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A Traves De Ti Pelicula

A Luna Amaldiçoada de Hades

Em um mundo onde Lycans e lobisomens são inimigos jurados, Eve Valmont é uma lobisomem amaldiçoada por uma profecia e incriminada. Traída por sua própria matilha e aprisionada por anos, seu destino toma um rumo mais sombrio quando ela é oferecida ao Rei Lycan, Hades Stavros - um governante temido por suas conquistas impiedosas e habilidade mortal. Presa por uma antiga profecia e assombrada pelos fantasmas de seu passado, Eve agora está à mercê do único ser que deveria odiar e temer mais - O próprio Punho da Morte. Hades, um rei moldado a partir do sangue e da decadência de sua própria alma, determinado a vingar o massacre de sua família e livrar seu povo dos lobisomens. Ele acredita que Eve é a chave para a sua vitória. Para ele, ela não é nada além de uma arma prevista pela profecia, uma ferramenta que ele usará para destruir as forças opostas que ameaçam sua matilha. No entanto, ele se vê desejando esta mulher poderosa, embora quebrada. Deixando-o questionar se ela é realmente sua arma ou aquela destinada a desvendar seus planos cuidadosamente traçados. Ele caminhou em minha direção, um predador se aproximando de sua presa, seus olhos escuros e indecifráveis. 'Então, você ri?' Sua voz era baixa, perigosamente suave, fazendo os pelos na nuca se arrepiarem. Engoli em seco, subitamente consciente de como se tornara difícil respirar. 'Hades, eu—' 'Mas você só ri das piadas de outros homens,' ele interrompeu, seu olhar penetrante, desprovido de qualquer humor. 'Não das piadas do seu marido.' A acusação em seu tom era cortante, atravessando o ar entre nós. Um riso nervoso escapou de mim. 'Você não pode estar falando sério ... Ele é seu beta, pela Deusa.' Num instante, ele diminuiu a distância entre nós, tão rápido que me deixou sem fôlego. Suas mãos agarraram minha cintura, me puxando contra o seu corpo, o calor dele fazendo minha pele formigar. Eu respirei fundo, mas antes que eu pudesse dizer uma palavra, seus lábios colidiram com os meus, reivindicando minha boca com uma força que enviou ondas de choque através de mim. O beijo era punitivo, faminto - eu não podia respirar, não podia pensar. Quando ele finalmente recuou, eu estava tremendo, o peito ofegante enquanto lutava para recuperar o fôlego. Seus olhos, escuros e tempestuosos, buscavam os meus com uma intensidade possessiva. 'Você não pode rir das minhas piadas...' ele sussurrou, sua voz um raspão perigoso enquanto seus dedos deslizavam para baixo, enviando um arrepio pela minha espinha, 'mas você vai gozar com os meus dedos.' Eu estremeci, calor se acumulando no fundo da minha barriga com suas palavras, seu toque. O mundo ao nosso redor se tornou um borrão, desaparecendo em nada enquanto a mão dele deslizava para baixo, arrancando de mim um suspiro rouco. O olhar em seus olhos me disse que ele sabia exatamente o que estava fazendo comigo, e não havia como negar a conexão primal entre nós naquele momento. 'Eu não preciso da sua risada,' ele murmurou contra minha pele, seu hálito quente no meu pescoço. 'Eu vou ter cada outra parte de você.'
Lilac_Everglade · 366.3K Views

Chroniques de L'Engloutissement

La Terre avait été engloutie. Absorbée par le nouveau monde, un océan infini parsemé de continents s’étendant à perte de vue. L’humanité s’y retrouva projetée, livrée à des terres hostiles où pullulaient des créatures et des civilisations d’origines multiples, arrachées à leurs propres réalités. Là où se dressait jadis la Terre, une autre vint la remplacer. Puis une autre encore. Encore et encore. Le cycle était enclenché. Chaque monde conquis était dupliqué, absorbé à son tour, alimentant l’expansion inéluctable de ce domaine sans fin. Une force inconnue tissait ce réseau d’univers, englobant tout sur son passage. Les âges passèrent. Que restait-il de l'humanité ? Des vestiges redoutés. Capturés par la Tour du Chaos, surgie sans le moindre avertissement. Sur le continent de Winet, première terre à avoir été absorbée, le paysage s’était métamorphosé. Jadis dominé par les humains, il ne subsistait de leur règne qu’une seule chose : la Tour, immense et menaçante. Elle avait pris les plus forts. Ceux qui n’étaient pas tombés sous son joug n’étaient plus qu’un groupe épars, trop insignifiant pour peser dans l’histoire. Pour les nouveaux habitants de Winet, ils étaient devenus des créatures rares, objets de convoitise et de fascination. Symbole de richesse et de pouvoir, ils étaient retenus en captivité, affaiblis, soigneusement étudiés pour empêcher l’éveil de leur potentiel. Et c’est dans ce joyeux chaos que moi, Mana, me retrouve à bosser. Asservi par des êtres encore plus effrayants que moi, je suis condamné à observer le monde sombrer dans le carnage, à fouiller les âges passés pour en tirer des histoires dignes d’être racontées. Vraiment, quel merdier. ---- "Un roman d'aventure rempli de mystères et de batailles épiques." Tags : Fantasy, Magie, Épopée, Héroïque, Mystère, Action, Comédie, Sombre, etc.
Linegias · 2.5K Views

