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Cerita Orang Kaya Nyamar Miskin

Istri Sewaan Miliarder adalah Orang Penting

“Aku akan membiarkanmu berada di atas mulai malam ini, tolong jangan ceraikan aku, sayang!” ----- Kehidupan dongeng Evelyn hancur ketika seorang orang asing masuk, mengklaim menjadi putri sejati Keluarga Wright dengan bukti. Privilegenya yang dicemburui? Direnggut. Reputasinya yang tanpa cela? Tercemar. Pertunangannya yang telah berlangsung empat tahun? Secara mendadak dibatalkan. Namun, pengkhianatan terburuk datang dari ayahnya yang dulu mencintainya, yang siap menjodohkannya demi menyelesaikan masalah bisnis—dengan seorang pria berusia dua kali lipat darinya! Semua orang di lingkaran itu menghadiri pernikahan skandal ini, ingin menyaksikan kejatuhan sang pewaris palsu. Namun, klimaksnya tidak seperti yang bahkan Evelyn perkirakan! Zevian Reign, taipan terkaya di negara itu, dikenal sebagai fantasi setiap wanita dan mimpi buruk semua rivalnya, membuat kedatangan yang dramatis. Kedatangannya membuat tamu-tamu tercengang, namun keinginannya yang terang-terangan lebih mengejutkan lagi! Dia dengan santai menuntut untuk menggantikan pengantin pria dan menikahi pengantin wanita yang cantik. Tidak ada yang berani menantang, juga tidak ada yang memiliki keberanian untuk menentangnya. Mereka tidak punya pilihan selain menyaksikan pernikahan itu terungkap. Dan saatnya Evelyn tersenyum sinis, karena kini dia adalah istri iblis. Dan semua orang yang telah merusaknya, mereka akan membayar sepuluh kali lipat! ++++ [Potongan] “Mengapa aku harus meninggalkan suamiku demi seorang pecundang?” Evelyn tertawa, melipat tangan dengan tegas. “Dia lebih baik darinya dalam segala aspek.” Pandangannya beralih ke mantan tunangannya yang berada di dekat sana, dan dia melanjutkan dengan senyuman sinis, “Sebenarnya, jauh lebih baik di ranjang.” Saat wajah Annabelle memerah karena merasa terhina, Evelyn menepuk punggungnya dan mendekat untuk memberikan tamparan lain. “Jadi, semoga berhasil dengan menjilat sisa-sisaku, sayang adik tiriku. Dia adalah pasangan yang sempurna untukmu.”
Zelra · 37K Views

Reinkarnasi sebagai Wanita Terkaya di Dunia

【Novel tentang pilih kasih, kekuasaan ganda, Kartu Tarot, dan memperlakukan sampah sesuai yang mereka layak!】 Sepuluh tahun pernikahan, sepuluh tahun pengabdian. Dia menuangkan seluruh bakat dan emosinya, hanya untuk dibalas dengan api yang direncanakan di akhir. Disiksa oleh suaminya dan dikhianati oleh sahabatnya. Ternyata, semua orang di sekitarnya berpura-pura. Sebelum reinkarnasinya, dia adalah wanita berbakat terkenal di Kota Capital. Setelah reinkarnasi, dia menjadi terkenal di Kota Capital sebagai......idiot! Lagi pula, dia berubah menjadi wanita kaya yang melarat, tergantung belas kasihan orang lain. Pemalu, lemah, tidak berguna, tidak kompeten, itu adalah cap yang dilekatkan padanya. Saat dia membuka mata sekali lagi, masa muda kembali mekar, dia kembali menjadi dirinya sendiri! Hidup ini, dia kembali dengan keberuntungan yang luar biasa! Dengan setumpuk Kartu Tarot, dia mengendalikan seluruh lingkaran sosial ketajiran! ** Tuan muda yang tak tertandingi, dia adalah kepala Keluarga Mo yang terkenal namun misterius di Kota Capital. Dia juga setan yang membawa kutukan. Mengontrol hidup dan mati, mendominasi takdir, dia adalah pemimpin yang berkuasa dari Dunia Keajaiban. Kewibawaan yang luar biasa dan ketampanan mengagumkan membuat tak terhitung gadis berduyun-duyun ke arahnya. Satu adalah wanita kaya yang rendah hati dan penakut, yang lain adalah 'setan' yang terkenal dengan kutukannya di Kota Capital. Tabrakan antara air dan api, perpaduan antara dingin dan panas. Tidak ada yang tahu siapa yang akhirnya tunduk pada siapa pada akhirnya. ** Kemudian, kepala keluarga Mo yang dingin, yang tidak pernah tertarik pada wanita, tiba-tiba mengumumkan pernikahannya yang meriah. Seluruh negeri heboh, banyak gadis muda hancur hatinya. Setelah pernikahan, dia berubah menjadi suami yang sempurna, sangat mencintai istrinya dan menuruti setiap keinginannya. 【Drama Mikro】 Seorang wanita (dengan wajah dingin): "Tuan Mo sangat kaya raya dan berkuasa, saya, seorang gadis rendah hati, tidak berani menambah beban." Sudut mulut seorang pria tertarik membentuk lengkungan penuh arti. Wanita itu sangat ketakutan hingga segera mundur selangkah: "Apa, apa, apa yang akan Anda lakukan?" ...... 【Kutipan dari Tuan Mo】 *Kamu harus tahu, di dunia ini, selain saya, tidak ada orang lain yang pantas berada di sisimu. *Jika era kejayaan ini berakhir, saya masih bisa mendirikan yang baru! Tetapi dia, hanya ada satu di dunia, saya, tidak bisa berjudi! *Hanya uang. Saya bahkan sudah memberikan hidup saya kepadanya, jadi mari kita sia-siakan saja.
