur son organisation grandissante de marginaux. C'est l'âge d'or des mechs. C'est l'âge d'or de l'humanité. La question est, durera-t-il ? "Tout défi peut être surmonté tant que je conçois le bon mech !"
Exlor · 1.2K Views

Madame Gu est trop faible pour se débrouiller toute seule

On racontait que Qiao Xi avait une constitution fragile – une beauté maladive. On racontait qu'elle dépensait une fortune chaque jour en médicaments – les engloutissant comme des bonbons. On racontait que dix serviteurs l'attendaient auprès de son lit chaque jour – un fardeau pour tout le monde. Ils attendaient tous que la famille Qiao renvoie Qiao Xi à la campagne et la laisse se débrouiller toute seule. Qiao Xi : "Ils disent tous que je suis faible et incapable de prendre soin de moi. Apparemment, je dépense de l'argent de manière inconsidérée aussi." Elle regarda son chemisier déchiré et s’exaspéra. Qiao Xi : "Vous voulez dire que cette famille riche laisse sa fille porter des vêtements déchirés tous les jours ?" La fille riche de la famille Qiao ? Elle en avait assez ! Elle ne le serait plus ! Donc... Mauvais garçon : "Sans la famille Qiao, tu n'es rien." Qiao Xi : "Si je suis expulsée de la famille Qiao, je serai finie." Mauvaise fille : "Sœurette, ne sois pas trop déçue. Tant que tu travailleras dur, tu seras louée un jour." Qiao Xi : "Tais-toi, je ne connais pas une traîtresse comme toi." Le mauvais garçon et la mauvaise fille : "???" On racontait que le plus jeune fils de la famille Gu, Gu Zheng, avait imprudemment épousé une femme qui n'avait rien d'autre que son apparence. Qiao Xi : "Quelqu'un me méprise-t-il ?" Un jour, Qiao Xi vit un des employés de Gu Zheng se creuser la tête sur une série de chiffres à l'écran de l'ordinateur. Comme elle avait du temps libre, elle prêta main-forte. Avait-elle vraiment piraté le pare-feu créé par les efforts conjoints des meilleurs hackers de l'élite ?! Gu Zheng se rapprochait à chaque pas. "Qiao Xi, qu'est-ce que tu me caches encore ? Hmm ?" Qiao Xi : "Oh non ! Je me sens étourdie à nouveau ! Je suis si faible. Ce corps à moi est juste trop faible !"
Qiaoqiao · 96.3K Views

Ich habe meine Erinnerungen zurückgewonnen und bin nach meiner Scheidung reich geworden

"Gu Dai, ich habe dich nur geheiratet, um Großvater glücklich zu machen. Wenn eine andere Großvater gerettet hätte, hätte ich sie genauso geheiratet! Bilde dir nicht zu viel auf dich ein!" In den drei Jahren ihrer Ehe beleidigte Gu Dais Mann sie bei vielen Gelegenheiten. Sie hätte nicht geglaubt, dass sie einmal verwöhnt und wohlhabend war, wenn sie nicht plötzlich ihr Gedächtnis wiedererlangt hätte. Warum hat sie diesem Mann drei Jahre lang bereitwillig gedient? Dieser Mann war sogar so verachtenswert, dass er sich in eine andere Frau verliebte! Das erste, was Gu Dai tat, nachdem sie ihr Gedächtnis wiedererlangt hatte, war, sich scheiden zu lassen! In der ganzen Hauptstadt verbreitete sich das Gerücht, dass sich das Mädchen aus den Slums von Herrn Song scheiden lassen wollte! "Ernsthaft? Ist sie nicht eine Goldgräberin?" fragten alle. "Sie spielt nur den Unnahbaren. Glaubt ihr, dass sie jemals weitermachen kann?" fragte Mr. Song. Unmittelbar danach erfuhren alle, dass Gu Dai zur Familie Gu in die Hauptstadt zurückgekehrt war. Sie war nun die junge Dame der reichsten Familie der Stadt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass sie die junge Frau der Familie Gu war, die nach einem Unfall auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff vor drei Jahren verschwunden war! "Herr Song, Frau Gu ist eine Nummer zu groß für Sie", sagten alle. "Na und? Sie weiß nicht, wie man für die Zukunft plant. Außer Geld hat sie nichts", sagte Herr Song. Kurze Zeit später entdeckten die Leute Gu Dais vielfältige Identitäten. Sie war eine angesehene Hackerin, eine Wunderärztin, die beste Designerin des Landes... Sie war alles, wonach Song Ling gesucht hatte. Als sie sich wieder trafen, hielt er sie fest und flehte sie mit Tränen in den Augen an. "Dai, es macht mir nichts aus, wenn du Gefühle für andere hast. Kannst du mich bitte trotzdem an deiner Seite bleiben lassen?"
Mountain Springs · 63.2K Views

