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Bella Snow

Mariage Contractuel Avec Alpha Snow

Après avoir été trahie par son fiancé et sa cousine le jour de son mariage, Zara, ressuscitée avec les souvenirs de ses erreurs passées, jure de réécrire son destin. Sur un coup de tête, elle épouse un inconnu pour tenir son ex à distance, sans réaliser que Snow est loin d'être un simple gigolo. Snow Zephyr, riche PDG et alpha de la meute d'Ivory Crescent, a besoin d'une épouse de convenance pour apaiser son père et sécuriser sa position. Lorsqu'une femme déterminée lui propose un mariage de commodité, Snow accepte, ignorant le chaos qu'elle va apporter dans sa vie. Le choix défiant de Zara provoque la fureur de ses parents, la conduisant à être expulsée de l'entreprise et à devoir trouver du travail ailleurs. Elle décroche un emploi chez Aurora Conglomerate Inc., pour découvrir que son nouveau patron n'est autre que Snow, l'homme qu'elle a épousé et l'oncle de son ex. Des étincelles jaillissent alors que leur attraction mutuelle grandit au milieu de l'obscurité des secrets de sa famille et des menaces imminentes. La force et l'indépendance de Zara captivent Snow, qui commence à la voir comme la Luna potentielle dont sa meute a besoin. Ensemble, ils font face aux ex-amants vengeurs, aux complots d'enlèvement et aux rivalités mortelles. Alors que les pouvoirs de Zara s'éveillent, elle doit affronter les raisons du désaveu de sa famille, les clauses cachées de son contrat de mariage et son rôle ultime dans le monde de Snow. Lorsque leur mariage de convenance se transforme en un vrai partenariat, un nouveau défi se présente sous la forme d'un compagnon destiné. Zara va-t-elle combattre les dangers qui l'attendent ou embrasser sa véritable destinée? **EXTRAIT** "Je... ne voulais pas être en retard au travail. Tu avais l'air occupé, alors j'ai pensé que je devrais prendre de l'avance." Snow haussa un sourcil. "Vraiment? Ou est-ce parce que la nuit dernière t'a tellement affectée que tu ne supportais pas d'être autour de moi?" "Ne te flatte pas, Snow. Tu ne m'as pas du tout affectée." Il afficha un sourire narquois en se rapprochant. "Vraiment?" Ses doigts effleurèrent mon menton, inclinant mon visage vers le haut. Mon pouls s'accéléra. "Nous sommes au travail," je répliquai, repoussant sa main. "Ce n'est pas professionnel." "Tu es ma femme," il murmura. "Tu es censée m'obéir en tout temps." Je retins une réplique, une lueur de rébellion s'allumant en moi. Lentement, je me rapprochai, laissant mes doigts frôler son torse. Son sourire vacilla un instant lorsque son loup réagit et Snow se mordit les lèvres. "Attention, Patron," je ronronnai séductrice. "Ne blesse pas ces lèvres. Je suis sûr que beaucoup de filles aimeraient les embrasser." Snow se pencha, frôlant mon oreille de ses lèvres. "Et toi? Meurs-tu d'envie d'y goûter?" Prise au dépourvu, j'hésitai, puis repris mon assurance alors que je le regardais dans les yeux. "Contrairement aux autres filles, j'ai une forte résistance contre—" Je n'eus pas l'occasion de terminer que les lèvres de Snow se posèrent sur les miennes avec un baiser fougueux qui me coupa le souffle.
BaeVida · 119K Views

Contract Marriage With Alpha Snow

After being betrayed by her fiancé and cousin on her wedding day, Zara, reborn with memories of past mistakes, vows to rewrite her destiny. Impulsively, she marries a stranger to keep her ex at bay, not realizing Snow is far from a mere call boy. Snow Zephyr, a wealthy CEO and alpha of the Ivory Crescent Pack, needs a contract wife to appease his father and secure his position. When a bold, determined woman proposes a marriage of convenience, Snow agrees, unaware of the chaos she will bring into his life. Zara's defiant choice provokes her parents' fury, leading to her being cast from the company and forcing her to find work elsewhere. She lands a job at Aurora Conglomerate Inc., only to discover that her new boss is Snow, the very man she married—and her ex's uncle. Sparks fly as their mutual attraction grows amidst the darkness of his family's secrets and looming threats. Zara’s strength and independence captivate Snow, who begins to see her as the potential Luna his pack needs. Together, they face vengeful ex-lovers, kidnapping plots, and deadly rivalries. As Zara's powers awaken, she must confront the reasons behind her family's disownment, the hidden clauses in her marriage contract, and her ultimate role in Snow’s world. When their marriage of convenience deepens into a genuine partnership, a new challenge emerges in the form of a fated mate. Will Zara fight the dangers that await or embrace her true destiny? **EXCERPT** "I... didn't want to be late for work. You seemed busy, so I thought I'd get a head start." Snow raised an eyebrow. "Really? Or is it because last night affected you so much that you couldn't stand being around me?" "Don't flatter yourself, Snow. You didn't affect me at all." He smirked, stepping closer. "Is that so?" His fingers brushed my chin, tilting my face up. My pulse quickened. "We're at work," I snapped, swatting his hand away. "This isn't professional." "You're my wife," he murmured. "You're supposed to obey me at all times." I bit back a retort, a hint of rebellion flaring within. Slowly, I stepped closer, letting my fingers graze his chest. His smirk wavered for a second when his wolf reacted and Snow bit his lips. "Careful, Boss," I purred seductively. "Don't hurt those lips. I'm sure plenty of girls would love to kiss them." Snow leaned down, his lips brushing my ear. "And you? Are you dying for a taste?" Caught off guard, I hesitated, then regained my composure as I looked him in the eyes. "Unlike other girls, I have strong resistance against—" I didn't get a chance to finish when Snow's lips crashed onto mine with a fierce kiss that left me breathless. *************** MATURE CONTENT Participating in the Viral Book Call Contest. Kindly Support Me!
BaeVida · 1.1M Views

