Imagi Mark
Imagi Mark is a dark, character-driven saga set in a world transformed by the emergence of mysterious marks that grant children supernatural abilities-but at an unimaginable cost. These Imagi Marks are fragments of forgotten beings from another realm, the Imagidom, desperately seeking hosts to reclaim their lost forms.
The story begins with Christian, a bullied genius who accidentally cracks the veil to the Imagidom in his darkest moment, becoming the first recipient of an Imagi Mark. His transformation sparks a global phenomenon as these marks begin bonding with children across the world, changing the balance of power and unleashing chaos.
At the heart of the series is Sterlin, an idealistic freshman whose life intertwines with Christian's, creating a dual narrative of rise and fall. While Christian's journey explores themes of pain, vengeance, and redemption, Sterlin's path examines the moral decay that comes with power and the heavy price of ambition.
As factions rise-government agencies, rogue organizations, and terrorist groups-all with their own agendas, the world becomes a battlefield for control over the Imagi Mark phenomenon. Friends turn into enemies, alliances are forged and broken, and humanity itself must confront what it means to wield unimaginable power.
Blending personal stories with epic conflicts, Imagi Mark weaves themes of trauma, identity, morality, and survival into a sprawling narrative. It asks: How far would you go to reshape your fate? And what does it cost to wield power that was never meant to be yours?
From the intimate battles of high school to global wars and galactic conflicts, Imagi Mark is a story of humanity's resilience in the face of chaos, where dreams and nightmares collide.