The Mighty Mage

Gu Jin the boss of a top mafia organization was stunned to find that she had suddenly arrived in Magic World. She thought she transmigrated in a novel about Magic, and she became a supporting character who would die protecting the Female lead, and this is all due to her incompetency in magic. Gu Jin laughed 'incompetency?' She can die in every possible way but not due to incompetency. Before transmigration, she was the queen of the mafia world, a strong-willed iron lady. After transmigration, she became a good-for-nothing? She was nothing but a potential mage. She took an oath to become a Heaven Rank Mage. Every colleague of hers despised her until one day they got to know about her potential. Incompetency? She has a special body type which grants her power to have multiple elements while others only had few. Not talented enough? While others were cultivating and having trouble learning alchemy, she cultivated, made formulas of her own, and learned other things too. Is poor? Sorry with her talent in business and alchemy, she had built a business empire of her own and ranks among the top rich individuals! Does she have no supporters? The citizens of Fujio worship her like a god. Her popularity is more than that of the female lead. Has no family? So what! The little boy she adopted is Beast Tamer, the little girl she rescued was a Mystic cultivator. But the drama began when her biological family picked her up. Turns out the Female Lead was the fake daughter and Gu Jin was the real daughter. The Female lead warned her, "Eldest Brother, Second Brother, and Third Sister are too cold, if they ignore you and you feel hurt I will apologize on their behalf, after all, I am their beloved person." Gu Jin didn't have much hope from her biological family, since the female lead was so lovable... she was sure that they wouldn't love her. However... The Eldest Brother of the family patted Gu Jin's head, "I bought this Star Level Artifact for fun you can have it." Gu Jin: "..." The Second Brother of the family who had a cold nature chuckled, "Who dares to taunt Gu Jin? I will chop off their finger...I mean I will have a civilized talk with them! " Gu Jin:"..." The Third Sister of the family secret sneaked into Gu Jin's room every day and claimed to have a headache, "Sister Jin~ Let me sleep with you~ I am having a headache." Gu Jin: "..." Was the female lead telling her the truth? Why was everything so different? .............................................. Follow the journey of Gu Jin to become a powerful mage. This is an original work. My English is not so good so please bear with me.
LittleRabbit1111 · 1.2M Views

CEO, let's get divorce

An unexpected little life forced the two business rivals to get married. On the day of the grand wedding, he flew to Paris to seek forgiveness from his beloved woman, leaving her alone at the wedding, suffering embarrassment. After five years of marriage, he had affairs outside, but she ignored them. He made sarcastic remarks, but she seemed to be deaf to them. She was too proud to beg humbly, but she believed that time could change his mind about her! Until... "Su Nuan is back, we are getting divorced." He was so cold and ruthless that it was outrageous. She felt heartbroken but just covered her daughter's ears quietly. "Mom, if I am a little more obedient, will Dad not leave me?" Watching him slam the door and leave, Hearing her daughter's tender voice finally broke her strong disguise. She hugged her tremblingly, and her eyes were blurred. "Mom, I want to see Dad." In the operating room, her daughter was dying and whispering for her father. She pulled his phone with tears in her eyes... "Gu Zekai..." "Xuanxuan is about to prepare for surgery. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you." She was interrupted as soon as she opened her mouth, and the call was quickly cut off. When she pulled it again, it was turned off. Gu Zekai, for the son of that woman, you don't even want your own flesh and blood? Lin Shengxia's love for Gu Zekai was exhausted in endless pain! Finally, all the grievances turned into a faint sentence-"let's get divorce!"
Siya_Shergill · 1.9K Views

My Entire Family's Gone Haywire!

"After Gu Xin recovered from her illness, she realized that her whole family had changed. His father who was a gambling addict that once almost sold his wife and daughter, also often picked fights after getting drunk. That same father now said that he would not gamble anymore. He wanted to pick up his textbooks and take part in the imperial examinations to give the three of them a happy life. Her mother who was not just efficient, but also detailed and thorough in her work, spent her days holed up in the house, not daring to try anything adventurous. She did not even dare to light a fire and was only fierce to her daughter. That same mother was now suddenly carrying a chopper and facing off debt collectors. Her embroidery was outstanding and she was cold to others, her sister, who never cooked, no longer held the needles. She smiled more and took over all the work in the kitchen. Gu Xin felt that she was dreaming. Apart from the changes in her parents and sister, after she saved a fish, those who scolded her would fall and those who had bad intentions toward her would be unlucky. If she wanted to eat something, living things would come to her door and knock their heads against her door. Even if they were not living things, she could still find them by coincidence. Everything was so wonderful! Of course, it would be great if the young master of the Zhou Family in town did not go crazy. The young master of the Zhou family said that her parents would sell her and her sister would harm her in the future. The young master wanted to take her far away and escape from the Devil's Den. Father Gu, "Where did this little brat come from? I'm nine thousand years old and only a thousand years away from ten thousand years old. Why would I sell my precious daughter?" Mother Gu, "Get lost, you rascal. I'm a strong woman who owns a big business empire. It's not easy for me to have a daughter. Can I bear to do that?" Sister Gu, "Scumbag male protagonist, don't think that I don't know how much of a scumbag you are in your book and how you will hurt my Xiao Xinxin. Pfft!" Young Master Zhou, "How is it different from my previous life? However, no matter how different it is, I won't miss my Xinxin in this life." Gu Xin, "Have you asked for my opinion?"
Ying Yixin · 1.8M Views
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