Deutsche Unforgotten · 41.3K Views

Semua Orang Ingin Memanjakan Putri Keberuntungan

``` Keluarga Duke sudah seabad tanpa adanya putri. Ketika akhirnya seorang putri lahir, seharusnya dia menerima segala cinta dan manja, tetapi ternyata putri yang sebenarnya telah tertukar saat lahir dan dibesarkan oleh keluarga pemburu yang baik hati. Sejak mereka mengadopsi gadis tersebut, para pemburu tampaknya menjadi beruntung dalam segala hal—binatang buruan tampaknya berlari ke dalam perangkap dan jaring yang mereka pasang, dan mereka selalu menemukan ramuan langka di mana pun mereka pergi. Sepuluh tahun kemudian, keluarga Duke akhirnya menyadari kebenaran bahwa putri mereka telah tertukar dan melakukan perjalanan ribuan mil untuk membawanya pulang. Setelah kembali ke keluarga aslinya, putri tersebut tidak diragukan lagi dimanja habis-habisan oleh setiap anggota keluarganya... Setelah dewasa, Lin Qingluo menguasai seni bela diri dan mencapai puncak dunia persilatan. Bergabung di medan perang bersama saudara-saudaranya dan ayahnya, dia menghancurkan musuh-musuh mereka dan dikenal sebagai Dewi Perang, mendapatkan tak terhitung pengagum. Tuan dari Pavilion Rahasia Surgawi: Reputasi Anda mendahului Anda, nona—tak ada yang sebanding dengan Anda, seperti rumor yang mengatakan. Kepala dari Lembah Ramuan: Kemampuan Anda dalam pengobatan luar biasa, dan saya mengakui keahlian Anda. Saya bersumpah setia sebagai imbalan atas bimbingan Anda untuk berlatih pengobatan dan membantu orang-orang. Pangeran Pertama dari Negara Qi: Terima kasih telah menyelamatkan saya. Saya berhutang nyawa pada Anda. Lin Qingluo: Seorang pangeran yang lekat hati telah mencuri hati saya, dan dia lah yang selalu saya pikirkan. Tak ada orang lain dalam benak saya. ```
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 43.9K Views

Saya Mengembalikan Ingatan dan Menjadi Kaya Setelah Bercerai

"Gu Dai, aku hanya menikahimu untuk membuat Kakek senang. Kalau orang lain yang menyelamatkan Kakek, aku akan menikahinya dengan cara yang sama! Jangan terlalu tinggi hati!" Selama tiga tahun pernikahan, suami Gu Dai sering menghinanya. Dia tidak akan percaya bahwa dirinya pernah dimanja dan kaya raya jika dia tidak tiba-tiba mendapatkan kembali ingatannya. Mengapa dia dengan rela melayani pria ini selama tiga tahun? Pria ini bahkan cukup hina untuk jatuh cinta dengan wanita lain! Hal pertama yang dilakukan Gu Dai setelah mendapatkan kembali ingatannya adalah bercerai! Rumor menyebar di seluruh ibu kota bahwa gadis dari kawasan kumuh itu bercerai dari Tuan Song! "Serius? Bukannya dia penambang emas?" Semua orang bertanya. "Dia hanya berpura-pura susah didapat. Kalian pikir dia bisa melanjutkan hidupnya?" Tuan Song bertanya. Segera setelah itu, semua orang mengetahui bahwa Gu Dai telah kembali ke keluarga Gu di ibu kota. Kini, dia adalah putri muda dari keluarga terkaya di kota. Ternyata, dia adalah putri muda keluarga Gu yang hilang setelah terjadi kecelakaan kapal pesiar tiga tahun lalu! "Tuan Song, Nyonya Gu jelas tidak selevel denganmu," semua orang berkata. "Lalu apa? Dia tidak tahu cara merencanakan masa depan. Selain uang, dia tidak memiliki apa-apa lagi," Tuan Song berkata. Tak lama setelah itu, orang-orang mulai mengetahui identitas ganda Gu Dai. Dia adalah peretas besar, dokter ajaib, desainer terbaik di negara itu... Dia adalah segalanya yang Song Ling cari. Ketika mereka bertemu lagi, dia meraihnya dan memohon dengan air mata di matanya. "Dai, aku tidak keberatan jika kamu memiliki perasaan terhadap orang lain. Bisakah kamu tetap membiarkanku di sisimu?"
