My World Cup Winning System
The Rising Star follows Yuto Nakamura, a young Japanese boy who dreams of becoming a professional football player but struggles with his self-confidence and skills. During a critical school tournament match, Yuto unexpectedly receives a mysterious "system" that grants him quests, challenges, and rewards to help him improve his football abilities. With the system guiding him, Yuto embarks on a long journey from school football to professional clubs, rising through the ranks of Japan’s youth teams and eventually joining foreign clubs like Barcelona and Manchester United.
As Yuto navigates the pressures of competition, the system's rewards push him beyond his limits, but not without consequences. Mental strain, overreliance on the system, and conflicts with teammates begin to challenge Yuto as he learns that football is not a one-man game. Alongside his best friend Kenji and a cast of rivals and allies, Yuto battles his insecurities, grows into a leader, and sets his sights on helping Japan win the FIFA World Cup.
Filled with thrilling football action, character development, and moments of personal growth, The Rising Star explores the journey of a boy becoming a national hero in the world of football.