Toxic Ties

**Damon Blackwell and Valerie Monroe come from a world of wealth, fame, and privilege. Their families are Hollywood royalty—household names in the entertainment industry. With money, luxury, and status at their fingertips, life has always been about appearances. From private schools to exclusive events, they've lived lives most people only dream of. However, as the years have passed, one thing has remained constant: the relentless pressure from their parents. Their parents, always the stars of the show, have made it clear that their offspring need to live up to their legacies. And so, the nagging began. The "When will you settle?" and "Have you met anyone special yet?" questions became the soundtrack of their lives.  Fed up with the constant pestering, Damon and Valerie hatch a plan. They'll fake a relationship to appease their parents, allowing them to live their own lives without the constant interference. At first, it's all fun and games. They play the part of the perfect couple—attending events, posting staged photos, and making all the right moves. It's convenient, and for Damon, it's easy. He's always been able to charm people and manipulate situations to his advantage. But for Valerie, things start to blur. What began as a means to an end begins to feel a little too real. The sweet gestures, the stolen glances, and the brief moments of intimacy—they start to mean more to her than she ever expected. She never planned to fall for Damon. She was too careful, too guarded for that. But the deeper she gets involved in the charade, the harder it becomes to separate fact from fiction.  So, when Damon calls it off, on her birthday of all days, she's left completely blindsided. It's one thing to break up with someone, but it's another to be the one on the receiving end of the breakup. Valerie's pride is hurt, but what really stings is that she's never been in a position like this before. She's the one usually doing the breaking up. Being rejected feels... insulting. The humiliation is unbearable. And worse, Damon walks away without a second thought, leaving her with nothing but the bitter taste of his indifference. The breakup wasn't just a blow to her heart—it felt like an attack on her ego, on her sense of control. No one had ever dared to reject Valerie Monroe like this, and she refuses to let it stand.  Determined to make Damon regret his decision, Valerie vows to get him back. But it's not just about winning him over again; it's about showing him just how wrong he was to let her go. She's always been the one in control, and she's not about to let Damon—of all people—steal that from her. Revenge becomes her new obsession, and every time she sees Damon, every time they cross paths, her resolve hardens.  As the school year comes to a close, their paths continue to collide, each encounter fueling the fire of petty jealousy and increasingly underhanded tactics. The back-and-forth, the jabs, and insults, the little games they play—it's like nothing has changed, except that now it's personal. They each try to outmaneuver the other, one-upping in ways that only serve to escalate the tension between them. But neither of them can ignore the lingering attraction, the undeniable pull that still exists between them. And the closer they get to the summer break, the more they realize they're stuck with each other.  The worst part for Damon? He discovers that their families, unable to shake off the close friendship that had developed between the two, have rented a beach house in the Bahamas for the summer. Damon is forced to spend an entire vacation with Valerie, under the same roof, with nowhere to escape the undeniable tension. It's a nightmare scenario for Damon, who is determined to keep his distance from her—especially now that she's made it clear she's playing a game of her own. For Valerie, though, this is an opportunity. She has all summer to make Damon see just what he's missing...
crumbs_crumbs · 2.4K Views