Mountain Springs · 102.6K Views

Sang Pewaris Sejati adalah Orang Besar yang Sebenarnya

Orang besar yang dulunya, Ying Zijin, bangun suatu hari sebagai putri yang hilang dari keluarga Ying, yang telah menghilang selama lima belas tahun. Keluarga Ying segera mengadopsi anak lain untuk menggantikannya. Setelah kembali ke keluarga kaya raya, semua orang mengejeknya karena tidak secerdas, sekapabel, sebijaksana, dan seanggun putri palsu. Orang tuanya menganggapnya sebagai noda di keluarga dan memperingatkan dia untuk tidak berharap bisa menjadi nyonya di keluarga. Mereka bilang dia harus bersyukur bisa menjadi anak asuh, jika tidak mereka akan mengirimnya pergi. Ying Zijin: "Saya akan pergi. Tidak usah diantar." Sementara keluarga Ying merayakan dengan sukacita dan yang lainnya menunggu untuk melihat pewaris yang sebenarnya mempermalukan dirinya sendiri, tokoh berpengaruh dari berbagai bidang mulai bertindak. Idola papan atas dengan penggemar paling berpengaruh berkata, "Nona Ying, cukup beritahu saya jika Anda memerlukan sesuatu." Ahli waris monopoli ekonomi global berkata, "Keluarga Ying? Apa itu? Bos, kita hapus saja mereka?" Seniman bela diri nomor satu di negara ini bertanya, "Siapa yang berani mengganggu tuan saya?" Remaja jenius dengan IQ 228 berkata, "Itu saudara perempuan saya." Seorang pria dengan penampilan yang sangat menggoda tersenyum sinis dan santai, berkata, "Baiklah, panggil aku kakak ipar." Tokoh-tokoh berpengaruh itu bingung. Ketika identitas sejati pewaris yang sebenarnya dipulihkan, itu menyebabkan sensasi di internet. Keluarga Ying menjadi gila dan berlutut, menangis dan memohon dia untuk kembali. Keluarga berkuasa internasional berkata, "Maaf, izinkan saya memperkenalkannya. Ini adalah pewaris kami yang sebenarnya." Terlahir Kembali sebagai raja, melakukan comeback yang kuat dan melancarkan serangan balik!
Qing Qian · 134.4K Views

A Force To Be Reckoned With

WARNING!!! Heavy Violence, Graphic Imagery, Profanities, Discrimination, Racial Slur, Sexual Content, Offensive Jokes, Triggering Content In a rural area of the Philippines, an old man with his grandson lived peacefully in the wilderness. They managed to survive in a forest swarmed with beasts that could take their life away if they weren't aware of their surroundings. They were very far from the nearest residential village that inhabits people resulting in complete isolation from the rest of the world, well not 'that' isolated. Kaya, which means "The ability or capacity to accomplish things" is a 17-year-old boy who loves nothing more but the thrill of adventure. Despite being surrounded by powerful animals in the wild, he stood his ground as the apex predator and ruled all of the beasts. He'd lunge himself in a pack of hyenas and beat them all up with his iron fist, not to kill them but enough to strike fear into their furry hearts. He'd brawl it out on a troop of gorillas each weighing at least 400-500 pounds of pure muscle. Despite only sizing up in 100-200 pounds, he had enough battle prowess to beat the living shit out of these apes. He'd fought against these animals night and day without tiring himself. Despite being covered in battle scars and wounds, he enjoyed the thrill of fighting and adventure. He wants nothing more but freedom and independence. He wasn't a blockhead, he was smart, well not 'book smart' but intellectually smart. If he was placed in a pinch of a dire situation, he'd think of ways to get out of this predicament. This was not due to his intuition, rather, he was molded by his grandfather to have this type of mindset. Though they lived in seclusion, it didn't mean that they were ignorant not to know that there were also others like him. They had a small library of records of human civilization, but the majority of these books were martial arts manuals. They even have tapes to play on their run-down TV, that worked on solar panels, where they got these solar panels? He had no idea, his old man was stingy about this stuff. After leaving the forest and being introduced to a virtual reality game; Haven of God, he will start his adventure by leaving a trail of his legacy and lots and lots of blood. He will become a legend: A force to be reckoned with.