Casamento de Conveniência com o Alfa Snow

Após ser traída pelo seu noivo e prima no dia de seu casamento, Zara, renascida com memórias dos erros passados, jura reescrever seu destino. Impulsivamente, ela se casa com um estranho para manter seu ex à distância, sem perceber que Snow está longe de ser apenas um acompanhante. Snow Zephyr, um CEO rico e alfa da Alcateia Crescente de Marfim, precisa de uma esposa de conveniência para apaziguar seu pai e garantir sua posição. Quando uma mulher determinada e audaciosa propõe um casamento por conveniência, Snow concorda, sem saber do caos que ela trará para sua vida. A escolha desafiadora de Zara provoca a fúria de seus pais, levando-a a ser expulsa da empresa e forçando-a a encontrar trabalho em outro lugar. Ela consegue um emprego na Aurora Conglomerate Inc., apenas para descobrir que seu novo chefe é Snow, o homem com quem se casou - e tio de seu ex. Faíscas voam à medida que a atração mútua cresce no meio da escuridão dos segredos da família dele e ameaças iminentes. A força e independência de Zara cativam Snow, que começa a vê-la como a possível Luna que sua alcateia precisa. Juntos, enfrentam ex-amantes vingativos, tramas de sequestro e rivalidades mortais. À medida que os poderes de Zara despertam, ela deve enfrentar as razões por trás do deserdar de sua família, as cláusulas ocultas em seu contrato de casamento e seu papel final no mundo de Snow. Quando seu casamento de conveniência se aprofunda em uma parceria genuína, surge um novo desafio na forma de um companheiro destinado. Zara lutará contra os perigos que a esperam ou abraçará seu verdadeiro destino?
BaeVida · 140.7K Views

The Forsaken Path of Princess Snow Fox

Lima tahun yang lalu, seorang pahlawan secara rahasia dipilih oleh Dewa Agung untuk menjadi penentu nasib dunia. Menyadari ancaman besar yang semakin dekat, Aliansi dari Sembilan Akademi Sihir memutuskan untuk mencari kandidat terbaik dari para muridnya—seseorang yang mampu menghadapi kegelapan yang akan datang. Namun di balik kemegahan dunia sihir dan intrik politik kerajaan, Kanna Hashikawa, seorang reinkarnasi dan anak selir yang terbuang, terpaksa berjuang melawan penindasan dari Ratu dan keluarganya sendiri. Meski menjadi sosok yang terpilih, Kanna tak tahu menahu tentang takdir besar yang menantinya. Tetapi ketika rahasia dunia mulai terungkap, dan bayang-bayang kehancuran semakin nyata, satu hal menjadi jelas: tak ada yang bisa menghindari panggilan takdir—termasuk Kanna. English Five years ago, a hero was secretly chosen by the Great Deity to determine the world’s fate. Aware of the looming great threat, the Alliance of Nine Magic Academies set out to find the best candidate among their students—someone capable of facing the darkness that was to come. Yet behind the grandeur of the magical world and the royal court’s political intrigues, Kanna Hashikawa, a reincarnated soul and the forsaken child of a concubine, is forced to endure oppression from the Queen and her own family. Despite being the chosen one, Kanna remains unaware of the grand destiny that awaits her. But as the secrets of the world unravel and the shadows of destruction grow ever closer, one thing becomes clear: no one can escape the call of destiny—not even Kanna.
KanatoHana · 1.4K Views


~•No Escape•~ "Are you running away from me, my sweet girl" spoke a voice in the hallway that made her stop in her tracks. The hallway had turned dark with only the wall lamps that burned brightly casting the shadow of the man on the floor as he slowly emerged from the other end. "What are you doing here, your majesty," She said and bowed immediately as she saw him approach her with slow but steady steps. "You haven't answered me, sweet" The man said with a sweet smile that made her wary and he heard the way her heart skipped a beat. He stood before her and used his index finger to raise her chin. He tilted his head as he gazed into her green eyes that looked back at him with fear. He took a step forward closing the distance between them and his eyes narrowed when she took a step back, but that didn't stop him from cornering her. "Did you think you can escape from me?" He continued to question and she didn't miss the mockery behind his words. "I…I" she felt her words tied to her tongue because of the man's daunting aura. She felt him trace her forehead with his finger down to her jaw. He continued moving his hand down to her neck and to the top of her swell and her thudding heart hitched when his hand continued to stay there. "Did you think you can escape from me?" He bent towards her as he spoke. His breath fell on her neck which sent a jolt that traveled down her body. "I told you, you're tied to me and me to you" _______________________ Perdita Kartar was a winsome yet strange young lady. She had an appealing beauty with her green eyes that invoked and impelled anyone who gazed into them. She had fooled her villagers so she could live and protect herself and her remaining family from the night creatures and also humans. But what was bizarre of all, was that Perdita had a secret she shared with no one. She had lived in the village since she was little, and over the years, she had been discreet with each move she made. Unfortunately, things didn't go as she planned. Despite her cautious decorum and fight to stay out of sight, a pair of glacial red eyes falls on her, which followed and refused to leave her out of sight.
Amzy_Bella · 876.8K Views
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