A Crônica do Contador de Histórias

Após uma vida de poucas conquistas e repleta de arrependimentos, Vanitas recebe uma segunda chance ao reencarnar como um bebê em um mundo onde magia e espadas fazem parte do cotidiano. Determinado a deixar seu passado para trás, ele abraça essa nova chance, vivendo com uma trupe itinerante de artistas da corte. Entre apresentações e jornadas por novas terras, Vanitas aprimora seu talento nato para o alaúde, mas é na magia que seu verdadeiro poder desperta. Sob a tutela da poderosa Arcanista Marceline, ele mergulha nos segredos da simpatia, a arte mágica que, desde o início, acendeu seu desejo de invocar o vento. No entanto, o destino de Vanitas toma um rumo inesperado quando cruza caminho com o enigmático grupo Sombraim, cujos segredos ocultos trazem à tona verdades sombrias sobre o mundo e sobre sua própria reencarnação. Em busca de respostas, Vanitas parte em uma jornada por terras desconhecidas, onde cada nova descoberta o arrasta ainda mais profundamente para os segredos esquecidos da história. Ao longo do caminho ele encontra aliados improváveis, constrói amizades inquebráveis e se apaixona... mas o que realmente aguarda em seu destino é algo que supera tudo isso. Com a chance de mudar o mundo em suas mãos, Vanitas precisa decidir entre seguir o caminho das revelações ou se perder nos laços do amor e da amizade. O peso dessa escolha pode mudar para sempre o curso de sua vida — e a de todos ao seu redor.
porep · 47.2K Views

Terras de Adira

Em um dos quatro reinos de Adira, a serpente infame Maeve Fermi Escarlate ressurge misteriosamente em um dia qualquer, quebrando a paz dos magos de Avalon. Seu retorno assusta o mundo de tal forma que cada reino não consegue ser mais o mesmo com sua presença, fazendo com que muitos desejem que a justiça seja feita e que ela pague pelos seus pecados. Enquanto é presa e espera pelo seu julgamento, se depara com fantasmas e problemas mal resolvidos do passado. Além de estar empenhada em fugir e encontrar um velho amigo que possa trazer respostas e um novo caminho a ela como escolhida. Por sorte do destino ou azar, Fênix e Serpentes voltam a se encontrar quando Maeve conhece o príncipe mais novo de Zamoria, Eros. Tendo certeza de que nem o tempo é capaz de apagar o ódio enraizado entre duas espécies inimigas, principalmente quando Maeve percebe que tem sua vida nas mãos de Eros. Do outro lado de Adira, em Calisto. Vive Baltazar, um homem íntegro e independente, que cuida sozinho dos seus dois filhos órfãos, e quando ele sente a presença de Maeve no mundo de novo, ele sabe que esse é o chamado, e que agora terá que escolher entre suas obrigações e seus dois filhos. tags: com foco em fantasia épica/medieval voltado para mulheres fortes, mistério, construção de mundo lenta, ação, aventura, violência, magia, deuses, demônios, anjos, bruxos, magos, protagonismo feminino forte, romance, slow burn, enemies tô lovers, friends tô lovers
ThaliaSant · 3.3K Views

Shadows de obsesíon

'' You made me wait my whole life for you until now, I have you my darling, let's make a promise to never leave each other until death do us part, t`e am `o my love.'' Shadows of Obsession is a story about a mere girl who is entitled to be married off to a billionaire businessman who Is intense and very possessive of his things. And shortly she has to be one of his properties. She hates it but still has to endure it since she's just a mere girl and she becomes like a lamb to this obsessive wolf. Damian was a business partner with Clark Amber, an uncle to Imma only remaining legal guardian, having been raised by her uncle until now, she's nineteen years old. Damian saw her at Clark's place, and he immediately fell for her. Mr. Clark being the only legal guardian at some point had monetary issues which forced him to obtain a five hundred -million-dollar loan from Mr. Miller. This went on for a while until one day he was unable to settle his debts, so to make things easier, Damian demanded for Imma's hand in marriage thus, using the situation as leverage against Clark Amber. He has no choice but to withstand it and accept the consequences. Damian Miller is from the criminal underworld where the law does not stand a chance against him. Being all rich and powerful, no one dares to cross him, until he meets this pretty female lead Immaculate Amber. She gets full control of him after accepting their arranged marriage and turns him from cruel to a soft person towards her. This book consists of how lovers are obsessed with each other and involves not only love and intimacy but also the willing power of sacrifice. Get to know what will happen in this love story as it goes on. LEADWITHLOVE AudreySayialel.
AudreySayialel · 56 Views