Kaya_Alon · 69.3K Views

The Lonely Hunter

The world is a place that is ever changing. Right now, the world is truly changing, either from the worst, or for the best. Year 2450, humanity has enter the world of future but suddenly, the world shook and rumble for an unknown reason. This earthquake that has a Richter magnitude scale of 10. Which is the strongest earthquake in the time of humanity as all believed to be a mortifying turned to the worst. The earthquake also known as 'Super Quake' rumbled the entire earth that lasted for 5 months. Fortunately for humanity, we have developed enough technological resources to launch 3/4th of the population to space but the 1/4th who has been left in Earth unfortunately  faced an inevitable death As believe to be the end of mankind, everybody has thought that the earth has ended but as they continue to observe from far away, they saw the earth increase in size forming new tectonic plates and new land began to develop the mysteriously expanding earth. Humans continue to observe the earth and as 5 months passed, the Super Quake has finally end and the earth is now the size of Jupiter making it a new super planet. Seeing that the world has become quiet again, the humans in space returned to their homeland  only to find out that not only has almost every man-made infrastructure fell to ruin, the new landmass formed by the quake made new materials that has never been discovered by humans and not only that,  creatures have evolved to monsters that feed on flesh. These monsters are variants of mutation and evolution. Countless of casualties had occur in the first years of humanity but as we continue to discover and learn about the new materials and monsters, humanity had finally given a foothold to restart again by building a new and more advance civilization that plans on subjugation to all monsters that may come a threat to humanity. 60 years has passed, the world has changed since then. Kal a sixteen year old Filipino teenager has lived alone ever since his father mysteriously disappear in a hunt. He didn't had any money or job to cope with his daily expenses so at a young age, he decided to register as a hunter. He has no good background, education, and any talent at all, no one had dare to help him so he remained alone. This made hunting harder, he almost died countless of times by average monsters and even the weakest ones would cost him a broken bone or two. Because of his bad record, he was considered the weakest hunter and became a laughing stock to all the hunters causing him to sufer more than he had already been. One normal day, while hiking in the mountains, he stumbled upon a mysterious crystal. After obtaining this crystal, he head a soft bell ringing in is head, [HUNTER REGISTERED, WELCOME HUNTER KAL] A mysterious window panel suddenly appeared in his eyes.
Kaya_Alon · 61.5K Views

Skill Issue

A powerful martial artist in an ancient world named Wandering Gosu. This martial artist was known for his exceptional skills and was feared by many in the Murim world. However, his greed got the best of him when he stole a powerful talisman and as a result, was assassinated by his enemies. Misfortune strikes as he was reincarnated into the weak body of a young man named Leanne in a world that was far more advanced than the one he once knew. In this world, martial arts had gone weak, but with the increasing emphasis on fitness and fighting, it was once again becoming popular. Leanne soon discovered a virtual reality game called "Martial World" and upon entering the game, he realized that it was actually his previous world. With his knowledge and techniques from his past life, he stood out among the billions of players in the game. However, Leanne soon realized that the knowledge he had about the martial world was far deeper than he thought when he accidentally obtained a class that only allowed him to perform basic attacks and forbade him from using any spells or skills. Despite this setback, Leanne was determined to regain his power and status as a powerful martial artist. He trained tirelessly in reality and in the virtual world and slowly regained his lost skills and power. As he journeyed through the game, he discovered hidden secrets and powerful artifacts that would aid him in his quest for strength and dominance. With his newfound strength, Leanne sets out on a quest to become the strongest player in the "Martial World" and to uncover the truth about his past life, the stolen talisman, and the reasons behind his assassination. In this thrilling journey, Leanne will face many challenges and obstacles, but with his determination, skills, and will to succeed, he will rise as a powerful martial artist once again.
Kaya_Alon · 8.1K Views

The Lonely Hunter (Contest)

The world is an ever-changing place. Right now, the world is truly changing, either from the worst or for the best. In the year 2450, humanity has enter the world of the future but suddenly, the world shook and rumble for an unknown reason. This earthquake has a Richter magnitude scale of 10. Which is the strongest earthquake in the time of humanity as all believed to be mortifying turned to the worst. The earthquake is also known as 'Super Quake' rumbled the entire earth that lasted for 5 months. Fortunately for humanity, we have developed enough technological resources to launch 3/4th of the population to space but the 1/4th who has been left on Earth, unfortunately,  faced an inevitable death As belief to be the end of mankind, everybody has thought that the earth has ended but as they continue to observe from far away, they saw the earth increase in size forming new tectonic plates and new land began to develop mysteriously expanding earth. Humans continue to observe the earth and like 5 months pass, the Super Quake has finally ended and the earth is now the size of Jupiter making it a new super planet. Seeing that the world has become quiet again, the humans in space returned to their homeland only to find out that not only has almost every man-made infrastructure fallen to ruin, the new landmass formed by the quake made new materials that has never been discovered by humans and not only that,  creatures have evolved to monsters that feed on flesh. These monsters are variants of mutation and evolution. Countless casualties had occurred in the first years of humanity but as we continue to discover and learn about the new materials and monsters, humanity had finally given a foothold to restart again by building a new and more advanced civilization that plans on subjugation to all monsters that may come to a threat to humanity. 60 years have passed, the world has changed since then. Kal a sixteen-year-old Filipino teenager has lived alone ever since his father mysteriously disappears in a hunt. He didn't have any money or job to cope with his daily expenses so, at a young age, he decided to register as a hunter. He has no good background, education, or talent at all, no one had dared to help him so he remained alone. This made hunting harder, he almost died countless times by average monsters and even the weakest ones would cost him a broken bone or two. Because of his bad record, he was considered the weakest hunter and became a laughing stock to all the hunters causing him to suffer more than he had already been. One normal day, while hiking in the mountains, he stumbled upon a mysterious crystal. After obtaining this crystal, he heard a soft bell ringing in his head, [HUNTER REGISTERED, WELCOME HUNTER KAL] A mysterious window panel suddenly appeared in his eyes.
Kaya_Alon · 13.2K Views

Star Stream: The Multiversal Streaming Platform

In a dystopian future where alien lifeforms coexist with humanity, Aries, a 4th class citizen considered the lowest of the low, discovers a world-changing opportunity. The existence of portals leading to another dimension called The Sanction of God has granted species the ability to absorb the powerful essence known as Mana, granting immense strength. However, to harness this power, they must defeat monsters and obtain their monster cores. Aries's life takes an unexpected turn when he accidentally installs a mysterious app called Star Stream on his phone. To his astonishment, he instantly becomes a streamer whose broadcasts are viewed by beings across the multiverse. Realizing the potential of this streaming platform and being the only streamer in his universe, Aries seizes the opportunity to document his growth from the weakest of the bunch to a being capable of conquering the universe. With the world as his audience, Aries embarks on a perilous journey to become the number one streamer in the entire Multiverse. Armed with determination and an unyielding spirit, he ventures into The Sanction of God, challenging dangerous monsters and absorbing their monster cores to acquire their Mana essence. As Aries's streaming adventures unfold, he gathers a loyal and diverse fan base from various dimensions, each following his exploits with fervor. His content captures not only the thrilling battles against formidable creatures but also the struggles of a society where class divisions persist. Aries's rise to power through the ranks of the streaming world inspires hope among the oppressed and downtrodden, sparking a rebellion against the established order. As Aries gains popularity, he faces numerous challenges and adversaries who seek to exploit his newfound fame and power. With alliances forming, betrayals lurking, and the ever-looming threat of the powerful ruling elite, Aries must navigate a treacherous path to maintain his integrity and fulfill his ultimate goal. Star Stream is an action-packed science fiction novel that blends elements of epic battles, interdimensional exploration, and social commentary. Through Aries's gripping journey, readers witness the transformative power of determination, courage, and the ability to inspire change in a universe hungry for hope and justice.
Kaya_Alon · 4.6K Views
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