Crimson Ties: Beneath the Billionaire's Empire

In the heart of the sprawling metropolis, where skyscrapers kiss the sky and luxury knows no bounds, lies a world shrouded in secrets, power, and intrigue. "Crimson Ties: Beneath the Billionaire's Empire" takes you on a gripping journey through the hidden corridors of wealth, influence, and the clandestine underbelly of society. At the center of this gripping tale is Alexander Hawthorne, a reclusive billionaire whose vast empire encompasses technology, finance, and media. The world sees a charismatic visionary, but behind closed doors, a complex web of allegiances and machinations binds his life. The story unfurls as investigative journalist Emma Reynolds, driven by an insatiable curiosity, becomes determined to unveil the enigma behind Hawthorne's success. As Emma delves deeper, she discovers that Alexander's rise to power is not solely built on legal foundations. Whispers of a connection to the criminal underworld surface, leading her to the tantalizing theory that a hidden alliance exists between the billionaire and the city's infamous mafia syndicate, the Vermillion Cartel. With every clue she uncovers, Emma finds herself entangled in a dangerous game of cat and mouse, where revealing the truth could cost her more than she's willing to lose. The narrative takes unexpected turns as Emma's investigation introduces her to a cast of characters, each with their motives and secrets. Isabella Romano, the brilliant yet enigmatic CFO of Hawthorne's conglomerate, harbors a tragic past that intertwines with Alexander's. Antonio Moretti, the charismatic and ruthless don of the Vermillion Cartel, operates from the shadows, manipulating fortunes and lives with calculated precision. As Emma and Alexander's paths intersect, sparks fly, blurring the lines between journalistic objectivity and personal desire. Their complex relationship adds a layer of tension, raising questions about trust and the blurred morality of their choices. The story gains momentum as Emma's pursuit of the truth unveils a tapestry of lies, betrayals, and unexpected alliances. With her relentless determination, she peels back the layers of deceit surrounding Alexander's empire, inching closer to the heart of the conspiracy. But as her investigation reaches a critical juncture, the risks escalate, and she finds herself entwined in a dangerous dance with Antonio, whose motives remain shrouded in mystery. As truths are unveiled and allegiances are tested, Emma must navigate a treacherous landscape where loyalties shift like quicksand. The climax hurtles toward an explosive revelation that threatens to expose not only the hidden ties between the billionaire and the mafia but also the fragility of the world they've carefully constructed. "Crimson Ties: Beneath the Billionaire's Empire" is a riveting tale of ambition, power, and the darkness that lurks beneath even the most glittering façades. With its richly developed characters, intricate plot twists, and exploration of the moral complexities of wealth and influence, this novel delves into the depths of human nature when driven by power and the lengths one will go to protect their empire, no matter the cost.
ScarletSeraphim · 8.2K Views

Love and Red Coloured Ties

Julius didn’t know what to expect when he stood in front of the grandiose gates, luscious fields, and beautiful students dressed in their pristine uniforms looking like a million bucks. He told himself that he wouldn’t get involved with anyone and that he’d keep his head down since the chances of him moving again were quite high. He didn’t expect to find himself to be so entranced with the dorm leader Agares Montgomery, the most handsome boy he’d ever seen. “So what’s Agares really like?” Julius asked. Silas grinned mischievously. “That’s a tough one.” Julius noticed the sly smile on Silas’s face and realized he’d been teased. “Just kidding~” Silas said, chuckling. “Well, Agares is a bit of a mystery. He’s strict but has a laid-back side too. He’s cold most of the time but can be surprisingly kind in rare moments?” Julius couldn’t help but laugh at the contradictory description. “Why do you make it sound like you’re unsure?” “Because he really is a puzzle. He’s not a bad guy, though. He keeps to himself and mainly communicates through the vice leader, Epaphras. He’s insanely popular, not just here but at Saint Ambracia Academy too. There have been incidents where girls from the academy tried to sneak into East Laurence just to see him. It’s crazy.” “Anyway,” Silas said, “you probably won’t interact with him much unless absolutely necessary, so don’t stress too much about it.” That should’ve been the case, and yet, he found himself interacting with the dark haired boy more and more, his admiration slowly started to change into something more. “Do I like him?” He couldn’t help but ask himself. ………………….. Avondale, a city of privilege and prestige, high school junior Julius Loriana steps through the grand gates of East Laurence Preparatory School, a renowned institution for the elite. Having spent years moving from city to city due to his father's job, he’s determined to keep his distance and stay under the radar in this new chapter of his life. But everything changes when he crosses paths with Agares Montgomery, the enegmatic dorm leader of House Ares. With his striking looks and effortless charm, Agares captivates Julius in ways he never expected. As Julius grapples with his resolve to remain detached, he finds himself drawn into a whirlwind of emotions that transforms his mundane existence into something exhilarating. Follow the love story between a shy boy and his socially inept senior as they navigate through the pains of love, friendship and the hell that is known as high school. …………………………… A little extra note: This is a sweet love story, a bit of a slow burn but definitely worth getting into.. Each chapter includes a song and I would definitely recommend you listen to the song (on low volume of course) while reading. You get to feel the full Julius Loriana experience by listening to the music he’s also listening to with each chapter. If this story happens to curry your fancy, then please give it a try, I promise it won’t disappoint (≧∀≦) ! Upload schedule: Everyday! *Some images are originally from Pinterest, but the cover belongs to me.
NSCHAN · 117.9K Views
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